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Mind the gap! Nova Scotia Trunk Routes and 100-series Arterials.

Started by yakra, December 16, 2011, 03:49:10 PM

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I'm working on the Nova Scotia Trunk Routes for the Clinched Highway Mapping page.

My data sources are: (the webmaster told me he compiled the route descriptions from info in the Traffic Volumes Primary Highway System book, IIRC)
National Road Network shapefiles from GeoBase.
looking at signage in the field in GMSV, where available.

For the most part, the lower numbered Trunk Routes appear to be discontinuous along the 100-series Arterials, where the old road hasn't been bypassed. There are a few exceptions, a few multiplexes.
In getting the highways into the project's Highway Browser, I'm faced with splitting the highway up into several discrete segments where there are gaps, leaving the highway connected where there are not, having the right endpoints for each segment, and so forth.

The Traffic Volumes Primary Highway System book was published in `08, and a few things may have changed since then. Where there are discrepancies in the different sources of info, GMSV signage generally agrees with the GIS shapefiles.

Can anyone out there familiar with Nova Scotia confirm, deny, or add any additional comments about the following? Any observations about how things are signed where, or how this works officially?


* Theres a multiplex (not a gap!) along NS101 from exit 9 to 10. I see it signed in GMSV.
* An annoying situation from exit 23 to 24 of NS101. The506 says that they're a multiplex here.
A multiplex would mean NS1 would have to depart 101 here. Thing is, I'm inclined to interpret the "ONLY ROUTE TO" (and flashy lights!) atop the sign as a glorified TO:, acknowledgement that "You can't get theyah from heyah!" Why? Because of this and this, leading to this.
Oscar Voss looked at GMSV, and found "No NS 1 signage on NS 101 westbound just west of exit 23, or as far as I could tell on NS 101 eastbound between exits 24 and 23B".
Wondering what signage on the other end of the "multiplex" had to say, I found this and this.
So... what exactly is a person following NS1 east to do here?
As Oscar notes, it's "too bad the cops closed the access road from NS 1 to NS 101(24) eastbound, the day the GMSV camera car drove through." I'd like to see what signage may say at the other half of the interchange.
I think that given the available evidence, having separate segments of NS1 here is the thing to do.

The506 lists a 1.4 km gap from exit 14 to 14A of NS102. For signage at the north end of the gap, where NS2 would depart a multiplex with NS4, all I see for signage is this TO {2} trailblazer.
Whatever the case, it's been decided for purposes of the CHM project to consider this short hop an "implied multiplex", and keep one continuous route here.

This all seemed pretty clear-cut: no multiplexes, just gaps where NS103 is still along the original non-bypassed road. See how I handled the segmentation in the Highway Browser.

Signed multiplex with NS107.

And now, saving the best for last, NS4:
I have NS4 split up into eight segments. Here's the rundown of the 7 gaps:

Bible Hill:
The506 has the routing Google still shows, with NS4 continuing straight on past NS102, following Onslow Rd to NS311 on Main St. This seems the only sensible historical routing for NS4.
However, the shapefiles don't have NS4 here, and I found no signage indicating NS4 along the gap. The signs there were, on NS311, looked kinda new & shiny in GMSV, but that doesn't necessarily say much.
So what the heck, guys? Did NSDOT go and needlessly sever a previously continuous route?
I'd rather have one continuous route here, but hey!

Westville - New Glasgow:
The506 had the east end of NS4Bib at NS104(21). When I looked at GMSV in the area, I found signage continuing to and then multiplexing with NS289, as far as NS104(23). I looked @ the shapefiles, and they agreed, so I extended the route to NS104(23).
Whither from there? There are signs *at* the NS104(23) interchange clearly indicating NS4 does continue east from there, but the trail immediately goes cold. No other signs past that point to be seen the rest of the way into town, including at the NS289/374 junction.
From NS104(23) to where I have NS4NGl pick back up, the shapefiles show only Collector Routes.
Just to further complicate things, in town we have these Damn Things: one two
Otherwise, along the old route, @ several places you might expect to see a NS4 shield, there are trailblazers for NS6, which is nowhere nearby. WTF, eh?

What especially irritates me: Have a look at the MyTopo Map...
NS104, from NS104(21), used to continue west along Trunk 4. If, when NS104 was completed, NS4 was extended eastward along just the newly bypassed segments, it'd match up with the506's info. But why not link it up along the rest of the historical route to the next segment? If NS104 already existed east of here, why wasn't NS4 previously extended west from New Glasgow to retake its old segments to NS104(23)? ARRRRGGH!

I'd especially appreciate whatever light anyone could shine on this gap.

Sutherlands River:
This gap will be closed upon completion of construction in 2012, as discussed in this thread

Barneys River Station - Marshy Hope:
This gap at least, will stay in its present state for the foreseeable future as far as I can see.

West of Antigonish:
Construction is well underway on a new Antigonish bypass, south of existing NS104. So it's virtually certain that by the time this is all done these two segments will be connected.
I have a yet-totally-unconfirmed suspicion that Trunk 4 may take over the bypassed segment of NS104, but can't be sure until I see, of course. Old Trunk 4, NS7, NS245 & 337 may or may not be affected by all of this.

East of Antigonish:
NS4Ant will reach a bit further east after the 104 bypass is completed.
East of the Taylor Road area, this NS4 segment stays the same.

Aulds Cove - Port Hastings:
NS4 ends at the junction with NS104, which follows the remaining two-lane surface road to the Port Hastings rotary.
Once there, The NS104 designation ends, and NS4 resumes. NS104 actually has a gap along NS4 this time around!
The TCH switches from 104 to 105 at the Port Hastings rotary, but what the TCH does where is beyond the scope of this thread. Which is convenient. :)
"Officer, I'm always careful to drive the speed limit no matter where I am and that's what I was doin'." Said "No, you weren't," she said, "Yes, I was." He said, "Madam, I just clocked you at 22 MPH," and she said "That's the speed limit," he said "No ma'am, that's the route numbah!"  - Gary Crocker


Not directly related, but here's a website of highway webcams around Nova Scotia :coffee:

Stephane Dumas

Another thread then I dust off. I saw on Skyscraperpage forums, some maps scans showing the Nova Scotia Trunk routes before and after the great renumbering of 1970.


Aren't provincial highways in Nova Scotia referred to as (e.g.) Trunk 4, and not NS 4?


Quote from: midwesternroadguy on November 19, 2021, 05:02:32 AM
Aren't provincial highways in Nova Scotia referred to as (e.g.) Trunk 4, and not NS 4?

1-28 are the Trunk Routes, and are signed with the "US Highway" shaped sign.

Anything 200+ are Collector Highways and have the little brown rectangles.

I don't think anyone I encountered said "NS" or "Nova Scotia" anything.  It was just "highway".  I'm sure the locals on the board could specify even more.


^^ To be fair to the OP, he was discussing an issue affecting the Clinched Highway Mapping project, since replaced by the Travel Mapping project. At least in North America, both projects standardized on two-letter postal abbreviations like NS for state/provincial/territorial routes, even in jurisdictions where the local practice is different. For example, MI xx rather than M-xx in Michigan; KS xx instead of K-xx in Kansas; UT xx instead of U-xx in Utah; and QC xxx rather than R-xxx or PQ xxx for routes 101-399 in Quebec (but we use A-xx for Quebec's Autoroutes, like I-xx for U.S. Interstates -- even in Texas, which uses IH-xx, and Hawaii, which uses H-xx instead of I-xx).
my Hot Springs and Highways pages, with links to my roads sites:


Quote from: jayhawkco on November 19, 2021, 10:16:08 AM
Quote from: midwesternroadguy on November 19, 2021, 05:02:32 AM
Aren't provincial highways in Nova Scotia referred to as (e.g.) Trunk 4, and not NS 4?

1-28 are the Trunk Routes, and are signed with the "US Highway" shaped sign.

Anything 200+ are Collector Highways and have the little brown rectangles.

I don't think anyone I encountered said "NS" or "Nova Scotia" anything.  It was just "highway".  I'm sure the locals on the board could specify even more.

Here in Nova Scotia and just thinking of what I'd say......the 100 series Freeways are "The One Oh One" "The One Oh Two" etc...... and the 104, 105 & 106, collectively just "The Trans-Canada"

The original highways; #1, #2, #3 etc are Trunk 1, Trunk 2, Trunk 3 or Highway 1 or Highway 2.  And the collector/secondary roads....."Route Two oh One" or "Route Three Four Five" etc (and that's "Root" )

US 89

Quote from: oscar on November 19, 2021, 11:35:45 AM
UT xx instead of U-xx in Utah

U-xx has not really been used since probably the 1970s. Modern local terminology is "SR-xx" - with or without the dash, depending on what sign or source you're looking at.


There are lots of regionalisms everywhere.  Using the postal codes is standard roadgeek convention for state/province level roads in the US and Canada.  Should we also call freeways "expressways" when talking about NYC and western NY (and refer to everything as "route" as well regardless of whether its an interstate, US route, or NY route)?
Please note: All comments here represent my own personal opinion and do not reflect the official position of NYSDOT or its affiliates.

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