State Clinches - Various Categories

Started by Buck87, December 16, 2013, 11:44:23 PM

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Been in, including visits where you never left the vehicle or landed plane

23-Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, California, Florida. (+DC)

Set foot in, including airport only visits

23. (+DC)

Set foot in, excluding airport only visits

23. (+DC)

Set foot in, excluding clinch motivated border crossings with less than a mile of penetration

23. (+DC)

Spent the night in

17-Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, California, Florida.

Spent more than one night in a row in

12-Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, Iowa, South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, California, Florida.

Driven a vehicle in

Driven? 10-Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, Michigan, Nebraska, Missouri.

Ridden a plane in (landing or taking off only)

4-Minnesota, Florida, Virginia, California

Ridden a helicopter in


Ridden a train in

4-Minnesota, Wisconsin, Virginia, New York. (+DC)

Ridden a moving boat in

7-Minnesota, Wisconsin, Virginia, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, California (if we count canoes, there's an eighth-Michigan). (+DC)

Been on a boat in


Ridden a roller coaster in

4-Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Florida.
Quote from: Max Rockatansky on December 05, 2023, 08:24:57 PMAASHTO attributes 28.5% of highway inventory shrink to bad road fan social media posts.

SP Cook

Quote from: Buck87 on December 16, 2013, 11:44:23 PM
Been in, including visits where you never left the vehicle or landed plane

All, except ID, AK, NE, OK, and ND.  Also PR and US Canal Zone when existant.  Also every prov. from ON east, except NL.

Set foot in, including airport only visits


Set foot in, excluding airport only visits

Delete UT, TX.

Set foot in, excluding clinch motivated border crossings with less than a mile of penetration

Delete IA and ID.  Also delete PEI.

Spent the night in

MA, NY, NJ, PA, WV, VA, NC, SC, GA, FL, TN, KY, OH, IN, MI, MN, SD, MO, LA, NM, CA, NV, OR, WA, WY, CO, HI.  Also Ontario and Quebec.  Also PR and US Canal Zone.
Spent more than one night in a row in

MA, NY, NJ, PA, WV, VA, NC, SC, FL, KY, OH, IN, MI, SD, MO, LA, NM, CA, NV, OR, WA, WY, HI.  Also Ontario, Puerto Rico and US Canal Zone.

Driven a vehicle in

Delete AZ.

Ridden a plane in (landing or taking off only)

MA, NY, NJ, MD, VA, WV, OH, KY, GA, FL, LA, TX, MO, MI, UT, WY, CA, OR, WA, HI, NM.  Also Ontario, Quebec, Puerto Rico, and US Canal Zone.

Ridden a helicopter in


Ridden a train in

Real train.  WV, VA, MD, DC, NJ.

Rail based comunal transit.  VA, MD, DC, MA, NY, CA, OR.

Theme park train.  WV, VA, OH, FL, CA, TN.

Monorail.  CA, FL, NV.

Ridden a moving boat in


Been on a boat in


Ridden a roller coaster in

WV, NJ, FL, VA, OH, CA.  Also Quebec.


Quote from: oscar on December 20, 2013, 08:55:26 PM
And if so, does it go to the low-water mark, the high-water mark, or somewhere else within tidal variations? 

we got there at low tide, and went a few feet into the water, just to make sure. 
live from sunny San Diego.


How many U.S. States have you...

Been in, including visits where you never left the vehicle or landed plane

43 - all but OR, ID, ND, KS, OK, MO, AR

Set foot in, including airport only visits

43 - "

Set foot in, excluding airport only visits

42 - all but OR, ID, ND, KS, OK, MO, AR, CO

Set foot in, excluding clinch motivated border crossings with less than a mile of penetration

42 - "

Spent the night in

36 - All but OR, ID, ND, KS, OK, MO, AR, UT, IA, WI, IN, WV, DE, TN

Spent more than one night in a row in

25 - CT, RI, MA, NH, ME, VT, NY, PA, MD, VA, NC, FL, AL, MS, TX, MI, SD, WY, WA, CA, HI, AK, NM, AZ, NV

Driven a vehicle in

41 - All but AK, OR, OK, ND, KS, ID, MO, AR, CO

Ridden a plane in (landing or taking off only)

23 - MA, RI, CT, NY, MI, IL, FL, MD, NC, TN, AL, GA, CA, AZ, NM, NV, WA, AK, HI, OH, CO, NJ, TX

Ridden a helicopter in

4 - NY, VT, AZ, AK

Ridden a train in

3 - NH, MA, VT

Ridden a moving boat in

11 - WA, CA, MA, ME, VT, RI, CT, FL, NC, HI, AK

Been on a boat in

11 - "

Ridden a roller coaster in

2 - VA, NH


I might be getting Vermont on February 18.

Traveled, plus
US 13, 50
MA 22, 35, 40, 53, 107, 109, 126, 141, 159
NH 27, 78, 111A(E); CA 90; NY 366; GA 42, 140; FL A1A, 7; CT 32, 320; VT 2A, 5A; PA 3, 51, 60, WA 202; QC 162, 165, 263; 🇬🇧A100, A3211, A3213, A3215, A4222; 🇫🇷95 D316

Lowest untraveled: 36


This is a deep necropost, but should this thread be sent to the Non-Roads > Travel board?

The Nature Boy

This looks quite fun.............

How many U.S. States have you...

Been in, including visits where you never left the vehicle or landed plane

25 - ME, NH, VT, MA, CT, RI, NY, NJ, MD, DE, VA, NC, SC, GA, FL, TN, KY, MO, WI, IL, IN, MI, OH, WV, PA

Set foot in, including airport only visits

25 - ME, NH, VT, MA, CT, RI, NY, NJ, MD, DE, VA, NC, SC, GA, FL, TN, KY, MO, WI, IL, IN, MI, OH, WV, PA

Set foot in, excluding airport only visits

25 - ME, NH, VT, MA, CT, RI, NY, NJ, MD, DE, VA, NC, SC, GA, FL, TN, KY, MO, WI, IL, IN, MI, OH, WV, PA

Set foot in, excluding clinch motivated border crossings with less than a mile of penetration

25 - ME, NH, VT, MA, CT, RI, NY, NJ, MD, DE, VA, NC, SC, GA, FL, TN, KY, MO, WI, IL, IN, MI, OH, WV, PA

Spent the night in

14 - ME, NH, VT, MA, CT, NY, MD, VA, NC, SC, FL, WI, IL, MI

Spent more than one night in a row in

14 - ME, NH, VT, MA, CT, NY, MD, VA, NC, SC, FL, WI, IL, MI

Driven a vehicle in

22 - ME, NH, VT, MA, CT, RI, NY, NJ, MD, DE, VA, NC, SC, TN, KY, WI, IL, IN, MI, OH, WV, PA

Ridden a plane in (landing or taking off only)

8 - NH, MA, MI, MD, NY, IL, PA, MO

Ridden a helicopter in


Ridden a train in

12 - MA, CT, RI, NY, NJ, MD, DE, VA, NC, SC, GA, FL

Ridden a moving boat in

5 - NC, NH, ME, NY, FL

Been on a boat in

5 - NC, NH, ME, NY, FL

Ridden a roller coaster in

2 - NC, MA


Hey look, it's been two years since I posted in this thread the first time, and I can't add too much to it.

I can definitely add WI, TN, and NC to "driven a vehicle in" and WI to my list of states that I've been on a boat in, but that's about it.

I should get out more.
Davenport, IA -> Valparaiso, IN -> Ames, IA -> Orlando, FL -> Gainesville, FL -> Evansville, IN


What's the difference between "ridden a moving boat in" and "been on a boat in"? My guess if you've been on a docked boat, you qualify for the latter but not the former, but are there other differences I'm missing? If not, my list is the same for both, since the only non-moving boats I've been on (the retired Queen Mary in Long Beach CA, USS Missouri in Honolulu) were in states where I also went on a moving boat: AK, HI, WA, CA, FL, NC, VA, DC, MD, DE, NJ, NY, CT, MA, MI, WI, MO, IL (all except CA, three small-boat rides in AK, and the only one in DC, were auto ferries), and in Canada YT, NT, BC, ON, QC, NB, PE, NS, NL (all auto ferries, except one of many in BC was a small-boat ride out of Tofino).

For the easiest ones:

Ridden a roller coaster in: between 0 and 2, depending on whether you count Disneyland's Matterhorn (CA) and its Disney World counterpart (FL) as "roller coasters". I otherwise don't do roller coasters.

Ridden a helicopter in: 0.

Ridden a train in:  CA, AZ, NM, UT (commuter and light rail), CO, KS, MO, IL, TX (only between Dallas/Ft. Worth airport terminals), FL, GA, SC, NC, VA, DC, MD, DE, PA, NJ, NY, CT, RI, MA, and in Canada ON (Toronto transit only) and MB.

Ridden a plane in (landing or taking off only): AK, HI, WA, CA, NV, AZ, TX, LA, MS, FL, GA, NC, VA, MD, PA, NJ, NY, RI, MA, MI, IL, TN, KY, MO; also PR; and in Canada AB, ON, QC, NS, NL, NT, and NU.

Been in, including visits where you never left the vehicle or landed plane,
Set foot in, including airport only visits,
Set foot in, excluding airport only visits,
Set foot in, excluding clinch motivated border crossings with less than a mile of penetration,
Spent the night in,
Driven a vehicle in: for all six categories, all 50 states, D.C., Puerto Rico, and all Canadian provinces and territories.

This category will need more thought:

Spent more than one night in a row in: (not necessarily in the same place) at least AK, HI, WA, OR, CA (lived there), AZ, UT, NM, CO, ID, TX, LA, MS, FL, GA, NC (lived there), VA (lived there), DC (lived there), NJ, PA, WV, NY, CT (lived there), RI, MA, ME, MI, AR, MO, MN (lived there), ND, SD, OK, WI, WY; also PR; and in Canada all provinces and territories.

Adding in countries other than US/Canada:

Been in: United Kingdom, Ireland (airport stopover when I was a baby), France (Guadeloupe), Italy, Haiti (airport stopover), Mexico.

Spent the night in: United Kingdom, France, Italy.

Spent more than one night in a row in: United Kingdom, France, Italy.

Driven a vehicle in: United Kingdom, Mexico.

Ridden a plane in (landing or taking off only): United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Italy, Haiti.

Ridden a train in: United Kingdom, Italy (both city subways only).

Ridden a boat (moving or stationary), helicopter, or roller coaster in: none of those.
my Hot Springs and Highways pages, with links to my roads sites:

english si

My states are unchanged since last time, I'll broaden it to countries as well as they are so poor.
Quote from: english si on December 17, 2013, 10:04:12 AM
How many U.S. States have you...
Been in, including visits where you never left the vehicle or landed plane: 5 - AZ, CA, FL, MI, NV
Set foot in, including airport only visits: 5 - AZ, CA, FL, MI, NV
Set foot in, excluding airport only visits: 4 - AZ, CA, FL, NV
Set foot in, excluding clinch motivated border crossings with less than a mile of penetration : 4 - AZ, CA, FL, NV
Spent the night in: 3.5 - CA, FL, MI (half: flight arrived about 5pm, storm kept next flight grounded until early hours. Slept in Airport), NV
Spent more than one night in a row in: 3 - CA, FL, NV
Driven a vehicle in: 2 - CA, FL
Ridden a plane in (landing or taking off only): 4 - CA, FL, MI, NV
Ridden a helicopter in: None
Ridden a train in: 4 - CA, FL, NV, MI
Ridden a moving boat in : 2 - CA, FL
Been on a boat in: 2 - CA, FL
Ridden a roller coaster in: 3 - CA, FL, NV
How many Countries have you...
Been in: GBR (United Kingdom), IRL (Ireland), FRA (France), DEU (Germany), ITA (Italy), ESP (Spain), MLT (Malta), THA (Thailand), IDN (Indonesia), USA (USA)
Spent the night in: GBR, IRL, FRA, DEU, ITA, ESP, MLT, THA, IDN, USA
Spent more than one night in a row in: GBR, IRL, FRA, DEU, ITA, ESP, MLT, THA, IDN, USA
Driven a vehicle in: GBR, USA (and I was literally providing drive to a scooter in Indonesia that I was riding (or supposed to be riding), but I wasn't steering it)
Ridden a plane in (landing or taking off only): GBR, DEU, ITA, ESP, MLT, THA, IDN, USA
Ridden a train in: GBR, FRA, DEU, ITA, ESP, USA
Ridden a moving boat in :  GBR, IRL, FRA, MLT, IDN, USA
Ridden a roller coaster in:  GBR, FRA, USA


Quote from: english si on November 18, 2015, 03:17:02 AM
How many Countries have you...
Been in: GBR (United Kingdom), IRL (Ireland), FRA (France), DEU (Germany), ITA (Italy), ESP (Spain), MLT (Malta), THA (Thailand), IDN (Indonesia), USA (USA)
Spent the night in: GBR, IRL, FRA, DEU, ITA, ESP, MLT, THA, IDN, USA
Spent more than one night in a row in: GBR, IRL, FRA, DEU, ITA, ESP, MLT, THA, IDN, USA
Driven a vehicle in: GBR, USA (and I was literally providing drive to a scooter in Indonesia that I was riding (or supposed to be riding), but I wasn't steering it)
Ridden a plane in (landing or taking off only): GBR, DEU, ITA, ESP, MLT, THA, IDN, USA
Ridden a train in: GBR, FRA, DEU, ITA, ESP, USA
Ridden a moving boat in :  GBR, IRL, FRA, MLT, IDN, USA
Ridden a roller coaster in:  GBR, FRA, USA

Been in: USA, Canada, Netherlands, West and East Germany (while still separate), Denmark, Norway, Sweden, France, Mexico
Spent the night in: USA, West Germany, Norway, France
Spent more than one night in a row in: USA, West Germany, Norway, France
Driven a vehicle in: USA
Plane landing/takeoff: USA, Netherlands, West Germany
Ridden a train: USA, West Germany, East Germany
Ridden a moving boat in: USA, Denmark, Norway, Sweden
Ridden a roller coaster in: USA
Indiana: counties 100%, highways 100%
Illinois: counties 100%, highways 61%
Michigan: counties 100%, highways 56%
Wisconsin: counties 86%, highways 23%


Quote from: oscar on November 17, 2015, 10:31:27 PM
Adding in countries other than US/Canada:

Many thanks! Now I can answer properly to this thread, since I haven't been to the USA yet...

Been in: Andorra, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain.

Spent the night in: France, Italy, Spain.

Spent more than one night in a row in: Same as above.

Driven a vehicle in: France (barely), Spain.

Ridden a plane in (landing or taking off only): Spain.

Ridden a train in: France (Tram/streetcar only), Spain.

Ridden a boat (moving or stationary) in: France, Italy, Portugal, Spain.

Ridden a roller coaster in: Spain.
Supporter of the construction of several running gags, including I-366 with a speed limit of 85 mph (137 km/h) and the Hypotenuse.

Please note that I may mention "invalid" FM channels, i.e. ending in an even number or down to 87.5. These are valid in Europe.


Quote from: OscarWhat's the difference between "ridden a moving boat in" and "been on a boat in"? My guess if you've been on a docked boat, you qualify for the latter but not the former, but are there other differences I'm missing?

That's how I interpreted that one.  Needed differentiation since it's very possible to be on a boat that isn't moving if it never leaves the dock/pier/anchorage (and I have 2 states where such is the case).


How many U.S. States have you...
Been in, including visits where you never left the vehicle or landed plane: All except AK, HI, MI, PR
Set foot in, including airport only visits: same
Set foot in, excluding airport only visits: same
Set foot in, excluding clinch motivated border crossings with less than a mile of penetration : same
Spent the night in: same plus also not in NV, NH, OK
Spent more than one night in a row in: same as directly above except also not in AR, CO, DE, IA, KS, MA, MN, MO, NE, NJ, NM, ND, OH, SD, VT
Driven a vehicle in: all except AK, HI, MI, CA, NV, OK
Ridden a plane in (landing or taking off only): SC, GA, CA, WI, VA (all before 1975)
Ridden a helicopter in: None
Ridden a train in: NC, VA, DC, MD, WV, PA, OH, IN, IL, WI, MN, ND, MT
Ridden a moving boat in : SC, NC, VA, NY, WY, WA, FL, WV, ME
Been on a boat in: same as ridden
Ridden a roller coaster in: NC, SC
How many Countries have you...
Been in: GBR (United Kingdom), USA (USA), CAN (Canada)
Spent the night in: all 3
Spent more than one night in a row in: all 3
Driven a vehicle in: CAN, USA
Ridden a plane in (landing or taking off only): USA
Ridden a train in: GBR, USA
Ridden a moving boat in : all 3
Ridden a roller coaster in:  USA



Re moving boat - I assume the distinction is for boats that stayed docked.  For instance, in Mass. I toured Old Ironsides, while it was floating but docked.


As this thread has been necro'd, here's an update.

Quote from: Brandon on December 23, 2013, 10:29:47 PM
How many U.S. States have you...

Been in, including visits where you never left the vehicle or landed plane

44 - never been to AK, WA, OR, ND, ME, RI, CT, NJ, or DE + DC
(CDN - ON, MB; MX - QR, COA)

Set foot in, including airport only visits

44 + DC (CDN - ON, MB; MX - QR, COA)

Set foot in, excluding airport only visits

44 + DC (CDN - ON, MB; MX - QR, COA)

Set foot in, excluding clinch motivated border crossings with less than a mile of penetration

41 - excluding OK, ID, and MT
+ DC (CDN - ON, MB; MX - QR)

Spent the night in

30 - HI, CA, NV, UT, AZ, CO, WY, NE, KS, LA, MO, IA, MN, WI, IL, IN, MI, OH, NY, NH, MD, KY, SC, and FL + DC, ON + ND, TX, AR, VA, PA, SD

Spent more than one night in a row in

20 - HI (on a boat in HI waters), CA, NV, UT, CO, WY, KS, MN, WI, MO, LA, IL, IN, OH, MI, FL, MD, and NH + DC, ON + TX, ND

Driven a vehicle in

31 - HI, CA, NV, UT, AZ, WY, CO, NE, KS, TX, MN, IA, MO, AR, LA, MS, TN, KY, IL, WI, MI, IN, OH + ON + OK, SD, ND, VA, DE, NJ, MD, PA, COA (MX), QR (MX), MB (CDN), & DC

Ridden a plane in (landing or taking off only)

13 - HI, CA, NV, AZ, AL, FL, GA, VA, IL, WI, and MI + TX, MO

Ridden a helicopter in

0 - Never been in a helicopter

Ridden a train in

3 - CO (D&SRR), MI (People Mover), and IL (Metra, L) + ON (Toronto Subway)

Ridden a moving boat in

6 - HI, TX, FL, IL, and MI + MO (IL/MO ferry)

Been on a boat in

6 - HI, TX, FL, IL, and MI + MO (IL/MO ferry)

Ridden a roller coaster in

6 - NV (NY NY, Stratosphere), MO (SF STL), IL (SF GA), IN (IB), OH (CP), and MI (MA)
"If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention." - Ramsay Bolton, "Game of Thrones"

"Symbolic of his struggle against reality." - Reg, "Monty Python's Life of Brian"


Ha, I had forgotten about making this thread. But since it's back I've updated my personal list by editing the OP.

Though one thing I'm not sure about is whether or not to count New Jersey for the boat category, because it depends on whether or not the Staten Island Ferry crosses into NJ waters for a bit as the dotted lines on both Rand McNally and Google maps suggests it does. For now I'm not counting it.

Quote from: kkt on November 18, 2015, 12:15:28 PM
Re moving boat - I assume the distinction is for boats that stayed docked. 

Yep, either stay docked or were docked at the time you were on it. Examples from my own list would be the USS Alabama, USS Yorktown, and the former McDonald's riverboat in St. Louis.


Quote from: Mapmikey on November 18, 2015, 12:09:44 PM
How many U.S. States have you...
Been in, including visits where you never left the vehicle or landed plane: All except AK, HI, MI, PR

PR is a state now?
How did you manage to not get to MI, when you got to the other 47 contiguous states?


How many U.S. States have you...

(1) Been in, including visits where you never left the vehicle or landed plane

Calif., Ore., Wash., Nev., Ariz., Utah, N.M., Colo., Tex., Idaho, Wyo., OK, Kansas, Nebraska, Mich., Iowa, Missouri, Ill., Ind., Ken., Georgia, S.C., N.C., Virginia, W.V., Md., De., N.J. Penn., N.Y., Conn., Mass.

(also Baja, Baja Sur, Sonora, B.C., Alta., Northwest Territories)

Are we supposed to be estimating what states our airliner was flying over?  Then add, ummm, Mont., N.D., S.D., Wisc., Vt., N.H., Tenn.

Set foot in, including airport only visits

Same list.

Set foot in, excluding airport only visits

Remove Minn.

Set foot in, excluding clinch motivated border crossings with less than a mile of penetration

Same list.

Spent the night in

List from (1), minus Texas, OK, Minn., Iowa, Ind., Ken., Georgia, S.C., N.C., W.V., Md., N.J., Penn., and Conn.

Spent more than one night in a row in

This is getting boring.  Same list.

Driven a vehicle in

Calif., Ore., Wash., Utah, Idaho, Wyo., Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Ill., Ind., Ken., Georgia, S.C., N.C., Virginia, W.V., Penn., Mass.

Ridden a plane in (landing or taking off only)

Calif., Wash., Nev., Kansas, Minn., Missouri, Ill., Georgia, S.C., N.C., Virginia, Md., Penn., N.Y., Conn., Mass.

Ridden a helicopter in


Ridden a train in

Calif., Or., Wash., Mass., N.Y., Va., Md., Del.

Ridden a moving boat in

Calif., Wash., Northwest Territories

Been on a boat in

above plus Or., Mass., Va.

Ridden a roller coaster in

Calif., Wash., Va.


Updated since a couple years ago, with additions italicized:

Been in, including visits where you never left the vehicle or landed plane: 48(+DC) - ME, NH, VT, MA, RI, CT, NY, NJ, DE, PA, MD, VA, WV, NC, SC, KY, TN, OH, IN, MI, IL, MO, KS, CO, UT, AZ, NV, CA, NM, TX, OK, AR, LA, MS, AL, GA, FL, WI, IA, MN, NE, SD, ND, WY, MT, ID, OR, WA
Set foot in, including airport only visits: 48(+DC) - ME, NH, VT, MA, RI, CT, NY, NJ, DE, PA, MD, VA, WV, NC, SC, KY, TN, OH, IN, MI, IL, MO, KS, CO, UT, AZ, NV, CA, NM, TX, OK, AR, LA, MS, AL, GA, FL, WI, IA, MN, NE, SD, ND, WY, MT, ID, OR, WA
Set foot in, excluding airport only visits: 48(+DC) - ME, NH, VT, MA, RI, CT, NY, NJ, DE, PA, MD, VA, WV, NC, SC, KY, TN, OH, IN, MI, IL, MO, KS, CO, UT, AZ, NV, CA, NM, TX, OK, AR, LA, MS, AL, GA, FL, WI, IA, MN, NE, SD, ND, WY, MT, ID, OR, WA
Set foot in, excluding clinch motivated border crossings with less than a mile of penetration: 48(+DC) - ME, NH, VT, MA, RI, CT, NY, NJ, DE, PA, MD, VA, WV, NC, SC, KY, TN, OH, IN, MI, IL, MO, KS, CO, UT, AZ, NV, CA, NM, TX, OK, AR, LA, MS, AL, GA, FL, WI, IA, MN, NE, SD, ND, WY, MT, ID, OR, WA
Spent the night in: 37(+DC) - ME, NH, VT, MA, RI, CT, NY, NJ, DE, PA, MD, VA, WV, NC, KY, TN, OH, MI, IL, MO, CO, UT, AZ, NV, CA, NM, TX, OK, AL, GA, FL, WI, MN, NE, ND, ID, OR
Spent more than one night in a row in: 23(+DC) - ME, NH, VT, MA, RI, CT, NY, NJ, DE, PA, MD, VA, KY, OH, MI, IL, MO, CO, AZ, CA, GA, FL, NE
Driven a vehicle in: 48(+DC) - ME, NH, VT, MA, RI, CT, NY, NJ, DE, PA, MD, VA, WV, NC, SC, KY, TN, OH, IN, MI, IL, MO, KS, CO, UT, AZ, NV, CA, NM, TX, OK, AR, LA, MS, AL, GA, FL, WI, IA, MN, NE, SD, ND, WY, MT, ID, OR, WA
Ridden a plane in (landing or taking off only): 8 - NY, NJ, NC, GA, FL, CO, AZ, CA
Ridden a helicopter in: 0
Ridden a train in: 15(+DC) - MA, CT, NY, NJ, DE, PA, MD, OH, MI, IL, MO, CO, AZ, CA, FL
Ridden a moving boat in: 15(+DC) - ME, NH, VT, MA, CT, NY, NJ, DE, MD, VA, KY, OH, IL, CA, FL
Been on a boat in: 16(+DC) - ME, NH, VT, MA, CT, NY, NJ, DE, PA, MD, VA, KY, OH, IL, CA, FL
Ridden a roller coaster in: 5 - MA, NJ, PA, VA, CO
If you always take the same road, you will never see anything new.


Decided to do this, despite having only been to a small number of states.  Including Canada and excluding categories that aren't applicable:
Been in, including visits where you never left the vehicle or landed plane: NY, VT, NH, ME, MA, CT, RI, PA, NJ, MD, DE, DC, VA, ON, QC
Set foot in NY, VT, NH, ME, MA, CT, PA, NJ, MD, DE, DC, VA, ON, QC
Spent the night in: NY, ME, MA, PA, NJ, MD, DE, DC, VA, ON, QC
Spent more than one night in a row in: NY, ME, MA, PA, MD, DC, VA, ON, QC
Driven a vehicle in: NY, VT, NH, MA, CT, PA, NJ, MD, DE, ON, QC
Ridden a train in: NY, MA, DC, VA, ON (assuming light rail counts)
Ridden a moving boat in: NY, VT (ferry), MA, PA, DC, ON (possibly MD)
Been on a boat in: NY, VT (ferry), MA, PA, DC, ON (possibly MD)
Ridden a roller coaster in: NY
Please note: All comments here represent my own personal opinion and do not reflect the official position of NYSDOT or its affiliates.


Lived in: WA
Spent the night in: OR, CA, HI, MD, DC, VA
Traveled through: OR, ID, CA, DC, MD, VA, UT
Airport layovers: IL, MN
Driven a vehicle in: WA
Ridden a subway/light rail train: WA, UT, DC, MD, VA
Ridden a roller coaster in: ID
Wikipedia - TravelMapping (100% of WA SRs)



Mine's changed considerably since last time.

Been in, including visits where you never left the vehicle or landed plane

47- all but AK, CT, RI

Set foot in, including airport only visits

47- all but AK, CT, RI

Set foot in, excluding airport only visits

47 - all but AK, CT, RI

Set foot in, excluding clinch motivated border crossings with less than a mile of penetration

47- all but AK, CT, RI

Spent the night in

42 - all but AK, MS, CT, RI, PA, VT, SC, GA

Spent more than one night in a row in

31- All but AK, NM, ND, NE, MN, IA, MO, AR, LA, MS, IN, VA, SC, GA, PA, DE, CT, RI, VT

Driven a vehicle in

43 - All but AK, CT, RI, VT, FL, ME, HI

Ridden a plane in (landing or taking off only)

25 - HI, WA, OR, CA, ID, NV, AZ, UT, WY, CO, TX, IL, KY, TN, MI, OH, VA, MN, NC, GA, FL, MA, NJ, NY, MT

Ridden a helicopter in


Ridden a train in

4 - IL, WA, NY, NJ

Ridden a moving boat in

12 - WA, OR, ID, HI, FL, OH, IL, WV, VA, NJ, DE, NY

Been on a boat in

13 - WA, OR, ID, HI, FL, OH, IL, WV, VA, MA, NJ, DE, NY

Ridden a roller coaster in

3 - IL, FL, ID

Thing 342

Dont remember if I've ever posted in this thread, but here's an update:

Been in, including visits where you never left the vehicle or landed plane

All except: AR, OK, TX, NM, LA, MS, OR, WA, HI, ME, NH, VT, WI, ND (36)

Set foot in, including airport only visits

Above, excluding RI (35)

Set foot in, excluding airport only visits

Above, excluding UT, MN, MI (32)

Set foot in, excluding clinch motivated border crossings with less than a mile of penetration

Same (32)

Spent the night in

Above, excluding OH, IN, KY, CT, ID, MT, IA, KS (24)

Spent more than one night in a row in

Above, excluding CO, TN, and SD (21)

Driven a vehicle in

VA, NC, SC, GA, FL, WV, KY, OH, IN, IL, MD, DE (12)

Ridden a plane in (landing or taking off only)

VA, GA, PA, KY, MI, UT, MN, NV, AK, CA, AZ, MO, WY, NE, FL (15)

Ridden a helicopter in

VA, AK, AZ (3)

Ridden a train in

VA (1)

Ridden a moving boat in

VA, NC, SC, AK, FL, NY, NJ (7)

Been on a boat in

Same as above (7)

Ridden a roller coaster in

VA, GA, FL, NC, SC, MD, NV (7)

Nexus 6P


Been in, including visits where you never left the vehicle or landed plane

49.  All except AK.

Set foot in, including airport only visits

49.  All except AK.

Set foot in, excluding airport only visits

49.  All except AK.

Set foot in, excluding clinch motivated border crossings with less than a mile of penetration

49.  All except AK.

Spent the night in

Out of my 49, the only ones I'm unsure about are: CT (I grew up in need to spend the night there...just drive throughs :D), IA and OK.  So, 46.

Spent more than one night in a row in

Again, out of my 49, ones I'm sure about: 27: AZ, CA, CO, DE, FL, HI, ID, IL, IN, KY, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MT, NH, NY, NC, SD, TX, UT, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY.  Not sure about: LA, NV, OH.

Driven a vehicle in

I was about to say all except AK again to this one, but there are states where I was driven in a vehicle rather than where I was doing to the driving.  So, I haven't driven in AK, IA, NE, OK or SD, so 45 states.

Ridden a plane in (landing or taking off only)

IN, UT, CT, PA, GA, MI, KY, CO, VA, MD, IL, MO, WA, CA, NC, ID, MN, WI, HI, MA, NJ, NY, AZ, TX, and 25.  Not sure if I've ever flown into Cleveland (OH).

Ridden a helicopter in


Ridden a train in

MA, CT, NY, NJ, PA, MD; UT (Heber Creeper :D); and NH (Cog Railway :D).  CA - Does BART count? :D  Anyway, 7 definites (8 including DC) :D.

Ridden a moving boat in

MA (including ferries to MV and Nantucket), NY, NJ, WI, MN, WY (across Jenny Lake :D), WA (San Juan Island ferries and boat up to Stehekin on Lake Chelan), FL (one of those swamp skimmers), OH (ferry to Perry's Victory).  Oh wait, vehicle ferries, too: NC (can't believe that's it...I'm forgetting somewhere).  Also rode a steamboat somewhere that I can't remember now :D.

Been on a boat in

Same, I think.

Ridden a roller coaster in

Surprisingly few: CA, FL, OH, MA.

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Opinions expressed here on belong solely to the poster and do not represent or reflect the opinions or beliefs of AARoads, its creators and/or associates.