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Erroneous road signs

Started by FLRoads, January 20, 2009, 04:01:44 PM

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Okay, we've all seen them and did a double-take when we did.  Yup, I'm talking about sign goofs.  We know they're out there, now let's see how many sign errors the DOT's and sign companies have put up across the country.  Here's one to get it started (which I have already posted on another thread)

A US 37 in Virginia??  No, don't get your hopes up, it's actually suppose to be VA 37.  This is located along southbound I-81 in Virginia.  The other signs at this interchange show the correct VA 37 but whoever crafted this particular sign didn't read the full instructions and decided to make all the numbers with US highway shields...


some goofs from Montana:

the worst part about that US-47 (should be MT-47) is that I remember when they had an older style US-47 there in Hardin (similar to the 39 with the narrower numbers).  When it came time to replace the shields ... yep, they replaced them all right.
live from sunny San Diego.


The Lake Ontario State Parkway at Dewey Avenue says that the exit is for NY 18.  NY 18 is at least a mile away from the exit.  This has even managed to survive a recent sign rehab on that part of the parkway.  Sorry, I don't have a pic of this.
Please note: All comments here represent my own personal opinion and do not reflect the official position of NYSDOT or its affiliates.


Some more sign goofs...

This sign should be put out of its misery, one for being the wrong shield style and two, it's ugly...

Another Virginia sign goof

Suppose to be US 29, but I guess the sign guys had some extra Florida 29 shields in their stockpile...


It's a bit blurry, but this is from I-59 South in Louisiana. The error is that the exit is listed for LA 1092, which has not existed in about 30 years, and when it did it didn't interchange with I-59. The other signs at that interchange get it right, signing the exit for LA 1090.


how about this Florida absurdity?
live from sunny San Diego.



wow, melting Florida Negative Two for the win.

I wonder if they ever blatantly screwed up the Floridachrome - a red US-90, or something?

here's some mucked up Floridachrome (wrong shape for sure, and also wrong tint - should be coral, not orange), as well as a cutout for green sign biffing a state highway into a US.

live from sunny San Diego.


Were those horrible 41 shields located in Naples??  They look familiar...


yes, southern terminus of county road 8XX.  832 maybe?

the 807 is in West Palm Beach.

so we stop picking on Florida, here is a goof from Litchfield, Illinois.

live from sunny San Diego.


First 395 shield south of U.S. 730.


They like messing up Interstate 55 in Illinois


Oregon has so many state/US goofs...

and going the other way:

and here is one from Ohio...

and this cutout NJ shield that I found while looking for the Ohio:

Ironic since NJ does not use the cutouts on green signs - they have black squares.

speaking of NJ:

and just across the river in PA:

and further down in PA:

the really interesting ones are US/interstate or state/interstate biffs.  Anyone have any photos of those?  I missed out on the I-99, I-152, and I-2 shields in CA.  I can't find my I-52 photo in La Jolla, but it is still there as of last week...

live from sunny San Diego.


here is a 101.  There also were 50 and 1 shields in construction zones...
live from sunny San Diego.


VA 33 at VA 298. The secondary route shield should be a primary one; it's since been fixed.

VA 460 ALT (right behind a correct US 460 ALT shield, to boot):

Creepy mutant VA 10 shield in Hopewell:
Will Weaver
WillWeaverRVA Photography | Twitter

"But how will the oxen know where to drown if we renumber the Oregon Trail?" - NE2


Virginia also biffs the state/US distinction a lot, as well as the primary/secondary.

do you know of any erroneous cutouts in Virginia?

I don't recall offhand any shields in the wild that are a) old enough to be cutouts, and b) erroneous - they would have had to survive quite a long time in their mistaken form...

I do have, on my wall, a NH/US/102 cutout shield.  I've also seen an embossed 1930s North Dakota state route 85 but alas when it was on eBay, I failed to land it.
live from sunny San Diego.


The Interstate 50 -
Interstate 905 prematurely signed -

Several of these circle shields posted along Massachusetts 136.

I've also seen circle shields for U.S. 202 and Pennsylvania 309 signed in the field too.


I had no idea Avenues could be Interstates...  :ded:
AARoads Forum Original


live from sunny San Diego.


Must be somewhere in Wyoming...
AARoads Forum Original


nope, Tonawanda NY.  it replaced this classic shield (Doug Kerr photo, as seen on

live from sunny San Diego.


Quote from: agentsteel53 on January 20, 2009, 06:17:58 PM
Virginia also biffs the state/US distinction a lot, as well as the primary/secondary.

do you know of any erroneous cutouts in Virginia?

I don't recall offhand any shields in the wild that are a) old enough to be cutouts, and b) erroneous - they would have had to survive quite a long time in their mistaken form...

I do have, on my wall, a NH/US/102 cutout shield.  I've also seen an embossed 1930s North Dakota state route 85 but alas when it was on eBay, I failed to land it.

When I think of erroneous cutouts in Virginia, I think of VA 102 (photos from the VA Highways Project):

In addition to the weird I-102 cutouts, there are also some strange triangle-shaped ones in the Bluefield area.
Will Weaver
WillWeaverRVA Photography | Twitter

"But how will the oxen know where to drown if we renumber the Oregon Trail?" - NE2


AARoads Forum Original


AARoads Forum Original


where is that??  I don't know of any CA-11s left in the wild.  they switched over to I-110 and CA-110 in 1980.
live from sunny San Diego.

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