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The I-65/70 North Split Reconstruction

Started by silverback1065, July 26, 2020, 09:56:17 AM

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Quote from: tdindy88 on May 20, 2021, 08:44:30 PM
As predicted I've had to take 70 and 65 through town every morning coming home from work from Rockville Road to the Greenwood area. The blue travel time sign at Sam Jones Expressway said the other day it was a 35 minute drive from I-70 to I-65. No thank you At least I can take 465 in the evenings. I thought that the official I-65 detour using 65 and 70 was kind of dumb but I'll take that back. It's far from the worst idea INDOT's ever had. There are times of the day when that routing is very tempting.

I know the North Split does need to be done because of the old bridges and pavement and waiting any longer is probably not an option. But I kind of wonder if we should have done all the I-465 widening and I-69 interchange on the south side stuff first to make that highway a little better prepared for this. 18 MONTHS of this stuff is going to get old very fast. It might as well be an eternity.
I'm surprised people haven't realized you can do all the same movements using west st instead of the north split. It's actually very easy to do now with through traffic gone. Also north split had to happen now. Some of the bridges would not have lasted another year. That road was in VERY BAD shape.

Pixel 5


This also teaches the freeway teardown people of what would happen if their poor ideas came to fruition.

Pixel 5


I've been back in the office for five weeks now. I park on Maryland across from the Convention Center and my normal route for years from Fishers has been to take 70 around to Missouri and come up past the stadiums to Maryland. This week I've taken 70 to 65 to the Meridian exit over to Capitol and down to enter my garage off Capitol. It has actually been quicker because there is minimal traffic on Capitol with most downtown employees (including state employees) not yet back in the office

Tonight instead of heading up Illinois to head for home I stayed on Maryland to go get on 70 from the Pine Street ramp. Total cluster over there. Everything was jammed from the people staying on 70 and taking the collector distributor to Ohio Street. Park Avenue was filled with people trying to get down to Washington to hop back on 70.

I could not believe how many semis I saw in that traffic. They could not all have been making downtown deliveries at 6 pm.

I wonder what my commute will be like once the downtown workers return but for now it hasn't been bad. But I'm not getting anywhere near the east side of downtown for a long time


My office is in the Ohio - East - Washington circle of death. The amount of NOT LOCAL semi traffic roaming around downtown is insane right now.


Quote from: ysuindy on May 20, 2021, 10:49:30 PM
I've been back in the office for five weeks now. I park on Maryland across from the Convention Center and my normal route for years from Fishers has been to take 70 around to Missouri and come up past the stadiums to Maryland. This week I've taken 70 to 65 to the Meridian exit over to Capitol and down to enter my garage off Capitol. It has actually been quicker because there is minimal traffic on Capitol with most downtown employees (including state employees) not yet back in the office

Tonight instead of heading up Illinois to head for home I stayed on Maryland to go get on 70 from the Pine Street ramp. Total cluster over there. Everything was jammed from the people staying on 70 and taking the collector distributor to Ohio Street. Park Avenue was filled with people trying to get down to Washington to hop back on 70.

I could not believe how many semis I saw in that traffic. They could not all have been making downtown deliveries at 6 pm.

I wonder what my commute will be like once the downtown workers return but for now it hasn't been bad. But I'm not getting anywhere near the east side of downtown for a long time
Ohio St closes next month then all that traffic will move up to Michigan st. Anyone remember how hyper fix affected traffic?

Pixel 5


Drove through Indy on both Sunday and Saturday of this past week to drop off/pick up our dog at my in-laws while on vacation. Normally we would take 65 straight through the city to Southport Rd. Of course we had to use 465 around the west and south sides, and both times traffic was pretty heavy for a weekend.
Indiana: counties 100%, highways 100%
Illinois: counties 100%, highways 61%
Michigan: counties 100%, highways 56%
Wisconsin: counties 86%, highways 23%

Revive 755

Does INDOT really need to drop the speed limit on eastbound I-70 prior to the southern I-65 interchange down to 40 for this project?  The normal 50 mph speed limit on I-70 is bad enough.  :banghead:


Quote from: Revive 755 on November 14, 2021, 10:47:06 PM
Does INDOT really need to drop the speed limit on eastbound I-70 prior to the southern I-65 interchange down to 40 for this project?  The normal 50 mph speed limit on I-70 is bad enough.  :banghead:

literally noone ever went 50 and they certainly arent going 40  :-D i come in going 70-75 like everyone else  :-D


Westbound I-465 on the southside just past the I-65 north ramp has construction speed limit signs that say 55. Considering that's the normal speed limit posted on the route, I'm curious if the signs are posted to draw attention to the construction zone itself (the bridge replacement for Keystone Ave.) or to encourage people to slow down from the 60-75 mph they're usually doing if there is no traffic.


Note: This is probably a rant, I just had to get some stuff off my chest concerning this project. Yes I know it's super needed and it will be great once its completed. Anyway, I can pretty say that I think the North Split construction project is the most disruptive project in Indianapolis history and I don't even think there will be a close second, at least until the Clearview I-69 interchange project happens. All the traffic being forced on the southern part of I-465 every single day. I find it hard to believe that we have a supply-chain problem in this country with all the freaking trucks I'm seeing.

Anyways, the reason for my rant has to do with a very recent experience, this morning. Due to heavy traffic on I-465 (as usual) I decided to take I-70 to I-65 to get from my job on the west side to my home on the south side. First of all, I notice a small message board sign (the portable ones) that mentioned I-65/I-70 Closed and Access to US 40. Access to US 40?  What the hell!

But then, speaking of the eastbound I-70 to I-65 South Split that some people were bringing up last week, I notice that they removed the barrier between the left lane and the two right lanes separating the traffic bound for Washington Street and I-65 South. It was too late when I realized that the lanes had returned to their original configurations as prior to the start of the construction project. The entrance ramp from Meridian Street was once again the right of the two right lanes heading to I-65 south and the two left lanes on I-70 were now both heading to Washington Street. It was too late and I had to exit off at Washington Street and take a unique roundabout way to get back to I-65 south. While waiting for several minutes at the traffic light to get onto Washington Street I had observed that the bridge that carries the interstate over Washington St was not built yet. So why are the traffic lanes on I-70 approaching the South Split normal again?


Quote from: tdindy88 on November 23, 2021, 08:23:33 AM
Note: This is probably a rant, I just had to get some stuff off my chest concerning this project. Yes I know it's super needed and it will be great once its completed. Anyway, I can pretty say that I think the North Split construction project is the most disruptive project in Indianapolis history and I don't even think there will be a close second, at least until the Clearview I-69 interchange project happens. All the traffic being forced on the southern part of I-465 every single day. I find it hard to believe that we have a supply-chain problem in this country with all the freaking trucks I'm seeing.

Anyways, the reason for my rant has to do with a very recent experience, this morning. Due to heavy traffic on I-465 (as usual) I decided to take I-70 to I-65 to get from my job on the west side to my home on the south side. First of all, I notice a small message board sign (the portable ones) that mentioned I-65/I-70 Closed and Access to US 40. Access to US 40?  What the hell!

But then, speaking of the eastbound I-70 to I-65 South Split that some people were bringing up last week, I notice that they removed the barrier between the left lane and the two right lanes separating the traffic bound for Washington Street and I-65 South. It was too late when I realized that the lanes had returned to their original configurations as prior to the start of the construction project. The entrance ramp from Meridian Street was once again the right of the two right lanes heading to I-65 south and the two left lanes on I-70 were now both heading to Washington Street. It was too late and I had to exit off at Washington Street and take a unique roundabout way to get back to I-65 south. While waiting for several minutes at the traffic light to get onto Washington Street I had observed that the bridge that carries the interstate over Washington St was not built yet. So why are the traffic lanes on I-70 approaching the South Split normal again?

the reason why it's taking so long to be built is because they are building on top of existing. and on top of that 65 and 70 will be flipped to allow for less weaving. i would recommend taking the secret detour, get off on west st and take that to 65 and head out on 70 e. i think this job really proves the rethink people's argument wrong. we really do need these interstates downtown!


Quote from: silverback1065 on November 23, 2021, 08:29:43 AM
Quote from: tdindy88 on November 23, 2021, 08:23:33 AM
Note: This is probably a rant, I just had to get some stuff off my chest concerning this project. Yes I know it's super needed and it will be great once its completed. Anyway, I can pretty say that I think the North Split construction project is the most disruptive project in Indianapolis history and I don't even think there will be a close second, at least until the Clearview I-69 interchange project happens. All the traffic being forced on the southern part of I-465 every single day. I find it hard to believe that we have a supply-chain problem in this country with all the freaking trucks I'm seeing.

Anyways, the reason for my rant has to do with a very recent experience, this morning. Due to heavy traffic on I-465 (as usual) I decided to take I-70 to I-65 to get from my job on the west side to my home on the south side. First of all, I notice a small message board sign (the portable ones) that mentioned I-65/I-70 Closed and Access to US 40. Access to US 40?  What the hell!

But then, speaking of the eastbound I-70 to I-65 South Split that some people were bringing up last week, I notice that they removed the barrier between the left lane and the two right lanes separating the traffic bound for Washington Street and I-65 South. It was too late when I realized that the lanes had returned to their original configurations as prior to the start of the construction project. The entrance ramp from Meridian Street was once again the right of the two right lanes heading to I-65 south and the two left lanes on I-70 were now both heading to Washington Street. It was too late and I had to exit off at Washington Street and take a unique roundabout way to get back to I-65 south. While waiting for several minutes at the traffic light to get onto Washington Street I had observed that the bridge that carries the interstate over Washington St was not built yet. So why are the traffic lanes on I-70 approaching the South Split normal again?

the reason why it's taking so long to be built is because they are building on top of existing. and on top of that 65 and 70 will be flipped to allow for less weaving. i would recommend taking the secret detour, get off on west st and take that to 65 and head out on 70 e. i think this job really proves the rethink people's argument wrong. we really do need these interstates downtown!

They made that change last weekend. It sucks that you got caught but the new configuration is much safer than it was before. Still won't stop truckers from ignoring the detour signs though...


when all of the projects on 465 are done in about 10 yrs the only portion not 8 lanes wide with aux lanes will be the SE Quad.


Quote from: tdindy88 on November 23, 2021, 08:23:33 AM
Note: This is probably a rant, I just had to get some stuff off my chest concerning this project. Yes I know it's super needed and it will be great once its completed. Anyway, I can pretty say that I think the North Split construction project is the most disruptive project in Indianapolis history and I don't even think there will be a close second, at least until the Clearview I-69 interchange project happens. All the traffic being forced on the southern part of I-465 every single day. I find it hard to believe that we have a supply-chain problem in this country with all the freaking trucks I'm seeing.

Anyways, the reason for my rant has to do with a very recent experience, this morning. Due to heavy traffic on I-465 (as usual) I decided to take I-70 to I-65 to get from my job on the west side to my home on the south side. First of all, I notice a small message board sign (the portable ones) that mentioned I-65/I-70 Closed and Access to US 40. Access to US 40?  What the hell!

But then, speaking of the eastbound I-70 to I-65 South Split that some people were bringing up last week, I notice that they removed the barrier between the left lane and the two right lanes separating the traffic bound for Washington Street and I-65 South. It was too late when I realized that the lanes had returned to their original configurations as prior to the start of the construction project. The entrance ramp from Meridian Street was once again the right of the two right lanes heading to I-65 south and the two left lanes on I-70 were now both heading to Washington Street. It was too late and I had to exit off at Washington Street and take a unique roundabout way to get back to I-65 south. While waiting for several minutes at the traffic light to get onto Washington Street I had observed that the bridge that carries the interstate over Washington St was not built yet. So why are the traffic lanes on I-70 approaching the South Split normal again?

INDOT has been very good about sending out advance notice of changes like this.   Highly recommend you go to and sign up for email notifications.   There are very granular options as to which types of emails you want to get, both by county and by project.


Fair enough. It was only a few weeks ago that I noticed the North Split had a Facebook page just like the I-69 Finish Line. I also noticed there was a link referencing the project and stating that they were returning to the per-construction configuration at the South Split for the winter season. I would just like to know why? As far as I know I would have thought that most of the traffic going through there right now is going from EB to SB through the South Split for the I-65 detour. Do we need two lanes for just Washington Street? Maybe it needs to be that way.


Recent drone footage of the project:

Since late March 2022, weekly drone videos showing the project's progress have been uploaded to YouTube. They can be viewed here.


I was wondering how this project was progressing.

Thank You



Thanks for posting the video link. All I can think now is how on earth are they going to finish this before Christmas?


Quote from: jhuntin1 on June 09, 2022, 11:09:17 AM
Thanks for posting the video link. All I can think now is how on earth are they going to finish this before Christmas?



Quote from: ITB on June 07, 2022, 06:30:38 PM
Since late March 2022, weekly drone videos showing the project's progress have been uploaded to YouTube. They can actually be viewed using this edited link.


Quote from: davewiecking on June 09, 2022, 11:36:28 PM
Quote from: ITB on June 07, 2022, 06:30:38 PM
Since late March 2022, weekly drone videos showing the project's progress have been uploaded to YouTube. They can actually be viewed using this edited link.

These videos are fantastic. I spent way too much time last night playing two at once to see how things have progressed. There doesn't seem to have been much progress in the actual interchange itself since March, except for the I-65 eastbound mainline (I think). Hopefully, that's just a misperception, and things are happening underground and so on.

On a side note, I like how some of the old ramps of the interchange are now being used for construction access.
I-290   I-294   I-55   (I-74)   (I-72)   I-40   I-30   US-59   US-190   TX-30   TX-6


Quote from: silverback1065 on June 09, 2022, 11:13:49 PM
Quote from: jhuntin1 on June 09, 2022, 11:09:17 AM
Thanks for posting the video link. All I can think now is how on earth are they going to finish this before Christmas?

I don't think it will be finished by Thanksgiving, and I think Christmas is optimistic at this point.


Quote from: jhuntin1 on June 11, 2022, 01:44:17 PM
Quote from: silverback1065 on June 09, 2022, 11:13:49 PM
Quote from: jhuntin1 on June 09, 2022, 11:09:17 AM
Thanks for posting the video link. All I can think now is how on earth are they going to finish this before Christmas?

I don't think it will be finished by Thanksgiving, and I think Christmas is optimistic at this point.

neither do i but that's what INDOT has always said in the media, thanksgiving.


The Ghostbuster

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