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The Best of Road Signs

Started by Mergingtraffic, September 21, 2010, 06:36:08 PM

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Text based sign near New Orleans
Like Alice I Try To Believe Three Impossible Things Before Breakfast



Antique Misprinted I-95 Trailblazer by Will Weaver, on Flickr

Vintage Faded I-95 Trailblazer by Will Weaver, on Flickr

VA 197 at US 1/301 in Richmond. Trailblazer was removed by the City of Richmond Department of Public Works earlier this year during a traffic signal upgrade and has not been replaced. The same traffic signal upgrade saw the remounting of some error shields, to boot!
Will Weaver
WillWeaverRVA Photography | Twitter

"But how will the oxen know where to drown if we renumber the Oregon Trail?" - NE2


Oregon's "limitless" speed signs can look very nice depending on the font tastes of the jurisdiction posting them.  I showed an example of bad font choice (Yamhill County with Arial) in the "Worst of Road Signs" thread.

Here is what I believe to be the opposite end of the spectrum--the spec used by many of the better county road departments in the state (Washington, Clackamas and Lane Counties).  Those are basically FHWA fonts (Series E or F) there with tight kerning on the numerals.  Efficient use of space and very clear and easy to read.

-Alex (Tarkus)

national highway 1

"Set up road signs; put up guideposts. Take note of the highway, the road that you take." Jeremiah 31:21


Quote from: ausinterkid on September 26, 2010, 06:22:27 AM

California long ago chose the best proportions with wide short gantries(to not obstruct the scenery). They never followed centering rules and such, but consistently produced appropriate signage.


How long until Jake shows up to argue that the gantry shown there can only be considered "The Best of Road Signs" if it's still showing its 91 and 66 shields? :sombrero:
uncontrollable freak sardine salad chef


nope, still an awesome pair.  one is gone because they couldn't fit a f'n exit tab, so they replaced the entire sign.  the 15 remains.
live from sunny San Diego.


o.0 They couldn't put the exit tab where the US 66 greenout was?


Quote from: Bickendan on September 27, 2010, 03:50:51 PM
o.0 They couldn't put the exit tab where the US 66 greenout was?

Considering that there IS one example of a post-2002 button copy exit number slapped onto an existing button copy sign...

Chris Sampang


Quote from: TheStranger on September 27, 2010, 03:52:29 PM

Considering that there IS one example of a post-2002 button copy exit number slapped onto an existing button copy sign...

Exit 420, indeed :D


UMaine graduate, former PennDOT employee, new SoCal resident.
Youtube l Flickr


Kingsley, Michigan has what I call polite speed limit signs within the village limits.  The top sign reads "SPEED LIMIT 25," and underneath it is a vertical yellow sign with a black upward pointing arrow pointing towards the speed limit sign, and under the arrow the word P
                                                                 E :coffee:


This sign still exists! Note that the beehive isn't of the enormous puffy variety, meaning this sign was posted after the mid 1970s. The reason why this sign is so great is because of the rarity of its type in Salt Lake City - I challenge you to find more than four button-copy signs in Salt Lake.

Infrastructure. The city.


the Alan Wood Road sign belongs in the "worst of the road" thread.  At first glance I thought it was an advertisement for a realtor or something. 

as for Utah, is the button copy I-84/US-89 (with button shields!) still around?

Swiss Army Arrow puts this one over the top!
live from sunny San Diego.


Quoteas for Utah, is the button copy I-84/US-89 (with button shields!) still around?

Yes sir! I had no idea that was there and was very pleasantly surprised about four weeks ago when I came upon it (and as such didn't get a very good picture of it)

Of course, no conversation about good Salt Lake area signs can be had without this one


Quote from: corco on September 27, 2010, 07:26:39 PM

Of course, no conversation about good Salt Lake area signs can be had without this one

...and there are two of the four button-copy signs (that I know of) in Salt Lake County. The third is a small, inconspicuous clearance sign at that same interchange. There used to be a small sign at the 3900 South exit on I-215 that directed cars to "Salt Lake" (most likely dating back to 1969) but that was replaced over the summer.
Infrastructure. The city.


Other good signs:

Caltrans goes to Majors Junction, Nevada

Cleburne TX button copy


the 93 is still there as of a few weeks ago.  It's not an old sign; it dates to 2002, I think.  Nevada did use that standard a lot in the 60s, but only in its federally intended role as a supplement to an interstate sign.  The surface-level signs were the Nevada/US style until 1971.

there used to be 6 and 50 there, too, but they vanished sometime between May and September of 2006.  I'm glad the 93 has stuck around, as that is not a sign you will see in California!

the Texas sign appears to have been modified from its original configuration.  Was 67/67B ever numbered as something else?
live from sunny San Diego.


Quote...and there are two of the four button-copy signs (that I know of) in Salt Lake County. The third is a small, inconspicuous clearance sign at that same interchange. There used to be a small sign at the 3900 South exit on I-215 that directed cars to "Salt Lake" (most likely dating back to 1969) but that was replaced over the summer.

Do you know of this one?

It's on 89 south as you cross I-15 just before downtown Salt Lake


Quotethe Texas sign appears to have been modified from its original configuration.  Was 67/67B ever numbered as something else?

My guess is that the routings were always the same, there just wasn't a shield for 67 Business- it just said "Business"- that seems to fit the sign well.

If it was a different number, somebody else will have to clarify. I just drove through there- I know very little about the history of that area.


Maybe not the best of road signs, but you have a rare diamond embossed sign for the Roseboom town line, and next to it, a tree eating a sign.  Signs growing into trees is a bit of a problem in Otsego County, New York, as referenced by the sign photo below...

national highway 1

I love these 'USA/Mexico signs! (From Nogales AZ, on AZ 189 [Michael Summa, 1988])

Outstanding button copy from Hawaii...

Arizona Colored Loop Shields

"Set up road signs; put up guideposts. Take note of the highway, the road that you take." Jeremiah 31:21


Quote from: agentsteel53 on September 27, 2010, 06:44:16 PM
the Alan Wood Road sign belongs in the "worst of the road" thread.  At first glance I thought it was an advertisement for a realtor or something.  

Yet, the white ALL TURNS sign deserves credit. Here is another button copy sign at the Philadelphia International Airport, I-95 southbound at PA 291 taken on flash:

and without:
UMaine graduate, former PennDOT employee, new SoCal resident.
Youtube l Flickr


Quote from: corco on September 27, 2010, 07:52:18 PM

Do you know of this one?

[Button copy sign that reads "Salt Lake."]

It's on 89 south as you cross I-15 just before downtown Salt Lake

Yeah, I know what you're talking about. North Salt Lake. Technically that's in Davis County (just north of the county line), but I guess for all intents and purposes it could be included. There's one just like it further up in Centerville on an I-15 off-ramp (exit 319), except it reads Centerville.
Infrastructure. The city.


QuoteTechnically that's in Davis County (just north of the county line), but I guess for all intents and purposes it could be included.

Ah, well that would do it! It's about 1000 feet north of the county line, so go figure.

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