Historic official state maps online

Started by NE2, August 12, 2011, 04:25:51 PM

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(Thanks for the sticky.)
The following are sources for official state map scans, many on the DOT websites:
*Alabama: http://alabamamaps.ua.edu/historicalmaps/stateroads/index.html (also 1927 and county maps)
*Arizona: https://www.aaroads.com/west/maps/ http://www.arizonaroads.com/maps/index.html http://azdot.gov/docs/default-source/planning/cultural_good_roads_everywhere.pdf (starting on p. 139)
*Arkansas: http://www.arkansashighways.com/Trans_Plan_Policy/mapping_graphics/archived_tourist_maps/archived_tourist_maps.aspx (also 1936 and other county maps)
*California: http://www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/view/search?q=caltrans&sort=Date
*Colorado: https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0B252DVeCESYEc1FMZjRrdmhSdzQ/edit
*Connecticut: http://emuseum.chs.org/emuseum/ (assorted years)
*Delaware: http://www.deldot.gov/archaeology/historic_pres/historic_highway_maps/index.shtml
*Florida: https://www.fdot.gov/geospatial/FloridaTransportationMapArchive.shtm (state maps), http://www.dot.state.fl.us/surveyingandmapping/documentsandpubs/aerialyears.pdf (county maps) (also http://ufdc.ufl.edu/mapfl - better-quality but some counties are missing)
*Georgia: http://www.dot.ga.gov/DS/Maps ("Archive Maps" of state, counties, and cities), http://www.gnahrgis.org/ (county maps - choose "Historic GDOT County Maps" in layers)
*Idaho: http://www.flickr.com/photos/zacharymaillard/sets/72157607101372379/ (reasonable selection back to 1947), http://apps.itd.idaho.gov/apps/lri/LR_MapIndex.aspx (county maps back to 1962), http://itd.idaho.gov/highways/roadwaydata/RTFMaps/index.html (traffic flow maps back to 1959)
*Illinois: http://apps.dot.illinois.gov/HistoricalMapViewer/statemapviewer.aspx (Silverlight); http://www.idaillinois.org/cdm/search/collection/isl9 (alternate presentation)
*Indiana: http://cdm16066.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/search/collection/p15078coll8/searchterm/indiana%20highway%20map/field/all/mode/all/conn/and/order/title ; http://libraries.iub.edu/indiana-state-highway-maps (1917-1932); back sides (zoomable) at http://webapp1.dlib.indiana.edu/images/splash.htm?scope=images/VAC3073
*Iowa: https://iowadot.gov/maps/digital-maps/other-maps/historical-iowa-transportation-maps
*Kansas: http://www.ksdot.org/burtransplan/maps/HistoricStateMaps.asp (county maps)
*Kentucky: http://transportation.ky.gov/Planning/Pages/Historical-Maps.aspx (state and county maps); http://www.uky.edu/maps/ghm1950/ (1950 county maps); http://www.flickr.com/photos/mytravelphotos/4285912504/ (1930; incomplete)
*Louisiana: http://wwwsp.dotd.la.gov/Inside_LaDOTD/Divisions/Multimodal/Data_Collection/Mapping/Historic_Maps/Forms/AllItems.aspx (every 15 years); http://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bz23eC3o6S-fai1iN3BrZHFUbzg (some old parish maps)
*Maryland (scans provided by MDSHA): http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Road_maps_of_Maryland
*Massachusetts: http://massdot.maps.arcgis.com/apps/PublicGallery/index.html?appid=29085e10d60743cf9a37d62b5fe8b83d
*Michigan: http://seekingmichigan.org/discover (search for highway map)
*Minnesota: http://reflections.mndigital.org/cdm4/browse.php?CISOROOT=%2Fmdt
*Mississippi: http://mdot.ms.gov/documents/planning/index.php?dir=Maps/State%20Highway%20Maps%20Archive
*Missouri: http://www.modot.org/historicmaps/index.htm (also 1923, 1924)
*Montana: http://www.mdt.mt.gov/photogallery/past-maps.shtml and ftp://ftp.mdt.mt.gov/mapping/HISTORIC_MAPS/ (also http://archive.org/details/9129DADE-F4CE-4E5F-B738-CF4031B90BD3 is a little blurry but has a few that aren't on the MDT site; http://archive.org/search.php?query=montana%20highway%20map may also have a few more)
*Nebraska: http://www.dor.state.ne.us/maps/#antique (only five editions available)
*Nevada: http://www.nevadadot.com/Traveler_Info/Maps/Historical_Maps.aspx (state and county maps) (also 1971 quad maps) (better quality state maps)
*New Mexico: http://rgis.unm.edu/browsedata (choose NMDOT/Historic Maps on the left)
*North Carolina: http://www.ncdot.org/travel/mappubs/statetransportationmap/#history (also county maps) (other state and county maps)
*Ohio: http://www.dot.state.oh.us/Divisions/Planning/TechServ/TIM/Pages/OfficialTransportationMaps.aspx
*Oklahoma: http://www.okladot.state.ok.us/maps/state/archive-a.htm (also traffic count maps); http://dc.library.okstate.edu/cdm/search/collection/OKMaps/ (county maps)
*Oregon: http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/HWY/GEOMETRONICS/ROW_Eng/HistoryHighwaysOregon/BiennialCollectionMaps.pdf (1918-1960, internal maps showing highway numbers only) (also 1961-1979, 1980-1999, 2001-2005, and a detailed history of the highways)
*Pennsylvania: http://www.penndot.gov/ProjectAndPrograms/Planning/Maps/Pages/Historic-Transportation-Maps.aspx (state maps); http://www.penndot.gov/ProjectAndPrograms/Planning/Maps/Pages/County-Type-10-Historic.aspx (county maps)
*South Carolina: http://digital.library.sc.edu/collections/south-carolina-department-of-transportation-county-road-maps/ (county maps)
*Texas: https://www.tsl.state.tx.us/apps/arc/maps/ (state and county maps; check 'image' and search for 'highway', and note that the zip files include all pages); http://texashistory.unt.edu/search/
*Vermont: http://vtransplanning.vermont.gov/maps/archive (mostly county and town maps); also ftp://vtransmap.aot.state.vt.us/Maps/Publications/Maps/MeetingRoomMaps/Vintage_1949_1968.pdf and ftp://vtransmaps.vermont.gov/Maps/Publications/Historical/1927Doc_full.pdf
*Virginia: http://digitool1.lva.lib.va.us:8881/R/?func=collections-result&collection_id=1962 (1936 county maps)
*Washington: http://www.sos.wa.gov/history/maps.aspx (only a few years available; choose 'highway' in the second dropdown); https://cdm16977.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/p16977coll18/search (1944-1956)
*West Virginia: http://westvirginiaarchiveshistory.zenfolio.com/p974981478 (the interface really sucks but there are a bunch from the early 1920s and assorted ones after that)
*Wisconsin: http://www.wisconsinhistory.org/Content.aspx?dsNav=N:1166 (through 1939; search for 'highway commission')
*Wyoming: http://wyoarchives.state.wy.us/Archives/Maps.aspx (state and county maps; search for 'highway')

*Manitoba (lol Canada): http://gov.mb.ca/mit/maparchive/index.html

Many states: 1930s county maps from the 1940 census

standalone SID viewer
pre-1945 Florida route log

I accept and respect your identity as long as it's not dumb shit like "identifying as a vaccinated attack helicopter".


Thanks for posting this, this looks like a great bunch of material to look at.  You're probably going to keep me from getting some yard work done today!

Your link to the detailed highway history of Oregon doesn't work, though.  Here's the correct link:



Add Minnesota to the list:

Mn/DOT scanned their archives (minus two editions) for the Minnesota Digital Library. If I ever get around to playing in an image editor to stitch the two files together, I have most of the old Michigan maps in electronic form that were scanned by the Library of Michigan. (The maps were larger than the drum scanner, so they had to get them to me in two passes each.) I can legally put pre-1958 online since the Michigan State Highway Department didn't copyright their maps before that year.)


Quote from: xonhulu on August 12, 2011, 04:39:13 PM
Your link to the detailed highway history of Oregon doesn't work, though.  Here's the correct link:

My link was fine, but the forum software borks FTP links. It may be an older version anyway; changing to yours.
pre-1945 Florida route log

I accept and respect your identity as long as it's not dumb shit like "identifying as a vaccinated attack helicopter".

J N Winkler

Actually, it seems the forum software (now?) handles FTP links, but they have to be identified using a FTP tag instead of the URL tag despite the fact that both HTTP and FTP locators are URLs.

"It is necessary to spend a hundred lire now to save a thousand lire later."--Piero Puricelli, explaining the need for a first-class road system to Benito Mussolini


pre-1945 Florida route log

I accept and respect your identity as long as it's not dumb shit like "identifying as a vaccinated attack helicopter".


Nevada Historical Maps are also hosted online by the Mary B. Ansari Map Library, a unit of the DeLaMare Library at the University of Nevada, Reno. These are at much better quality when zooming on detail. The most recent edition hosted is the 2005-2006 map.
Roadfro - AARoads Pacific Southwest moderator since 2010, Nevada roadgeek since 1983.


The Iowa Highways Page: Now exclusively at www.iowahighways.org
The Iowa Highways Photo Gallery: www.flickr.com/photos/iowahighways/


Quote from: iowahighways on August 21, 2011, 01:02:03 AM
Here's Iowa: http://www.iowadot.gov/maps//msp/historical/transmaps.htm
Nice. That's at least a third of the states with good temporal coverage.
pre-1945 Florida route log

I accept and respect your identity as long as it's not dumb shit like "identifying as a vaccinated attack helicopter".


North Carolina has one from each decade at its NCDOT site: http://www.ncdot.org/travel/mappubs/statetransportationmap/
Also at NCDOT's website are several different years of county map atlases from 1930-68 http://www.ncdot.org/travel/statemapping/default.html#county_maps

Both links, scroll to bottom of page.

Many other official maps and county map sets back to 1938 are available here: http://www.lib.unc.edu/dc/ncmaps/?CISOROOT=/ncmaps



The TX site has changed slightly.  It's now: https://www.tsl.state.tx.us/apps/arc/maps/

The same instructions about clicking 'image' and searching for 'highway' still work.
\/ \/ click for a bigger image \/ \/


Larry Hoenig has a very fine website featuring covers of Michigan's Official Highway Maps:
http://michiganhwymaps.com   :coffee:


pre-1945 Florida route log

I accept and respect your identity as long as it's not dumb shit like "identifying as a vaccinated attack helicopter".


The Virginia link seems to have died. Anyone have a new link?
pre-1945 Florida route log

I accept and respect your identity as long as it's not dumb shit like "identifying as a vaccinated attack helicopter".



pre-1945 Florida route log

I accept and respect your identity as long as it's not dumb shit like "identifying as a vaccinated attack helicopter".


Quote from: NE2 on July 02, 2012, 07:37:56 PM
The Virginia link seems to have died. Anyone have a new link?

They upgraded their delivery system for this.  Here is the new link:


Click on search, enter the county you want, then in the "select collection" pulldown choose map collection.

They did not add any of the missing 1936 maps to the collection...still about 80% of the counties covered.



usends.com - US highway endpoints, photos, maps, and history


pre-1945 Florida route log

I accept and respect your identity as long as it's not dumb shit like "identifying as a vaccinated attack helicopter".


Good links NE 2.  It shows my plugins are out of date, and that I need to update.
Every day is a winding road, you just got to get used to it.

Sheryl Crowe


Davenport, IA -> Valparaiso, IN -> Ames, IA -> Orlando, FL -> Gainesville, FL -> Evansville, IN


I don't know if there's anything useful here that's not on the other maps, but Oklahoma also has traffic count maps going back to 1937: http://www.okladot.state.ok.us/aadtcnt/Default.aspx?list=staticMaps
pre-1945 Florida route log

I accept and respect your identity as long as it's not dumb shit like "identifying as a vaccinated attack helicopter".


Quote from: NE2 on April 03, 2013, 04:05:09 PM
I don't know if there's anything useful here that's not on the other maps, but Oklahoma also has traffic count maps going back to 1937: http://www.okladot.state.ok.us/aadtcnt/Default.aspx?list=staticMaps

Wow, good for them for putting so much historical material online.


Does anyone know of any for Indiana?


Here's a couple from Washington:


Just select "Highways" from the second drop-down menu.
Wikipedia - TravelMapping (100% of WA SRs)


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