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Cigar for NYE

Started by Daniel Fiddler, December 31, 2021, 10:23:43 AM

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Daniel Fiddler

What cigar are you smoking today / tonight for New Years Eve?

Or if you live in a fully legal state, what strain of cannabis?  :)

And if you're drinking, what liquor?

I decided I couldn't wait for tonight, already lit mine.  Fuente Reserva Xtra Anejo.  :)

Very good cigar.  I really desired a Christmas Edition Opus X to be honest, although I am not dissatisfied they were out.

Not drinking, can't drink with my meds, although would if I were able.


Quote from: Daniel Fiddler on December 31, 2021, 10:23:43 AM

And if you're drinking, what liquor?


Asti to toast in the new year at midnight.


No drinking or smoking for me.  They're bad for you.

So, I'll be eating junk food...which is bad for you.
Please note: All comments here represent my own personal opinion and do not reflect the official position(s) of NYSDOT.

Daniel Fiddler

The Moscato di Asti sounds like a winner!

LOL, Rothman.  Yeah, very little is bad for us nowadays it seems.  I say it's all about quality of life, not quantity.

Max Rockatansky

I'll probably have a beer or two today.  Not because of New Years, because there is three left in the fridge that are taking up space.  I have somewhere to go in the morning so fair chance I'll be in bed by 10 PM. 


I no longer smoke anything, but I'll be having some Prosecco later.
Quote from: Rothman on July 15, 2021, 07:52:59 AM
Olive Garden must be stopped.  I must stop them.

Don't @ me. Seriously.


Not smoking later, but I'll see what I can eat/drink...


Quote from: Daniel Fiddler on December 31, 2021, 10:59:40 AM
I say it's all about quality of life, not quantity.

Since I changed my diet, stopped drinking soda and alcohol, and began exercising regularly, my quality of life has improved dramatically.


I do not smoke.

We have a bottle of Champagne for midnight and a bottle of Belle Glos 2019 Las Alturas Pinot Noir to go with beef Wellington for dinner.

I went out to Bunnyman Brewing in Burke this afternoon to get my brother a Christmas present. The beer was just OK–in terms of local places, I like Port City and Fair Winds beers better, although Bunnyman has a great name (due to a local urban legend about a murderer in a bunny suit) and a better tasting setup.
"You know, you never have a guaranteed spot until you have a spot guaranteed."
—Olaf Kolzig, as quoted in the Washington Times on March 28, 2003,
commenting on the Capitals clinching a playoff spot.

"That sounded stupid, didn't it?"
—Kolzig, to the same reporter a few seconds later.


We have some cannabis around (Purple Punch, I think) but I don't know that we'll be smoking, since we may having one or two of our friends over, neither of whom smoke.
uncontrollable freak sardine salad chef

Daniel Fiddler

Yeah, I wish I had some cannabis around myself.  Tennessee has not legalized it sadly, not even for medical reasons, which sucks, because I really need it; as do my mother, grandmother, and younger brother.  I myself have 5 conditions it would be prescribed for in a medical state!  Not discussing them here and CERTAINLY not discussing theirs (that would be a HIPAA violation), but it is needed in Tennessee desperately for hundreds of thousands of Tennessee's nearly 7 million residents.  I am a zealous advocate of complete legalization.

I don't drink alcohol but I would if I could.  I used to love especially wine, cognac, and whiskey before I was forced to quit by my doctor.


None, none, and none. I don't and have never smoked tobacco, don't and have never smoked marijuana. I have no desire whatsoever, and have never had said desire, to do either. I only drink on very very very rare occasions. Don't see any particular need to do so tonight.

Quote from: Daniel Fiddler on December 31, 2021, 04:50:25 PM
Yeah, I wish I had some cannabis around myself.  Tennessee has not legalized it sadly, not even for medical reasons, which sucks, because I really need it; as do my mother, grandmother, and younger brother.  I myself have 5 conditions it would be prescribed for in a medical state!  Not discussing them here and CERTAINLY not discussing theirs (that would be a HIPAA violation), but it is needed in Tennessee desperately for hundreds of thousands of Tennessee's nearly 7 million residents.  I am a zealous advocate of complete legalization.

You aren't bound by HIPAA.

Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.

Max Rockatansky

I've smoked tobacco and marijuana enough to really get the feel it isn't for me.  Cigars were nice every once in a blue moon but the overall negative effects of tobacco use aren't worth the costs (as in it is an extremely expensive habit) and ill health effects.  Marijuana kind of always just made me anxious for whatever reason.  I found it much more viable to have a couple drinks instead for the desired calming effect. 

I do feel inclined to note that I have had two family members die of lung cancer related to tobacco use.  Seeing people die slowly from avoidable cancer is enough to really put one off of engaging in tobacco use in general, or at least for me it is. 


Quote from: Daniel Fiddler on December 31, 2021, 10:23:43 AM
What cigar are you smoking today / tonight for New Years Eve?

Or if you live in a fully legal state, what strain of cannabis?  :)

And if you're drinking, what liquor?

I don't smoke anything.  Unless it's meat or fish.

Daniel Fiddler

Perhaps I am not bound by HIPAA since I am not employed in the medical profession.  I just like to be respectful to them not to discuss their exact conditions.  I know I am not bound by HIPAA to discuss my own.  I do discuss them from time to time in an appropriate setting, when I am trying to help people mostly who are suffering what I suffer or have suffered from.

Strange, marijuana seems to relieve my anxiety.  I guess it has different effects for different people.

I do enjoy smoked meats and fish, although never tried smoking my own.


Marijuana kind of always just made me anxious for whatever reason.  I found it much more viable to have a couple drinks instead for the desired calming effect. 

Same. Last time I smoked marijuana I had a panic attack so severe I ended up in the emergency room, and thought I was going to die. (Anyone who says “you just haven’t found the right strain for you” can fuck right off.)
Quote from: Rothman on July 15, 2021, 07:52:59 AM
Olive Garden must be stopped.  I must stop them.

Don't @ me. Seriously.


Ain't doin much except playing around on the computer.


I had a tiny glass of Reviseur cognac.  I hardly ever drink, so when I do it's good stuff...


Quote from: Daniel Fiddler on December 31, 2021, 10:23:43 AMOr if you live in a fully legal state, what strain of cannabis?  :)
Pretty sure it was a Beboe vape pen.  After I bought it, I learned it's being marketed to soccer moms since it's discreet, and I was like "huh, it does kinda look like a Virginia Slim."


If you're looking to try something different in the future, consider exploring limited editions or local craft cigars, which can offer unique flavors and experiences that might surprise you.


Most people I know just chew bubble gum cigars.
Might as well face it, pooing is cool

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