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Decommissioned routes you have clinched

Started by hbelkins, April 13, 2018, 01:18:56 PM

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Either before or after its decommissioning.

US 227 (after).

I-181 (before).
Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.


SP Cook

Previous version of US 48 (before and after)
Previous version of WV 17 (after)


Do I-70N and I-70S count? Long after renumbering in both cases. Also I-170 (MD), after.

I clinched GA 160 pre-decommissioning. Think I also picked up GA 351 after it was turned back.


The truth is the truth even if no one believes it, and a lie is a lie even if everyone believes it.


All in NC:

US-117 Alternate between Goldsboro and Wilson
"I don't know whether to wind my ass or scratch my watch!" -Jim Cornette


About 4800 km of decommissioned highways throughout Ontario. Likely more in other places but my knowledge of those is not as extensive.
and waterrrrrrr!


Decommissioned Routes I clinched as the driver while they were still active (sure I am forgetting some):

US 17 ALT below Hardeeville SC; US 17 Bus (Mt Pleasant SC; Windsor NC); US 21 Bus (Rock Hill SC); US 76 Bus (Newberry SC); US 76-123 Bus (Seneca SC); US 176 Bus (Union SC); SC 31 (Charleston); SC 73 Myrtle Beach; SC 170 ALT; SC 281 SPUR (Port Royal); both SC 478s

US 29 Bus #1 for Danville VA; US 29 Business #1 for Lynchburg VA; VA 44 Virginia Beach; VA 104 Chesapeake; VA 163 Williamsburg; VA 167 Hampton; VA 212 #5; VA 253 Occoquan; VA 275 Staunton; VA 408, VA 410, VA 411, VA 414 (all Virginia Beach)

I-95 Bus (Kenly-Wilson-Rocky Mt); I-495 (Raleigh); US 158 Bus (Nags Head); NC 6 Greensboro; NC 44 (both that have existed)

WV 59  :D; WV 972

MD 95, MD 901

I-181 (TN)

Former US routes I have driven the entirety of since their existence (only counting corridors that are not US routes anymore):
US 48 (now I-68), US 213, US 230, US 240


MN 66 (both incarnations) - both after
MN 110 (will be eliminated this year) - before
MN 127 - after
MN 324 - probably before
MN 361 - after
I make Poiponen look smart


US 74A through Monroe, NC, Decommissioned in 1954 shortly after US 74 was routed on a northern bypass of the city.
I-326 in South Carolina, which I believe is now I-77 from the interchange with I-26 to I-20.
I-495 NC before it was changed to I-87.

Big John


Interesting thread. The only one I can think of is old VA 253 (which is now SR 906) in Prince William County.
Will Weaver
WillWeaverRVA Photography | Twitter

"But how will the oxen know where to drown if we renumber the Oregon Trail?" - NE2


There are numerous Florida State Secondary Roads which were turned back to County Roads. Almost any route number with a blue pentagon was once an SR or SSR designated by the Florida Department of Transportation. I can claim:

15B, 15C, 18, 80A, 42, 74, 92, 132, 153, 172, 208, 210, 214, 218, 227, 229, 231, 232, 234, 236, 237, 239, 241, 309, 314, 315, 316, 318, 325, 329, 329A, 329B, 337, 338, 368, 419, 420, 507, 512, 516, 523, 555, 582A, 598, 606, 608, 609, 619, 621, 623, 634, 635, 702, 709, 711, 712, 712A, 712B, 718, 720, 721, 724, 731, 733, 760, 769, 770, 782, 792, 795, 798, 811A, 827, 832, 833, 835, 837, 839, 841, 846, 851, 854, 865, 876, 880, 886, 896, 901, 905, 905A, 951, 5054.

To be honest, only a handful of the above were state roads (329, 598, 707, 798, 854) when I'd clinched them, and then later decommissioned.

I can also count the entire length of US 241 (the longest US route I've clinched) and US 94.


WA 237 (after)
WA 540 (after)
WA 126 (after)
WA 908 (before and after)
WA 111 temporary (Hurricane Ridge Road) (after)
The original WA 121 (junction US 12 in Rochester via Littlerock to junction I-5 south of Tumwater) (after)
WA 603 (after)
WA 209 (after)
WA 901 (after)

All of these were decommissioned before I was born (1992), with the exception of WA 908, which was decommissioned in 2010.
Alright, this is how it's gonna be!


Quote from: formulanone on April 13, 2018, 03:08:49 PM
There are numerous Florida State Secondary Roads which were turned back to County Roads. Almost any route number with a blue pentagon was once an SR or SSR designated by the Florida Department of Transportation.

Good point, I forgot about those. Throw in 169, 171, and 173 up in the Panhandle.


The only one I can think of off the top of my head that I clinched before it was renumbered was the most recent VA 44 (now I-264 east of I-64) and that was well before I could drive. I’ve also driven the entirety of the second VA 44 (and am an advocate for it becoming primary again, at least east of VA 288), VA 416, 417, 418, the ancient VA 154 (now Prince George County secondary route 625 between US 460 and VA 10) and numerous segments of several others, both active and inactive (the entire historic reach of VA 38, for example).
Quote from: Rothman on July 15, 2021, 07:52:59 AM
Olive Garden must be stopped.  I must stop them.

Don't @ me. Seriously.


Too many to count. In fact almost all Spanish roads below National highway have been renumbered at some point in the past (mostly in the 90s).

The most prominent one: the original N-123, which ran between Zaragoza and Huesca. Of course, after (it was deleted in 1982 when a section of planned N-330 was cancelled; and I was born in 1993).
Supporter of the construction of several running gags, including I-366 with a speed limit of 85 mph (137 km/h) and the Hypotenuse.

Please note that I may mention "invalid" FM channels, i.e. ending in an even number or down to 87.5. These are valid in Europe.


The one that first comes to mind is in England: A344 to Stonehenge, after its east end was truncated to the former Stonehenge car park, but before the rest of the route was decommissioned and now serves shuttles to and from the new car park on A360.
my Hot Springs and Highways pages, with links to my roads sites:


Quote from: thefraze_1020 on April 13, 2018, 03:10:00 PM
WA 111 temporary (Hurricane Ridge Road) (after)

Heh, never knew this was state-maintained, always figured the NPS took care of it. I can count this at least four times...


Does I-80N count? If so, that one (after the rename).

Also US-28 (after decommission of course).


Business 158--Dare County NC
NC 6--Greensboro
Anti-center-tabbing, anti-sequential-numbering, anti-Clearview BGS FAN


Off the top of my head, the A344 in England comes to mind. It ran past Stonehenge and its old car park and visitors' centre, but the road has been removed in part and the remainder is solely for shuttle buses serving the new car park and visitors' centre located further away.
"You know, you never have a guaranteed spot until you have a spot guaranteed."
—Olaf Kolzig, as quoted in the Washington Times on March 28, 2003,
commenting on the Capitals clinching a playoff spot.

"That sounded stupid, didn't it?"
—Kolzig, to the same reporter a few seconds later.


Quote from: formulanone on April 13, 2018, 06:07:32 PM
Quote from: thefraze_1020 on April 13, 2018, 03:10:00 PM
WA 111 temporary (Hurricane Ridge Road) (after)

Heh, never knew this was state-maintained, always figured the NPS took care of it. I can count this at least four times...
Its state maintenance was brief. It was maintained by the state from 1961 to 1971.
Alright, this is how it's gonna be!

US 89

The only one I know I clinched before it was decommissioned was UT 184.

Highways I clinched after their decommissioning:
-US 666
-UT 181
-UT 195
-UT 131 (now reassigned to a different route)
-UT 272
-UT 214 (now part of US-6)
-UT 170 (renumbered to 260)
-and likely many more


Quote from: TheHighwayMan394 on April 13, 2018, 02:40:16 PM
MN 66 (both incarnations) - both after
MN 110 (will be eliminated this year) - before
MN 127 - after
MN 324 - probably before
MN 361 - after

  • I clinched the Mankato - Good Thunder MN-66 maybe a year or two before it was decommissioned, but at the time I was unaware it was on the chopping block so I didn't take any pictures. I still kind of beat myself up for that.
  • MN-361 I clinched just very shortly after the signs came down. There were still some empty sign posts where 361 shields used to be, even. Still kind of sad about that one. My only consolation prize was this Mile 1 marker in Rush City that was still posted.
  • I drove MN-227 before decommissioning, but it was dark and that was way before I did much road picture stuff, anyway.
  • MN-232 I clinched before decommissioning, and I have pictures of both its termini. It's somewhere among the first few routes I ever took pictures of. I thank the disagreement between Aitkin County and MnDOT for prolonging its existence long enough to allow me to do that. :)
  • My avatar, MN-293, I clinched probably countless times. I only have one picture of a MN-293 shield, though. (Again, self-flagellation…)
  • The Carver County sections of MN-101 I've clinched both before and after their gradual turnback, and with lots of pictures.
  • I clinched MN-112 and MN-225 and thoroughly photographed both last May. Dunno if the signs for those two have come down yet or not, though.
  • Once it gets warm enough I'm making a special trip just for MN-110 (and maybe a few other things, if I have extra time). That snow storm that is currently hitting Minnesota is not helping, though… :banghead:

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