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Peruvian Roads and Highways

Started by Plutonic Panda, August 23, 2024, 02:16:32 AM

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Plutonic Panda

Two new massive multibillion-dollar projects have been approved. A nearly $4 billion Ring road Around Lima Has been approved. Also a seven billion dollar highway connecting to major cities has been approved as well.


Will be visiting Peru shortly, and I can tell you this is way overdo. Traffic in Lima is unsustainable with the current infrastructure. Sadly, many parts of the city need additional access beyond this, but at least this is a start.


TomTom ranked Lima the 2nd worst congested metro area in the world in 2023.

The metro area has a population of 11 million and there are only a few freeways. Even the main corridor still has traffic signals at some intersections. Though they have made improvements.

Lima has a much more limited freeway network compared to Santiago, Buenos Aires or São Paulo.


The Lima metro area has grown incredibly fast in even just 20 years adding about 3 million people and essentially doubling since 1990. This all happened with virtually no planning. In the main areas, the roadway system is all over the place, with even the main expressways essentially coming to dead ends. Steps are being taken to fix it, but I am currently visiting Lima and am seeing the impacts of this first hand.

One of the biggest areas of need is going to be around the new airport terminal once it opens. Basically, the main roadway to go into it will not be complete for a few years, so traffic will be diverted onto city streets and over temporary bridge structures. Compounding the problem is a very sporadic mass transit system, which fails to connect currently to some of the most critical spots, notably the airport and Miraflores.

Lima is a city with a lot of cool history, cuisine, and fun culture, so I really hope the planners can start planning to catch up with the population growth with very much needed infrastructure. Until then, getting around Lima is going to be a challenge for both residents and tourists.

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