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I-30 Construction Progress Thread

Started by TheArkansasRoadgeek, December 28, 2017, 03:29:03 AM

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This thread has been established to track information regarding Interstate 30 happenings within the Little Rock area, related to further news of meetings and future construction schedules. Here is something I ran into (admittingly a bit late)
QuoteLITTLE ROCK, Ark. - The largest highway project ever proposed in Arkansas is moving forward.

The 630 million dollar I-30 expansion project called 30 Crossing,  jumped its final hurdle Wednesday, as Metroplan board members gave regional approval.

All board members approved the project, except Wanda Crawford, the Rock Region Metro Interim Executive Director.

"Honestly I can't see a world when transit folks would be interested in any kind of expansion of highways when there are other alternatives that can be put forth that meet more peoples needs in the community," Rock Region Metro Representative Becca Green said after the meeting.

The 3 week public comment period before Wednesdays meeting yielded more than 150 letters.

Forty-one letters were supportive of the 30 Crossing project, 127 were against.

The much anticipated Environmental Assessment of the 30 Crossing project has not yet been released. It is expected in early 2018.

There are two I-30 expansion designs currently being considered, the Single Point and Split Diamond designs.

The Metroplan board members are giving preference to the Split Diamond design. Learn more here.

"I think ultimately is better than what we've got now, where we dump all the traffic both north and south on to the second street interchange. That will be eliminated. For these people who say all that's happening is building a great big, bigger freeway, actually we're eliminating a large portion of that freeway and creating a 17 to 18 acre park," Little Rock Mayor Mark Stodola said.

Which design is chosen will be dependent on the Environmental Assessment. A 45 day public comment period will then open once the EA is released.

Wednesdays vote was the last action taken by Metroplan and its board members regarding this project.

The Federal Highway Administration will also have to sign off on the project. ~

Personally, I am confused on how they plan to change/enhance Cumberland and 2nd Street. 2nd is what appears to be a bi-directional one way, meaning, at Rock St. traffic can turn left or right, but towards Cumberland (right) 2nd is clearly marked as a one way street.
Well, that's just like your opinion man...

Plutonic Panda

Here is a link to video renderings:

I think it's hilarious in the renderings they have excessive traffic back up in the 8 lane version but things flow so much better with the 6 lane and C/D lanes. They should make it 8 lanes with C/D lanes if traffic is that bad. They clearly will pick the 6 lane + C/D which seems fine.


Quote from: Plutonic Panda on December 28, 2017, 02:47:25 PM
Here is a link to video renderings:

I think it's hilarious in the renderings they have excessive traffic back up in the 8 lane version but things flow so much better with the 6 lane and C/D lanes. They should make it 8 lanes with C/D lanes if traffic is that bad. They clearly will pick the 6 lane + C/D which seems fine.
I wonder if they skewed the simulation? :hmmm:

That is very interesting... Well, if they predicted 3rd as is depicted in the simulation, that whole street will be a clusterfuck! They'll have to do something drastic like with I-430 and AR 10.
Well, that's just like your opinion man...

Plutonic Panda

Well, it speaks to me that they have a strong preference for the 6 lanes plus C/D system which I'm guessing will work. I don't know enough about the Little Rock area to judge the proper number of lanes for this stretch of freeway.

I was just surprised at the drastic change in the amount of traffic between the two renderings. One is a freeway lovers dream and the other is a nightmare lol.


Quote from: Plutonic Panda on December 28, 2017, 06:59:56 PM
Well, it speaks to me that they have a strong preference for the 6 lanes plus C/D system which I'm guessing will work. I don't know enough about the Little Rock area to judge the proper number of lanes for this stretch of freeway.

I was just surprised at the drastic change in the amount of traffic between the two renderings. One is a freeway lovers dream and the other is a nightmare lol.
Checking back, it doesn't give preference to how many lanes will be used, but the simulation is a bit fishy, but I agree.
Well, that's just like your opinion man...


I was on a more thorough inspection of the CAP website; specifically the 30 Crossing page and this is what I found: "Project Updates
Draft Environmental Assessment
Progress continues in preparing the draft Environmental Assessment. The following documents will be included in this report and will be made available for public review prior to the next public hearing. A public hearing is currently anticipated for late 2017 or early 2018.

Indirect Effects Technical Report
PEL Traffic and Safety Report
Alternatives Technical Report
PEL Public Involvement Summary
EA Public Involvement Summary
Community Impacts Technical Report
Phase I Cultural Resources Survey
Section 4(f) Evaluations
Noise Study
Utility Technical Memorandum
Visual and Aesthetics Technical Report
Hazardous Materials Report
Streams and Wetlands Report
Water Quality Technical Memorandum
Floodplain Technical Memorandum
MSAT Analysis report
Cumulative Effects Technical Report
Draft Interchange Justification Report (IJR)
Modifications to entrance and exit ramps throughout the corridor are proposed as part of the 30 Crossing project. To address these changes, an Interchange Justification Report is being prepared to justify the new or revised access points on the interstate. This report includes information on conceptual design, traffic results, safety analysis, and signing plan. This report is currently in progress.

Design-Build Procurement
In May, the Arkansas Department of Transportation (formerly AHTD) issued notice that it was seeking Statements of Qualifications from firms desiring to design and construct the project. The SOQs were due at the end of June, and AHTD is currently reviewing the submittals. A short list of firms is expected in September with a Request for Proposals issued in early 2018."  CAP website-30 Crossing

It looks like things are going to really pick up in early 2018!

Well, that's just like your opinion man...


Here is some information regarding this topic:

Quote from: Benjamin Browning, P.E. | Alternative Project Delivery Director | Arkansas Department of Transportation

The Project status for the I-30 (30 Crossing) project is accurate.  Although we are not yet able to set a firm date for the Environmental Public Hearing, we do anticipate that it will be held during the summer of this year. 

This Project is being delivered using the Design-Build delivery method rather than the traditional Design-Bid-Build delivery method.  For this reason, the Project will not be included in a Letting.  Rather, the Design-Builder will be selected through a two-phase qualifications based selection process.  We have already concluded the first phase of this process in which we issued a Request for Qualifications and Short-listed three firms with the highest qualifications for the type of construction necessary for this Project.  The next phase will be to release a Request for Proposals (RFP) to the three short listed firms.  These firms will respond to this request with a submittal that will contain commitments on how they propose to construction the Project within the fixed budget.  We will not release this final RFP until after the Environmental process is complete.  Once the RFP is released, the Proposers will be given 3-6 months to respond to the RFP with their Proposals.  The Department will then score the Proposals and select the Design-Builder who presented the best value proposal.  After selection, the Department will enter into a contract with the selected Design-Builder and they will complete the design and start construction on the project.  At this time we anticipate final design starting the early part of 2019 and construction beginning in the summer of 2019.

Key Points:
Environmental Public Hearing, anticipation for summer of this year.
No Letting - RIP
Anticipate final design starting the early part of 2019 and construction beginning in the summer of 2019.
No final RFP until after the Environmental process is complete.

Have any more to add? Those are main ones to me!
Well, that's just like your opinion man...


Quote from:
Public Hearing — Thursday, July 12, 2018
A 30 Crossing public hearing will be held Thursday, July 12, 2018, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., at the Wyndham Riverfront in North Little Rock. Public hearing materials are available for review by visiting the Public Hearing Page. Information includes the Environmental Assessment and the proposed preliminary design.
Well, that's just like your opinion man...


So, I found the ftp server of a site belonging to a company I believe to to have a stake in the 30 Crossing project:

Here is the PDF I found:
Well, that's just like your opinion man...


30 Crossing contractor selected today:

Seems like a different way to get the project done than is typically done in the state.

Plutonic Panda

Any updates on this? I haven't been through Little Rock in awhile.


I like their implementation of the C/D system. It reminds me somewhat of the "auxiliary lanes" on I-5 in SoCal.


Quote from: Updates

Based upon the Environmental Assessment (EA), additional information included in the FONSI document, and the Disposition of Public Comments for the Location and Design Public Hearing, FHWA concludes that the proposed project will not have a significant impact on the environment.

No additional NEPA documentation is required for this project. FHWA in cooperation with ARDOT identifies Alternative 2B as the Selected Alternative for the project. If, during design or construction, changes in laws or regulations occur that affect the project, or there are major design changes that result in greater impacts than those evaluated in this document, a re­evaluation of this EA will be performed.

The Arkansas Department of Transportation has completed the assessment of the proposed project and the Federal Highway Administration issues a Finding of No Significant Impact for the 30 Crossing Project in Pulaski County, Arkansas.

Click here to visit the FONSI page for more information and to download the report.

The construction should be underway; looking at the timeline, it started around the first quater of 2019.
Well, that's just like your opinion man...


Breaking News:

The state Supreme Court says ARDOT can't use the half-cent tax revenue for the I-30 widening.
Like Alice I Try To Believe Three Impossible Things Before Breakfast


Yikes...what a nightmare

Though when I heard of the lawsuit, it was a slam dunk this would happen. So they should've come up with a plan in the intervening months
Woo Pig Sooie


How did they fund the 6-laning of I-49 in NWA then?


Quote from: MikieTimT on October 29, 2020, 07:18:34 PM
How did they fund the 6-laning of I-49 in NWA then?

Federal grants, I think.
Like Alice I Try To Believe Three Impossible Things Before Breakfast


Quote from: US71 on October 29, 2020, 08:08:26 PM
Quote from: MikieTimT on October 29, 2020, 07:18:34 PM
How did they fund the 6-laning of I-49 in NWA then?

Federal grants, I think.
Going off of this site, I was thinking it was because of the sales tax.

Does this ruling mean they can't do any widening on I-40 between Little Rock and Memphis with the sales tax funds? I know they were planning on doing a few selected sections of that stretch if the ballot measure passed.
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Quote from: mvak36 on October 29, 2020, 11:23:50 PM
Quote from: US71 on October 29, 2020, 08:08:26 PM
Quote from: MikieTimT on October 29, 2020, 07:18:34 PM
How did they fund the 6-laning of I-49 in NWA then?

Federal grants, I think.
Going off of this site, I was thinking it was because of the sales tax.

Does this ruling mean they can't do any widening on I-40 between Little Rock and Memphis with the sales tax funds? I know they were planning on doing a few selected sections of that stretch if the ballot measure passed.

I don't think that would be excluded. What it sounds like is legalese contradicting each other.
Like Alice I Try To Believe Three Impossible Things Before Breakfast


So, I found a game plan for this year and the next. Due to the Design-Build model of this particular project I don't have to the minute play-by-play letting plans, as they aren't treating each section as it's own job (so: no job, no job number). But, I have with me a snippet of a preliminary stage map. Also, I am late in saying I missed the kickoff of things, as (pre)construction has been ongoing since September 18th.
Well, that's just like your opinion man...

Plutonic Panda

So I guess that means this project will happen regardless? If so that is great news as it is sorely needed.


Quote from: Plutonic Panda on November 22, 2020, 05:40:39 AM
So I guess that means this project will happen regardless? If so that is great news as it is sorely needed.
Yes, lane closures are going on and some dimolition/detours have happened recently. From the stage map, the N & S terminals will be late 2021.
Well, that's just like your opinion man...


If I read the pdf right, it looks like the 360 degree and the 450 degree ramps near 2nd Street are going away?
Internet member since 1987.

Hate speech is a nonsense concept; the truth is hate speech to those that hate the truth.

People who use their free speech to try to silence others' free speech are dangerous fools.


Quote from: Finrod on November 28, 2020, 06:39:19 AM
If I read the pdf right, it looks like the 360 degree and the 450 degree ramps near 2nd Street are going away?
Yes. The helixes will disappear one day soon...

Plutonic Panda

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