Signs on State-Maintained Roads in Your State That Need Repairs

Started by Amaury, February 14, 2023, 02:43:56 AM

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1) On Interstate 90 eastbound after Exit 136, the Interstate 90 shield has been missing here for a while:

When it was still there:

2) On Washington State Route 24 westbound, just after milepost 44, but before crossing the Vernita Bridge, the "Entering Benton County" sign needs to be replaced.

When it was still standing:

3) On Interstate 90 eastbound, just before milepost 81, both speed limits signs are crooked:

When they were both straight:

4) On Washington State Route 281 northbound, this post is leaning to the right, and the "Entering Quincy" sign is missing:

5) On Interstate 90 westbound, just past milepost 74, the Trucks 60 sign on the post on the right is not facing the correct direction:

When it was facing the correct direction:

6) On the Interstate 90 eastbound on-ramp at Exit 115, both "Freeway Entrance" signs fell over and are on the ground:

Right side:

Left side:

When they were still standing:

Update: They have since been picked up, but have yet to be repaired.

7) On Interstate 82 eastbound, milepost 14 needs to be repaired or replaced:

8) On Washington State Route 243 southbound, just before Road 26 SW, the metal post that the Buckshot Rec Area sign is attached to is heavily bent all the way to the ground:

When it was not bent:

9) Just before the Interstate 82 eastbound on-ramp at Exit 96, the Interstate 82 shields attached to this big sign are completely faded and need to be replaced:

10) On Washington State Route 906 eastbound, just before the Interstate 90 eastbound on-ramp, the "To" sign on this post is not facing the correct direction:

When it was facing the correct direction:

11) On the Interstate 90 eastbound on-ramp at Exit 53, the "Freeway Entrance" sign on the left needs to be repaired or replaced:

When it was still there:

12) On the Interstate 90 westbound off-ramp at Exit 53, this food sign needs to be repaired:

When it was still standing:

13) On Interstate 82 eastbound, milepost 27 needs to be repaired:

When it was not broken:

14) On Interstate 90 eastbound, just before milepost 127, this mileage sign has spray-painted vandalism on it that needs to be cleaned off, or the sign may need to be replaced if it can't be cleaned off:

When it was vandalism free:

15) On Interstate 90 eastbound at milepost 131, the mile marker sign itself has spray-painted vandalism on it that needs to be cleaned off, or the sign may need to be replaced if it can't be cleaned off:

When it was vandalism free:

16), 17) and 18) On Interstate 90 eastbound, mileposts 113, 132, and 133 need to be repaired or replaced.

Milepost 113:

When it was still standing:

Milepost 132:

When it was still standing:

I note that a deer sign also used to be there, though I'm not sure if that needs repairs or replacement or if it was moved to another location along the freeway.

Milepost 133:

When it was still standing:

19) On Interstate 90 westbound, milepost 118 needs to be repaired or replaced:

When it was still standing:

20) On Interstate 90 eastbound, just before Exit 53, the Snoqualmie Pass elevation sign needs to be repaired or replaced:

It was down in the 2021 capture, so whatever happened was sometime after that 2019 capture. You can see one of the posts on the ground here:

21) On Interstate 90 westbound, just past milepost 140, this yellow cautionary sign for trucks in the median needs to be repaired:

Update: After mentioning this, I noticed there's also one on the right side of the freeway that needs to be repaired or replaced, as seen by the cement bases here: I chose that capture instead of the latest from last year since there isn't grass in the way. There also aren't any captures with it standing, but I have seen it standing from my drive videos in early-mid 2021.

When it was still standing:

22) and 23) On Interstate 90 eastbound and westbound, milepost 139 needs to be repaired or replaced in both directions.

Eastbound with the milepost there:
Westbound with the milepost there:

Eastbound currently:
Westbound currently:

24) On Interstate 90 eastbound, milepost 141 needs to be repaired or replaced:

When it was still standing:

25), 26) and 27) On Interstate 90 eastbound and westbound at milepost 143, the mile markers need to be repaired or replaced in both directions, though the metal posts are still standing.

Eastbound with the mile marker there:
Westbound with the mile marker there:

I note also that on the westbound side, the post with the speed limit signs needs to be repaired or replaced as well.

Eastbound currently:
Westbound currently:

28), 29), and 30) On Interstate 90 eastbound and westbound, milepost 144 needs to be repaired or replaced in both directions.

Eastbound with the milepost there:

I note also that on the eastbound side, the merge ahead sign for the on-ramp at Exit 143 needs to be repaired or replaced as well. Additionally, in the 2018 capture, the last time milepost 144 was still standing on the eastbound side, the sign was completely faded.

Westbound with the milepost there:

Eastbound currently:
Westbound currently:

31) On Interstate 90 westbound, milepost 138 needs to be repaired or replaced:

When it was still standing:

32) On Interstate 90 eastbound, just before milepost 79, this "Food Next Right, Lodging Next Right" sign is laying on the ground and needs to be repaired:

When it was still standing:

33) and 34) On Interstate 90 westbound, just before milepost 65, the overhead sign for Exit 63 coming up in one mile was damaged somehow and needs to be repaired or replaced:

When it wasn't damaged:

Additionally, the travel information sign, which also has mile marker 65 attached to it, is laying on the ground:

When it was still standing:

Update: The travel information sign has since been picked up, but not yet repaired.

35) On the Interstate 90 westbound on-ramp at Exit 52, the "Freeway Entrance" sign on the right needs to be straightened up:

When it wasn't bent:

36) On US Route 97 southbound, just before milepost 135, this signpost just past the railroad tracks needs to be repaired:

When it was still standing:

Update: The signpost has since been picked up, but not yet repaired.

37) On Interstate 90 eastbound, just past milepost 40, the Interstate 90 shield fell off its post that has been leaning:

When it was still on the post:

38) On Washington State Route 821 northbound, just before milepost 5, the "Entering Kittitas County" sign fell off the post it shares with the "Entering Yakima County" sign on the other side:

When it was still on the post:

39) and 40) On the Interstate 90 westbound on-ramp at Exit 137, the "Freeway Entrance" sign on the left and the sixth chevron sign were both damaged by a drunk semi driver:

When they were still standing:

41) On Interstate 90 westbound, just past milepost 115, the Interstate 90 shield fell off its post:

When it was still on the post:

42), 43), 44) and 45) On Interstate 82 in both directions at mileposts 6 and 9, the portions of the posts containing the mile markers were sawed off in deliberate acts of vandalism:

Before these despicable acts of vandalism were committed:

46) On Interstate 82 westbound, at its western terminus where the road becomes an on-ramp to Interstate 90, this signpost was crashed into:

Before it was crashed into:
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury

-- US 175 --

Several years ago, I reported a BGS typo on US 175 in Dallas for the EB Second Ave/Bruton Rd exit.  The sign, a replacement, spelled Bruton as "Burton".  I've forgotten the turnaround time, but it actually got fixed.

Further east, and also several years ago, it was reported that the local TxDOT facility in Kaufman wanted to update BGSes along US 175, as well as replace any that were damaged or missing.  I found an email address to contact that office, and asked if they knew about certain signs/assemblies that had been knocked down or missing for a while.  I got an email back from a director/spokesperson that was quite terse, telling me they'd already catalogued them all.  I rebutted nicely, asking if they would update old/outdated mileage BGSes.  Short and to the point: no.  The replacements didn't include signs for the East Fork of the Trinity River, between Seagoville and Crandall; there had been signs for the river previously.  (Usually, TxDOT is good about signing most rivers and streams.)  I asked about mileage signs, as there were none EB before the east side of Crandall, and the first one there only listed "Kaufman 8"; no Mabank, no Athens. (After recent roadwork to add a never-constructed EB service road there, that mileage sign has disappeared.)  WB mileage signs west of Kaufman only have listed Dallas; no Crandall, no Seagoville.

I've thought about contacting the Dallas TxDOT office about adding mileage signs EB east of the US 175 west terminus, and EB east of the I-20/I-635 interchange, but I was concerned I'd get the same treatment as the woman from the Kaufman office.  Now with the missing "Kaufman 8" sign (which really needed another control point mileage, if not 2), there are no EB mileage signs between the US 175 west terminus and the east side of Kaufman.


Previous thread that was at least similar in focus, if not quite identical:

"Sign changes submitted to DOT by roadgeeks that actually got changed"

My comments in this thread would be the same as my comments in reply 48 in that thread, so I won't repeat them.
"You know, you never have a guaranteed spot until you have a spot guaranteed."
—Olaf Kolzig, as quoted in the Washington Times on March 28, 2003,
commenting on the Capitals clinching a playoff spot.

"That sounded stupid, didn't it?"
—Kolzig, to the same reporter a few seconds later.


On the other side of the equation, one of my job duties is to monitor the catch-all inbox for my highway district. We got an email reporting a couple of downed signs, I reported them to the sign crew, they got repaired pretty quickly, and the constituent emailed back her appreciation.
Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.


Missing US 27 shields on US 90 WB in Tallahassee, FL.
Missing FL A1A shield in Melbourne Beach, FL.
Missing END US 41 in Miami Beach, FL. ( Though the one that was in Miami at former junction with US 1 got installed instead, as FDOT denied US 41 going to Collins Avenue in Miami Beach).
Missing mileage signs on US 1,23, and 301 in Hilliard, FL.
Every day is a winding road, you just got to get used to it.

Sheryl Crowe


It is not a sign, but I've reported faded guide lines for dual left turns to TDOT that nearly got me into an accident because I just could not see where the turn lane I was in was going, and they emailed me a week later saying they added it to their maintenance list for my district.


Quote from: hbelkins on February 15, 2023, 02:17:54 PMOn the other side of the equation, one of my job duties is to monitor the catch-all inbox for my highway district. We got an email reporting a couple of downed signs, I reported them to the sign crew, they got repaired pretty quickly, and the constituent emailed back her appreciation.

Funnily enough, I've reported mine via comments on one of their Facebook posts, but the response was the same as what you said above for the nine I recently reported, and the person who runs the Facebook account said they'd pass it along to the crew who takes care of that. The first three had no response, but got a like and got fixed. Before those, there were two I randomly reported to WSDOT via Messenger, one of those being the Cabin Creek Road exit with camping being ahead in one mile on eastbound I-90, which took a few months to get fixed, but it eventually got fixed. The one time I emailed them about something using Contact Us on the website, I never got a response. And I know they're busy, but Facebook seems to be a better place.

Anyway, I don't know what constitutes being fixed quickly in this context, but hopefully those I reported recently and those I will report in the future get fixed soon, too. :) I'll probably break them up so I don't report too many at once. I wish they had a forum, where you could post this stuff. That would be better organized than just emails or Facebook comments, and then they could be marked fixed.

A few I forgot to mention in my OP that I still need to report are:

1) The "Freeway Entrance" sign is missing on the left, both here at the junction of I-82 and the eastern terminus of WA 14 for the eastbound I-82 entrance: and 2) here at Thorp Highway for the eastbound entrance of I-90: It was standing in 2021: The one at WA 14 is mangled laying on the ground, but I think the sign is still usable. Straighten the sign out with a little bit of hammering–it'll still look beaten up, but that way they don't have to make a new sign. I don't know if the metal post itself is still usable. The one at Thorp Highway is missing completely or it's somewhere on the ground where I cannot see it.

3) On Interstate 82 in both directions, at Exit 69, the 69 mileposts are both blank: (eastbound) and (westbound). I'm pretty sure there was another blank milepost I saw somewhere in Washington, but I don't remember where or which highway.
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury


How many people on here complain to NYSDOT about state shields for US routes in New York?
Every day is a winding road, you just got to get used to it.

Sheryl Crowe


Quote from: Amaury on February 15, 2023, 03:59:21 PM
3) On Interstate 82 in both directions, at Exit 69, the 69 mileposts are both blank: (eastbound) and (westbound). I'm pretty sure there was another blank milepost I saw somewhere in Washington, but I don't remember where or which highway.

Is it possible this is intentional? That particular number is popular for theft. Kind of like Montana "accidentally" forgetting to replace mile marker 666 on US 2.

J N Winkler

In some cases, we have reported the signs before they were even fabricated:

Caltrans contract 08-1F3724--errors found

Caltrans contract 08-1F3724--follow-up

We also had a member get in touch with Caltrans about proposed signs in District 7, resulting in changes.

Other members have found the DOT to be resistant to suggestions, or not discovered they were adopted until they found the as-built plans with amended sheets.
"It is necessary to spend a hundred lire now to save a thousand lire later."--Piero Puricelli, explaining the need for a first-class road system to Benito Mussolini


Quote from: roadman65 on February 15, 2023, 04:02:05 PM
How many people on here complain to NYSDOT about state shields for US routes in New York?
I could make a full time job out of that...


Quote from: Amaury on February 15, 2023, 03:59:21 PM
Quote from: hbelkins on February 15, 2023, 02:17:54 PMOn the other side of the equation, one of my job duties is to monitor the catch-all inbox for my highway district. We got an email reporting a couple of downed signs, I reported them to the sign crew, they got repaired pretty quickly, and the constituent emailed back her appreciation.

Funnily enough, I've reported mine via comments on one of their Facebook posts, but the response was the same as what you said above for the nine I recently reported, and the person who runs the Facebook account said they'd pass it along to the crew who takes care of that. The first three had no response, but got a like and got fixed. Before those, there were two I randomly reported to WSDOT via Messenger, one of those being the Cabin Creek Road exit with camping being ahead in one mile on eastbound I-90, which took a few months to get fixed, but it eventually got fixed. The one time I emailed them about something using Contact Us on the website, I never got a response. And I know they're busy, but Facebook seems to be a better place.

A word of advice. Always use the official means provided to report issues. If it's an email address, a phone number, a Web form -- use those instead of social media messages, comments, or replies. When you use those official means, there's a record of the contact. In our case, if you use the Web form, an email is automatically generated to both Frankfort and the applicable highway district. And emails are public records and are discoverable in lawsuits or other legal actions, as state Board of Claims cases. Social media is very unofficial, and it's possible that your comment won't even be seen, or it will get lumped in with the myriad of spam comments that come in. Just the other day, we were bombed by spam comments by one of those fake profiles sending that "I like your profile, let's be friends" to every female who commented on a post.
Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.


It ended up working out these last couple of times, as mentioned, but I will look into giving the "Contact Us" another try when I report more signs. Looks like it's just a form now and no way to attach images in the initial message. But if they need more info, then I can reply to the email with images that way when they respond.
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury


As discussed in the previous thread, which is almost identical to this one, I've contacted IDOT and the Illinois Tollway a few times to make corrections or changes to their signage. I could contact them more, but I feel like I would become annoying after a while if I kept doing that. I try to keep my requests to only the most critical, where a sign missing is genuinely detrimental for purposes of safety or guidance.

:) Needs more... :sombrero: Not quite... :bigass: Perfect.
JDOT: We make the world a better place to drive.
Travel Mapping | 65+ Clinches | 300+ Traveled | 9000+ Miles Logged

J N Winkler

Quote from: JoePCool14 on February 18, 2023, 07:28:10 AMI could contact them more, but I feel like I would become annoying after a while if I kept doing that. I try to keep my requests to only the most critical, where a sign missing is genuinely detrimental for purposes of safety or guidance.

From the standpoint of not being a pest:

*  If the sign is reported before it is fabricated, the agency and its contractor both avoid abortive expense.

*  Formatting issues, like too little space padding between lines or (frustratingly) the three-quarters error, generally won't attract action.

*  Although it may seem petty to point them out, reporting spelling errors is a PR benefit for the agency since that helps them avoid being the focus of a "they don't know how to spell" news story once the signs are fabricated and installed.
"It is necessary to spend a hundred lire now to save a thousand lire later."--Piero Puricelli, explaining the need for a first-class road system to Benito Mussolini


I did not report this but someone in this forum did (can't find the post in Pacific Southwest board atm):

"Junction 92" on US 101 was fixed with the proper route symbol:




And add this big green sign to the list of signs I need to report, though since this is in the city boundaries, it may be an Ellensburg thing. Not sure. It was literally standing the last time I saw it, which was early yesterday (Thursday) morning around 1:00 AM.

It's laying on the ground. I'll take another look during the day, but I could see at least one of the wooden posts snapped. They really need to maintain their signs and pay attention and look for things like like potential wood rot. Either that or get rid of the wooden posts and do all metal poles, which are already used for many signs.

It's not the first time this particular sign has needed repairs, either. This is the sign in 2012:
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury


Related to the previous post, is this sort of practice normal in Washington state with marking ONLY on the pavement? I've never seen that done before.

:) Needs more... :sombrero: Not quite... :bigass: Perfect.
JDOT: We make the world a better place to drive.
Travel Mapping | 65+ Clinches | 300+ Traveled | 9000+ Miles Logged


Are you talking about the "only" text itself or "only" in general–text or arrows? Either way, it's fairly common, yeah.

Interesting fact about this roundabout is that not a lot of people know how it works. Coming from US 97, heading southbound, the right lane is a right-turn only lane, all the way from just before the roundabout to the freeway entrance after the turn, which you mentioned above. That's for traffic getting on I-90 westbound only. The left lane before the roundabout is for going left, straight, or right to go toward I-90 eastbound/US 97 southbound. I've had people cut me off quite a few times because I was heading to get on I-90 eastbound, so I was making a right turn from US 97 (to continue on US 97 toward the I-90/US 97 concurrency) via the left lane before the roundabout and people who were in the right-turn only lane merged left. Merging into that lane because you're coming from Dolarway Road or University Way is fine, but it is illegal to merge out of that lane.
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury


Here's a picture I took of the one I mentioned earlier that fell over sometime yesterday. It was already leaning forward just a little bit to begin with. It didn't seem too bad, but I don't think the winds we had helped. I don't know when it started leaning, but it's probably been gradually getting worse.

If all signs had metal posts like this, which ironically has been missing the US 97 sticker for quite a while, which I should report at some point, I think that would be far better than the ones that use wooden posts: If you look at the 2009 version, the sticker was there then, so it fell off sometime between then and 2012.

Quote from: Amaury on February 14, 2023, 02:43:56 AMSigns I still need to report.

3) Milepost 106 on eastbound Interstate 90 fell over a few weeks ago and is laying on the ground:

4) The "Right Lane Ends" sign before Exit 109 on westbound Interstate 90 fell over about a couple months ago and is laying on the ground: It's after westbound Interstate 82 ends. The funny part here is that a while before that happened, one of the bolts for the sign fell off and the sign was upside down. That got fixed, but of course then this happened.

And since they're within the city where I live, here are pictures of these fallen over.
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury


Quote from: Amaury on February 14, 2023, 02:43:56 AMSigns I still need to report.

3) Milepost 106 on eastbound Interstate 90 fell over a few weeks ago and is laying on the ground:

4) The "Right Lane Ends" sign before Exit 109 on westbound Interstate 90 fell over about a couple months ago and is laying on the ground: It's after westbound Interstate 82 ends. The funny part here is that a while before that happened, one of the bolts for the sign fell off and the sign was upside down. That got fixed, but of course then this happened.

These are fixed, and I never got around to reporting them! :D
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury


Quote from: Amaury on February 14, 2023, 02:43:56 AMOn January 20, 2023, I reported the following nine signs, which will hopefully be fixed soon.

1) The "Entering Yakima County" sign at the Kittitas County border on Interstate 82 westbound just before milepost 20 fell over or was knocked down sometime between November 29, 2022, and December 20, 2022. It was still standing on my drive to Haines, Oregon, on November 29, but it was down on my drive to Newberg, Oregon, on December 20. I find this one kind of ironic, considering #1 above: It's hard to see, but it's laying on the ground next to the guardrail on the other side of the guardrail. (The most recent image is from September 2022, when it was still standing, so to clarify, I mean if you drive through there at the present time, you'll see it on the ground.)

4) The big sign here for Ellensburg/Yakima was knocked down a few months ago at the junction of WA 821 (Canyon Road) and Thrall Road: Somehow the posts are still standing. The pieces of the sign were on the ground, but they're gone now. Fun fact that I just discovered a few weeks ago is that this sign used to be a little more ways back, here, just on different posts: Google Maps doesn't have any images from 2013—2017 for this area, but in 2018, it was already moved, so it was moved sometime between 2012 and 2018:

I managed to get a couple photos of this sign yesterday:

And today I got a couple of this sign:

Now, today, I also got photos of a few more signs to add to the list of signs I need to report, if they're not already fixed before I have the chance to report them.

Both freeway entrance signs on the eastbound Interstate 90 entrance in Kittitas, Washington, are on the ground, with the one on the right a small ways away from where it actually goes.

Right side:

Left side:

Here is Google's latest image from September 2022, when they were both still standing:

Also in Kittitas, the sign telling you which Interstate 90 entrance is which direction on the north side of the freeway, just before the westbound Interstate 90 entrance, has fallen over. My mom is the one who first noticed this one.

Here is Google's latest image from September 2022, when it was still standing:
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury


Milepost 14 on Interstate 82 eastbound is either missing or on the ground somewhere. This is it standing in November 2021: Next time I drive that way, I'll pull over on the shoulder and drive slowly at milepost 13 to see if I can find it. I don't know how I would report a sign like this, though, since I would normally use a milepost as a reference point. LOL And it's not like the milepost 106 sign for Interstate 90 I mentioned a few posts above, which is now fixed, where I could have said Exit 106 for the reference point.

Similarly, milepost 114 is either missing or on the ground somewhere on Interstate 90 eastbound. This is it standing in October 2022, the latest image Google has:
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury


Noticed more signs on my drive today needing TLC.

Westbound Interstate 82, after milepost 97, the sign for Exit 96 being ahead in one mile is broken:

Google Maps image from when it was standing:

Also westbound Interstate 82, just before Exit 96 for West Richland and Benton City, a little bit after the sign above, the sign with detailed info on Exit 96 is also broken:

Google Maps image from when it was standing:

Southbound Washington State Route 243, a little ways after milepost 2, the sign for the Washington State Route 24 junction with Yakima and Othello being ahead in one mile (SR 243's southern terminus) is broken, and it looks like it was crashed into, as Google Maps' latest image from October 2022 also has it broken:

Google Maps image from when it was standing:

Also southbound Washington State Route 243, a little ways after milepost 13, just before Road 26 SW, the metal post that this recreation sign is on is heavily bent all the way to the ground:

Google Maps image from when it was not bent:

Milepost 100 on Interstate 82 westbound either disappeared or is on the ground somewhere. Here it is standing: And if you look at it from the eastbound side, it has a more recent image from December 2022, which also shows it standing. So, whatever happened happened sometime after December 2022: Although there you can see it leaning.
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury

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