What road did you leave on and reenter your state when you left it?

Started by roadman65, October 18, 2019, 10:37:30 PM

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Last time I left Delaware was by train in early September, I took the SEPTA train from Claymont DE to Philadelphia PA, via the Wilmington/Newark line and back.

Last time I left Delaware by car I was heading to West Virginia via Maryland and Virginia, on Labor Day weekend, so I took DE-8 into MD-454 and I believe I took the same route back.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed on my posts on the AARoads Forum are my own and do not represent official positions of my employer.
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I left Kansas on I-435 and re-entered on I-35.

Man, for a trip that involved a LOT of state and county highways, that sure looks awfully boring!
Keep right except to pass.  Yes.  You.
Visit scenic Orleans County, NY!
Male pronouns, please.

Quote from: Philip K. DickIf you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them.


For the Newberryport road meet, I-80/94 (Borman/Kingery Expressway) both ways.

For my vacation to Key West, I left via I-80/94 and returned on IL-15 in Mt Carmel, in one of my last three counties in Illinois.
"If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention." - Ramsay Bolton, "Game of Thrones"

"Symbolic of his struggle against reality." - Reg, "Monty Python's Life of Brian"


At least 260 times a year do I exit and enter WI on the same highway (61/151) to Iowa.  I entered/exited IL via 35(both sides) on occasion
Scott O.

Not all who wander are lost...
Ah, the open skies, wind at my back, warm sun on my... wait, where the hell am I?!
As a matter of fact, I do own the road.
Raise your what?

Wisconsin - out-multiplexing your state since 1918.


The last time I left Oklahoma, it was on I-35 over the Red River bridge into Texas. I returned via the same bridge. In a few weeks I will also likely both leave and return to Oklahoma on I-35, but at the other end, into Kansas.

I usually only leave the state once or twice a year or so, since my job doesn't afford me a lot of travel opportunity.
uncontrollable freak sardine salad chef


Quote from: oscar on October 19, 2019, 08:12:14 PM
Not counting the road trip I'm on right now, I left Virginia on I-95 at the NC border, and returned on I-81 at the WV border. That was basically a triangular trip, to Florida and returning via Ohio.

UPDATE: The "road trip I'm on right now" has been completed. Left Virginia on I-395 at the D.C. line, returned on I-495 at the American Legion Bridge. Like the earlier trip, this was a triangular trip, to Canada's Prince Edward Island province and returning via Saskatchewan.
my Hot Springs and Highways pages, with links to my roads sites:


Quote from: Scott5114 on November 14, 2019, 09:52:19 PM
The last time I left Oklahoma, it was on I-35 over the Red River bridge into Texas. I returned via the same bridge.

Was there road construction, or were you driving the wrong way one of those times?   :)
Keep right except to pass.  Yes.  You.
Visit scenic Orleans County, NY!
Male pronouns, please.

Quote from: Philip K. DickIf you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them.


Left VA via US 21/US 221 south of Independence, returned via I-77.


I went to the Alabama beaches in August and both ways it was entering and leaving Louisiana on I-10 at the MS state line.

The last time I didn't use the same route was going to Mobile area in May. Left Louisiana on I-10 and returned across US 84/US 425 MS River bridge.



My last out of state trip was to Cedar Point (OH) in October and I left MI and returned to MI via US-23.

I don't leave the state very often. Most of my out-of-state trips are to Cedar Point, but I do have a road trip planned to Florida in February/March


Lewis Avenue from Michigan into Ohio and back, when I bought my new truck.
Don’t ask me how I know.  Just understand that I do.


To get from Illinois to Toronto, Quebec, the Maritimes, and Maine, we crossed the IL/IN border on I-80/94.  We crossed back into Illinois at the same point, but it was pouring rain on the return trip.  Most trips from Chicagoland to points east begin this way.
Avatar is the last interesting highway I clinched.
My website! http://www.paulacrossamerica.com Now featuring all of Ohio!
My USA Shield Gallery https://flic.kr/s/aHsmHwJRZk
TM Clinches https://bit.ly/2UwRs4O

National collection status: Every US Route and (fully built) Interstate has a photo now! Just Alaska and Hawaii left!

Crown Victoria

Last out-of-state trip I took was to Virginia, using I-81 to leave and reenter PA.


My most recent trip was my first time going to the Big Ten Championship game in Indianapolis.

I left Ohio into Indiana on US 24
I re-entered Ohio from Indiana on US 6

(there were some roadgeek and railfan inspired side trips involved)


Coming up I will be going from SE PA to Chesapeake City MD...
Leaving PA directly to MD via PA 841/MD 213
But coming back, MD-DE via US 40 and DE-PA using US 202

I did the same trip a few times this summer, and on the trip back, I still used US 40 for MD-DE but DE 7/PA SR 3013 (Chester County) Limestone Rd for DE-PA.


Left Wisconsin on County Hwy U which becomes Hunt Club Rd as it enters Illinois. I returned on US-45.


My most recent road trip, I left and returned to Oklahoma on I-35.


Quote from: oscar on November 14, 2019, 10:09:43 PM
Quote from: oscar on October 19, 2019, 08:12:14 PM
Not counting the road trip I'm on right now, I left Virginia on I-95 at the NC border, and returned on I-81 at the WV border. That was basically a triangular trip, to Florida and returning via Ohio.

UPDATE: The "road trip I'm on right now" has been completed. Left Virginia on I-395 at the D.C. line, returned on I-495 at the American Legion Bridge. Like the earlier trip, this was a triangular trip, to Canada's Prince Edward Island province and returning via Saskatchewan.

A little late in the season for a PEI trip, eh?

As for me, probably random backroad bridges to/from New Hampshire.  Don't remember offhand, though I think NH/VT 18 may have been one of them.


I can keep updating this thread, since I leave my state frequently, but I'm beginning to question the point.

Recently headed into MA and back again on the Thruway/Pike both ways.
Please note: All comments here represent my own personal opinion and do not reflect the official position(s) of NYSDOT.


Quote from: froggie on January 05, 2020, 08:44:58 AM
UPDATE: The "road trip I'm on right now" has been completed. Left Virginia on I-395 at the D.C. line, returned on I-495 at the American Legion Bridge. Like the earlier trip, this was a triangular trip, to Canada's Prince Edward Island province and returning via Saskatchewan.

A little late in the season for a PEI trip, eh?

This was not your usual tourist adventure. Had to wait for completion of the Cornwall Bypass (TCH relocation) in PEI and the Regina Bypass (another TCH relocation) in Saskatchewan, both in mid- to late October. Both provinces tend to wrap up major road projects right around the end of construction season.

Quote from: Rothman on January 05, 2020, 08:48:07 AM
I can keep updating this thread, since I leave my state frequently, but I'm beginning to question the point.

Since I live close to the state line, even short shopping and other trips will often take me out of state. So I'm not going to keep updating this thread.
my Hot Springs and Highways pages, with links to my roads sites:


Looking back, I only left and re-entered Kentucky once this year by vehicle, and that was to drive the Portsmouth bypass a year ago today.

This was not a good year for travel or photography. Outside the Amtrak trip I took with my brother (left Cincinnati by train and returned to Kentucky via plane), the farthest I got home from home was Louisville, twice, for work. So the only photos I got this year were from those two trips.

This year is shaping up to be more of the same. I didn't even visit a Sheetz once this year, and don't see an opportunity to do so again for quite some time.
Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.


Last time I left Ontario was on one of the bridges connecting to Gatineau Quebec


My new most recent:

Left Ohio into Kentucky on I-75/I-71
Returned to Ohio from West Virginia on US 33


My most recent time leaving the province was in the middle of January to go to the Detroit Airport (DTW). On the way to Detroit, I crossed through the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel during a heavy rainstorm. On the way home, I crossed on the Ambassador Bridge during a snowstorm :-D. At least the line-ups were very short both ways!


I went Vermonting! a couple of weeks ago and that was my most recent trip out of New York. Left the Empire State on the Bennington Bypass/VT 279 and left the Green Mountain State on VT 313/NY 313. I wanted to grab some photos of Bennington County covered bridges with a veil of fresh snow.

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