Signs on State-Maintained Roads in Your State That Need Repairs

Started by Amaury, February 14, 2023, 02:43:56 AM

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Quote from: Amaury on February 14, 2023, 02:43:56 AMOn January 20, 2023, I reported the following nine signs, which will hopefully be fixed soon.

5) and 6) The left panel for Washington State Route 194 Almota is missing on both of these signs. The first is on US Route 195 northbound after milepost 21: And the second one is just a little farther north on the same route at the intersection with Washington State Route 194/Old Wawawai Road:

Both of these are fixed. I don't know if it's because of my Facebook comment or a coincidence, since ones like the Yakima County one still aren't fixed since I last drove by them. (And don't get me wrong, I know they're busy and appreciate everything they do, just pointing that out.) But they're fixed, and that's all that matters.

I also found some new ones along Washington State Route 26 today. Milepost 39 isn't straight and is leaning: That's where it used to be. It's somewhere on the right side next to a fence now, just outside of Othello city limits. And there are a few other mileposts that are near-completely faded. You can still see the numbers, but barely. (There's one mile marker like that on Interstate 90 eastbound after crossing the Vantage Bridge along the hill. It's completely white and nothing can be seen.) Back to WA 26, there's also one post that has a mile marker and another sign on it, and it is missing that other sign. One of the posts on the Interstate 90 westbound entrance ramp from WA 26 is missing its black and yellow caution arrow. If I recall, it's the second one here: It looks like a big strong gust of wind found a weak spot and tore it off, as where it screws in the post, there are still some black and yellow bits there.

This overpass sign on the left on Interstate 82 westbound before the last exit was recently vandalized by some lowlife: Thankfully, everything can still be made out, but it's now got ugly spray paint on it. Something to add to signs I need to report when I email WSDOT.

There's one sign I never even mentioned here that recently got fixed. Just after Vantage on Interstate 90 westbound, this post was missing something, which you can see on the ground here: It's this sign (2021 capture):
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury


Quote from: Amaury on February 14, 2023, 02:43:56 AM18) Milepost 114 on Interstate 90 eastbound is either missing or on the ground somewhere. This is it standing in October 2022, the latest image Google has:

Here's a photo of this one:

Also, I've got two new ones. On Interstate 90 westbound at the Ryegrass Summit rest area, just after milepost 126, the "Right Lane Ends" signs on both sides of the roadway are lying on the ground.

And this is when they were both last standing:
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury


I just sent my first official report using WSDOT's official email. Hbelkins will be proud!

I mostly focused on the eastern side of the state in this report. I will get the other ones I've mentioned later. For some, I'm also waiting for the snow to melt in the Snoqualmie Pass area, since a lot of those are obvious and might get fixed after the snow melts without having to report them.

But these are the ones I reported in this batch.

QuoteHello, there! There are several signs I've noticed needing repairs around the state, and I wanted to report some of those today. I've attached a link below to my Imgur with an album with photos for some of the signs to make it easier. :)

The photos in this album are in the same order that I've reported and listed them below:

1.   On Interstate 82 eastbound, just before milepost 20, your "Entering Yakima County"  sign has fallen over on the ground due to wood rot. It's hard to see just driving by, but it's lying on the ground on the other side of the guardrail. Looks like it just needs a new post. (See album photo, titled "Entering Yakima County." )
2.   In Kittitas (I-90 Exit 115), there are three signs that fell over due to wood rot. The signs themselves seem to be fine, they just need new posts. Both of your "Freeway Entrance"  signs on the eastbound entrance ramp for Interstate 90 are lying on the ground next to the roadway. For the other one, just before the westbound entrance for Interstate 90, your big sign that says to turn right for Ellensburg or go straight for Spokane is also lying on the ground. There's also a smaller no left turn sign attached to one of the posts. (See album photo for the big one, titled "Kittitas I-90 Westbound Entrance." )
3.   On Washington State Route 821 southbound, at its Canyon Road and Thrall Road junction in Kittitas County, your sign that says to turn right for Ellensburg or left for Yakima to continue south with an SR 821 shield was crashed into and mangled near the end of last year and needs to be replaced, though one of the posts is still standing. (See album photo from when it was still standing, titled "SR 821 at Thrall and Canyon Road in Kittitas County." )
4.   Your "Entering Benton County"  sign needs to be replaced in two locations. On Interstate 82 eastbound, just after milepost/Exit 75 at the Yakima County border by the entrance ramp. Then on Washington State Route 24 westbound, just after milepost 44, before crossing the Vernita Bridge at the Grant County border.
5.   On Interstate 90 eastbound, after Exit 54, your sign with the control cities of Cle Elum, Ellensburg, and Spokane and the number of miles to reach them was mangled in the 2021—22 winter before completely falling off, though one of its posts is still standing, and needs to be replaced. (See album photo from when it was still standing, titled "I-90 EB Control Cities After Exit 54." )
6.   On Interstate 90 eastbound, at Exit 80, your "Exit 80"  sign itself in the gore point is lying on the ground.
7.   On Interstate 90 eastbound, at milepost 114, your milepost 114 sign itself is lying on the ground. (See album photo, titled "I-90 Eastbound Milepost 114." )
8.   On Interstate 90 westbound, at the Ryegrass Summit rest area, just after milepost 126, your "Right Lane Ends"  signs on both sides of the roadway are lying on the ground. (See album photos, titled "I-90 WB Right Lane Ends Right Side"  and "I-90 WB Right Lane Ends Left Side." )
9.   On US Route 97 southbound, at the US Route 2 and US Route 97 interchange in Chelan County, what used to be known as The Big Y, your overpass sign on the left is missing the top-left panel, the portion containing the "East US 2"  part. (See album photo facing south on US Route 97, titled "US 97 Missing Overpass Panel in Chelan County." )
10.   On Washington State Route 243 southbound, just a little bit after milepost 2 in Grant County, your sign that says that the Washington State Route 24 junction for Yakima and Othello is ahead in one mile was crashed into last year. The sign itself seems to still be intact and likely just needs new posts. (See album photo, titled "Yakima and Othello Junction." )
11.   On Interstate 82 westbound, after milepost 1 at the final exit before Interstate 82 westbound terminates, the I-90 shield on the overhead sign is heavily faded and needs a new one. (See album photo, titled "Faded I-90 Shield." )
12.   In Benton City (I-82 Exit 96), at the eastbound entrance ramp for Interstate 82, both of your "Freeway Entrance"  signs need to be replaced, as they have been missing for a while, it seems. Also, at that same entrance, your big and tall sign that says to turn right for Richland or go straight for Yakima needs new Interstate 82 shield "stickers"  or whatever they're called, as the current ones are extremely faded. (See album photo, titled "Benton City Signs" .)

Hope to see these fixed soon when you guys have a chance. I've been taking regular drives for a few years now and have become a road/sign enthusiast, I guess you could say. I'm also detail oriented, so it's easy for me to notice when signs are lying on the ground, broken, or missing, and it also makes me a little sad. LOL Thank you very much for all the hard work you guys do around the state for everyone living here. I've already seen a few signs I was going to report fixed before I had a chance to report them. :)

All the best and have a great day,

EDIT: And it was marked as read this morning. :D
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury


So, I got a response yesterday from the person in charge of the South-Central region, one of six regions in the state, that those signs will be fixed in the coming weeks. :D And, actually, #10 on the list above has already been fixed. I noticed it on my way to Richland yesterday. It's on metal posts now instead of wooden ones.

Anyway, she explained that their traffic office checks signs in that region at least every two years for condition and reflexivity, but they also check the two post signs after winter for winter damage, though I'm not exactly sure what she meant by "two post signs." They are currently doing that now. She thanked me for providing locations and photos. I provided photos for the ones that weren't easy to just explain. In another reply, she said that they do have a database, but it is very helpful to have citizens report downed signs or missing signs needing replacement sooner than DOT can get to.

A couple of others have also been fixed, so I've removed them from the OP, including this one on I-82, just after MP 58: There's now a new I-82 shield, though it's of this newer design: Compared to what was on there before:

The replacement was kind of being moved by the wind blowing, which I found kind of cool.
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury


I noticed earlier today that this one is fixed: :D It looks like it falling down due to wood rot was a long time coming since you can see it leaning to the left in that Google Maps capture, like the wood on that side had already partially collapsed, and it had been like that for years. Maybe I'm wrong, though, but that's what it looks like to me.

Interestingly enough, though, these are still on the ground on the eastbound entrance for I-90, which are just across the bridge: However, I know they have their way of doing things, and they'll probably come back another time to fix those. Just like when this sign was fixed: They came back the day after and put this one on new posts, which had been leaning backward for years: Instead of just doing it that same day. And something interesting that I just realized about where the "Freeway Entrance" signs for I-90 eastbound in Kittitas are is that looking at my photo and comparing it to that Google Maps capture, there didn't used to be guardrails there for the eastbound I-90 entrance in Kittitas.

Anyway, another guess is that because the "Freeway Entrance" signs on the westbound look like they're damaged at the posts (, maybe they're just planning on coming back and putting all four of them on new posts–the two still standing and two on the ground. That photo doesn't do them justice, as it's from October 2022, as they look a little worse now.

Also, the "Entering Yakima County" sign still isn't fixed as of when I drove by earlier today; however, it's no longer lying on the ground, either. I think that's promising and likely means it's getting fixed. According to a friend of mine, who's the one who initially saw it on the ground after I had noticed it wasn't up anymore (but didn't notice it on the ground myself until after she said something, which is when I took the photo) and has noticed other signs needing repairs, it was still lying on the ground yesterday. So, my guess is they had to do more than just move the sign over to a new post, so sometime after my friend saw it still lying on the ground yesterday, they picked it up and took it back with them to fix it. When it's fixed, they'll bring it back to the spot where it goes with it already on the new post and install it in the ground. That's my best guess. Will have to wait and see. When the "Entering Kittitas County" sign on the other side fell down or whatever, I never actually saw it lying on the ground, but I also never pulled over to look, either, as back then, I wasn't as interested in signs as I am today. When it was fixed in July 2022, I didn't see WSDOT fixing it or how it was fixed, either. I was just driving by on July 26, 2022, and noticed it was fixed. So, I don't know if when that one was fixed, if it was fixed right there "on location," so to speak, or if they took it back with them to fix it and then brought it back already on a new post to install it in the ground.

EDIT: Google Maps was being weird earlier. Here's the most recent capture for the "Freeway Entrance" signs in Kittitas for I-90 eastbound with the guardrail:
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury


Drove down to Vantage and back earlier just to curiously see if those RLE signs I mentioned at the westbound I-90 Ryegrass Summit were fixed–they haven't been yet, which is fine–and noticed that at Exit 136 eastbound, the Exit 136 sign itself in the gore point fell off its post and is lying face down on the ground. It was still on the post when I drove down to Richland on Tuesday, so it happened just within the last few days: I wasn't able to take a picture this time, as I noticed it late and was already a ways down on the exit ramp. It's pretty obvious, though, and will maybe be fixed before I even report it, like some signs I've mentioned here being fixed without me doing a thing.
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury


Imgur seems to be having problems right now, as I can't get to my images to upload new ones. Never mind. Imgur decided to update their interface design and make things less user friendly. I just switched back to the old design.

This control city sign on US Route 97 northbound just before milepost 34:

Milepost 110 on Interstate 90 westbound just before Exit 109. Looks to have just happened today as there was debris on the roadway from something:
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury


Quote from: Amaury on February 14, 2023, 02:43:56 AMSigns I still need to report.

4) On eastbound Interstate 90 after milepost 72, the Trucks 60 sign on the right post is crooked.

Personal photo:

Here it is when it was not crooked:

5) On eastbound Interstate 90 after Exit 74, the Trucks 60 sign on the right post is facing the wrong direction–it's facing to the left instead of toward the driver: You can see it better from this angle:

Here it is when it was facing the correct direction:

7) The Exit 80 sign at the gore point for eastbound Interstate 90 was knocked down and is laying on the ground: It's also an important exit since it's an exit that vehicles carrying watercraft have to take.

*photo snipped*

Here it is when it was still standing:

10) On eastbound Interstate 90 before Exit 71, the post with the set of speed limit signs on the left is laying on the ground:

Here it is when both sides were still standing, as, at one point, it was the post on the right that was on the ground:

23) On westbound Interstate 90 at Exit 63, the "Exit 63" sign itself at the gore point is heavily leaning backward.

*photo snipped*

When it was still standing properly:

26) On eastbound Interstate 90 after milepost 40, the "Right Lane Ends" sign on the right is on the ground.

*photo snipped*

When it was still standing:

27) On eastbound Interstate 90 at milepost 43, the milepost 43 sign itself and the Trucks 60 sign are not facing the driver, especially the latter.

*photo snipped*

When they were facing the correct direction:

33) On eastbound Interstate 90 after milepost 61, the "Right Lane Ends" sign on the right is heavily leaning backward.

*photo snipped*

When it was still standing properly:

34) On eastbound Interstate 90 after milepost 61, directly after the sign above in #33, this right lane ending sign on the right is heavily leaning backward.

Personal photo:

When it was still standing properly:

35) and 36) On eastbound Interstate 90 after milepost 61, directly after the sign above in #34, the "Lane Ends Merge Left" signs on both sides are heavily leaning backward, especially the one on the right.

*photo snipped*

Personal photo of the one on the left side:

When they were still standing properly:

#4 seems to have been fixed a little bit, but I'll leave it listed for the time being. It's still crooked, but facing the driver more straight now. The rest have all been fixed. Ironically, however, for #26, just ahead, the sign with the picture of the right lane ending (instead of words) on the left side needs repairs now. I think it's laying on the ground. I came back through there yesterday, but wasn't in the leftmost lane at the time, so couldn't tell. I just didn't see it there:

I also think the "Entering Kittitas County" sign at the Snoqualmie Pass summit on I-90 eastbound may have fallen over or been knocked down, but I may have just missed it since I was passing a semi at the time and my windshield was a little dirty: I'll have to go back up there to confirm. I need to see if some or all of the signs I mentioned on SR 906 have been fixed yet, anyway.
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury


Quote from: Amaury on April 22, 2023, 06:05:56 PMDrove down to Vantage and back earlier just to curiously see if those RLE signs I mentioned at the westbound I-90 Ryegrass Summit were fixed–they haven't been yet, which is fine–and noticed that at Exit 136 eastbound, the Exit 136 sign itself in the gore point fell off its post and is lying face down on the ground. It was still on the post when I drove down to Richland on Tuesday, so it happened just within the last few days: I wasn't able to take a picture this time, as I noticed it late and was already a ways down on the exit ramp. It's pretty obvious, though, and will maybe be fixed before I even report it, like some signs I've mentioned here being fixed without me doing a thing.

Here's a photo of the one mentioned in my quote:

And two new ones.

On westbound Washington State Route 150, at its western terminus in Manson, Washington, this pedestrian sign needs to be straightened up.

When it was still straight:

On eastbound Washington State Route 150, just after milepost 3, the top bolt on this "Rocks" sign has fallen off:

When it was not upside down:
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury


Quote from: Amaury on February 14, 2023, 02:43:56 AMSigns I still need to report.

7) On eastbound Interstate 90 after Exit 54, this sign was completely mangled sometime in the 2021—22 winter: It's completely gone now. Either that or a lot of it fell over on the ground completely, as you can see one of the posts there:

Got a photo of this one:

Quote from: Amaury on February 14, 2023, 02:43:56 AMSigns I still need to report.

19) On westbound Interstate 90 after milepost 78, the posts with the set of speed limit signs on both sides need repairs. The one on the right is on the ground. Not sure about the other one.

*photo snipped*

When it was still standing:

23) On Washington State Route 906 eastbound in Hyak (I-90 Exit 54), at the eastbound Interstate 90 entrance, the "Freeway Entrance" sign on the left is on the ground.

*photo snipped*

When it was still standing:

These are fixed.

Quote from: Amaury on February 14, 2023, 02:43:56 AMSigns I still need to report.

25) At the western terminus of Washington State Route 906, where eastbound Interstate 90 Exit 52 is, the Tourist Activities sign needs some attention. Once the snow completely melts, it seems like it will fall over, though I could be wrong.

Personal photo:

When it was still standing properly:

Updated photos with the snow gone:

Quote from: Amaury on May 17, 2023, 03:06:24 AMI also think the "Entering Kittitas County" sign at the Snoqualmie Pass summit on I-90 eastbound may have fallen over or been knocked down, but I may have just missed it since I was passing a semi at the time and my windshield was a little dirty: I'll have to go back up there to confirm. I need to see if some or all of the signs I mentioned on SR 906 have been fixed yet, anyway.


And new ones.

On westbound Interstate 90 at Exit 84, the Exit 84 sign in the gore point is lying on the ground mangled.

When it was still standing:

At the Snoqualmie Pass summit at Exit 53, off the freeway just before the I-90 eastbound entrance, this sign is missing a post. Looks like it's been like that for a while, as Google Maps has it like in September 2022. This is it when it had its other post:

At that same spot, the "Freeway Entrance" sign on the left needs to be replaced: When it was still there:

On the Interstate 90 westbound Exit 53 off-ramp, this sign is on the ground:

When it was still standing: Although there it was already showing signs of falling. When it was standing straight:
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury


This one was literally still standing last night, but it had been leaning backward for a while, so I'm sure our recent winds, including today, didn't help.

Eastbound Interstate 90, just after milepost 109:
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury

J N Winkler

That looks like metal fatigue due to cyclic loading.
"It is necessary to spend a hundred lire now to save a thousand lire later."--Piero Puricelli, explaining the need for a first-class road system to Benito Mussolini


Looking at Google Maps, this isn't the first time that particular sign had to be fixed. This is in October 2018:

And pardon my ignorance, but what's cyclic loading?

EDIT: And looks like it was first installed sometime in 2012 after July, sometime in 2013, or sometime in 2014 before September. There are no image captures for 2013, but this is in September 2014: And it's not there in the July 2012 capture.
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury


Quote from: Amaury on February 14, 2023, 02:43:56 AM1) The "Entering Yakima County" sign at the Kittitas County border on Interstate 82 eastbound just before milepost 20 fell over sometime between November 29, 2022, and December 20, 2022. I find this one kind of ironic, considering #1 above. It's hard to see from the road if you're just driving by, but it's laying on the ground next to the guardrail on the other side of the guardrail.

Here it is when it was still standing:

The one I've really wanted to see fixed is fixed.  :) :) :) :) :) :) :) I saw them working there earlier in the day, with the right lane closed.

If anyone's curious, the white sign below it is a sign saying it's a range area and to watch out for livestock. That white sign was recently added to the post for the Kittitas County sign as well on the other side, the westbound I-82 lanes. Likewise for the Kittitas County signpost on I-90 westbound on the Vantage Bridge.

Quote from: Amaury on February 14, 2023, 02:43:56 AM8) On eastbound Interstate 82, just after milepost 22, this arrow is missing from the post:

This one got fixed, too, about a week or so ago!
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury

Road Hog

Way to go! Keep giving 'em hell! Oklahoma needs more sign gurus like yourself!


Well, I'm not giving them hell. LOL I was very respectful in the email I sent to their official email, seen above on reply #53 (my post). WSDOT is awesome!!!
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury


Quote from: Road Hog on May 31, 2023, 02:16:31 AM
Way to go! Keep giving 'em hell! Oklahoma needs more sign gurus like yourself!

I did something like this around 2009-2011 or so but I gave up after ODOT didn't seem to care about anything I notified them of.
uncontrollable freak sardine salad chef


Merging traffic sign fell off its post on Interstate 82 westbound just after Exit 11:
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury


On Interstate 82 eastbound at milepost 27, the milepost 27 sign itself was broken sometime last year:

When it was not broken:

On Interstate 90 eastbound, just before milepost 127, this sign with control cities has vandalism on it that needs to be cleaned off:

When it was vandalism free:

On Interstate 90 eastbound at milepost 131, the milepost sign itself has vandalism on it that needs to be cleaned off:

When it was vandalism free:

On Interstate 90 eastbound, mileposts 113, 132, and 133 need to be replaced entirely.

MP 113: (it was crashed into sometime in the last few weeks)
MP 132: (current state with it not there, though a small piece of its post is on the ground:
MP 133: (current state with it not there:

On Washington State Route 243 southbound, just before milepost 10, this sign lost of one its legs, which you can see on the ground. Impressively, it's still standing:

When it still had that leg:

On Interstate 90 westbound, milepost 118 needs to be replaced entirely:


On Interstate 90 westbound, milepost 137 needs to be repaired:[

When it was not broken:
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury


I've noticed that it's looked like the wood has been rotting for a while at the bottom. Add in our recent winds, and it's not a great combination. This sign on US 97 southbound in Ellensburg before the roundabout between mileposts 135 and 134 was still standing last week. You can see part of the wood in the ground still.
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury


Quote from: Amaury on February 14, 2023, 02:43:56 AMOn January 20, 2023, I reported the following nine signs, which will hopefully be fixed soon.

4) The big sign here for Ellensburg/Yakima was knocked down a few months ago at the junction of Washington State Route 821 (Canyon Road) and Thrall Road. Somehow the posts are still standing. The pieces of the sign were on the ground, but they're gone now.

Personal photo:

Here it is when it was still standing:

Note: This one is fixed.

A lot of the ones I reported on January 20 via Facebook are ones I re-reported officially in April. And this one is now fixed. :D
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury


There was an ugly county-fabricated US-24 confirmation shield in Southfield just past the M-10/I-696 interchange.  It inexplicably was changed to an incorrect M-24 shield.  I reported it to MDOT and was notified a couple days later that a staff member had driven by and confirmed the error.  It took a few months but it was finally corrected...  with another ugly county-fabricated US-24 shield.


Quote from: Amaury on February 14, 2023, 02:43:56 AMSigns I still need to report.

16) Milepost 100 on Interstate 82 westbound is either missing or on the ground somewhere. Here it is standing: And if you look at it from the eastbound side, Google Maps has a more recent image on that side from December 2022, which also shows it standing: Although there you can see it leaning. So, whatever happened to it happened sometime after December 2022.

Coming back from Twin Falls, I managed to find this one on the ground and get a photo of it. The area around it is burned from a fire that happened at some point–don't know when–but there are no signs on the wooden post that it was burned, so I don't know what caused it to break.
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury


Quote from: Amaury on February 14, 2023, 02:43:56 AM12) Both "Freeway Entrance" signs on the eastbound Interstate 90 entrance ramp in Kittitas, Washington, fell over and are on the ground.

Right side:

Left side:

I think these are in the process of being fixed, as they are no longer laying on the ground. Shortly after I made my official report, the Yakima County sign was picked up by DOT, and about a month later, it was fixed. I don't know how long these will take–no rush, of course–but I think the same thing has happened here, and they're in the process of being fixed.

On Interstate 90 eastbound, just before milepost and Exit 115, this Tourist Activities sign is broken. This happened sometime between April 12, 2022, and April 19, 2022, as it was still standing on my drive on the former date, but was broken when I passed through there again on my next drive on the latter date.

This is when it was still standing: However, it wasn't filled like that and was just a blank sign with only the Tourist Activities part, like on the westbound side:

On Interstate 90 westbound, at milepost 136, the milepost 136 sign itself needs repairs.

When it was still standing: I flipped it over and turned it around so I could take a good photo of it, but I don't know how it got all the way by the post with the white sign. However, while it's a bit past it, where it is on the ground now lines up a little better with the eastbound one that's still up, as the gap is smaller.

On US Route 2, before milepost 112 at the light, this museum sign needs repairs.[

Photo courtesy of my mom. Google Maps' latest capture also has it leaning: When it was still straight:
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury


On I-90 westbound, after milepost 78, both of these posts with the speed limit signs were fixed recently (last month or two), which I mentioned previously in this thread, and now the one on the left is already down again. How rude. :c
"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel))

Wikipedia Profile: Amaury

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