
why is this up in the corner now

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Interstate 369

Started by Grzrd, October 19, 2013, 10:41:06 AM

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Last summer, TXDOT started a rebuild of the US-59 bridge over I-20 in Marshall. A lot of the truck traffic has actually started following US-79 to Shreveport and I-49 to Texarkana. The delays in Marshall were to blame. One would wonder if it will shift back when this sieve situation is finished.  Or will it remain this way until the SL-390 extension to I-20 is completed? This bridge is NOT part of the I-369 upgrades.

The traffic density on I-49 has increased notably.

Quote from: bwana39 on March 30, 2020, 09:40:45 AM
Quote from: Scott5114 on March 30, 2020, 04:09:47 AM
I-369 seems to basically function as a Shreveport bypass for I-30-bound traffic.

I all but agree with you BUT.

1) The traffic load on US 59 is already fairly high: higher than I-49 from Shreveport to Texarkana.
2) There is no good path between US 59 and I-49. Traffic chooses US-59 as it is.
     A) US 79 is two lanes from Bethany to Greenwood (LA Section)
     B) I-20 is near capacity from Marshall to Shreveport (Actually from Dallas to Monroe at least).
     C) Other routes (Primarily US 84) are substandard.

I-49 was built to finish the northern Hurricane escape route. Prior to its completion, SHreveport would get  inundated with evacuees. Now they can travel on an interstate directly from Layfayette to Texarkana, Little Rock and beyond if needed.  Day-to day traffic needs seem beside the point.

I tend to agree with you that a 4-lane rural divided highway with controlled access loops around all of the towns and overpasses at all major intersections would PROBABLY be enough from Lufkin North.  That said, it is a trade off. Take the route and profits from inside the small towns and get Interstate Access.  While I disagree with the whole branding concept. When it comes to economic development, the INTERSTATE HIGHWAY brand is a selling point especially outside of major urban areas.

What is economic development? From one pov, it is bringing in jobs and construction to provide jobs and tax base to future generations so they can remain in their home communities.

Another way of looking at it is conversion of lower value assets (agricultural or low density usage land) to higher value assets (commercial / industrial land).  While commercial / industrial real estate is a longer term investment, the payouts tend to be 10X the investments.

Without this premium brand being bestowed on a given community, why would they support the eventual losses of business in their inner city. (Think Corrigan or Diboll).  Moving out to  the freeway is a slow not painless proposition for the folks who own fixed assets along the old routing.

Let's build what we need as economically as possible.


I did notice that US 79 between Shreveport and Carthage had more trucks than I expected for a two-lane rural highway when I drove it about a month ago. I also find it interesting that you said traffic has increased on I-49 between Texarkana and Shreveport. Traffic must have been super-dead when it first opened!
Buc-ee's and QuikTrip fanboy. Clincher of FM roads. Proponent of the TX U-turn. Budding theologian.

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Quote from: CoreySamson on January 10, 2023, 08:18:08 PM
I did notice that US 79 between Shreveport and Carthage had more trucks than I expected for a two-lane rural highway when I drove it about a month ago. I also find it interesting that you said traffic has increased on I-49 between Texarkana and Shreveport. Traffic must have been super-dead when it first opened!

Truck traffic has probably tripled on I-49 north of Shreveport in the past year. Auto traffic is up some.  I can remember after it was completely open from Texarkana to I-220 never passing or getting passed all the way from Texarkana to N. Market. in the morning.  It was a lot busier a year or so ago, but the increase in the past year is pretty significant.

That said, it really isn't very busy even now.
Let's build what we need as economically as possible.

Urban Prairie Schooner

Quote from: bwana39 on January 10, 2023, 08:34:46 PM
Quote from: CoreySamson on January 10, 2023, 08:18:08 PM
I did notice that US 79 between Shreveport and Carthage had more trucks than I expected for a two-lane rural highway when I drove it about a month ago. I also find it interesting that you said traffic has increased on I-49 between Texarkana and Shreveport. Traffic must have been super-dead when it first opened!

Truck traffic has probably tripled in the past year. Auto traffic is up some.  I can remember after it was completely open from Texarkana to I-220 never passing or getting passed all the way from Texarkana to N. Market. in the morning.  It was a lot busier a year or so ago, but the increase in the past year is pretty significant.

That said, it really isn't very busy even now.

The number of trucks leaving I-20 for US 79 (LA169) at Greenwood is insane.


Quote from: Urban Prairie Schooner on January 10, 2023, 09:11:08 PM
Quote from: bwana39 on January 10, 2023, 08:34:46 PM
Quote from: CoreySamson on January 10, 2023, 08:18:08 PM
I did notice that US 79 between Shreveport and Carthage had more trucks than I expected for a two-lane rural highway when I drove it about a month ago. I also find it interesting that you said traffic has increased on I-49 between Texarkana and Shreveport. Traffic must have been super-dead when it first opened!

Truck traffic has probably tripled in the past year. Auto traffic is up some.  I can remember after it was completely open from Texarkana to I-220 never passing or getting passed all the way from Texarkana to N. Market. in the morning.  It was a lot busier a year or so ago, but the increase in the past year is pretty significant.

That said, it really isn't very busy even now.

The number of trucks leaving I-20 for US 79 (LA169) at Greenwood is insane.
Yeah I got stuck behind two slow-turning trucks at that interchange and pretty much all the way to the LA/TX border. I guess it shows the need for I-69 in the area, which I had not considered to be important section in the past, but now I actually see why it will be necessary in the future. Maybe in 20-30 years we'll start seeing talks of building I-69 in LA.
Buc-ee's and QuikTrip fanboy. Clincher of FM roads. Proponent of the TX U-turn. Budding theologian.

Route Log
Travel Mapping


Quote from: Urban Prairie Schooner on January 10, 2023, 09:11:08 PM
Quote from: bwana39 on January 10, 2023, 08:34:46 PM
Quote from: CoreySamson on January 10, 2023, 08:18:08 PM
I did notice that US 79 between Shreveport and Carthage had more trucks than I expected for a two-lane rural highway when I drove it about a month ago. I also find it interesting that you said traffic has increased on I-49 between Texarkana and Shreveport. Traffic must have been super-dead when it first opened!

Truck traffic has probably tripled in the past year. Auto traffic is up some.  I can remember after it was completely open from Texarkana to I-220 never passing or getting passed all the way from Texarkana to N. Market. in the morning.  It was a lot busier a year or so ago, but the increase in the past year is pretty significant.

That said, it really isn't very busy even now.

The number of trucks leaving I-20 for US 79 (LA169) at Greenwood is insane.

A lot of that is actually for the truck stops. Even 20 years ago when there was only Flying J and NO I-49 N there was crazy truck traffic for Flying J. Has to be even more with Love's there too. Much of this traffic is I-20 using the truck stops traffic; NOT US-79 traffic.
Let's build what we need as economically as possible.

The Ghostbuster

Have there been any Future Interstate 369 signs erected along the US 59 corridor between Texarkana and Tenaha, since it will likely be quite some time before the freeway is completed south of Texarkana? Also, does anyone know when the Interstate 369 northern extension to future Interstate 49 might be constructed?


I don't think there are any concrete plans at all for the segment of I-369 on the North side of Texarkana. AFAIK TX DOT still doesn't have plans yet for extending I-49 up across the Red River in Arkansas.

For now it seems like TX DOT is only concentrating on a couple segments of I-369 to the South of I-30. They're still trying to figure out how to get I-369 to depart from the TX-151 loop SW down the US-59 corridor. They done studies and reached a consensus to upgrade along the existing US-59 roadway, but that will mean buying and clearing a whole lot of properties. Extending I-369 North of I-30 appears to be an even more difficult problem. It looks like any Northern quadrant of a I-369 loop would have to extend North from I-30 out miles West of town.

Bypass plans in Marshall appear father along. Construction on that could begin in the next couple years.


Quote from: Bobby5280 on January 11, 2023, 01:31:45 PM
I don't think there are any concrete plans at all for the segment of I-369 on the North side of Texarkana. AFAIK TX DOT still doesn't have plans yet for extending I-49 up across the Red River in Arkansas.

For now it seems like TX DOT is only concentrating on a couple segments of I-369 to the South of I-30. They're still trying to figure out how to get I-369 to depart from the TX-151 loop SW down the US-59 corridor. They done studies and reached a consensus to upgrade along the existing US-59 roadway, but that will mean buying and clearing a whole lot of properties. Extending I-369 North of I-30 appears to be an even more difficult problem. It looks like any Northern quadrant of a I-369 loop would have to extend North from I-30 out miles West of town.

Bypass plans in Marshall appear father along. Construction on that could begin in the next couple years.

As I understand it, TXDOT has purchased the I-49 path north of Texarkana and is allowing the previous owners to continue using it for agricultural use until the time comes to build the road. That may be decades from now.

US-59 / Loop-390 around Marshall TXDOT looks to be planning to build from US-80 to IH-20 beginning, as you said, in the next couple of years.  It initially would use a I-20 link to the existing US-59 near the south of town. The portion from IH-20 to the current US-59 probably would be farther down the line.

As to I-369 there are zero plans beyond I-30. Texarkana interests are firmly wanting it to come to LOOP-151 as 59 currently does.  There is discussion for I-369 to extend slightly west of FM2148 to meet I-49 north of Texarkana Texas, but that is a non-starter until I-369 or I-X30 meets Loop 151.

As to extending I-369 directly north of I-30, that is not really feasible now. The original plan of I-49 (or the "NEW US-71" as it was called back then), was for it to follow the current Loop 151 from US-71 west around Texarkana Texas and then to continue to the currently identified Red River Crossing.

When Mike Huckabee was Arkansas governor, all of this changed. Huckabee had Arkansas start building I-49 around the East side of town.  Any sense of cooperation between the two sides (which up until the late 90's shared a police force) soon dried up. Huckabee even had the ZIP codes changed in Miller County from "Texas based" 755XX numbers to "Arkansas based" 718XX ones. It got even worse when Former Texarkana (Texas) ISD Superintendent became the Texas side city manager.  Today, The fire departments do not aid one another. Mutual aid from Nash or Wake Village goes to TA but the two Texarkanas do not provide mutual aid for fires. Arkansas side

Let's build what we need as economically as possible.


Quote from: The Ghostbuster on January 11, 2023, 12:37:46 PM
Have there been any Future Interstate 369 signs erected along the US 59 corridor between Texarkana and Tenaha, since it will likely be quite some time before the freeway is completed south of Texarkana? Also, does anyone know when the Interstate 369 northern extension to future Interstate 49 might be constructed?

There are no "future I-369 signs."  The last Future sign is for I-69 in Shelby county that is not even on the currently favored route.
Let's build what we need as economically as possible.


Ironically the Texarkana part of I-369 was supposed to be "New US-71" (I-49) The current minute order for US-71 in Texas says so.


Minute Order 016701, dated 09/26/1939

From the Texas/Arkansas State Line south of Index to Texarkana.  General Redescription of Highway System.

Minute Order 100814, 04/28/1992; Des Ltr 03-1992, 09/14/1992
From the Texas/Arkansas S/L north of Texarkana, southward and concurrent with US 59 to IH 30; and then continuing southward on State Line Road to its junction with US 67/US 82, a distance of approximately 8.4 miles; and also on new location from the Texas/Arkansas S/L, northwest of Texarkana, southeastward to the intersection of IH 30/US 59; then southward and concurrent with US 59 to SH 93/SL 151; then southward, eastward and concurrent with SL 151 to State Line Road, a total distance of approximately 24.6 miles. (Bowie County)  (New Description)  Section on new location added from the Texas/Arkansas State Line, northwest of Texarkana, southeastward to State Line Rd in south Texarkana.  Upon completion of the new location of US 71, the present designation of US 71 north of Texarkana, from the Texas/Arkansas State Line southward to IH 30 will be cancelled and retained as US 59; the present designation of US 71, from IH 30 southward to its junction with US 67/US 82 will be cancelled and redesignated in conjunction and cooperation with the State of Arkansas; the present designation of SL 151, from US 59.eastward to State Line Road will be cancelled and retained as US 71.
Let's build what we need as economically as possible.


I wonder how much longer before anymore construction starts on the section between Texarkana and Marshall, Tx?
It's a new day for a new beginning.

The Ghostbuster

Looks like we won't see the Marshall bypass (via SL-390 for half of it) anytime soon, just early ROW acquisition for 2024-2026

Construction won't start until 2028, meaning the private Texas Super-2 Tollway 49 would be extended by the early 2030s a decade from now
Wake me up when they upgrade US-290 between the state's largest city and growing capital into expressway standards if it interstate standards.

Giddings bypass, Elgin bypass, and Elgin-Manor freeway/tollway when?


Public meeting today:

SL 390/US 59 Relief Route (future I-369)
Draft environmental assessment and virtual public hearing with in-person option
Virtual: Thursday, May 16, 2024, at noon through Friday, May 31, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.
In-person: Thursday, May 16, 2024, 4:30 p.m.– 7:00 p.m. Presentation begins at 6:00 p.m.

The proposed project would extend for approximately 4.9 miles from 0.7 mile north of US 80 to I-20 and would include improvements to approximately three miles of I-20 from 0.55 mile east of US 59 to Farm-to-market (FM) 31/Elysian Fields Road. The proposed improvements would include the construction of a new-location, controlled-access freeway with two 12-foot mainlanes in each direction, inside and outside shoulders, grassy medians, one-way frontage roads with two 12-foot travel lanes on either side of the proposed roadway and along I-20, and on- and off-ramps throughout the length of SL 390. Bridges would be constructed over Eight Mile Creek, Parker Creek, and associated tributaries. Improvements to cross-streets include the construction of an underpass at US 80, Buck Sherrod Road, and I-20, as well as a double roundabout at FM 31/Elysian Fields Road.

The proposed project would, subject to final design considerations, require additional right-of-way and potential displacements of 24 residential structures, four commercial buildings, and two utility locations. Relocation assistance is available for displaced persons and businesses. Information about the TxDOT Relocation Assistance Program and services and benefits for those displaced and other affected property owners can be found by going to the landowner bill of rights.

At least part of the proposed project would occur within wetlands and a floodplain.


I guess it can't be too surprising they're proposing a partial stack (6 of 8 possible ramps) for the I-20/I-369 interchange. Odds are high the interchange will initially be built in a volleyball configuration with no flyover ramps. Then the flyovers would be added in piece-meal fashion. Hopefully TX DOT will at least have stubs in place for the 2 missing ramps in the proposal.


Quote from: bwana39 on January 11, 2023, 02:35:12 PM
Quote from: Bobby5280 on January 11, 2023, 01:31:45 PMI don't think there are any concrete plans at all for the segment of I-369 on the North side of Texarkana. AFAIK TX DOT still doesn't have plans yet for extending I-49 up across the Red River in Arkansas.

For now it seems like TX DOT is only concentrating on a couple segments of I-369 to the South of I-30. They're still trying to figure out how to get I-369 to depart from the TX-151 loop SW down the US-59 corridor. They done studies and reached a consensus to upgrade along the existing US-59 roadway, but that will mean buying and clearing a whole lot of properties. Extending I-369 North of I-30 appears to be an even more difficult problem. It looks like any Northern quadrant of a I-369 loop would have to extend North from I-30 out miles West of town.

Bypass plans in Marshall appear father along. Construction on that could begin in the next couple years.

As I understand it, TXDOT has purchased the I-49 path north of Texarkana and is allowing the previous owners to continue using it for agricultural use until the time comes to build the road. That may be decades from now.

US-59 / Loop-390 around Marshall TXDOT looks to be planning to build from US-80 to IH-20 beginning, as you said, in the next couple of years.  It initially would use a I-20 link to the existing US-59 near the south of town. The portion from IH-20 to the current US-59 probably would be farther down the line.

As to I-369 there are zero plans beyond I-30. Texarkana interests are firmly wanting it to come to LOOP-151 as 59 currently does.  There is discussion for I-369 to extend slightly west of FM2148 to meet I-49 north of Texarkana Texas, but that is a non-starter until I-369 or I-X30 meets Loop 151.

As to extending I-369 directly north of I-30, that is not really feasible now. The original plan of I-49 (or the "NEW US-71" as it was called back then), was for it to follow the current Loop 151 from US-71 west around Texarkana Texas and then to continue to the currently identified Red River Crossing.

When Mike Huckabee was Arkansas governor, all of this changed. Huckabee had Arkansas start building I-49 around the East side of town.  Any sense of cooperation between the two sides (which up until the late 90's shared a police force) soon dried up. Huckabee even had the ZIP codes changed in Miller County from "Texas based" 755XX numbers to "Arkansas based" 718XX ones. It got even worse when Former Texarkana (Texas) ISD Superintendent became the Texas side city manager.  Today, The fire departments do not aid one another. Mutual aid from Nash or Wake Village goes to TA but the two Texarkanas do not provide mutual aid for fires. Arkansas side

What was the issue with Arkansas starting their section of I-49? Did they change the route to stay in the state longer? And why not have I-49 stay in Arkansas across the Red River anyway? If Texas is going to drag their feet on it, why not just leave the connection to US 71 as a stub and not have it in Texas at all?


Quote from: PColumbus73 on May 16, 2024, 09:20:36 PMWhat was the issue with Arkansas starting their section of I-49? Did they change the route to stay in the state longer? And why not have I-49 stay in Arkansas across the Red River anyway? If Texas is going to drag their feet on it, why not just leave the connection to US 71 as a stub and not have it in Texas at all?

My understanding is because Arkansas wants someone to go halfsies on the Red River crossing. So they've duped Texas into being that partner.  At least that's how I'd characterize it.
Never would've happened under the old 90-10 funding scheme.
"That's just like... your opinion, man."


Quote from: triplemultiplex on May 17, 2024, 09:23:52 AM
Quote from: PColumbus73 on May 16, 2024, 09:20:36 PMWhat was the issue with Arkansas starting their section of I-49? Did they change the route to stay in the state longer? And why not have I-49 stay in Arkansas across the Red River anyway? If Texas is going to drag their feet on it, why not just leave the connection to US 71 as a stub and not have it in Texas at all?

My understanding is because Arkansas wants someone to go halfsies on the Red River crossing. So they've duped Texas into being that partner.  At least that's how I'd characterize it.
Never would've happened under the old 90-10 funding scheme.

Oh , but not so....

Back in the days of 90/10 they built the bridges over the Red River on US-71. One bridge begins in Texas (sort of) and ends in Arkansas. The other begins in Arkansas (Miller County) and ends in Arkansas (Little River County). Texas paid the cash for both and Arkansas paid with "In-Kind" funding (ROW, etc.)

As to Texas Dragging their feet, they didn't. Texas built their portion south of I-30 in the 1990's and were waiting for Arkansas to finalize where they wanted it to cross the river. Texas had kept the ROW path open through Pleasant Grove (the part of Texarkana north of I-30). It has only been developed in the past 10 years more or less (after Arkansas built I-49 around the East side of town).

Building I-49 north of I-30 would have been pointless until Arkansas was ready to build their part from the Red River to at least AR-32 just like it is now from where it ends at the Arkansas  / Texas State line.
Let's build what we need as economically as possible.

Opinions expressed here on belong solely to the poster and do not represent or reflect the opinions or beliefs of AARoads, its creators and/or associates.