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Carolina Bays Parkway (SC 31)

Started by CanesFan27, September 20, 2009, 04:43:07 PM

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SCDOT held public hearings at Socastee High School on September 8, 2009 to discuss the final plans of the Carolina Bays Parkway extension from SC 544 to SC 707.


South Carolina State Representative Tracy Edge will ask SCDOT to begin
planning for an environmental study of the alternative to extend the
Carolina Bays Parkway northwards into North Carolina.

The proposed extension would ultimately become part of Interstate 74.

The study would look at the six alternatives proposed by the North
Carolina Department of Transportation. Since 2002, the state has
reserved $500,000 per year for the I-74/Carolina Bays Parkway northern
extension. The funds come from the SC Department of Commerce. It is
estimated that the study would cost about $7 million to complete.

Though the study would be an important step in seeing Interstate 74
become a closer reality, funding for construction in either state is
currently not on schedule.

Story link:


Quote from: CanesFan27 on September 20, 2009, 04:43:07 PM
SCDOT held public hearings at Socastee High School on September 8, 2009 to discuss the final plans of the Carolina Bays Parkway extension from SC 544 to SC 707.

The SC 31 extension to SC 707 finally opened yesterday.  I am surprised that this thread was barely used in regard to SC 31. (Yeah I bumped a thread from 10 years ago.)  We will see if this becomes I-74.

I am now a PennDOT employee.  My opinions/views do not necessarily reflect the opinions/views of PennDOT.



Quote from: 74/171FAN on November 08, 2019, 08:40:19 PM
Quote from: CanesFan27 on September 20, 2009, 04:43:07 PM
SCDOT held public hearings at Socastee High School on September 8, 2009 to discuss the final plans of the Carolina Bays Parkway extension from SC 544 to SC 707.
It's more likely to become I-140 rather then I-74. But I can't be either until SC/NC extend it at the other end. Any guesses on when that might happen?

The SC 31 extension to SC 707 finally opened yesterday.  I am surprised that this thread was barely used in regard to SC 31. (Yeah I bumped a thread from 10 years ago.)  We will see if this becomes I-74.


Quote from: wdcrft63 on November 09, 2019, 06:43:17 PM
It's more likely to become I-140 rather then I-74. But I can't be either until SC/NC extend it at the other end. Any guesses on when that might happen?
NCDOT and SCDOT are currently producing an environmental study on the project expected to complete sometime next year.


Quote from: 74/171FAN on November 08, 2019, 08:40:19 PM
Quote from: CanesFan27 on September 20, 2009, 04:43:07 PM
SCDOT held public hearings at Socastee High School on September 8, 2009 to discuss the final plans of the Carolina Bays Parkway extension from SC 544 to SC 707.

The SC 31 extension to SC 707 finally opened yesterday.  I am surprised that this thread was barely used in regard to SC 31. (Yeah I bumped a thread from 10 years ago.)  We will see if this becomes I-74.

I hope not. Aside from Congress's stupidity, there's absolutely no reason for I-74 to end anywhere else but Wilmington. I agree with wdcrft63. It should either be I-140 or an I-x74.

Is SC-31 planned to go beyond SC-707 and connect with US-17?
“I don’t know whether to wind my ass or scratch my watch!” - Jim Cornette


I wondered about that, given that the interchange ends at a trumpet with no obvious method to extend it without extensive reconstruction. The north end seemed similar but NCDOT has plans to connect to the north end of the Carolina Bays Parkway.


Reasonably, the parkway could be extended 2.5 miles southwards to US-17, then upgrade 5 miles of the pre-existing bypass down to the southern terminus to freeway standards, since it's limited-access but has intersections & frontage roads.


This'll probably be the Triad/Rockingham's connection to Myrtle Beach, seeing as to how 73 is seemingly dead in SC. The Swamp Thing might actually see the light of day....Who'da thunk it?
It's easy to be easy when you're easy...

Quote from: on_wisconsin on November 27, 2021, 02:39:12 PM
Whats a Limon, and does it go well with gin?


Quote from: planxtymcgillicuddy on November 09, 2019, 10:36:19 PM
This'll probably be the Triad/Rockingham's connection to Myrtle Beach, seeing as to how 73 is seemingly dead in SC. The Swamp Thing might actually see the light of day....Who'da thunk it?
The only thing I feasibly see is US-74 getting upgraded to interstate standards between Bolton and the pre-existing US-74 freeway inside I-140, and the Carolina Bays Parkway being eventually extended to I-140.

The Triad's connection would then be I-40 to I-140 to the Parkway (potentially extended I-140 designation to SC-707).

The Green Swamp Freeway is pointless and doesn't need to be built. The traffic counts are incredibly low (~2,000 AADT) and the existing two-lane road is adequate. The most I see necessary is widening the roadway to include paved shoulders and passing lanes if warranted.

And if traffic wanted an all-freeway connection, and upgraded US-74 and extended Carolina Bays Pkwy / I-140 would only be 8 minutes slower, 17 miles longer than taking NC-211 thru the Green Swamp. It's not the most direct, but if all-freeway connection was desired, a viable option would exist and it's not far enough out of the way that warrants NCDOT spending $1 billion for 2,000 AADT to build a parallel freeway, PLUS another $1 billion to extend I-140 and make US-74 a freeway.

I-73 will eventually get built in SC... one day.


Quote from: sprjus4 on November 09, 2019, 10:41:14 PM
Quote from: planxtymcgillicuddy on November 09, 2019, 10:36:19 PM
This'll probably be the Triad/Rockingham's connection to Myrtle Beach, seeing as to how 73 is seemingly dead in SC. The Swamp Thing might actually see the light of day....Who'da thunk it?
The only thing I feasibly see is US-74 getting upgraded to interstate standards between Bolton and the pre-existing US-74 freeway inside I-140, and the Carolina Bays Parkway being eventually extended to I-140.

The Triad's connection would then be I-40 to I-140 to the Parkway (potentially extended I-140 designation to SC-707).

The Green Swamp Freeway is pointless and doesn't need to be built. The traffic counts are incredibly low (~2,000 AADT) and the existing two-lane road is adequate. The most I see necessary is widening the roadway to include paved shoulders and passing lanes if warranted.

And if traffic wanted an all-freeway connection, and upgraded US-74 and extended Carolina Bays Pkwy / I-140 would only be 8 minutes slower, 17 miles longer than taking NC-211 thru the Green Swamp. It's not the most direct, but if all-freeway connection was desired, a viable option would exist and it's not far enough out of the way that warrants NCDOT spending $1 billion for 2,000 AADT to build a parallel freeway, PLUS another $1 billion to extend I-140 and make US-74 a freeway.

I-73 will eventually get built in SC... one day.

I still say 74 will get finished in NC (even the Mt. Airy-to-Winston-Salem portion, the 73/74 bypass of Rockingham and south of I-95) to Myrtle Beach before the first spade of dirt gets turned for I-73 in SC. SC's portion of 73 is so odd. Not for it's route, but for how the state is acting about it. I'm no expert by no means, and I dont know what all details are entailed, but it seems to be the only thing standing on the way of 73 in the state. And they say they want to do it, yet haven't made the slightest effort to begin.
It's easy to be easy when you're easy...

Quote from: on_wisconsin on November 27, 2021, 02:39:12 PM
Whats a Limon, and does it go well with gin?


Quote from: planxtymcgillicuddy on November 09, 2019, 10:50:30 PM
Not for it's route, but for how the state is acting about it. I'm no expert by no means, and I dont know what all details are entailed, but it seems to be the only thing standing on the way of 73 in the state. And they say they want to do it, yet haven't made the slightest effort to begin.
I-73 in South Carolina is ready to begin construction, it's been through the entire NEPA process, permits approved by the Army Corps, etc, the only thing that is stopping it's construction is the lack of funding.

There's an ongoing back and forth between Myrtle Beach and Horry County about the usage of hospitality fees to help fund it's construction. If they could get their mess together, those fees could go a long way to get a $348 million federal grant which would fund I-73 in Horry County. Not the entire connection to I-95, but it'd be a major step forward getting something built. That would allow for half of I-73 between I-95 and Myrtle Beach to be completed.


Quote from: sprjus4 on November 09, 2019, 06:50:43 PM
Quote from: wdcrft63 on November 09, 2019, 06:43:17 PM
It's more likely to become I-140 rather then I-74. But I can't be either until SC/NC extend it at the other end. Any guesses on when that might happen?
NCDOT and SCDOT are currently producing an environmental study on the project expected to complete sometime next year.
NCDOT will be holding 2 public hearings about the extension project in December:

The Ghostbuster

I don't think the Carolina Bays Parkway should become part of Interstate 74. I believe 74 should end in Wilmington and CBP should either remain SC-31 (and NC 31), or it should have a different Interstate designation, maybe as a southern Interstate 97 or a southern Interstate 99.


Quote from: The Ghostbuster on November 15, 2019, 01:48:40 PM
I don't think the Carolina Bays Parkway should become part of Interstate 74. I believe 74 should end in Wilmington and CBP should either remain SC-31 (and NC 31), or it should have a different Interstate designation, maybe as a southern Interstate 97 or a southern Interstate 99.

If the full length of U.S. 17 was up to freeway standards, I'd be for it, but the only freeway sections of 17 is the Jacksonville and Pollocksville bypasses, and the Elizabeth City section. Though I believe the full thing will be up to at least freeway standards before too many more years. Would create a seamless, high-speed connection from Norfolk to Wilmington
It's easy to be easy when you're easy...

Quote from: on_wisconsin on November 27, 2021, 02:39:12 PM
Whats a Limon, and does it go well with gin?


Quote from: planxtymcgillicuddy on November 15, 2019, 03:07:21 PM
the only freeway sections of 17 is the Jacksonville and Pollocksville bypasses, and the Elizabeth City section.
Except there's also the 3 mile segment of Dominion Blvd urban freeway, 10 mile Edenton Bypass, 6 mile Windsor Bypass, 2 mile Williamston bypass (the overlap with US-64 freeway), the 6 mile Washington Bypass, the 4 mile Maysville Bypass, the 26 mile I-140 loop around Wilmington which is essentially a US-17 bypass, the upcoming 7 mile Hampstead Bypass / extension of the I-140 freeway.

There's also over 100 miles slated to become freeway in the long term, the 80 mile segment between Williamston and the Virginia line (along with potentially 14 miles in Virginia), the 20 miles between SC-31 and Shallote, and likely eventually to I-140, and the 10 mile US-17 New Bern Northern bypass.

The only segment of US-17 not planned to eventually become a freeway are stretches between Wilmington to Pollocksville, and New Bern to Williamston, not including the existing freeway bypasses on the route. Those could be pursued reasonably though in the future should the state desire, though I'd imagine the highest priorities are on the existing planned freeway segments and I-87 before the remainder gets discussed.


Quote from: bob7374 on November 15, 2019, 12:08:02 PM
Quote from: sprjus4 on November 09, 2019, 06:50:43 PM
Quote from: wdcrft63 on November 09, 2019, 06:43:17 PM
It's more likely to become I-140 rather then I-74. But I can't be either until SC/NC extend it at the other end. Any guesses on when that might happen?
NCDOT and SCDOT are currently producing an environmental study on the project expected to complete sometime next year.
NCDOT will be holding 2 public hearings about the extension project in December:
In North Carolina, all nine possible routes call for upgrading the existing US 17 to a freeway between Shallotte and NC 904, and most of them call for upgrading the existing US 17 to a freeway all the way from Shallotte to Hickman Road (that is, nearly to the SC line). On the other hand, all possible routes require one of five possible alignments on new location in South Carolina. Therefore, it's really South Carolina that's going to decide the route of this extension.


There is no NC 31, so the CBP can carry the same number when it crosses the state line. Until it becomes I-140.


In my opinion, I want the concepts to go north of Hickman Rd or on it.

Concept 1 - I think is the best.

Concept 2 - Pretty good

Concept 3 - Good, but i think it's better to try to avoid going through Ash Little and Calabash Rd.

Concept 4 - Just like concept 1. Very good!

Concept 5 - Pretty good

Concept 6 - Alright, but I don't like the curb at the border line.

Concept 7 - OK, but just like I said for concept 3.

Concept 8 - Satisfactory. It isn't the best to upgrade existing routes IMO.

Concept 9 - Worst. Curvy, and I'm sure it would cause a lot of impacts!

I say 1 and 4 are the best. 4 is probably better because it doesn't run through the little sewer on 111, plus churches.

The second best are 2, 3, 5, and 6. Not a fond of upgrading existing Hickman Rd. Maybe widen it to 4 lanes with a median and that's it. I think that's all it needs. Doesn't need a full freeway.

Don't really like 8 and 9... 8 may have a little chance though. Both run through a golf course, though.

Although I think 7 is in the best area even though i'm sure the impacts to houses are high, but it's to say like (Keep US 70 bypass near Kinston and not far when looking at alternatives 1 and 4 blah blah blah.)

I also wish the whole freeway was 6 lanes all the way to I-140 and US 17 split.


Quote from: tolbs17 on November 22, 2019, 11:32:15 PM
I also wish the whole freeway was 6 lanes all the way to I-140 and US 17 split.
That would be dependent on what traffic engineering studies indicate is needed. If traffic counts only warrant 4-lanes, they will probably only do 4-lanes. However, if there's a projected large influx of traffic, then 6-lanes would probably be the way to go.

Keep in mind, this extension is only to Shallote.

If they extended it 26 miles to I-140 in the future, roughly 10 miles of existing limited-access (at-grade) roadways could be incorporated. For 4-lanes, this would involve building a few interchanges and overpasses where necessary, and widen the shoulders to 10 feet. If you did 6-lanes though, you'd also need to widen these roadways to 6-lanes which could drive up costs significantly, and the other 16 miles on new locations would also need to be built to 6-lanes as opposed to 4-lanes, driving costs up further.

I'd say only do 6-lanes if it's truly needed, if 4-lanes will adequately perform in the future, then only do 4-lanes. Or do 4-lanes initially with the ability to easily expand to 6-lanes in the future (i.e. new bridges built with a "stealth" lane to the left, grading the inside median to accommodate a future lane, etc.)


Quote from: sprjus4 on November 23, 2019, 01:49:24 PM
Quote from: tolbs17 on November 22, 2019, 11:32:15 PM
I also wish the whole freeway was 6 lanes all the way to I-140 and US 17 split.
That would be dependent on what traffic engineering studies indicate is needed. If traffic counts only warrant 4-lanes, they will probably only do 4-lanes. However, if there's a projected large influx of traffic, then 6-lanes would probably be the way to go.

Keep in mind, this extension is only to Shallote.

If they extended it 26 miles to I-140 in the future, roughly 10 miles of existing limited-access (at-grade) roadways could be incorporated. For 4-lanes, this would involve building a few interchanges and overpasses where necessary, and widen the shoulders to 10 feet. If you did 6-lanes though, you'd also need to widen these roadways to 6-lanes which could drive up costs significantly, and the other 16 miles on new locations would also need to be built to 6-lanes as opposed to 4-lanes, driving costs up further.

I'd say only do 6-lanes if it's truly needed, if 4-lanes will adequately perform in the future, then only do 4-lanes. Or do 4-lanes initially with the ability to easily expand to 6-lanes in the future (i.e. new bridges built with a "stealth" lane to the left, grading the inside median to accommodate a future lane, etc.)

When looking at this, the SC side is probably going to be 6 lanes and the NC side would most likely be 4. Even when AADT is 45,000, 4 lanes is enough.


Quote from: seicer on November 09, 2019, 09:16:33 PM
I wondered about that, given that the interchange ends at a trumpet with no obvious method to extend it without extensive reconstruction. The north end seemed similar but NCDOT has plans to connect to the north end of the Carolina Bays Parkway.
Quote from: sprjus4 on November 09, 2019, 09:53:48 PM
Reasonably, the parkway could be extended 2.5 miles southwards to US-17, then upgrade 5 miles of the pre-existing bypass down to the southern terminus to freeway standards, since it's limited-access but has intersections & frontage roads.

It certainly looks like the sort of thing that just beckons to be done.

Currently the overpass that carries traffic between 31 and northbound 707 is only striped with 3 travel lanes (2 for 707 north to 31 north, 1 for 31 south to 707 north), but the structure is about 80 feet wide so you could squeeze a fourth travel lane onto there by sacrificing a little bit of shoulder width.

The fact that it was only built that wide though, and wide enough to accommodate a fourth lane with standard width shoulders, does certainly speak to there not being any apparent provision in there for a future extension.
If you always take the same road, you will never see anything new.


Quote from: bob7374 on November 15, 2019, 12:08:02 PM
Quote from: sprjus4 on November 09, 2019, 06:50:43 PM
Quote from: wdcrft63 on November 09, 2019, 06:43:17 PM
It's more likely to become I-140 rather then I-74. But I can't be either until SC/NC extend it at the other end. Any guesses on when that might happen?
NCDOT and SCDOT are currently producing an environmental study on the project expected to complete sometime next year.
NCDOT will be holding 2 public hearings about the extension project in December:

Here's the press release:
“I don’t know whether to wind my ass or scratch my watch!” - Jim Cornette

The Ghostbuster

Does anyone know if the CBP will eventually receive exit numbers? The interchange at SC 707 would Exit 0 (or 1), and the present northern terminus at SC 9 would be Exit 30.

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