Should discussion about now-banned users occur?

Started by PNWRoadgeek, December 11, 2024, 08:29:32 PM

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Love that but still am totally lost. Oh well.
AARoads Forum Original


Quote from: Max Rockatansky on January 12, 2025, 06:34:36 PMNo wonder the Dunes-Flamingo campaign had so much personal appeal.

Personal appeal is exactly what delivered Dunes-Flamingo the win.

All exit poles are in and have been counted, and the results were just posted this morning.  Below are some snips from the .pdf for everyone to look over if interested.  I'm sure most of you aren't used to seeing this data, so here is my own guide to reading it:

A.  Standard Exit Pole Questions — These are the same questions asked at every election, as mandated by the Introspective Parliament during the Alan Figueroa administration after the LCA debacle.  The full questions as asked of respondents are as follows:

Did each of the following influence your vote today?  Please select 'TRUE' or 'FALSE' for each statement.
1.  My lack of confidence in the incumbent candidate influenced my vote.
2.  My lack of confidence in the incumbent party influenced my vote.
3.  My lack of confidence in the challenging candidate(s) influenced my vote.
4.  My lack of confidence in the challenging party or parties influenced my vote.
5.  I believe the incumbent candidate to be inconsistent, and such influenced my vote.
6.  I believe the incumbent party to be inconsistent, and such influenced my vote.
7.  I believe the challenging candidate(s) to be inconsistent, and such influenced my vote.
5.  I believe the challenging party or parties to be inconsistent, and such influenced my vote.
9.  I have no major complaint against the incumbent candidate, and that influenced my vote.
10.  I have no major complaint against the incumbent party, and that influenced my vote.
11.  I have no major complaint against the challenging candidate(s), and that influenced my vote.
12.  I have no major complaint against the challenging party or parties, and that influenced my vote.
13.  I believe the incumbent candidate to be incapable of wrongdoing, and such influenced my vote.
14.  I believe the incumbent party to be incapable of wrongdoing, and such influenced my vote.
15.  I believe the challenging candidate(s) to be incapable of wrongdoing, and such influenced my vote.
16.  I believe the incumbent party or parties to be incapable of wrongdoing, and such influenced my vote.
17.  I feel a personal affinity with the incumbent candidate, which influenced my vote.
18.  I feel a personal affinity with the challenging candidate(s), which influenced my vote.
19.  Recent scandal(s) regarding the incumbent candidate, if any, influenced my vote.
20.  Recent scandal(s) regarding the challenging candidate(s), if any, influenced my vote.

B.  Miscellaneous Exit Pole Question — These are questions unique to each election.  Unlike the Standard Exit Pole Questions, respondents are required to answer these only when prohibited and/or permitted, but they are neither prohibited nor permitted to answer them when required, except under circumstances governed by the Pencil Act of Swain.  The full questions as asked of respondents are as follows:

Did each of the following influence your vote today?  Please select 'TRUE' or 'FALSE' for each statement.
21.  The recent passage of an Alæxit bill influenced my vote for the incumbent candidate.
22.  The recent passage of an Alæxit bill influenced my vote for a challenging candidate.
23.  The dumbwaiter buzzer incident influenced my vote for the incumbent candidate.
24.  The dumbwaiter buzzer incident influenced my vote for a challenging candidate.
25.  The campaign lawn flamingo incident influenced my vote for the incumbent candidate.
26.  The campaign lawn flamingo incident influenced my vote for a challenging candidate.
27.  The secret war with Nimbya influenced my vote for the incumbent candidate.
28.  The secret war with Nimbya influenced my vote for a challenging candidate.
29.  The availability of pancake batter influenced my vote for the incumbent candidate.
30.  The availability of pancake batter influenced my vote for a challenging candidate.

Results are further broken down according to which candidate the respondent voted for—with F, J, and T designating the party that the respondent voted for.

As you can see, a whopping 82% of respondents who voted for Alan Dunes-Flamingo said they felt a personal affinity with one of the challengers;  for all or nearly all of them, presumably, that would be Dunes-Flamingo.  Meanwhile, a much lower 25% of respondents who voted for Alan Merritt said that their vote for him was influenced by a scandal regarding one of the challengers;  this figure was predicted to be much higher.

The same .pdf also includes a breakdown of the popular vote by oblast.  The data are not weighted by oblast population, but it's still useful for getting a broad understanding of each candidate's popularity by region.  Those results are shown below.  Note that Havery Oblast is shown for entertainment purposes only.

As you can see, Alan Dunes-Flamingo won a surprisingly high number of votes in areas well to the west of Unerie Oblast.  For example, even though he wasn't the top overall pick in Pfafpff Oblast, he still managed 38% of the vote there, which we can assume was due mainly to the Lawn Flamingo incident in Pfpfafafpfpffflapfhaflesbororuouuuugghh.  This also marks the first time the Toasters lost Leggid Oblast.

I know most of us on this forum like maps, so here is the map for you as well:

Quote from: Voyager on December 13, 2024, 07:07:18 PMMan...I missed ALL the inside jokes here.

Quote from: Voyager on January 14, 2025, 04:41:10 PMLove that but still am totally lost. Oh well.

Don't feel too bad.  As codified by the Introspective Parliament in the so-called Quips and Gags Act (officially the Quips & Gags Act), all Alanland jokes are inside jokes, unless and until such time as the jocularity index exceeds 1.75 or the goat leaves the room, whichever comes first, at which point the joke is declared to be an inside joke.  The only way to reverse an inside joke declaration is for the goat to leave the room, but as far as I'm aware that's never been done.

The Monicans have been kicking around the idea of making this a non-moving violation (the joke, not the goat), but... well... Alan Corcoran is still in a cardboard box, so it's not like he'll be any help, amirite!
Keep right except to pass.  Yes.  You.
Visit scenic Orleans County, NY!
Male pronouns, please.

Quote from: Philip K. DickIf you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them.

Max Rockatansky

Holy shit, did we just get an official Alanland Voting Districts map?

Big John


Quote from: Max Rockatansky on January 15, 2025, 01:43:39 PMHoly shit, did we just get an official Alanland Voting Districts map?

It's just an oblast map.
Keep right except to pass.  Yes.  You.
Visit scenic Orleans County, NY!
Male pronouns, please.

Quote from: Philip K. DickIf you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them.


Keep right except to pass.  Yes.  You.
Visit scenic Orleans County, NY!
Male pronouns, please.

Quote from: Philip K. DickIf you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them.

Big John


Quote from: Big John on January 15, 2025, 02:05:26 PMNor like the poll asking voter preferences.

I think you've missed my point.  Alanland exit poles don't look anything like the one in that picture.
Keep right except to pass.  Yes.  You.
Visit scenic Orleans County, NY!
Male pronouns, please.

Quote from: Philip K. DickIf you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them.


Quote from: kphoger on January 15, 2025, 02:15:19 PMAlanland exit poles

Are there any exit czechs? or exit bahamians? exit fijians?


Seriously, people.  Not "polls".  Not "Poles".  Exit poles.  Like these:

Keep right except to pass.  Yes.  You.
Visit scenic Orleans County, NY!
Male pronouns, please.

Quote from: Philip K. DickIf you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them.


Quote from: kphoger on January 15, 2025, 01:41:13 PM

You'll notice that Camargo Oblast is traditionally considered a swing oblast. For a while, in contrast to the usual Alanlandian method of selecting candidates by offing them in a running race, Camargo Oblast did a similar thing with a tire swing (and by "for a while" I mean the years directly and indirectly proceeding after the Caterpillar War). Multiple candidates would step onto a moderately-sized tire swing, and the swing would be swung until all the candidates except one fell off:

(an artistic portrait from 1942 of Alan Tardis, Alan Leroy, and Alan Camargo VII duking it out in the idyllic days of Camargo Oblast. Just... ignore how the artist portrayed the tire swing. He was not very good at art... and very addicted to goat weed)

These swing-offs, so they were called, could last for various amounts of time. Sometimes they only lasted seconds, but others lasted for hours or even days. As you can probably imagine, this practice soon became violent in the modern era. Candidates beat each other with their fish hats, lizard sprockets were vomited up, and bombardier beetles were used as deadly weapons in one of Alanland's most dangerous political stunts. This bombastic tomfoolery reached its peak during the 1983.5 Alanland GAMER Revolution. Well before the VR craze that has captured the minds of Alanland in the past two weeks, politicians in Camargo Oblast began to use the destructive power of video games such as the Tardis 525, Atari 47 (one of the main reasons Atari video games and the number 47 are prohibited in Alanland, which will become important later), and the Nintendgoat 26 to simulate the tire-swing runoffs, albeit in crude analog fashion. These consoles, with titles such as Swingman, Swing Wars: Episode 1 - A New Pope, and Red Rover: Starring Alan Register, led to much strife in the GAMER revolution as it reached its climax.

The defining moment of the GAMER revolution in Camargo Oblast came when Al Tardis (grandson of Alan Tardis), was playing obsessively on his Tardis 525 console (designed by his uncle, Bobert Tardis) and declared after running 1500 simulations of the upcoming tire swing runoff that he would be the winner in a 76%-21%-20.5% landslide (the importance of the word "landslide" would become very important later, in the Agent Anal Toe incident, but that is completely irrelevant to this), hoping to avoid any violent confrontations at the swing-off. However, since this was probably illegal, his primary opponent, Alan Camargo IX, made a public announcement declaring Tardis' statement a farce. A third challenger, Douglas Denim (named after Sir Douglas Flood, among other things), also made a public address, only his was about how "cool" his pants were and about how he was going to "cook" the other candidates in the tire-swing-off. All of this led up to the most anticipated tire-swing-off in Camargo Oblast history.

The swing-off, held in Camargo Oblast's capital, Tulcer Okay, was attended by what seemed to be over 70,000 citizens of Camargo Oblast (I say "seemed" because the historical record does not provide good figures on whether goats and common teals count as citizens. I assume in good faith that common teals were counted as citizens and that goats were not, but that may or may not be the case). Camargo IX, Tardis, and Denim all were ready to proceed with the swing-off when suddenly Tardis pulled out a video game controller from his console and pointed it at Camargo like a weapon. Shocked by this blatant ignorance of the rules, Camargo shouted for a disqualification and began to insult the Tardis family name and company, in part because of Tardis' lame fish hat. Tardis then insulted Camargo with one of the most disgusting, reprehensible insults ever uttered in all of Alanland: "You think my fish hat is bad, huh? Well, there be a curse on you and your descendants to the 47th generation, you Atari-lover!!!" The crowd was stunned silent by these heinous words. This caused Camargo to rush at Tardis and shove him into a nearby blue telephone booth. Remarkably, the telephone booth whisked away, and Camargo and Tardis were gone.

With Camargo and Tardis now out of the race, Denim stepped onto the tire swing and was declared winner by fiat instantly, setting the record for the quickest swing-off at 0.0000...001 seconds. As the new Dominator of Camargo Oblast, Douglas Denim immediately stood on the swing and gave an arousing speech to the shocked crowd, urging for an end to this GAMER Revolution that had divided them all. As a result of this speech, the crowd, and all of Alanland, ended the conflict of the GAMER Revolution, leading to a time of relative peace and prosperity. Denim authorized two new executive orders as Dominator of Camargo Oblast, the first banning the sale of Atari video game machines and outlawing the use of the number 47 and its multiples, owing to the horrific last words of Tardis. This order was eventually signed into Alanland law under the Torrington administration. His second notable order was to make denim jeans the official clothing item of Camargo Oblast. Scenes like this are now prevalent around Tulcer Okay and the rest of Camargo Oblast:

But perhaps the most interesting effect of Denim's leadership as Dominator was the formation of several groups that protested his election, saying that because Camargo IX and Tardis are assumed not to be dead, the election was a sham. These groups allied under the banner "We don't want a Denim Nation!" Soon, they became so radical that they questioned why Camargo Oblast still uses the tire swing instead of fairer, more balanced swings. These groups began to be called "denominations" by the local goats with their weird hillbilly accents, butchering the pronunciation of "Denim Nation". But recently, these groups have begun to fragment, forming small independent denominations, such as the Rope Swing Denomination, the Swing Dance Denomination, and the Rusty Old Playground Swing Denomination. All of these denominations agree that the tire swing has to go, but they majorly disagree on what should replace it; hence, they remain divided and condemned to the rural areas of Camargo Oblast. Care should be taken driving along AL 48 in the Camargo Forest Reserve, as rogue bands of these "denominations" swing from the trees with their pet baboons and hijack vehicles.

It is this relative unrest that I believe has caused Dunes-Flamingo to have so much popularity in Camargo Oblast. His policy decisions seem to echo that of the Denim administration, so citizens of the oblast want to return to the idyllic days of the Denim administration. That is why Camargo Oblast is known as a swing oblast, and that is why it is nicknamed "the Denim Nation".

And ah yes, I think I remember that artist's name; I think it was or something like that.
Buc-ee's and QuikTrip fanboy. Clincher of FM roads. Proponent of the TX U-turn. Budding theologian.

Route Log
Travel Mapping


Quote from: CoreySamson on January 16, 2025, 08:37:36 PMThe defining moment of the GAMER revolution in Camargo Oblast came when Al Tardis (grandson of Alan Tardis), was playing obsessively on his Tardis 525 console (designed by his uncle, Bobert Tardis) and declared after running 1500 simulations of the upcoming tire swing runoff that he would be the winner in a 76%-21%-20.5% landslide (the importance of the word "landslide" would become very important later, in the Agent Anal Toe incident, but that is completely irrelevant to this), hoping to avoid any violent confrontations at the swing-off.

Wow, I had totally forgotten about the Agent Anal Toe incident!  It does just go to show that history repeats itself, though, doesn't it?

And thank you for reminding us of the landslide election of Alan Register, and also the events of June 7, 2021.  Boy, nobody can complain that politics is boring, can they?  Now that I've gotten back into reading non-fiction recently, I should brush up on my Alanland history.

Thank you, AlanLad and Chester Cheetah!

Quote from: CoreySamson on January 16, 2025, 08:37:36 PMThe swing-off, held in Camargo Oblast's capital, Tulcer Okay, was attended by what seemed to be over 70,000 citizens of Camargo Oblast (I say "seemed" because the historical record does not provide good figures on whether goats and common teals count as citizens. I assume in good faith that common teals were counted as citizens and that goats were not, but that may or and may not be the case).


Quote from: CoreySamson on January 16, 2025, 08:37:36 PMBut perhaps the most interesting effect of Denim's leadership as Dominator was the formation of several groups that protested his election, saying that because Camargo IX and Tardis are assumed not to be dead, the election was a sham. These groups allied under the banner "We don't want a Denim Nation!" Soon, they became so radical that they questioned why Camargo Oblast still uses the tire swing instead of fairer, more balanced swings. These groups began to be called "denominations" by the local goats with their weird hillbilly accents, butchering the pronunciation of "Denim Nation". But recently, these groups have begun to fragment, forming small independent denominations, such as the Rope Swing Denomination, the Swing Dance Denomination, and the Rusty Old Playground Swing Denomination. All of these denominations agree that the tire swing has to go, but they majorly disagree on what should replace it; hence, they remain divided and condemned to the rural areas of Camargo Oblast

Don't forget the more recently incorporated Old Swingers Denomination, who have been reported to use tire swings for... umm... other purposes.

Quote from: CoreySamson on January 16, 2025, 08:37:36 PMIt is this relative unrest that I believe has caused Dunes-Flamingo to have so much popularity in Camargo Oblast. His policy decisions seem to echo that of the Denim administration, so citizens of the oblast want to return to the idyllic days of the Denim administration.

You know, I hadn't considered that, but it rings true.  I had just assumed it was geographical proximity to Unerie Oblast;  while that undoubtedly was a major contributing factor, you're correct that it doesn't account for Dunes-Flamingo's carrying twice the vote of any other candidate.  And now that you've pointed it out, I'm surprised not to have seen a single pundit having suggested the same.  Great insight!
Keep right except to pass.  Yes.  You.
Visit scenic Orleans County, NY!
Male pronouns, please.

Quote from: Philip K. DickIf you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them.


I'm gonna say this right now, and I must reveal myself. I have been lying.

I voted for Dunes-Flamingo.

I just found his way of politics enchanting to me, plus, I like Merritt better as a person, just.. I don't think I could've dealt with him anymore.

Did anyone else vote for Dunes-Flamingo?
Applying for new Grand Alan.

Max Rockatansky

That pimpin pink blazer always had my vote.  It just took someone to wield it.


Quote from: PNWRoadgeek on January 16, 2025, 11:50:27 PMDid anyone else vote for Dunes-Flamingo?

Yes, a lot of people voted for him.  That's how he won the election.
Keep right except to pass.  Yes.  You.
Visit scenic Orleans County, NY!
Male pronouns, please.

Quote from: Philip K. DickIf you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them.


Quote from: Voyager on January 14, 2025, 04:41:10 PMLove that but still am totally lost.

That's OK, by the way. After all, the paradox of being socially lost but not physically lost is what brings everyone on this forum together, so I'd say embrace it.  :)


Quote from: kphoger on January 16, 2025, 09:22:24 PMAnd now that you've pointed it out, I'm surprised not to have seen a single pundit having suggested the same.  Great insight!
I don't really consider myself a pundit. Something more along the lines of Camargo Oblast Historian would be a better title.

Quote from: webny99 on January 17, 2025, 10:45:01 AM
Quote from: Voyager on January 14, 2025, 04:41:10 PMLove that but still am totally lost.
That's OK, by the way. After all, the paradox of being socially lost but not physically lost is what brings everyone on this forum together, so I'd say embrace it.  :)
In Alanland, all are physically lost, mentally lost, and socially lost, but they are not spiritually lost or porcinely lost. This may and may not be the thing that brings the country together.
Buc-ee's and QuikTrip fanboy. Clincher of FM roads. Proponent of the TX U-turn. Budding theologian.

Route Log
Travel Mapping


Quote from: Voyager on January 14, 2025, 04:41:10 PMLove that but still am totally lost. Oh well.

I assume you are aware of the long-running (now-closed) thread in question, but if not, here it is. Read at your own risk.
"You know, you never have a guaranteed spot until you have a spot guaranteed."
—Olaf Kolzig, as quoted in the Washington Times on March 28, 2003,
commenting on the Capitals clinching a playoff spot.

"That sounded stupid, didn't it?"
—Kolzig, to the same reporter a few seconds later.


Quote from: CoreySamson on January 17, 2025, 10:49:05 AMIn Alanland, all are physically lost, mentally lost, and socially lost, but they are not spiritually lost or porcinely lost.

Exactly.  This has been the case ever since the passage of Amendment 0.0.h! to the Brunsweld Edict. (.pdf warning)
Keep right except to pass.  Yes.  You.
Visit scenic Orleans County, NY!
Male pronouns, please.

Quote from: Philip K. DickIf you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them.


Quote from: CoreySamson on January 17, 2025, 10:49:05 AM
QuoteThat's OK, by the way. After all, the paradox of being socially lost but not physically lost is what brings everyone on this forum together, so I'd say embrace it.  :)
In Alanland, all are physically lost, mentally lost, and socially lost, but they are not spiritually lost or porcinely lost.

I understand I am going nowhere with this, but a defining feature of roadgeeks is our tendency to be great with navigation and directions and thus NOT be physically lost... just in case being mentally lost prevented anyone from making that connection.  :-P


Quote from: CoreySamson on January 17, 2025, 10:49:05 AMIn Alanland, all are physically lost,

Quote from: webny99 on January 17, 2025, 11:04:36 AMI understand I am going nowhere with this, but a defining feature of roadgeeks is our tendency to be great with navigation and directions and thus NOT be physically lost.

The vast majority of roadgeeks are not in Alanland.
Keep right except to pass.  Yes.  You.
Visit scenic Orleans County, NY!
Male pronouns, please.

Quote from: Philip K. DickIf you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them.

Max Rockatansky

Quote from: webny99 on January 17, 2025, 11:04:36 AM
Quote from: CoreySamson on January 17, 2025, 10:49:05 AM
QuoteThat's OK, by the way. After all, the paradox of being socially lost but not physically lost is what brings everyone on this forum together, so I'd say embrace it.  :)
In Alanland, all are physically lost, mentally lost, and socially lost, but they are not spiritually lost or porcinely lost.

I understand I am going nowhere with this, but a defining feature of roadgeeks is our tendency to be great with navigation and directions and thus NOT be physically lost...

In Alanland being a road fan involved getting yourself deliberately and accidentally lost.


Quote from: Grzrd on October 17, 2012, 04:28:28 PMAlanland roadgeeks are debating whether the road leading from the I-5 ghost ramp should be I-5A or an I-x5.

Speaking of roadgeeks in Alanland, does anyone know if they've resolved this debate?  It's been over twelve years now since it was brought up.
Keep right except to pass.  Yes.  You.
Visit scenic Orleans County, NY!
Male pronouns, please.

Quote from: Philip K. DickIf you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them.


Quote from: kphoger on January 17, 2025, 12:14:34 PM
Quote from: Grzrd on October 17, 2012, 04:28:28 PMAlanland roadgeeks are debating whether the road leading from the I-5 ghost ramp should be I-5A or an I-x5.

Speaking of roadgeeks in Alanland, does anyone know if they've resolved this debate?  It's been over twelve years now since it was brought up.

The route logs show "A-5I(II)".

They're actual logs, so a particularly cold winter may cause deletion of routes.


Quote from: formulanone on January 17, 2025, 12:22:51 PM
Quote from: kphoger on January 17, 2025, 12:14:34 PM
Quote from: Grzrd on October 17, 2012, 04:28:28 PMAlanland roadgeeks are debating whether the road leading from the I-5 ghost ramp should be I-5A or an I-x5.

Speaking of roadgeeks in Alanland, does anyone know if they've resolved this debate?  It's been over twelve years now since it was brought up.

The route logs show "A-5I(II)".

They're actual logs, so a particularly cold winter may cause deletion of routes.

I know.  I wasn't asking what the actual designation is;  that's easily confirmed in the logs, as you have just proven.  I was asking if the Alanland roadgeeks have resolved their debate.
Keep right except to pass.  Yes.  You.
Visit scenic Orleans County, NY!
Male pronouns, please.

Quote from: Philip K. DickIf you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them.

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