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Split Phase Intersections without protected left arrows

Started by roadman65, May 01, 2023, 04:27:40 PM

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NJ seems to have split phases over normal protected lefts  or even permissive signals for left turns. Many places use a fixed fourth section arrow on the left side signal head, a left side 3 section with arrows instead of balls, or a doghouse head with the green left arrow mirroring it's straight through counterpart, but in my home state you'll occasionally get a normal red- yellow- green head and have to know that your green light offers full protection from on coming traffic.

Is this limited to only places in NJ, or are there other places where an intersection wrongly signalized exists?

Notice: Pan the above image around to see the green light facing opposite the red and look at both cars crossing the stop bar.
Every day is a winding road, you just got to get used to it.

Sheryl Crowe



Looks like no other state. If only the one response here is a troll not pertaining to the discussion and no discussions from others. It seems like it's a flaw of New Jersey to program a signal different from 49 other states.
Every day is a winding road, you just got to get used to it.

Sheryl Crowe


There's an NYSDOT signal near me, on US 9 in Fishkill, where there is a split phase for the side road. There's no arrow if you're on the side street, just a RYG ball. It was changed a few years ago, you used to have to yield. They put up a Left Turn Yield on Green at the Poughkeepsie Galleria a few miles north because people got too comfortable assuming they were protected
Not every speed limit in NY needs to be 30


There are some old ones kicking around Massachusetts.

An example of one in Wilmington, which is at this moment being replaced with hopefully something better. Annoyingly, the westbound side is what has the split phase ahead of the eastbound side, despite the eastbound side of 129 having its own left turn lane.


This signal on NY 386 (Elmgrove Rd.) is split phased for some reason.,-77.7324056,3a,75y,17.09h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sKr61G5FKFIBQse_7CNTDgA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?authuser=0

The entrances for Rochester Tech Park and Total Sports Experience each have their own phases. Signals have no arrows.


Quote from: roadman65 on May 22, 2023, 11:32:16 PM
Looks like no other state. If only the one response here is a troll not pertaining to the discussion and no discussions from others. It seems like it's a flaw of New Jersey to program a signal different from 49 other states.

Is it really a troll response? If new signals in that state are compliant, then you can't use the older signals as an example of non-compliance
Center lane merges are the most unsafe thing ever, especially for unfamiliar drivers.

Control cities should be actual cities/places that travelers are trying to reach.

Travel Mapping - Most Traveled: I-40, 20, 10, 5, 95 - Longest Clinched: I-20, 85, 24, 16, NJ Tpk mainline
Champions - UGA FB '21 '22 - Atlanta Braves '95 '21 - Atlanta MLS '18


Quote from: ran4sh on May 23, 2023, 06:24:25 PM
Quote from: roadman65 on May 22, 2023, 11:32:16 PM
Looks like no other state. If only the one response here is a troll not pertaining to the discussion and no discussions from others. It seems like it's a flaw of New Jersey to program a signal different from 49 other states.

Is it really a troll response? If new signals in that state are compliant, then you can't use the older signals as an example of non-compliance
exactly, i was trying to respond to the troll who started the thread


69th St and Queens Blvd in Queens, NYC

Unsigned southbound, northbound only has a WAIT FOR GREEN LIGHT sign as a clue.

Further down, Grand Ave/Broadway at Queens Blvd was recently converted to split phasing. Uses FYA to emphasize yielding to peds (lots of peds during the day), but no obvious indication of split phasing. FYA is only linked to the same-direction green and not the opposite direction green. Better than nothing

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