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Started by roadman65, April 07, 2014, 08:46:25 AM

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Quote from: roadman65 on September 21, 2014, 02:35:32 AM
Lane widening from four to six.  The overall plan is to make I-95 six or more lanes its 382 mile run in the Sunshine State.  Too many tourists and locals in South Florida make the demand overwhelming.

Ah, that sounds like a good idea, and I guess when work is complete I-95 from its southern terminus in Miami to the South Carolina line will be the second longest stretch of interstate that is continuously at least 3 lanes each way (after I-75 from Chattanooga, TN to Wildwood, FL).


Quote from: adventurernumber1 on September 21, 2014, 11:38:57 AM
Quote from: roadman65 on September 21, 2014, 02:35:32 AM
Lane widening from four to six.  The overall plan is to make I-95 six or more lanes its 382 mile run in the Sunshine State.  Too many tourists and locals in South Florida make the demand overwhelming.

Ah, that sounds like a good idea, and I guess when work is complete I-95 from its southern terminus in Miami to the South Carolina line will be the second longest stretch of interstate that is continuously at least 3 lanes each way (after I-75 from Chattanooga, TN to Wildwood, FL).

They are working on six-laning I-75 through Pasco now, and the portion through Hernando and Sumter will follow. And the plan is to six lane the last section of I-75 through Macon, with a small piece north of I-16 recently widened.


Right now I-75 holds the record from Wildwood to Macon until FDOT finishes this stretch from Titusville to Daytona.  Once completed it will be well over 500 miles of six lane  (or more) lane of continuous freeway.  That is like driving from San Antonio almost to El Paso on I-10 when done.

However, once the projects are completed on I-75 like Alex said, the stretch will become around 700 miles of continuous freeway beating I-95 by almost 200 miles. 

Post Merge: November 22, 2014, 01:46:40 AM Today's update is of a reassurence shield assembly for US 19, 98, & 27 Alternate around Fanning Springs, FL.  Look at the way ALT 27 is on top of US 19 & 98.  The way the assembly is arranged it makes US 19 & 98 also appear to be an Alternate designation along with US 27 ALT.

Post Merge: November 22, 2014, 01:46:39 AM Today's update is of the sign assembly that is located at the southern terminus of FL 349.  Up until 1959 this used to be the ending of US 129 that now ends several miles Southeast of here in Chiefland.

Post Merge: November 22, 2014, 01:46:38 AM Back on US 41, but moving into Georgia.  Here is what a Southbound motorist traveling South along US 41 seen back in 08 crossing the GA/FL Border.  A nice red car welcomes you to the Sunshine State as well as the pavement change is highly noticeable at the actual line.

Post Merge: November 22, 2014, 01:46:37 AM Here is the other side of the road entering Georgia from Florida.  Notice the zero mile marker to the right as Georgia does not only use mile markers off freeways, but for each individual county a state route passes.  So again in less than a few miles away, GA Route 7 (US 41's secret route here) resets back to zero. 

All GA US route mileposts mark distance for the numbered state route and not the US route. For example all US 301 mile markers in Charlton County do not at all represent US 301's southern terminus in the county, but that of GA Route 23 that is co-signed with US 301 from Folkston to where the concurrency enters Brantley County south of Nahunta, GA.

Post Merge: November 22, 2014, 01:46:36 AM Today I moved along to give you a photograph of how the Peach State welcomes it visitors for those using US 41 N Bound from Hamilton County, FL.

Post Merge: November 22, 2014, 01:46:34 AM Being I did not get a chance to link yesterday's update I thought that I would give you another update. No you are not seeing double here, but that the words BUS are in very small lettering inside the shields.  For several years now US 41 uses Inner Perimeter Road to bypass Valdosta on the east side of the Lowndes County Seat.

The original alignment has since been converted to Business US 41 which goes straight and the Perimeter goes to the right.

Also GA 94 now is truncated to the new US 41 alignment as previous it ended at I-75 on the west side of Valdosta.  In addition US 221 is realigned to this new alignment by having its long concurrency with US 84 extended eastward by about 2 miles and then join US 41 for a brief overlap to rejoin its original alignment on Lakeland Highway.

Post Merge: November 22, 2014, 01:46:33 AM Today's update is a guide sign along I-95 and US 17 near Coosawatachie, SC.  Exit 28 connects to SC 462 which on the west side of I-95 & US 17 connects to the old four lane US 17 that still keeps its original configuration as most of it from Ridgeland to Point South was reduced to two lanes.

Post Merge: November 22, 2014, 01:46:32 AM  Today we move up I-95 and US 17 to the point they split apart for US 17 following the Coastal Highway all the way to Norfolk, VA and I-95 taking the inland route along the US 17 ALT, US 15, and US 301 corridors up to Petersburg, VA where US 1 joins the interstate the rest of the way.  US 17, as many know will reconnect with I-95 near Fredericksburg, VA for another concurrency before heading toward the mountain region of Virginia terminating at Winchester, VA.

Post Merge: November 22, 2014, 01:46:31 AM Moving on to Walterboro, SC to Exit 53 which connects to SC 63.  Also is the last chance to connect with US 17 Alternate before it heads eastward and far away from I-95. 

Also this is a complete exit for those traveling I-95 from Maine to Florida as it has plenty of motel rooms, restaurants, and gas stations.  Perfect stop for those trying to clinch I-95 here.
Every day is a winding road, you just got to get used to it.

Sheryl Crowe


All of those signs along Interstate 95 in SC were replaced with Clearview. You can see the replacements on the main site:


Thanks Alex.  I see the newer signs like Exit 18 removing "ROAD 13" from the sign in favor of a street name.

Then of course SC has their new shields that were only part done when I took these back in 08.

I also noticed, off the subject here, but related; that SC 64 now bypasses Walterboro and the old route is now a Business designation including the intersection with US 15 and now Business SC 64 being shifted to the other side of the McDonalds to rid the Y split in favor of a more safer T intersection.

I am sad though that the old Boston and Jersey style truss mast arms in downtown are now gone, but one thing for sure is that the pre I-95 alignment of US 17 ALT and SC 63 still is the same even after the freeway north of Exit 58 was opened between Walterboro and Santee back in the late 70's.  If you follow US 15 into Walterboro from the north and not make any turns, you will find yourself later on SC 63 WB.  As US 15 does default onto US 17 Alternate SB, and then 17A defaults still onto SC 63 with 17A having to make a gradual left into a Y split. 

I guess SCDOT left that to encourage SB US 17 Alternate motorists to use I-95 instead of the two lane highway through Yemassee. 

Post Merge: November 22, 2014, 01:46:27 AM I-95 Exit 58 which connects to SC Highway 64 near Walterboro.
Every day is a winding road, you just got to get used to it.

Sheryl Crowe


Quote from: roadman65 on October 02, 2014, 01:01:08 PM
Thanks Alex.  I see the newer signs like Exit 18 removing "ROAD 13" from the sign in favor of a street

Yes, all SC sign replacements I've noted replaced the Road number with the road name, even some of the older Highway Gothic based signs on I-26.

I drove US 15 southbound in January and will have to take a look. Have photos from 2007 through there too, when did SC 64 change?


That is a good question as I was even surprised when I did a virtual tour of the area roads and saw the BUSINESS banner where a typical SC 64 shield should be.

The Google map yet does not show it, but the images by the street view show the signage as such.

Post Merge: November 22, 2014, 01:46:25 AM Today I moved up to Florence.  Sorry I did not post the area in between Walterboro and Florence as I do not know where they are located.  I seem to misplaced them so I cannot upload them to my laptop.  I previously had them on my old pc that crashed years ago, but my filing for discs is bad lol!

If I ever do find the rest, I will post them, but for now one sign that the MUTCD does not approve of when signing nowadays with the road name and use of control cities which lately has become a no no with those guys in DC.

Post Merge: November 22, 2014, 01:46:23 AM
Update for today takes me into the Tar Heel State with three new photos of I-95 near Dunn and Rocky Mount.
Every day is a winding road, you just got to get used to it.

Sheryl Crowe


Quote from: roadman65 on October 05, 2014, 09:39:55 AM
Update for today takes me into the Tar Heel State with three new photos of I-95 near Dunn and Rocky Mount.

In one of the pics, what's the deal with the two travel lanes being fresh asphalt, and the very thin line of pavement where the striping is is brown concrete or something?? If they were doing a resurfacing job, I am very confused why the thin area of pavement where the broken striping is is the way it is. But nonetheless, good pics.


#33  Here is one near Roanoke Rapids, NC at one mile away from the NC 125 exit further north of Gold Rock.

Adventurenumber1, I wish I knew what that one was about.  You are right it looks so odd that they would leave the pavement the way it is on the lane striping an resurface the actual lane itself.  Your guess is good as mine.

Anyway thanks for the compliments.

Post Merge: November 22, 2014, 01:46:17 AM Now moving into Virginia at the place that for many years I-95 ended until the current freeway between exits 12 and 41 was completed back in the early 80's.  For those of you know the old configuration before the freeway was completed here, the NB I-95 lanes here defaulted into the Exit 12 ramp and there also was a ramp leading to I-95 S Bound from US 301 S Bound here as well.  Now just a single ramp interchange as the SB on ramp had to removed to make a grade for the present day I-95 freeway here.

Post Merge: November 22, 2014, 01:46:20 AM Sorry I did not post an update for yesterday as I was busy all day and away from home.  Here is the Exit 17 sign for I-95 N Bound that is exactly the same as Exit 12, but with a bigger shield.  US 301 has no major cities or small towns to mention in the area so that is why the two exits are signed the same.

Here is the one for today which is in Stoney Creek, VA at Exit 31 which for some reason has such small lettering for VA 40's control points.

Post Merge: November 22, 2014, 01:46:16 AM An update for today moving up in the Richmond area. Still along I-95 of course.
Every day is a winding road, you just got to get used to it.

Sheryl Crowe


I like how you're progressively going north along the east coast with your pics recently. Very nice pics.

roadman65  Here is one of the many approaches to the Pochahontas Parkway Bridge that tower above I-95 near Richmond.

Thanks adventure for your comments. I have more too, that I already posted years ago that are in the album for I-95 in Virginia that show more signs along I-95 progressing north as well.
Every day is a winding road, you just got to get used to it.

Sheryl Crowe


Quote from: roadman65 on October 14, 2014, 08:36:32 AM  Here is one of the many approaches to the Pochahontas Parkway Bridge that tower above I-95 near Richmond.

Virginia's stack interchanges just seem "meh" to me. The stacks in Florida and Texas (among other places) are some of the nicest looking ones out there, while here it's just like "here's your road".
Life would be boring if we didn't take an offramp every once in a while

A weird combination of a weather geek, roadgeek, car enthusiast and furry mixed with many anxiety related disorders


Quote from: roadman65 on October 14, 2014, 08:36:32 AM  Here is one of the many approaches to the Pochahontas Parkway Bridge that tower above I-95 near Richmond.
I've always liked this interchange for how ridiculously high the ramps are from 95 - of course necessary to clear the James River.  Also wondering if the missing ramp from 95 SB to the bridge is in the works, although the low traffic volumes on 895 probably mean that won't happen for awhile.  Looks like there is a portion of a ghost ramp on the Chippenham toward the bridge designed to accommodate this missing move.

roadman65 Moving up I-95 into Richmond proper at the exit for Maury Street.  I love seeing the skyline of Downtown Richmond in this here photo as its awesome to see as you head NB on the interstate.
Every day is a winding road, you just got to get used to it.

Sheryl Crowe


Oh wow, that's a pretty nice view of Richmond coming up I-95. But then again, you get a lot of great views on I-95, including Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York just to name a few. 
Life would be boring if we didn't take an offramp every once in a while

A weird combination of a weather geek, roadgeek, car enthusiast and furry mixed with many anxiety related disorders


#40  Here is yesterday's update that I did not get the chance to post. Here is today's.

Both are along the Richmond- Petersburg Turnpike.  The first one is the split of I-64 & I-95 where I-64 exits the Turnpike to go west to Charlottesville and eventually Louisville and St. Louis before ending at Wenzville, MO.   The second is cut off partially but was able to get the essentials of the signs for both Exit 81 & Exit 82.  Sorry about the latter, but my camera was slow to respond as I did have the image that covered all of it real nicely, but when the camera shutter was depressed the camera did not instantly respond.

Post Merge: November 22, 2014, 01:46:12 AM  Now in the State of Maryland on the Baltimore Washington Parkway.
Every day is a winding road, you just got to get used to it.

Sheryl Crowe


Quote from: roadman65 on October 18, 2014, 12:02:29 PM  Now in the State of Maryland on the Baltimore Washington Parkway.

I wonder when the NPS (or if they will) will start to replace the Clarendon signs on the Baltimore Washington Parkway with the newer NPS Rawlingson Roadway typeface?
Life would be boring if we didn't take an offramp every once in a while

A weird combination of a weather geek, roadgeek, car enthusiast and furry mixed with many anxiety related disorders


I do not know as it took centuries for them to change the original MD route text signs out for these.  Probably another 20 years before you see it.

What I find amazing is that Baltimore is now the control city for I-95 N Bound where the Parkway here happens to go there as well.  I know its awkward when you have two roads intersecting that go to the same place crossing perpendicular.  The same on the Palisades Parkway in Rockland County, NY where "White Plains" is used on the PIP for the SB I-87 & EB I-287 exit as well as "New Jersey"  for the SB I-87/EB I-287  to the SB PIP ramp so that people do not get confused and jump ship so to say as you have this situation.

However, in small print below the "Baltimore" name, put VIA INTERSTATE FREEWAY or something to let them know that the control city there is not for traffic control but there to fulfill guidelines and offer another alternative. 

Incidentally the control city for I-95 N Bound at the BW Parkway is also Baltimore.
Every day is a winding road, you just got to get used to it.

Sheryl Crowe


Quote from: roadman65 on October 18, 2014, 12:46:34 PM
I do not know as it took centuries for them to change the original MD route text signs out for these.  Probably another 20 years before you see it.

What I find amazing is that Baltimore is now the control city for I-95 N Bound where the Parkway here happens to go there as well.  I know its awkward when you have two roads intersecting that go to the same place crossing perpendicular.  The same on the Palisades Parkway in Rockland County, NY where "White Plains" is used on the PIP for the SB I-87 & EB I-287 exit as well as "New Jersey"  for the SB I-87/EB I-287  to the SB PIP ramp so that people do not get confused and jump ship so to say as you have this situation.

However, in small print below the "Baltimore" name, put VIA INTERSTATE FREEWAY or something to let them know that the control city there is not for traffic control but there to fulfill guidelines and offer another alternative. 

Incidentally the control city for I-95 N Bound at the BW Parkway is also Baltimore.

Just to clarify, the control city for both the PIP and I-87 is normally New York, but one says New Jersey and one says White Plains in order to avoid confusion.

Do the signs use two control cities ( I.e. New Jersey/New York and White Plains/New York) or is New York skipped at the junction?

For the Beltway/Parkway situation, I always felt that the parkway should be listed as Baltimore via BWI and the Beltway as Silver Spring/Baltimore to avoid confusion.


The whole New York is skipped at the junction of the I-87/287 & PIP junction.

What is even more interesting about the BW Parkway is where it meets with I-95 proper in Baltimore again going south it uses the BWI Airport as a control and not Washington off of I-95 S Bound.

Yes your suggestion would also work as the Parkway really is the secondary route of the two routes between there and Baltimore.

Post Merge: November 22, 2014, 01:45:37 AM  Here is one along I-95 near Stafford, VA that is for Sunday the 19th.

Post Merge: November 22, 2014, 01:45:34 AM  Crappy photo, overexposed, but it does give a little bit to what the signage along the MD 295 has for I-195.
Every day is a winding road, you just got to get used to it.

Sheryl Crowe


Quote from: roadman65 on October 20, 2014, 04:32:20 PM  Crappy photo, overexposed, but it does give a little bit to what the signage along the MD 295 has for I-195.

Most signs for Interstate 195, including this one, were replaced with new Clearview signs reflecting the renaming of BWI Airport.


Quote from: Alex on October 20, 2014, 05:44:11 PM
Quote from: roadman65 on October 20, 2014, 04:32:20 PM  Crappy photo, overexposed, but it does give a little bit to what the signage along the MD 295 has for I-195.

Most signs for Interstate 195, including this one, were replaced with new Clearview signs reflecting the renaming of BWI Airport.
Like here.,-76.7007343,3a,75y,90h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sK7z4_O6m6sPlg5JoHPnnnQ!2e0
Compare that to this

Post Merge: November 22, 2014, 01:45:25 AM  Here is an interesting sign assembly along MD 295 N Bound that shows two tunnels to I-95 North in which one is actually on I-95 itself.
Every day is a winding road, you just got to get used to it.

Sheryl Crowe


Quote from: roadman65 on October 22, 2014, 07:29:33 AM  Here is an interesting sign assembly along MD 295 N Bound that shows two tunnels to I-95 North in which one is actually on I-95 itself.

Perhaps whoever designed that sign was using "95 North" in the sense we used to use "29 North" when I lived in Charlottesville–referring not to the northbound lanes but rather to the entire road north of Baltimore (or Charlottesville in my example). In other words, for example, "To get from Rio Hill to the Waffle House, go south on 29 North until the light after the McDonald's and then turn right."

Or, alternatively, "If you want to get to I-95 North towards New York, use one of these tunnels."
"You know, you never have a guaranteed spot until you have a spot guaranteed."
—Olaf Kolzig, as quoted in the Washington Times on March 28, 2003,
commenting on the Capitals clinching a playoff spot.

"That sounded stupid, didn't it?"
—Kolzig, to the same reporter a few seconds later.


I do know what you mean and this indeed is for through I-95 North traffic.  I just found it to be interesting that you would take I-95 to get to I-95 North.

Really to make the sign better would be to use "Tunnels to New York" or place another type of sign that refers to I-895 being an alternate route to I-95 north or something.

Or even better yet use "FOR" instead of "TO."
Every day is a winding road, you just got to get used to it.

Sheryl Crowe


Quote from: roadman65 on October 22, 2014, 09:28:22 AM

Or even better yet use "FOR" instead of "TO."
You mean kind of like the late, lamented....

I've noted both Virginia and Maryland employ "FOLLOW" when they want to direct traffic for a particular location to follow a particular route, though I've seen both states employing the word "USE" as well. In the example you cite, I wonder if they could put "I-95 North to New York" on the top line, then the next line "USE EITHER," then the shield/tunnel/mileage references. Ideally in that scenario you'd add I-695 and the Key Bridge because of the hazmats.

"You know, you never have a guaranteed spot until you have a spot guaranteed."
—Olaf Kolzig, as quoted in the Washington Times on March 28, 2003,
commenting on the Capitals clinching a playoff spot.

"That sounded stupid, didn't it?"
—Kolzig, to the same reporter a few seconds later.

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