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US Route 195

Started by Amaury, October 05, 2022, 12:38:04 AM

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According to Wikipedia:

"Administratively, US 195 does not exist in Idaho. According to ITD's milepoint log, both carriageways are officially US 95 ramps into Washington state."

"US 195 is defined by the Washington State Legislature as SR 195, part of the Revised Code of Washington as §47.17.380."

So, if officially US Route 195, a (former) child of US Route 95, does not exist in Idaho, and Washington officially defines it as Washington State Route 195, why is it (still) signed and referred to as US Route 195 in both Washington and the 0.65 miles it technically runs in Idaho? (The other 94.02 miles are in Washington.)

Also according to Wikipedia, it looks like US Route 95 used to go through Washington, but for some reason, it was rerouted and taken out of there. A section of the old alignment is also referred to as both US Route 195 Spur and US Route 95 Spur, depending on whether it's from Washington or Idaho's point of view. That makes US Route 195's signs and everything make sense, but US Route 95 no longer goes through Washington.
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury


Hah! Google calls that old alignment BUS 195 in a US shield. Way out in the middle of a bunch of wheat fields. Of course, there is a big cell tower next to it. I've heard that leasing land for cell towers is a good business...

Boy, they had to truck in a lot of dirt to create the new alignment. It's like a 200 foot high dam.


Otherwise trucks would have to register in Washington for just traveling a few feet in that state.  If Idaho didn't set up a bypass, Washington could have cleaned up with a weigh station.


Quote from: Amaury on October 05, 2022, 12:38:04 AM
"US 195 is defined by the Washington State Legislature as SR 195, part of the Revised Code of Washington as §47.17.380."

All highways in Washington are officially state routes of the same number -- Interstates, US Highways, and state routes. That's also why there are no reused numbers between the different systems, unlike in a lot of other states.


A good history of US 195 exists here:  it runs through the former routing to Sandpoint, Idaho from Spokane.

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