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Baton Rouge

Started by PenguinXL2, July 24, 2014, 09:11:55 PM

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Baton Rouge needs more more interstates. Also, if I-12 ever expands past I-10 to continue to Texas towards Dallas , then I'd be happy.


Where, exactly, would you put them?? Other than I-110 being a potential (maybe) I-53 (with an upgraded US 61), and I-12 extended west along US 190, there isn't really any place to put any more Interstates.


Quote from: Anthony_JK on July 26, 2014, 10:38:47 AM
Where, exactly, would you put them?? Other than I-110 being a potential (maybe) I-53 (with an upgraded US 61), and I-12 extended west along US 190, there isn't really any place to put any more Interstates.
This. I could see an I-53 running along a corridor from Vicksburg or Jackson to Natchez, crossing the river at the Old MRB, then running along LA 1 to Houma... but that's the only stretch that might be an Interstate. Baton Rouge doesn't know how to manage three Interstates (10, 110, 12), so let's not add any more, please! What about "Shreveport somehow has a better infrastructure than Baton Rouge" with more bridges, more Interstates, less congestion, and a soon-to-exist passenger rail line, along with two airports?


Let's fix the Mississippi River Bridge cluster first. Once rush hour traffic lined up all the way back to Grosse Tete isn't a typical weekday occurrence, then we talk about creating new interstates in and around BR.
🆕 Louisiana Highways on Twitter | Yes, I like Clearview. Deal with it. | Redos: US | La. | Route Challenge


Tbh there is no need for I-12 to be extended to Dallas, for I-10 to I-49 to I-20 would do the job just fine.


Quote from: adventurernumber1 on October 12, 2014, 11:23:21 PM
Tbh there is no need for I-12 to be extended to Dallas, for I-10 to I-49 to I-20 would do the job just fine.

Actually, I-10 to LA 415 to US 190 to I-49 to I-20 does the job more than adequately, if you don't count the Livonia, Krotz Springs, and Port Barre speed traps.

And yeah....the 10/110 Split TOTSU and the narrowing of I-10 EB to the Washington St. exit needs to be resolved first before we can even talk about more Interstates there.


We really need to address the issues that we have with the current Interstate and local street quagmire before we build any new ones. ( which we can't afford anyway)
What we really need is some real political leadership at the local and state level....and, oh yeah a non- apathetic public. (with an interest beyond LSU sports)
I was recently in CO. (Denver metro area and west) They are way ahead of us. in both private auto and public transportation. I found driving there easier than BR. (granted I may hit it just right)


I-12 only needs widening, not extending.  I-10 & its current design is THE main issue that needs attention.  I don't know how it has lasted this long in its current state.  It is horrible!!
Runnin' roads and polishin' rails.

golden eagle

Quote from: Anthony_JK on July 26, 2014, 10:38:47 AM
Where, exactly, would you put them?? Other than I-110 being a potential (maybe) I-53 (with an upgraded US 61), and I-12 extended west along US 190, there isn't really any place to put any more Interstates.

This just gave me an idea. I'd like to see 110, via a US 61 upgrade, extended to the Jackson area. Of course, this means Mississippi would need to get involved, and I doubt this has even been thought of by MDOT. Because there's already an I-110 in Mississippi, it have to be renumbered, maybe as I-51 or 53.


Quote from: golden eagle on February 01, 2015, 01:58:46 PM
Because there's already an I-110 in Mississippi, it have to be renumbered, maybe as I-51 or 53.

Would have to be I-53. Too close to US 51, which runs through both Louisiana and Mississippi.

And it wouldn't go to Jackson. I-12 to I-55 gets you from BR to Jackson well enough. I could see this following US 61 to Natchez and Vicksburg, then turning towards Little Rock, connecting with and absorbing I-530. In fact, others have suggested this before.
🆕 Louisiana Highways on Twitter | Yes, I like Clearview. Deal with it. | Redos: US | La. | Route Challenge


QuoteThis just gave me an idea. I'd like to see 110, via a US 61 upgrade, extended to the Jackson area. Of course, this means Mississippi would need to get involved, and I doubt this has even been thought of by MDOT.

Hasn't been thought of for 3 reasons:

- The traffic volumes just aren't there.  As it is, they don't even justify the existing 4-lanes of US 61, let alone something bigger.
- MDOT is focusing on I-22, I-69, and I-269.
- MDOT is also trying to push an Interstate-grade upgrade of US 49 between Jackson and the Gulf Coast, per the Vision 21 plan.


I couldn't see it being upgraded at all north of where US 61 meets 110. If anything, I could see a route running along river road from a new bridge north of BR to LA 1 near New Roads, and then following LA 1 with freeway upgrades here and there as bypasses, as a route from Alexandria to Baton Rouge, but that would be a waste of money. As far as a BR-to-JAX route, I-12 and I-55 do a very good job of it, as stated above.

How many people honestly go from BR to JAX that would benefit from a new route? I could understand a Natchez to McComb route to serve long haul trucks going from northern Louisiana to New Orleans (a northern I-49 South, if you will, allowing trucks to bypass Baton Rouge while shaving time, along with motorists), but not Baton Rouge to Jackson.

In other BR news, why on earth does St Phillip St create a rarely-used left turn lane while making through traffic narrow to one lane? There's no reason why you can't have two lanes going onto Nicholson. NONE AT ALL!!!


Quote from: mcdonaat on February 02, 2015, 12:28:56 AM
If anything, I could see a route running along river road from a new bridge north of BR to LA 1 near New Roads, and then following LA 1 with freeway upgrades here and there as bypasses, as a route from Alexandria to Baton Rouge, but that would be a waste of money.

I'm sure that Marksville and the rest of Avoyelles Parish would appreciate the economic benefit of an Alexandria-Baton Rouge expressway along LA 1. Not sure that anyone else in Louisiana would consider the cost justified, especially since there are multiple ways to get from Baton Rouge to Alexandria (of varying degrees of timeliness and road quality).
🆕 Louisiana Highways on Twitter | Yes, I like Clearview. Deal with it. | Redos: US | La. | Route Challenge


I could potentially see a new interstate south of AR 530/I-530 from its planned terminus at I-69 south to Crossett, then to Monroe, then southeast to the US 425 corridor into Mississippi at Natchez, then following US 61 down to I-110. It would link the capitals of Arkansas and Louisiana. Not sure how much it would be used, or if it is needed, though.

I agree with the others: Fixing the I-10/110 interchange and widening I-12 across the North Shore would be more important than new interstates.
Cody Goodman
Huntsville, AL, United States


Here is an interesting observation: out of the MIMAL states (Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, and Louisiana), only two of the capitals (St. Paul and Des Moines) are connected by interstate. US 65 connects Little Rock, Jefferson City, and Des Moines, and comes close to connecting with St. Paul and Baton Rouge. US 65 used to connect with St. Paul, though.
Cody Goodman
Huntsville, AL, United States


QuoteUS 65 connects Little Rock, Jefferson City, and Des Moines, and comes close to connecting with St. Paul and Baton Rouge. US 65 used to connect with St. Paul, though.

It's US 63 through Jefferson City, not 65.  65 used to extend concurrent with 61 down through Baton Rouge as well.


Quote from: froggie on February 03, 2015, 08:15:41 AM
QuoteUS 65 connects Little Rock, Jefferson City, and Des Moines, and comes close to connecting with St. Paul and Baton Rouge. US 65 used to connect with St. Paul, though.

It's US 63 through Jefferson City, not 65.  65 used to extend concurrent with 61 down through Baton Rouge as well.

Ah, yeah. US 65 runs west of Jeff City.
Cody Goodman
Huntsville, AL, United States


I've always wondered about the possibility of an I-410 or I-212 branching off of I-10 between Gross Tete and Port Allen connecting with U.S. 190 then crossing the Mississippi River then follow Airline Highway to I-12. (Right-of-way issues, obviously, not withstanding.)

If Lake Charles needs a bypass (or by-pass, as the signs say) certainly BR does.


Quote from: mwb1848 on February 03, 2015, 09:58:13 AM
I've always wondered about the possibility of an I-410 or I-212 branching off of I-10 between Gross Tete and Port Allen connecting with U.S. 190 then crossing the Mississippi River then follow Airline Highway to I-12. (Right-of-way issues, obviously, not withstanding.)

It's been discussed. (I say "been" instead of "being" given the dates and functional problems of this site.)

Speaking of US 63, there's a way to make US 63 in Louisiana actually mean something and provide some of the benefit of our proposed BR-LR highway: Extend US 63 southward, down US 167 to Pineville, then along LA 1 to Morganza. Build a new bypass around New Roads and False River, and connect to I-10. Extend US 63 along I-10 to LA 1 at Port Allen. Once again follow LA 1 south to Donaldsonville. Connect to LA 3127 and consume that highway to I-310. Voila, a meaningful US 63 providing a new artery from metro New Orleans through central Louisiana.
🆕 Louisiana Highways on Twitter | Yes, I like Clearview. Deal with it. | Redos: US | La. | Route Challenge


Quote from: jbnv on February 04, 2015, 09:26:00 PM
Quote from: mwb1848 on February 03, 2015, 09:58:13 AM
I've always wondered about the possibility of an I-410 or I-212 branching off of I-10 between Gross Tete and Port Allen connecting with U.S. 190 then crossing the Mississippi River then follow Airline Highway to I-12. (Right-of-way issues, obviously, not withstanding.)

It's been discussed. (I say "been" instead of "being" given the dates and functional problems of this site.)

Speaking of US 63, there's a way to make US 63 in Louisiana actually mean something and provide some of the benefit of our proposed BR-LR highway: Extend US 63 southward, down US 167 to Pineville, then along LA 1 to Morganza. Build a new bypass around New Roads and False River, and connect to I-10. Extend US 63 along I-10 to LA 1 at Port Allen. Once again follow LA 1 south to Donaldsonville. Connect to LA 3127 and consume that highway to I-310. Voila, a meaningful US 63 providing a new artery from metro New Orleans through central Louisiana.

If you are going to New Roads, you should cross the Audboun bridge then follow US61.
Let's build what we need as economically as possible.


I figured a link to this discussion I had on fixing Baton Rouge should belong here:
Buc-ee's and QuikTrip fanboy. Clincher of FM roads. Proponent of the TX U-turn. Budding theologian.

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Quote from: cjk374 on October 13, 2014, 12:27:04 PM
I-12 only needs widening, not extending.  I-10 & its current design is THE main issue that needs attention.  I don't know how it has lasted this long in its current state.  It is horrible!!

Part of it is a loop around BR. A new bridge on the south side is needed. The 190 bridge will suffice if they get rid of the surface streets on both ends.
Let's build what we need as economically as possible.


Update on the ongoing I-10/I-12 project at College Dr.

I am now a PennDOT employee.  My opinions/views do not necessarily reflect the opinions/views of PennDOT.

Travel Mapping:


Quote from: 74/171FAN on September 20, 2023, 09:44:57 PM
Update on the ongoing I-10/I-12 project at College Dr.

I realize you are a mod, but the South / Southeastern LA stuff still tends to land on the Mid-South sub... People beat me to death for bringing zombies to the top.
Let's build what we need as economically as possible.


There really should not be an issue as long as you are adding noteworthy information in regard to said topic.

I have no idea why this thread was not being posted in for three years; however, any general newsworthy Baton Rogue information should be added here just the same as the Philly thread in the Northeast Board.
I am now a PennDOT employee.  My opinions/views do not necessarily reflect the opinions/views of PennDOT.

Travel Mapping:

Opinions expressed here on belong solely to the poster and do not represent or reflect the opinions or beliefs of AARoads, its creators and/or associates.