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Damaged Signs

Started by Ian, July 23, 2009, 08:03:17 PM

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Quote from: US71 on July 31, 2009, 04:00:16 PM
This is old US 71 in Fayetteville, AR. It was 71B, then became 471, then changed back to 71B following a transition period.
AHTD simply pasted a new panel over the old one, but the glue wore out ;)

There are a number of states that simply paste on a new overlay, rather than installing a new sign. Problems occur such as your example. Here's a couple in Delaware that existed at one point:

Then there was the Hurricane Katrina produced "New Orleag" sign, created when a portion of the overlay blew off.


These photos were taken back in January so I don't know the status of these since I haven't gone back through either location.  The first one is on VA 106 North nearing its interchange with I-64/VA 33 even the shields are so badly bent the east is covered on the I-64 portion.
Now for the second back on US 17 at the west end of its VA 14 multiplex with horribly faded numbers in Gloucester County 
I am now a PennDOT employee.  My opinions/views do not necessarily reflect the opinions/views of PennDOT.

Travel Mapping:

Riverside Frwy

There is sign completely sawed in half on the California 91 on a bridge in Orange California.Sorry, don't have a camera though...

And damn, these Transportation agencies are cheap-a$$es.I mean, they can't replace a stop sign?:eyebrow:


On I-10 between Kerrville and San Antonio theres two standalones that have been blown back, and several that have minor damage...


Quote from: Riverside Frwy on November 07, 2009, 09:31:10 PM
There is sign completely sawed in half on the California 91 on a bridge in Orange California.Sorry, don't have a camera though...

And damn, these Transportation agencies are cheap-a$$es.I mean, they can't replace a stop sign?:eyebrow:

Washington, OK has tons of stop signs done up the same way. Of course they can't afford sidewalks or road paint either, so...
uncontrollable freak sardine salad chef


2 fadeaways from Berryville, AR

Like Alice I Try To Believe Three Impossible Things Before Breakfast


This damaged sign has been like this on I-84 WB in Vernon, CT for years.  I can't remember it before it was damaged, it's been so long. But it's a Pull-through that had one of it's retroreflective arrows torn off along with the bottom right corner of the BGS.  They Simply pasted on a button copy arrow slightly above the area that was torn away, and there it has been for years, and still is.,-72.471313&sspn=0.092431,0.222988&ie=UTF8&rq=1&ev=p&cd=1&radius=5.74&hq=exit+65+i+84&hnear=&ll=41.823909,-72.498264&spn=0,359.777012&z=13&layer=c&cbll=41.823778,-72.498666&panoid=-1QXThHqmiOpYjj5Mvgzew&cbp=12,239.1,,0,-35.53


agentsteel53: Didn't see your reply from July until now  :-D  but that would be on X Street at 15th Street, near the US 50/Route 99/Business 80 triplex.  (The "Fresno" text is not original, as "Los Angeles" was the original text.)
Chris Sampang


It may seem odd for such a major corridor to have such things still in place, but... Central Avenue in Westchester County, NY (NY 100) is still sporting quite a few old button copy signs, and some of them have clearly seen better days...

Here's some closeups.
If you always take the same road, you will never see anything new.


There were many signs on the overhead gantries here in Houston that got damaged after Hurricane Ike. Some have been replaced, but there are still many around town that I've noticed that have yet to be replaced. Many of the signs that snapped were signs on older gantries that tend to be lower in height (the signs on these gantries are generally not centered vertically because that would make for too low of a clearance). The result during the storm was that many of these signs didn't have enough strength to withstand the winds, so the upper parts that were not as supported by the gantry itself, snapped.


Wish I'd gotten a picture of it, but I'll just wait for the next windstorm.

There is a sign on I-55 northbound in Illinois, about milepost 265, that has been blown over by the wind three times already.  It is for Exit 267, IL-53, Bolingbrook Romeoville, 2 Miles.  The original was in Highway Gothic and blew over earlier this year.  It was replaced after several weeks with a Clearview copy.  A few weeks later, the Clearview sign blew over.  It was then simply put upright by IDOT several weeks after that.  A couple of months ago, it blew over again:pan: Recently, about two weeks ago, it was again put upright by IDOT.  It is now starting to fall apart from having fallen over so many times.  :rolleyes:
"If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention." - Ramsay Bolton, "Game of Thrones"

"Symbolic of his struggle against reality." - Reg, "Monty Python's Life of Brian"


Little shield uh-oh from downtown Yonkers:

If you always take the same road, you will never see anything new.


This sign was in place for at least six years before finally being replaced last year.

It's on KY 7 northbound in Carter County, just south of Grayson.
Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.



Man, that is some hole!

Did the army use it for target practice or something?  :wow:
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I'm out of this F***KING PLACE!


Quote from: Duke87 on November 09, 2009, 08:24:39 PM
Little shield uh-oh from downtown Yonkers:

oh dear.  here's a photo when the shield was still somewhat upright.  The signs are from the late 50s and early 60s; I took the photo in 2006.

live from sunny San Diego.


The i on this sign is about to fall off.

Speed limits limit life


I don't know how did this happen.

Here's one with a missing sheet of pasteover.


The damage on the top sign might be due to severe winds.
My Flickr Photos:

I'm out of this F***KING PLACE!


uncontrollable freak sardine salad chef


We have damaged signs here too :colorful:

Speed limits limit life


Like Alice I Try To Believe Three Impossible Things Before Breakfast


Speed limits limit life


Could this be considered double damage?
Like Alice I Try To Believe Three Impossible Things Before Breakfast


Back in 2000, I was driving I-64 west every day to work. This sign began falling apart and I started shooting pictures of it. It was finally replaced.

Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.


I wonder who stole the US60 shield. It appears simple enough just to poke something behind it and lever it off :-D
Speed limits limit life

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