Favorite Weather Information Links (2023 Edition)

Started by ZLoth, June 25, 2023, 02:05:50 PM

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Here are some helpful location-based weather links that you can personalize. I intentionally set the latitude/longitude to DFW Airport, so a quick search and replace with your where you work/live and then saving the bookmark would come in handy:

Example Latitude: 32.8976
Example Longitude: -97.0405
Example Weather Office: FWD
I love the Real Time Lightning Map whenever a thunderstorm rolls through my area. I turn on the computer hooked up to my 55" 4K television in my office and temporarily bump up the resolution from 1920×1080 to 3840×2160. Still looking for a good live radar source besides Weather Underground for my TV. The Mesonet links are great for pulling up historical notifications.

Any more handy ones?
Don't Drive Distrac... SQUIRREL!


These days I've been favoring WTEN's online radar (which works across the continent) even when I'm not in the area.  I also used the Lake Tahoe smoke forecast map (likewise, it works across the continent) when the area was covered in wildfire smoke.

Please note: All comments here represent my own personal opinion and do not reflect the official position of NYSDOT or its affiliates.


This is specifically for Oklahoma, but I really love the OK Mesonet website. Every state should have something like that IMO. The best radar apps for a decent price are RadarScope and RadarOmega.

Another couple websites I use for hurricane tracking are Tropical Tidbits (great models), Mike's Weather Page (a conglomeration of all sorts of tropical-related maps, mostly Florida-based), Weathernerds (great free radar, weather models, and satellite imagery), and The Eyewall (a new blog that boils down everything you need to know about the tropics).

OK Mesonet: https://mesonet.org
Tropical Tidbits: https://www.tropicaltidbits.com/storminfo/
Mike's Weather Page: https://spaghettimodels.com
Weathernerds: https://www.weathernerds.org
The Eyewall: https://theeyewall.com
Buc-ee's and QuikTrip fanboy. Clincher of FM roads. Proponent of the TX U-turn. Budding theologian.

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Travel Mapping



Great YouTube channel to watch livestreaming during tornado outbreaks. Had him on for several hours today during the outbreak in Indiana.
Indiana: counties 100%, highways 100%
Illinois: counties 100%, highways 61%
Michigan: counties 100%, highways 56%
Wisconsin: counties 86%, highways 23%


The local weatherman, trust me I can be 99.9% right!
"Show where you're going, without forgetting where you're from"

IL: I-88, I-180, I-190, I-290, I-294, I-355, IL-390
IN: I-80, I-94
SD: I-190
WI: I-90
MI: I-94, I-196
MN: I-90


I use GRLevel3 for my severe weather data. It's somewhat expensive, but I bought a copy of it ten years ago and it's more than paid for itself. It even mostly works on Linux under WINE (but because Linux uses a GMT clock, auto-refresh doesn't work, because the time of the next refresh is perpetually six hours in the future).

Anyone got a good source for the weather maps that use the station model with the wind barbs?
uncontrollable freak sardine salad chef


Quote from: Scott5114 on July 13, 2023, 06:37:41 AM
Anyone got a good source for the weather maps that use the station model with the wind barbs?

I hadn't been aware of the Aviation Weather section of the NWS website until this thread, but while poking around, I found this: https://beta.aviationweather.gov/gfa/#obs


Quote from: MikeTheActuary on July 13, 2023, 07:59:19 AM
Quote from: Scott5114 on July 13, 2023, 06:37:41 AM
Anyone got a good source for the weather maps that use the station model with the wind barbs?

I hadn't been aware of the Aviation Weather section of the NWS website until this thread, but while poking around, I found this: https://beta.aviationweather.gov/gfa/#obs

Oh, that's fantastic.
uncontrollable freak sardine salad chef


Quote from: MikeTheActuary on July 13, 2023, 07:59:19 AM
Quote from: Scott5114 on July 13, 2023, 06:37:41 AM
Anyone got a good source for the weather maps that use the station model with the wind barbs?

I hadn't been aware of the Aviation Weather section of the NWS website until this thread, but while poking around, I found this: https://beta.aviationweather.gov/gfa/#obs

You can bookmark this as https://beta.aviationweather.gov/gfa/?tab=obs&basemap=esriDark&center=32.8976,-97.0405&zoom=8 . I used the coordinates of the DFW airport (see first post), but you can adjust it to your location.
Don't Drive Distrac... SQUIRREL!


For when I want a nice visualization: Windy.com

For air quality information: PurpleAir

For whether the clouds are going to roll in and ruin my views: Clear Sky Chart
Wikipedia - TravelMapping (100% of WA SRs)



Max Velocity on YouTube. I like this guy for posting consistent and concise forecasts every day almost. He also does livestreams for severe weather, especially when it's impacting the Midwest. Currently my favorite weather channel.


And for anyone who likes a bit of early 2000s nostalgia, check out https://weatherscan.net/?Chicago (simply replace Chicago with your location of choice and cue the classic music!)

:) Needs more... :sombrero: Not quite... :bigass: Perfect.
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