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CA 108 Freeway Upgrades

Started by Voyager, August 26, 2024, 04:31:27 PM

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I took 108 over the Sonora Pass on Saturday, and noticed a lot more upgrades towards expressway/freeway have happened past Sonora in the last few years, so I was curious about learning some more about what future plans were, and came across the CAHighways article, where the original idea of the tunnel/freeway to the military base on the other side of the pass existed. The article states that Caltrans has been using some of the right of way purchased in 1968 to slowly upgrade the freeway. You can see the Sonora bypass was built with the other half of the freeway in mind, and I'm sure eventually it'll be added in instead of the "super 2" that exists there now (which is a terrible design, traffic was awful). Between this and the "North County Corridor" that will mostly link it to 99 as a freeway to Oakdale, is there any more information about the upgrades (and why they're doing them, since 108 turns steep and windy real quick past Pinecrest)?
AARoads Forum Original


I'll note there was a bunch of North County Corridor stuff in the August 2024 CTC Meeting. Here's how I summarized it:

In June 2024, the CTC approved for future consideration of funding the following project for which a FEIR and an Addendum have been completed: 10-Sta-108, PM 27.5/44.5, 10-Sta-120, PM 6.9/11.6, 10-Sta-219, PM 3.7/4.8. North County Corridor New Route 108 Project & Route Adoption. Construct a new multi-lane, access-controlled  freeway/expressway with interchanges, at-grade intersections, grade-separated railroad crossings, irrigation district crossings, frontage roadway, and local street alignments from Route 108 to Route 120, in Stanislaus County. (FEIR Addendum) (PPNO 3507). The project is located on Route 108 from PM 27.5 to PM 44.5, Route 120 from PM 6.9 to PM 11.6, and Route 219 from PM 3.7 to PM 4.8, in Stanislaus County. The project proposes to construct a new west-east facility to serve as a bypass for the cities of Riverbank, Oakdale, and Modesto. The project is a multi-lane, access-controlled expressway/freeway with interchanges, at-grade intersections, grade-separated railroad crossings, irrigation district crossings, frontage roadway, and local street alignments. The project is currently programmed in the cycle two of the 2022 Trade Corridor Enhancement Program (TCEP). The total programmed amount, which includes Construction (Capital) is $20,000,000 in TCEP. Construction will begin in 2024-2025. The scope, as described for the preferred alternative, is consistent with the project scope as programmed by the Commission in the 2022 TCEP.  A copy of the FEIR has been provided to Commission staff. The Commission approved the project for future consideration of funding on December 3, 2020, under Resolution E-20-129. Since the approval of the FEIR, there have been changes to the project and an Addendum was prepared pursuant to CEQA. These changes include splitting the project into four separate phases for increased flexibility related to the timing of funding availability, rather than the three phases originally described in the FEIR. In accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15162, no Subsequent FEIR is required for the project because new information and changes in circumstances, project description, impacts, and mitigation are not substantial and do not involve new significant impacts or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified impacts. As a result, the Department completed an Addendum to the FEIR pursuant to CEQA.
(Source: June 2024 CTC Agenda, Agenda Item 2.2c.(2) #8)

In June 2024, the CTC the following allocation for the locally-Administered TCEP project: $20,000,000. 10-Sta-108 R29.7/R32.4. PPNO 10-3507; ProjID 1021000100; EA 0S801. North County Corridor Project - Phase 1 from Claribel Road to Clause Road. The North County Corridor Project consists of 4 separate phases of construction totaling 18 miles in length. The scope of this project is for Phase 1. The corridor will be a high capacity bypass around the cities of Modesto, Riverbank and Oakdale. The Phase 1 project will be an ultimate 6-lane divided expressway beginning at the intersection of Claribel Road & Oakdale Road, extending eastward to the intersection of Claribel Road & Claus Road. It will be access controlled with a 40'-70' median with grade separations over Roselle Avenue, Terminal Avenue and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad tracks. This new alignment will build a west-east expressway that will improve regional network circulation connecting from the western end of downtown Modesto to the eastward end joining Route 120 east of the City of Oakdale (Segments 1 to 4). CEQA - EIR, 05/22/2020; Re-validation 10/30/2023 NEPA - EIS, 05/22/2020; Re-validation 10/30/2023. Future consideration of funding approved under Resolution E-20-129; December 2020. Concurrent addendum for the previously approved Future Consideration of Funding under Resolution E-24-63A; June 2024. Right of Way Certification: Pending Contribution from other sources: $160,000,000. Time Extension for FY 22-23 CONST expires on June 30, 2024. The Department is requesting non-proportional spending of TCEP funds during construction. At completion, project expenditures will be reconciled to ensure that TCEP funds have been expended proportionally. Allocation: TCEP-R/22-23⇒CONST $20,000,000. Deferred prior to the CTC meeting
(Source: June 2024 CTC Agenda, Agenda Item 2.5s.(10) #2)

In July 2024, it was reported that the CTC approved $20,000,000 in funding to help support the Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG) construct phase one of the North County Corridor Project. The North County Corridor Project consists of 4 separate phases of construction totaling 18 miles in length and will ultimately construct a high-capacity bypass corridor around the cities of Modesto, Riverbank and Oakdale. Phase one of the project will be construction of a 6-lane divided expressway from Claribel Road to Clause Road which will include new railroad grade separations over Roselle Avenue and Terminal Avenue for the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) tracks. The project will construct new pedestrian bike lanes, curbs, crosswalks, intersections, and serve as a west-east expressway improving regional connectivity from Modesto to the City of Oakdale in Stanislaus County.
(Source: Gold Run Cam, 7/2/2024)

In August 2024, the CTC approved the following request for a locally-administered TCEP Project: $20,000,000. 10-Sta-108 R29.7/R32.4. PPNO 10-3507; ProjID 1021000100; EA 0S801. North County Corridor Project - Phase 1 from Claribel Road to Claus Road. The North County Corridor Project consists of 4 separate phases of construction totaling 18 miles in length. The scope of this project is for Phase 1. The corridor will be a high capacity bypass around the cities of Modesto, Riverbank and Oakdale as shown in Exhibit 1. The Phase 1 project will be an ultimate 6-lane divided expressway beginning at the intersection of Claribel Road & Oakdale Road, extending eastward to the intersection of Claribel Road & Claus Road. It will be access controlled with a 40 feet-70 feet median with grade separations over Roselle Avenue, Terminal Avenue and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad tracks. This new alignment will build a west-east expressway for Route 108 that will improve regional network circulation connecting from the western end of downtown Modesto to the eastward end joining Route 120 east of the City of Oakdale (Segments 1 to 4). CEQA - EIR, 05/22/2020; Re-validation 10/30/2023. NEPA - EIS, 05/22/2020; Re-validation 10/30/2023. Future consideration of funding approved under Resolution E-20-129; December 2020. Addendum for the previously approved Future Consideration of Funding approved under Resolution E-24-63A; June 2024. Right of Way Certification: Pending. Contribution from other sources: $160,000,000. Time Extension for FY 22-23 CONST expired on June 30, 2024. The Department is requesting non-proportional spending of TCEP funds during construction. At completion, project expenditures will be reconciled to ensure that TCEP funds have been expended proportionally. As part of this allocation request, the implementing agency is requesting to extend the completion of CONST an additional 4 months beyond the 36-month deadline. Allocation: TCEP-R/22-23⇒CONST $20,000,000.
(Source: August 2024 CTC Agenda, Agenda Item 2.5s.(5))
Daniel - California Highway Guy ● Highway Site: ●  Blog: ● Podcast (CA Route by Route): ● Follow California Highways on Facebook:


Quote from: cahwyguy on September 02, 2024, 02:47:50 PMI'll note there was a bunch of North County Corridor stuff in the August 2024 CTC Meeting. Here's how I summarized it:

In June 2024, the CTC approved for future consideration of funding the following project for which a FEIR and an Addendum have been completed: 10-Sta-108, PM 27.5/44.5, 10-Sta-120, PM 6.9/11.6, 10-Sta-219, PM 3.7/4.8. North County Corridor New Route 108 Project & Route Adoption. Construct a new multi-lane, access-controlled  freeway/expressway with interchanges, at-grade intersections, grade-separated railroad crossings, irrigation district crossings, frontage roadway, and local street alignments from Route 108 to Route 120, in Stanislaus County. (FEIR Addendum) (PPNO 3507). The project is located on Route 108 from PM 27.5 to PM 44.5, Route 120 from PM 6.9 to PM 11.6, and Route 219 from PM 3.7 to PM 4.8, in Stanislaus County. The project proposes to construct a new west-east facility to serve as a bypass for the cities of Riverbank, Oakdale, and Modesto. The project is a multi-lane, access-controlled expressway/freeway with interchanges, at-grade intersections, grade-separated railroad crossings, irrigation district crossings, frontage roadway, and local street alignments. The project is currently programmed in the cycle two of the 2022 Trade Corridor Enhancement Program (TCEP). The total programmed amount, which includes Construction (Capital) is $20,000,000 in TCEP. Construction will begin in 2024-2025. The scope, as described for the preferred alternative, is consistent with the project scope as programmed by the Commission in the 2022 TCEP.  A copy of the FEIR has been provided to Commission staff. The Commission approved the project for future consideration of funding on December 3, 2020, under Resolution E-20-129. Since the approval of the FEIR, there have been changes to the project and an Addendum was prepared pursuant to CEQA. These changes include splitting the project into four separate phases for increased flexibility related to the timing of funding availability, rather than the three phases originally described in the FEIR. In accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15162, no Subsequent FEIR is required for the project because new information and changes in circumstances, project description, impacts, and mitigation are not substantial and do not involve new significant impacts or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified impacts. As a result, the Department completed an Addendum to the FEIR pursuant to CEQA.
(Source: June 2024 CTC Agenda, Agenda Item 2.2c.(2) #8)

In June 2024, the CTC the following allocation for the locally-Administered TCEP project: $20,000,000. 10-Sta-108 R29.7/R32.4. PPNO 10-3507; ProjID 1021000100; EA 0S801. North County Corridor Project - Phase 1 from Claribel Road to Clause Road. The North County Corridor Project consists of 4 separate phases of construction totaling 18 miles in length. The scope of this project is for Phase 1. The corridor will be a high capacity bypass around the cities of Modesto, Riverbank and Oakdale. The Phase 1 project will be an ultimate 6-lane divided expressway beginning at the intersection of Claribel Road & Oakdale Road, extending eastward to the intersection of Claribel Road & Claus Road. It will be access controlled with a 40'-70' median with grade separations over Roselle Avenue, Terminal Avenue and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad tracks. This new alignment will build a west-east expressway that will improve regional network circulation connecting from the western end of downtown Modesto to the eastward end joining Route 120 east of the City of Oakdale (Segments 1 to 4). CEQA - EIR, 05/22/2020; Re-validation 10/30/2023 NEPA - EIS, 05/22/2020; Re-validation 10/30/2023. Future consideration of funding approved under Resolution E-20-129; December 2020. Concurrent addendum for the previously approved Future Consideration of Funding under Resolution E-24-63A; June 2024. Right of Way Certification: Pending Contribution from other sources: $160,000,000. Time Extension for FY 22-23 CONST expires on June 30, 2024. The Department is requesting non-proportional spending of TCEP funds during construction. At completion, project expenditures will be reconciled to ensure that TCEP funds have been expended proportionally. Allocation: TCEP-R/22-23⇒CONST $20,000,000. Deferred prior to the CTC meeting
(Source: June 2024 CTC Agenda, Agenda Item 2.5s.(10) #2)

In July 2024, it was reported that the CTC approved $20,000,000 in funding to help support the Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG) construct phase one of the North County Corridor Project. The North County Corridor Project consists of 4 separate phases of construction totaling 18 miles in length and will ultimately construct a high-capacity bypass corridor around the cities of Modesto, Riverbank and Oakdale. Phase one of the project will be construction of a 6-lane divided expressway from Claribel Road to Clause Road which will include new railroad grade separations over Roselle Avenue and Terminal Avenue for the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) tracks. The project will construct new pedestrian bike lanes, curbs, crosswalks, intersections, and serve as a west-east expressway improving regional connectivity from Modesto to the City of Oakdale in Stanislaus County.
(Source: Gold Run Cam, 7/2/2024)

In August 2024, the CTC approved the following request for a locally-administered TCEP Project: $20,000,000. 10-Sta-108 R29.7/R32.4. PPNO 10-3507; ProjID 1021000100; EA 0S801. North County Corridor Project - Phase 1 from Claribel Road to Claus Road. The North County Corridor Project consists of 4 separate phases of construction totaling 18 miles in length. The scope of this project is for Phase 1. The corridor will be a high capacity bypass around the cities of Modesto, Riverbank and Oakdale as shown in Exhibit 1. The Phase 1 project will be an ultimate 6-lane divided expressway beginning at the intersection of Claribel Road & Oakdale Road, extending eastward to the intersection of Claribel Road & Claus Road. It will be access controlled with a 40 feet-70 feet median with grade separations over Roselle Avenue, Terminal Avenue and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad tracks. This new alignment will build a west-east expressway for Route 108 that will improve regional network circulation connecting from the western end of downtown Modesto to the eastward end joining Route 120 east of the City of Oakdale (Segments 1 to 4). CEQA - EIR, 05/22/2020; Re-validation 10/30/2023. NEPA - EIS, 05/22/2020; Re-validation 10/30/2023. Future consideration of funding approved under Resolution E-20-129; December 2020. Addendum for the previously approved Future Consideration of Funding approved under Resolution E-24-63A; June 2024. Right of Way Certification: Pending. Contribution from other sources: $160,000,000. Time Extension for FY 22-23 CONST expired on June 30, 2024. The Department is requesting non-proportional spending of TCEP funds during construction. At completion, project expenditures will be reconciled to ensure that TCEP funds have been expended proportionally. As part of this allocation request, the implementing agency is requesting to extend the completion of CONST an additional 4 months beyond the 36-month deadline. Allocation: TCEP-R/22-23⇒CONST $20,000,000.
(Source: August 2024 CTC Agenda, Agenda Item 2.5s.(5))

This is only for the North County Connector though, I was more referring to the other random segments on 108 where the freeway right of way has already been purchased by Caltrans heading up to Pinecrest.
AARoads Forum Original


Quote from: Voyager on September 04, 2024, 04:11:19 PMThis is only for the North County Connector though, I was more referring to the other random segments on 108 where the freeway right of way has already been purchased by Caltrans heading up to Pinecrest.
The odds are nil that any segment the 108 (let alone segments east of Oakdale) will ever be a freeway

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