Interstate to trucker youtuber's headquarters to be built (April fools)

Started by CNGL-Leudimin, April 01, 2024, 03:16:11 AM

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Recently I stumbled upon a plan for a new freeway in Belvidere, Illinois. Apparently IDOT wants to upgrade a section of Bus US 20 to Interstate standards (approximately up to Logan Avenue), and to number it I-590. But the most surprising part is why IDOT wants to build it: To thank BigRigSteve for all his efforts to show the country from his truck. He did a stream unveiling his new website on Saturday, but he didn't mention this, so this comes to a grand surprise for me. I think this is not needed, like I-180 to Hennepin, but these days anything is possible. A video of the project can be found here.

Any thoughts? And happy Easter Monday.
Supporter of the construction of several running gags, including I-366 with a speed limit of 85 mph (137 km/h) and the Hypotenuse.

Please note that I may mention "invalid" FM channels, i.e. ending in an even number or down to 87.5. These are valid in Europe.

Big John


IDOT doesn't have the funding, so ISTHA is also involved. for a potential Business US 20 Tollway

The Ghostbuster

This isn't an April Fool's Day joke, is it? When I clicked on the link, it provided a video where the Boston Red Sox baseball team gets Rick Roll'd (Rick Astley) by the San Diego Padres. Don't get me wrong, I love Rick Astley's music, but it appears CNGL-Leudimin posted the wrong YouTube link.


I'm getting the correct link to the project on Safari. Which browser are you using?

Traveled, plus
US 13, 50
MA 22, 35, 40, 53, 107, 109, 126, 141, 159
NH 27, 78, 111A(E); CA 90; NY 366; GA 42, 140; FL A1A, 7; CT 32, 320; VT 2A, 5A; PA 3, 51, 60, WA 202; QC 162, 165, 263; 🇬🇧A100, A3211, A3213, A3215, A4222; 🇫🇷95 D316

Lowest untraveled: 36


An Illinois government so broke that they have to get a popular rich Youtuber to sponsor the construction of transportation infrastructure is so close to how our anarchical dystopia operates that I could almost believe this to be true in 10-20 years.
Avatar is the last interesting highway I clinched.
My website! Now featuring all of Ohio!
My USA Shield Gallery
TM Clinches

National collection status: Every US Route and (fully built) Interstate has a photo now! Just Alaska and Hawaii left!

Joe The Dragon

you know that you can just exit I-90 at genoa road


I hope you have liked my April Fools prank for 2024 :sombrero:. As most of the years it was a last minute thought, and this time I had to venture into one of the regional boards, which I rarely check, if ever.
Quote from: The Ghostbuster on April 01, 2024, 08:29:21 AMThis isn't an April Fool's Day joke, is it? When I clicked on the link, it provided a video where the Boston Red Sox baseball team gets Rick Roll'd (Rick Astley) by the San Diego Padres. Don't get me wrong, I love Rick Astley's music, but it appears CNGL-Leudimin posted the wrong YouTube link.

I intentionally used that link in order not to make it obvious it is a Rickroll :bigass:.
Supporter of the construction of several running gags, including I-366 with a speed limit of 85 mph (137 km/h) and the Hypotenuse.

Please note that I may mention "invalid" FM channels, i.e. ending in an even number or down to 87.5. These are valid in Europe.


Aww man I missed April Fools Day. I wanted to start a prank thread of my own. This was one of the more convincing threads I've seen here.

Computer Science and GIS student at the University of Minnesota.

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