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Highways You Have Clinched

Started by Ian, June 27, 2009, 04:33:34 PM

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Quote from: agentsteel53 on June 30, 2009, 03:56:06 AM

I've done the 307 miles of I-5 in Oregon many a time without stop ... because who wants to stop for socialism and the deprivation of the right to pump one's own gas?

Even though OR's gas is, on average, usually cheaper than either CA's or WA's?



I've always wondered how they pull that off... someone's gotta be paying for the full service.
live from sunny San Diego.


Quote from: agentsteel53 on June 30, 2009, 07:40:13 PM
I've always wondered how they pull that off... someone's gotta be paying for the full service.

Because it's not full service.  They are just pumping the gas.  It's rare that they clean the windshield much less check the oil.



okay, half-service then.  Anything more than a machine to read your card, and you to do all the work.  Someone has to be paying for the difference in service level.
live from sunny San Diego.

Mr. Matté

It's probably the lower gas taxes.  Oregon's is $.434/gal, while Washington's is $.559 and California's is $.583.

It's the same situation in Jersey, we have $.329/gal while New York and Pennsylvania have significantly higher ones.


the drones must be getting paid out of the general coffers, then!
live from sunny San Diego.


Quote from: Mr. Matté on July 01, 2009, 01:33:15 PM
It's the same situation in Jersey, we have $.329/gal while New York and Pennsylvania have significantly higher ones.

It's probably lower because of the higher percentage of toll roads, bridges, tunnels, etc. in the state!  :wow:
My Flickr Photos:

I'm out of this F***KING PLACE!


These are highways I have clinched:

Michigan:M-51, M-40, US 12, I-69,i-75,i-94,I-96,I-696, US 31, US 127,US 45, M-28,M-22, M-38,M-26,M-14,M-63, M-77,M-17, M-104, M-69
Florida: SR 50, SR 19, SR 528, SR 61, US 319, SR 436,I-4
Other States: I-24, I-294-Chicago , US 2 in Wisconsin, I-17 in Arizona, I-44 in Missouri


Quote from: agentsteel53 on July 01, 2009, 12:28:29 PM
okay, half-service then.  Anything more than a machine to read your card, and you to do all the work.  Someone has to be paying for the difference in service level.

How many people work a standard convenience store/station at any given time in CA or WA on average?



Louisiana: I-10, I-12, I-20, I-49, I-55, I-59, I-110, I-210, I-310, I-510, I-610, I-910, US 11, Business US 51, Business US 90 (Westbank/NO), Business US 190 (Covington), Business US 190 (Slidell), LA 21, LA 25, LA 36, LA 41, LA 59, LA 433, LA 434, LA 435, Spur LA 435, Spur LA 437, LA 1077, LA 1078, LA 1081, LA 1082, LA 1083, LA 1084, LA 1085, LA 1087, LA 1088, LA 1089, LA 1090, LA 1091, LA 1093-1, LA 1093-3, LA 3021, LA 3046, LA 3081, LA 3139, LA 3152, LA 3188, LA 3228

Mississippi: I-10, I-110, (Former) US 65, US 425, MS 604, MS 607 (both segments)

Alabama: I-10, I-85

Florida: I-110

Georgia: I-85

South Carolina: BL 85, I-585

Texas: I-610, I-45, I-345

Oklahoma: US 287

Colorado: BL 25 (Walsenburg), (Former) CO 29

Utah: I-80

Nevada: I-515

New Mexico: I-40


Here are the Interstates and US routes I clinched

NOTE: the I-376 extension screwed up my results in Pittsburgh :pan: (I have all of the current Interstates there clinched - just haven't gotten around to fixing that yet.
Scott O.

Not all who wander are lost...
Ah, the open skies, wind at my back, warm sun on my... wait, where the hell am I?!
As a matter of fact, I do own the road.
Raise your what?

Wisconsin - out-multiplexing your state since 1918.


Quote from: Master son on July 03, 2009, 02:07:55 AM
NOTE: the I-376 extension screwed up my results in Pittsburgh :pan: (I have all of the current Interstates there clinched - just haven't gotten around to fixing that yet.

It's screwed up a lot of ours, mine included.  X-(
My Flickr Photos:

I'm out of this F***KING PLACE!



Quote from: agentsteel53 on June 30, 2009, 07:40:13 PM
I've always wondered how they pull that off... someone's gotta be paying for the full service.

What OR & NJ lacks in gas tax income, they probably make up in income taxes from those hired just to pump the gas!

Hot Rod Hootenanny

Quote from: agentsteel53 on June 30, 2009, 07:40:13 PM
I've always wondered how they pull that off... someone's gotta be paying for the full service.

Yeah, California.  :poke: :D
Please, don't sue Alex & Andy over what I wrote above


VA: I-95, VA 195, I-295, I-395, I-495, VA 895, I-85, VA 31, VA 36, VA 73, VA 144, VA 146, VA 153, VA 226, VA 288, US 460 Business(Petersburg)
NC: I-95, I-795, I-85, I-85 Business(Greensboro), I-140, NC 168
SC: I-95, I-85, I-20, SC 65
GA: I-95
FL: FL 869, I-395
DC: DC 295, I-295
MD: I-95, I-295, I-83, I-97, MD 70
DE: I-295, I-495
PA: I-95(until the I-276 interchange is complete), I-195(fut)
NJ: I-95/NJTP, NJ 208

I am now a PennDOT employee.  My opinions/views do not necessarily reflect the opinions/views of PennDOT.

Travel Mapping:


Interstate 35W (Tx)
Interstate 35E (Tx)
Interstate 37
Interstate 27
Interstate 29
Almost Interstate 35
Texas 21
F.M 2288
Loop 306


Europe for me (excluding the Netherlands, otherwise it'd become messy). Most of this has been driven in the past 5 years by me.


Quote from: Bickendan on June 30, 2009, 11:30:21 AM
cialism here is a joke. And so is the right to pump our own gas.

Yup.  Besides, much of I-5 passes through Hicksville.

To me, the worst part of no self-serve is that it take you about 3 times as long to get through the station vs. self-serve pay-at-the-pump.


Highways I have clinched...

California: I-5, I-10, I-15, I-80, I-205, I-210, I-215, I-238, I-280, I-380, I-405, I-505, I-580, I-680, I-780, I-880, I-980, US 50, US 101, BL-80, CA-1, CA-4, CA-9, CA-12, CA-13, CA-17, CA-24, CA-35, CA-41, CA-46, CA-58, CA-60, CA-68, CA-82, CA-84, CA-85, CA-87, CA-88, CA-89, CA-91, CA-92, CA-99, CA-108, CA-120, CA-130, CA-132, CA-152, CA-156, CA-160, CA-168, CA-180, CA-237, CA-242, CA-262, CA-267

Nevada: I-80, I-15, I-215, I-515, US 50, US 93, US 95, US 395, NV-146, NV-341, NV-431, NV-582

Oregon: I-5, I-82, I-84, I-205, US 26, US 30, US 730, OR-18, OR-22, OR-99

Washington: I-5, I-82, I-90, I-182, I-405, US 12, US 395, WA-17, WA-18, WA-164, WA-167, WA-520, WA-900
Quote from: golden eagle
If I owned a dam and decided to donate it to charity, would I be giving a dam? I'm sure that might be a first because no one really gives a dam.


My as-yet-incomplete list (and also another plug for Clinched Highway Mapping):


Interstates: I-27, I-44, and various 3dis
U.S. Routes: US 266 and US 177

State Highways: too many to list
uncontrollable freak sardine salad chef


AL: I-22, I-65, I-359, I-459, I-565
GA: I-59, I-985
MS: I-22
TN: I-65, I-81, I-275, I-440
KY: I-24, Bluegrass Pkwy
IL: I-24

golden eagle

This is a follow-up, if you will, of my topic of interstates you've clinched in your own state. Here's all the interstates I've clinched in each state:

Mississippi: all interstates
Alabama: I-10, I-20, I-65, I-85, I-359
Georgia: I-20, I-285, I-520, I-985
Louisiana: I-12, I-55, I-59, I-610 
Tennessee: I-55, I-65, I-240
Kentucky: I-65, I-71
Ohio: I-75
Indiana: I-70, I-94
Illinois: I-55, I-57, I-72, I-94
Missouri: I-55, I-57, I-255
California: I-805


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