High Profile Construction Projects (2024-2025)

Started by webny99, April 27, 2018, 09:18:52 PM

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In addition to the I-95/PA Turnpike interchange and Scudder Falls Bridge mentioned earlier in the thread, in PA we've also got the US 422 Schuylkill River bridge project near Valley Forge, and finally some work started on the big I-83 Master Plan with the widening from Union Deposit Road to I-81.

EDIT: There's also the US 322 Potters Mills project, the north section of the CSVT including the Susquehanna River bridge, and they're slowly but surely completing Turnpike 576/Southern Beltway from US 22 to I-79. Also US 219 Meyersdale to Somerset.
Mileage-based exit numbering implies the existence of mileage-cringe exit numbering.


PA cannot be mentioned without CSVT being mentioned.

Among other things, this project will all but eliminate the congestion through Shamokin Dam, and provide full expressway route from Baltimore, MD to Rochester, NY (with a few exceptions: after CSVT is complete, this, this, and this will be the sole undivided segments on this entire corridor). It will also be traffic-signal-free for the first time!

(Also, CSVT brings us one step closer to designating I-83 along this corridor  :sombrero:)


Quote from: webny99 on June 28, 2018, 03:34:49 PM
PA cannot be mentioned without CSVT being mentioned.
Among other things, this project will all but eliminate the congestion through Shamokin Dam, and provide full expressway route from Baltimore, MD to Rochester, NY (with a few exceptions: after CSVT is complete, [...] will be the sole undivided segments on this entire corridor). It will also be traffic-signal-free for the first time!
(Also, CSVT brings us one step closer to designating I-83 along this corridor  :sombrero:)

I drove thru there over the weekend on the way to/from Buffalo, and the work is moving along.  Looks like 5 spans in the center of the bridge are complete, at least the girders have been placed.

The northern section will provide a good bypass of the Lewisburg area.  The Shamokin Dam area on US-11/US-15 is amazingly congested given the modest population of the area.

The US-11/US-15 section between Amity Hall and Selinsgrove is expressway-like, but not an expressway or even with a limited access right-of-way.  There are occasional driveways.  It is a nonlimited-access highway with high-grade access management features.

Baloney is a reserved word on the Internet
    (Robert Coté, 2002)


Quote from: Beltway on June 28, 2018, 04:17:05 PMThe Shamokin Dam area on US-11/US-15 is amazingly congested given the modest population of the area.

There's really three factors at play here:
(1) Heavy thru traffic from Harrisburg and the Balt-Wash corridor bound for Upstate NY and Ontario. This includes high volumes of truck traffic, especially due to (a) US 219 being infeasible for long distance truckers and (b) I-81 running northeast beyond Harrisburg.
(2) An extensive string of closely-spaced and poorly-timed traffic signals, which trucks accelerate from rather slowly. The area is a regional shopping destination; many of the lights are at plazas and shopping centers rather than through streets, meaning most traffic is forced to return to US 15 to exit the area. The net result is not enough green time allocated to US 11/15, especially in the afternoon hours.
(3) The convergence of several important corridors, namely PA 147, PA 61, US 522, and, of course, US 11 and US 15. In addition, all southbound traffic is forced west of the river at PA 61, due to PA 147 being an unviable thru route south of there.

All told, you have an unbelievable bottleneck in an area that really doesn't have that much population. It's probably next only to Breezewood in terms of being a massively underbuilt roadway at an important juncture.


In Minnesota besides I-35W south of downtown there's the I-35W Minnesota River Bridge Replacement. Also replacement of the Winona and Red Wing bridges over the Mississippi and restoration of the Stillwater Lift Bridge.


Can't forget to mention the ongoing improvement to/expansion of I-5 SE of central L.A.; the project started in the '90's down in OC and has moved northwest one section at a time.  Looks like the section between I-605 and I-710 is slated to be the next to see activity starting this year, including a long-overdue revision of the 5/710 interchange.  However, due to localized political opposition, the section from I-710 to the ELA interchange (with some bridges displaying their 1947 build date!) is not likely to see much in the way of capacity improvement (about half of that stretch lies within the City of Los Angeles, which isn't the most hospitable environment for freeway expansion activity these days); the repaving job of a few years back is about the limits of what can be done without extensive -- not to mention problematic and ultimately costly -- acquisition of adjoining properties.  It's been restriped to 5+5 -- but at the cost of narrow (11' or slightly under) lanes.  But with the revamping of the 710 interchange, it should make utilizing an alternate route (710 to 60 being the likely choice) a bit easier.     


Another big Southern California construction project, just getting under way, is the I-405 expansion in Orange County to add a general purpose and carpool/toll lane each direction.




I wanted to re-up this old thread as a way to stay informed on current and upcoming projects, with a particular focus on new freeway construction projects.

I am aware of the following:

  • Final phase of NC 540 beltway, Raleigh, NC
  • Final phase of I-295, Fayetteville, NC
  • FL 23 extension south of Jacksonville, FL
  • US 15/PA 147 Shamokin Dam bypass (CSVT) in central PA

What other new freeway projects are currently planned or under construction around the country?

Big John

I-41 - Appleton WI to De Pere WI
I-43 - Milwaukee and Ozaukee Counties WI.

Great Lakes Roads


Interstate 69 extension between Martinsville and Indianapolis- almost done
NE Indianapolis (I-465/I-69) interchange reconstruction- 2025 completion date
I-70 rebuilding and widening east of Indy (MM 96-106) and Richmond (MM 149-156)
Ohio River Crossing for I-69 in Evansville
-Jay Seaburg

-- US 175 --

TX (there may be more than what's listed):
* Fort Worth: SE Connector, I-20/I-820/US 287 (ongoing, started in recent years; rearranging ramps, adding ramps and capacity)
* Sherman: US 75 (ongoing; redo/improvements, adding capacity, ramps.  City has previously announced it will seek interstate (45?) status for the corridor.)
* Amarillo: Loop 335 (moving/replacement of SW and west ROW/corridor; new service roads (now complete) and main lanes (not completely funded), as part of an eventual overall transformation to freeway status for entire loop)
* Lubbock: Loop 88 (eventual US 84 bypass) (will span SE, south, and west sides of city, farther out from urban area)
* Denton to McKinney: US 380 (adding capacity to become mostly freeway, rerouting north of current path in McKinney.  Also includes freeway-style extension of Spur 399 to US 380 on east side of McKinney.)
* Denton north to OK border: I-35 (adding lanes, improvement of approach to Red River bridge)
* Garland to Rockwall: I-30 (adding lanes, adding service roads over Lake Ray Hubbard, improvement of Dalrock and Bass Pro exits)
* Sunnyvale to Forney: US 80 (improvement of span over East Fork of Trinity River bridge)
* I-69 (ongoing work to extend highway in TX (mainly along US 59, US 77, and US 281) (includes additional suffixed and spurred routes: I-69W, I-69C, I-69E, I-369); improving and expanding capacity, ramps, exits, as well as several new bypasses)
* Rio Grande Valley: I-2 (work to implement new interstate along US 83 west of Harlingen; improvements to existing freeway, as well as new exits and bypasses)
* San Antonio to Austin: I-35 (ongoing work to improve capacity, including additional main lanes and express lanes)
* Houston, downtown northward: I-45 (rerouting interstate along I-69 and I-10 downtown, additional capacity/new lanes between downtown and Beltway 8)
* Various plans/studies to add lanes to existing interstates (I-10, San Antonio-Houston; I-45, Houston-Dallas; I-20, Dallas eastward; I-30, Dallas eastward; I-35, parts north of San Antonio not already at least 3x3; I-27, Amarillo-Canyon)

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