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Connecticut News

Started by Mergingtraffic, October 28, 2009, 08:39:49 PM

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Even with the addition of aux lanes on I-95, it helps but it also doesn't.  It's driver behavior, a lot of drivers try to merge right away even though they have a mile to do so.  That in itself creates congestion b/c people don't use the whole merge aux lane.

The US-7/Merritt interchange really irks me.  Just because the DOT would create a full free flow interchange w/o stoplights doesn't mean the US-7 expressway will ever be built.  Give me a break.  What is wrong with free flowing movements??

There are plans to smooth out US-7 and Grist Mill Rd.  US-7 would be more of a smoothed out curve or s-curve.  SO they're helping congestion on one mile and then hampering it at the next mile.  But it's all political.

Scroll down more than half way for a map
I only take pics of good looking signs. Long live non-reflective button copy!


Quote from: Mergingtraffic on December 08, 2024, 12:04:00 PMEven with the addition of aux lanes on I-95, it helps but it also doesn't.  It's driver behavior, a lot of drivers try to merge right away even though they have a mile to do so.  That in itself creates congestion b/c people don't use the whole merge aux lane.

The US-7/Merritt interchange really irks me.  Just because the DOT would create a full free flow interchange w/o stoplights doesn't mean the US-7 expressway will ever be built.  Give me a break.  What is wrong with free flowing movements??

There are plans to smooth out US-7 and Grist Mill Rd.  US-7 would be more of a smoothed out curve or s-curve.  SO they're helping congestion on one mile and then hampering it at the next mile.  But it's all political.

Scroll down more than half way for a map

It truly is all political, since the Merritt Parkway Conservancy and its high-paid lawyers would never allow the completion of a proper freeway-to-freeway connection at the Route 7/15 junction.

But yet again, since any plans to extend Super 7 beyond Gristmill Road are long dead, there is some logic behind Alternative 26, as it will be about a mile south of where the current freeway ends. The can do this, but for it to work, they need to maintain full access control between Route 15 and Gristmill Road.
2-d Interstates traveled:  4, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, 24, 25, 27, 29, 35, 39, 40, 41, 43, 45, 49, 55, 57, 64, 65, 66, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76(E), 77, 78, 81, 83, 84(W), 85, 87(N), 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95

2-d Interstates Clinched:  12, 22, 30, 37, 44, 59, 80, 84(E), 86(E), 238, H1, H2, H3, H201


Saw this looking through CTDOT news releases for anything new about exit renumbering (early this year a press release suggested exit renumbering on CT 15 would occur in December or January), but found nothing. But here's some interesting truck parking news:


Wow.....Connecticut actually making progress on an important transportation goal. A sign of progress.

jp the roadgeek

No outward signs of any new signage on CT 15 (WCP).  No enhanced mile markers, no new BGS's.  No nothing. 
Interstates I've clinched: 97, 290 (MA), 291 (CT), 291 (MA), 293, 295 (DE-NJ-PA), 295 (RI-MA), 384, 391, 395 (CT-MA), 395 (MD), 495 (DE), 610 (LA), 684, 691, 695 (MD), 695 (NY), 795 (MD)

The Ghostbuster

Although I think the conversion to mileage-based exits should have happened at a more rapid pace, Connecticut is doing it gradually. Therefore, patience is needed. The new numbers on CT 15 will be installed eventually.


Close exits. Optimize road geometry. Adjust sight lines.

I'm going to keep beating these three drums for I-95. These are three things ConnDOT can do with minimal ROW implications and at least cost.

The Ghostbuster

But which exits do you close? Any exit closure plan is sure to draw opposition from those who use said exits on a regular basis. As for the other two, it is probably as good as it's going to get.


Quote from: The Ghostbuster on December 13, 2024, 11:10:40 AMBut which exits do you close? Any exit closure plan is sure to draw opposition from those who use said exits on a regular basis. As for the other two, it is probably as good as it's going to get.

Here's an example. I would close the exit on the right. No reason to have it when you have a full cloverleaf with US 1 a mile away.

Here's another. I would close the one for Schoolhouse Rd.


Quote from: RobbieL2415 on December 13, 2024, 11:40:26 AM
Quote from: The Ghostbuster on December 13, 2024, 11:10:40 AMBut which exits do you close? Any exit closure plan is sure to draw opposition from those who use said exits on a regular basis. As for the other two, it is probably as good as it's going to get.

Here's an example. I would close the exit on the right. No reason to have it when you have a full cloverleaf with US 1 a mile away.

Here's another. I would close the one for Schoolhouse Rd.
The first one I would keep, due to the development at the exit, especially the truck stops. Just improve the interchange at US-1 and add auxiliary lanes between the two.

The Schoolhouse Rd exit OTOH should be axed. Exit 20 in Fairfield is another great candidate for removal.

As for roadway geometry, I don't see any real improvements that could be made without a lot of money and destruction.


Quote from: cockroachking on December 13, 2024, 03:27:37 PM
Quote from: RobbieL2415 on December 13, 2024, 11:40:26 AM
Quote from: The Ghostbuster on December 13, 2024, 11:10:40 AMBut which exits do you close? Any exit closure plan is sure to draw opposition from those who use said exits on a regular basis. As for the other two, it is probably as good as it's going to get.

Here's an example. I would close the exit on the right. No reason to have it when you have a full cloverleaf with US 1 a mile away.

Here's another. I would close the one for Schoolhouse Rd.
The first one I would keep, due to the development at the exit, especially the truck stops. Just improve the interchange at US-1 and add auxiliary lanes between the two.

The Schoolhouse Rd exit OTOH should be axed. Exit 20 in Fairfield is another great candidate for removal.

As for roadway geometry, I don't see any real improvements that could be made without a lot of money and destruction.

Exit 20 would be the #1 candidate for elimination IMHO, since Bronson Road serves primarily residential areas, and also the fact that it's a partial interchange with SB exit and NB entrance only.

Exit 35 could be eliminated, but Sub Way (formerly Schoolhouse Road) connects to an office park, BIC's corporate headquarters, and the power plants on the Milford shore of the Housatonic River. If that were to happen, Naugatuck Avenue and Plains Road would have to be improved to handle the expected additional traffic that would be diverted over to Exit 36. You could expect a lot of pushback with improving Naugatuck Avenue and Plains Road, as they go through mostly residential areas.

Alternatively, they could reconfigure the trumpet interchange at Exit 34 into a diamond or parclo design. Then construct a bridge over the Metro North Railroad to Rowe Avenue and improve Rowe Avenue to Sub Way, just north of Exit 35. The area along Rowe Avenue is more industrialized and would be more suitable for handling the additional traffic that would come with eliminating Exit 35. Of course, this would be a costly option with the construction of a new connector road and bridge over the railroad and reconfiguring Exit 34.

There's not much that can be done to mitigate the elimination of Exit 40 due to the truck stops, hotels, and restaurants located at that interchange. Also, Exit 40 serves as a back way into the Connecticut Post Mall. The Indian River and its salt marshes between Exits 39 and 40 means that, from an environmental perspective, the construction of frontage roads to connect Route 1 at Exit 39 to Woodmont Road is not an option.

I would also nominate Exit 37 (High Street) for elimination as well, for the same reasons the Exit 20/Bronson Road interchange should be eliminated. Mostly residential and only a partial interchange with NB exit and SB entrance only.
2-d Interstates traveled:  4, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, 24, 25, 27, 29, 35, 39, 40, 41, 43, 45, 49, 55, 57, 64, 65, 66, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76(E), 77, 78, 81, 83, 84(W), 85, 87(N), 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95

2-d Interstates Clinched:  12, 22, 30, 37, 44, 59, 80, 84(E), 86(E), 238, H1, H2, H3, H201


Totally agree with Exit 37/High St.  Also, the "entrance before exit" scenario at Exit 38 northbound (to/from the Milford Pkwy) should be eliminated somehow, which isn't an easy fix, given development right up to the existing ramps, and the fact that the parkway continues south a short ways to US 1.  The other option would be to eliminate the parkway going to US 1 and add aux lanes between Exits 38 & 39A. 

No matter which exit you chose to eliminate, however, you're going to get a lot of pushback.  The last time CT tried to remove an exit was on I-84 West in Southington.  Left Exit 29 is a partial interchange and would have reduced costs in I-84 widening at the time.  It was an exit meant for something more, as it would've been part of the CT 10 freeway, which never got built.  It went so far as a committe to "SAVE EXIT 29" and guess what?  Exit 29 was saved.

An exit did get removed from I-84 West at Exit 25 as part of the Waterbury widening and frontage roads were slightly extended west to serve the area. 



When CT renumbers I-95 exits are the Exit 84 N-S-E exits in New London to become A- B- C?
Every day is a winding road, you just got to get used to it.

Sheryl Crowe

The Ghostbuster

Probably 93A-B-C. I don't think the exit numbers have been determined yet, since the conversion isn't planned until 2028.


I think I may have found the only ground mounted doghouse signals in the state:


Drove CT 3 and CT 2 from Wethersfield to East Hartford today to check on sign replacement status.  A portable VMS is advertising the start of new exit numbering as 1/7/2025. 

There is a new gantry up on CT 2 in East Hartford/Glastonbury, so that leaves two left to be put up, at Exits 7 & 8 eastbound.  On CT 3, there's 1 gantry still remaining to be put up. At last check, there were still some ground mounts to be installed on CT 2 down in Marlborough.


I can't believe they are still paving from the state border to around exit 5.. it's been around what 3-4 months? Some sections they milled the paved roadway again. Maybe by spring or summer it will be done /s


Was on Route 8 today from Waterbury up to Torrington and observed numerous new signs in Waterbury and Watertown.  Also observed a crew installing new signs in a snow squall.  Still a few new gantries to go up and some ground-mounts, but good to see some progress finally being made on this project.  The project has 3 different aspects:  conversion to mile-based exits (done), replacement of all signs from I-84 up to the Thomaston/Watertown line (vic Exit 38) (underway), and spot sign replacement at various sites between Bridgeport and Naugatuck (progress uncertain). 

No photos this time around ... not yet ready to expose that aspect of my life to my new coworkers just yet.


Some significant progress is being made on Phase I of the "Meriden Mix" ...err... I-91/I-691/Rt 15 project.  The new bridge carrying traffic from I-691 East to I-91 North is now open... its still 1 lane but eventually will be 2 lanes.  The best part, though, is that the new 4th lane is now open on I-91 North from the I-691 onramp to just past the Rest Area.  There's also a 5th lane, coming in from partial Exit 19 (Baldwin/Preston Ave) and ending at the rest area itself. 


Quote from: abqtraveler on December 08, 2024, 01:55:13 PM
Quote from: Mergingtraffic on December 08, 2024, 12:04:00 PMEven with the addition of aux lanes on I-95, it helps but it also doesn't.  It's driver behavior, a lot of drivers try to merge right away even though they have a mile to do so.  That in itself creates congestion b/c people don't use the whole merge aux lane.

The US-7/Merritt interchange really irks me.  Just because the DOT would create a full free flow interchange w/o stoplights doesn't mean the US-7 expressway will ever be built.  Give me a break.  What is wrong with free flowing movements??

There are plans to smooth out US-7 and Grist Mill Rd.  US-7 would be more of a smoothed out curve or s-curve.  SO they're helping congestion on one mile and then hampering it at the next mile.  But it's all political.

Scroll down more than half way for a map

It truly is all political, since the Merritt Parkway Conservancy and its high-paid lawyers would never allow the completion of a proper freeway-to-freeway connection at the Route 7/15 junction.

But yet again, since any plans to extend Super 7 beyond Gristmill Road are long dead, there is some logic behind Alternative 26, as it will be about a mile south of where the current freeway ends. The can do this, but for it to work, they need to maintain full access control between Route 15 and Gristmill Road.
1.  Why is 7/15 incomplete right now, why was it not already fully connected?
2.  How is Alternative 26 an improvement?  Sure you get a total all way access but you lose the signal free intersection.

jp the roadgeek

Did anybody notice this, but Google Maps is posting the old I-84 BL on US 6 in the Newtown area.  Hasn't really existed since the 70's but I find it interesting.

Interstates I've clinched: 97, 290 (MA), 291 (CT), 291 (MA), 293, 295 (DE-NJ-PA), 295 (RI-MA), 384, 391, 395 (CT-MA), 395 (MD), 495 (DE), 610 (LA), 684, 691, 695 (MD), 695 (NY), 795 (MD)


Quote from: jp the roadgeek on January 05, 2025, 09:38:58 PMDid anybody notice this, but Google Maps is posting the old I-84 BL on US 6 in the Newtown area.  Hasn't really existed since the 70's but I find it interesting.

Heh.  That's fun.  Google is just letting Google Maps become a hotter and hotter mess.
Please note: All comments here represent my own personal opinion and do not reflect the official position(s) of NYSDOT.


There aren't a lot of BLs in New England IIRC. Hopefully, no one will be led astray by this version of Google maps.


Google's also erroneously showing the one on Lebanon NH.
Don't know how many decades that's been gone.
"Officer, I'm always careful to drive the speed limit no matter where I am and that's what I was doin'." Said "No, you weren't," she said, "Yes, I was." He said, "Madam, I just clocked you at 22 MPH," and she said "That's the speed limit," he said "No ma'am, that's the route numbah!"  - Gary Crocker


Quote from: yakra on January 08, 2025, 11:31:28 PMGoogle's also erroneously showing the one on Lebanon NH.
Don't know how many decades that's been gone.

There was a stray sign as late as 2006, but I think the designation was gone long before that.

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