Traffic Signals that are not used as such, but as becaons

Started by roadman65, September 23, 2013, 02:07:49 PM

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There are a couple of Crouse Hinds type R 4-way clusters in Franklin, NJ, that are in permanent flash mode (not my video).
*insert something witty here*

US 89

I'm fairly certain there was one on AZ 64/US 180 somewhere between the Grand Canyon and Tusayan. The mainline traffic was a flashing yellow, while intersecting traffic was a flashing red. I'm not seeing it on Google; perhaps Arizona or the park service figured it was unnecessary and removed it.


I just discovered this Crouse Hinds DT in permanent flash mode in Cornersville, Tennessee:
There's also an Eagle 4-way signal with an 8-inch Eagle Flatback left turn arrow in permanent flashing mode in Sevierville at the intersection of Court Avenue and Bruce Street.
*insert something witty here*


Quote from: CJResotko on November 21, 2018, 01:55:09 PM
I just discovered this Crouse Hinds DT in permanent flash mode in Cornersville, Tennessee:
There’s also an Eagle 4-way signal with an 8-inch Eagle Flatback left turn arrow in permanent flashing mode in Sevierville at the intersection of Court Avenue and Bruce Street.
I've been through there and gotten a picture of it before, still hooked up to the (likely original) Eagle mechanical controller too! And a friend of mine got a video of the Sevierville, TN Eagle before it was turned into a 4-way stop.
It's all fun & games until someone summons Cthulhu and brings about the end of the world.

I also collect traffic lights, road signs, fans, and railroad crossing equipment.



Quote from: freebrickproductions on November 22, 2018, 03:51:20 AM
Quote from: CJResotko on November 21, 2018, 01:55:09 PM
I just discovered this Crouse Hinds DT in permanent flash mode in Cornersville, Tennessee:
There's also an Eagle 4-way signal with an 8-inch Eagle Flatback left turn arrow in permanent flashing mode in Sevierville at the intersection of Court Avenue and Bruce Street.
I've been through there and gotten a picture of it before, still hooked up to the (likely original) Eagle mechanical controller too! And a friend of mine got a video of the Sevierville, TN Eagle before it was turned into a 4-way stop.
Nice! I saw your friend's video. It's Gametrain Productions.
*insert something witty here*


Not too long ago today, I took a video of these old Crouse Hinds type DT signals in Arcanum, Ohio. They are horizontal, they are singular heads, with 1 facing each direction, the intersection is a 4-way stop and the signals are flashing red, although the signal facing the northbound High Street approach isn't flashing at all. The bulb must have burned out or something like that.
*insert something witty here*


Quote from: CJResotko on November 22, 2018, 03:43:04 PM
Quote from: freebrickproductions on November 22, 2018, 03:51:20 AM
Quote from: CJResotko on November 21, 2018, 01:55:09 PM
I just discovered this Crouse Hinds DT in permanent flash mode in Cornersville, Tennessee:
There’s also an Eagle 4-way signal with an 8-inch Eagle Flatback left turn arrow in permanent flashing mode in Sevierville at the intersection of Court Avenue and Bruce Street.
I've been through there and gotten a picture of it before, still hooked up to the (likely original) Eagle mechanical controller too! And a friend of mine got a video of the Sevierville, TN Eagle before it was turned into a 4-way stop.
Nice! I saw your friend’s video. It’s Gametrain Productions.
Different friend of mine. I was actually talking about this video from FanFan61618:

Quote from: CJResotko on November 22, 2018, 03:49:17 PM
Not too long ago today, I took a video of these old Crouse Hinds type DT signals in Arcanum, Ohio. They are horizontal, they are singular heads, with 1 facing each direction, the intersection is a 4-way stop and the signals are flashing red, although the signal facing the northbound High Street approach isn’t flashing at all. The bulb must have burned out or something like that.
Command lenses there! Nice find!
It's all fun & games until someone summons Cthulhu and brings about the end of the world.

I also collect traffic lights, road signs, fans, and railroad crossing equipment.



Quote from: freebrickproductions on November 22, 2018, 06:31:06 PM
Quote from: CJResotko on November 22, 2018, 03:43:04 PM
Quote from: freebrickproductions on November 22, 2018, 03:51:20 AM
Quote from: CJResotko on November 21, 2018, 01:55:09 PM
I just discovered this Crouse Hinds DT in permanent flash mode in Cornersville, Tennessee:
There's also an Eagle 4-way signal with an 8-inch Eagle Flatback left turn arrow in permanent flashing mode in Sevierville at the intersection of Court Avenue and Bruce Street.
I've been through there and gotten a picture of it before, still hooked up to the (likely original) Eagle mechanical controller too! And a friend of mine got a video of the Sevierville, TN Eagle before it was turned into a 4-way stop.
Nice! I saw your friend's video. It's Gametrain Productions.
Different friend of mine. I was actually talking about this video from FanFan61618:
Okay. Still cool either way

Quote from: CJResotko on November 22, 2018, 03:49:17 PM
Not too long ago today, I took a video of these old Crouse Hinds type DT signals in Arcanum, Ohio. They are horizontal, they are singular heads, with 1 facing each direction, the intersection is a 4-way stop and the signals are flashing red, although the signal facing the northbound High Street approach isn't flashing at all. The bulb must have burned out or something like that.
Command lenses there! Nice find!
*insert something witty here*


Quote from: lepidopteran on September 25, 2013, 04:39:34 PM
The hamlet of Arcanum, OH has a unique signal that flashes red in all directions (if it's still present).  They are/were Crouse-Hinds art deco signals placed horizontally in vintage mounts, and had STOP command lenses for the reds only.  At least one of the other lenses was a smiley.  I think there are fixed, standard STOP signs present as well.

These signals are still there. I took a video of them last month
*insert something witty here*


*insert something witty here*


*insert something witty here*


Quote from: index on November 12, 2018, 05:47:39 AM,-122.322409,3a,48.3y,353.13h,96.12t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sb1CClk1Sg2Ld4a_Dl7oGig!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Here is a setup in Seattle directly under a deck truss bridge that is used as an all-way stop. Round door bullseyes are also present on the signals, the whole setup and intersection is pretty neat.

I recently found another example in the U-District a few blocks from your example.  The ped heads have been removed and stop signs are up.


Broadway and Holladay in Seaside, OR. It's used as an all way stop, and includes traditional stop sign signage as well. As long as I'm aware, this has been a stop controlled intersection.

GSV Link


About a month ago the city of Boston changed the intersection of Washington and Milk downtown from a two-phase signal into an all-way stop:

They left the existing signals up, and just set them to flash red. When I walked by today I noticed that they've mounted a stop sign below each signal, and bagged the ped signal heads.
Disclaimer: All posts represent my personal opinions and not those of my employer.

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*insert something witty here*


It's all fun & games until someone summons Cthulhu and brings about the end of the world.

I also collect traffic lights, road signs, fans, and railroad crossing equipment.



Quote from: TEG24601 on September 23, 2013, 03:17:43 PM
Aside from fully functional traffic signals that are mounted in front of Fire Stations and simply flash until a truck needs to leave, I have only seen this situation on a temporary basis.

The one that instantly comes to mind was at the Intersection of Glenwood, Chevrolet, and 2nd St. in Flint, MI.  There was some incident at the intersection and it sat flashing as a 4-way stop for nearly 9 months, before coming back online, with the addition of a left turn segment from one direction.

Upon further reflection, the other one that comes to mind was also in Flint, was on Grand Traverse and 1st Street.  The signals have since been replaced with single flashing lights, but prior to the removal of most of the one-way streets in downtown Flint, the intersection has two, four-way signals at the intersection that flashed yellow in both directions on Grand Traverse (even though it was one-way Southbound), and red along 1st St.
There is an emergency signal on Cantrell Rd in Little Rock that stops 4+ a center lane of traffic for a station and then there's another signal more aligns with what you're referring to on S. University Av that is a constant green until the truck needs to leave for a call.
Well, that's just like your opinion man...


Over a year ago they installed a traffic light at Paper Mill Road and Woodlawn Drive in Cobb County in metro Atlanta; I figured they were changing the 3-way stop there where traffic backs up horribly during rush hour (as much as half a mile) to a signal.  But no, it's still a 3-way stop to this day and the traffic signals there just blink red:,-84.4276682,3a,75y,90h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s6Ba3kD7maqZc1li-IMP0YQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Internet member since 1987.

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*insert something witty here*


Don’t ask me how I know.  Just understand that I do.


This one on Broadway in Seaside, OR has been flashing for as long as I can remember. The signals and the signs are so old I'm convinced they're just waiting for all the lights to fail (one of them in the right of the picture did and it got taken down).


Quote from: CovalenceSTU on August 29, 2020, 03:16:00 PM
This one on Broadway in Seaside, OR has been flashing for as long as I can remember. The signals and the signs are so old I'm convinced they're just waiting for all the lights to fail (one of them in the right of the picture did and it got taken down).

Actually not a bad idea. Gets max value out of them as beacons.
Teenage STL area roadgeek.


I always wondered about that signal. Seemed like it was pretty old but the stop signs looked old too.


A really strange signal in downtown Joliet that they decided to change to a 4-way stop.  The signal just flashes red these days.
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