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Nashville/Middle Tennessee

Started by wriddle082, August 16, 2014, 11:13:24 PM

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There is no Nashville thread on here, so I feel now is the time to start one.

Here is an excellent first discussion point:

The accident happened around 3 AM Friday morning, and the tanker truck was carrying a full load of gasoline and diesel which I'm assuming the driver picked up in Nashville to carry down to the southern part of the state to deliver to gas stations.

This stretch of I-65 is being widened from 4 to 8 lanes, and both the original, and part of the replacement, TN 248 bridges over I-65 were damaged beyond repair (though I'm assuming the bridge pier of the replacement will be salvaged).  They will be disassembling both bridges over the weekend and don't expect to be finished until Monday afternoon.

This is already a traffic nightmare, and my suggestion for best alternative route for I-65 through traffic would be TN 840 to I-24.


I am wondering contractually how this will work. TDOT has a contract with Contractor A who has already agreed to certain contract terms, which assumes that the Peytonsville Road bridge over I-65 is open. With the bridge now closed, TDOT will probably want to do an accelerated replacement, but that will require changing the contract terms. Contractor A may balk at the new terms, so they may seek to go with another contractor to do just the bridge.

And yes, this will be a nightmare until the bridge is replaced. If I go to Nashville, it will be US 231 and I-24 for me.
Cody Goodman
Huntsville, AL, United States


Contractors on projects like this typically do a lot of business with the state, so my guess is they'd be very amenable to a change order. I'm pretty sure Kentucky has had similar situations where a change order was executed due to emergency circumstances.
Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.


(8) bridges along I-40/65 in Downtown Nashville to be replaced, starting in June, and finishing up in June 2016.  Will require (13) weekends of complete road closures.


I hope that adequate signage is posted to direct traffic onto TN 155, I-440, and TN 840 during this construction.

TDOT did pretty well with the I-40 SmartFix project in Knoxville, but it also worked better since I-40 was the only route being closed and there was a clear bypass. This time it is both I-40 and I-65, and while there are alternatives for both, you also have to deal with traffic to and from I-24. Without signage posted, you also have the chance of people taking I-65 North to I-24 east to bypass the closed section.
Cody Goodman
Huntsville, AL, United States


I would figure the existing contractor would ne more than happy to do the additional work.  They can be the lowest bidder and still have a higher profit margin simply because they are already mobilized on site unlike competitors.


Quote from: ARMOURERERIC on April 15, 2015, 07:55:07 PM
I would figure the existing contractor would ne more than happy to do the additional work.  They can be the lowest bidder and still have a higher profit margin simply because they are already mobilized on site unlike competitors.

Which existing contractor are you referring to?
Cody Goodman
Huntsville, AL, United States


What's the name of the bridge for James Robertson Parkway (US 31-41-431) over the Cumberland River? I took a Google Street View scan of it, and I see some kind of related memorial on the southwest corner of the bridge.


Quote from: D-Dey65 on February 01, 2017, 11:57:18 AM
What's the name of the bridge for James Robertson Parkway (US 31-41-431) over the Cumberland River? I took a Google Street View scan of it, and I see some kind of related memorial on the southwest corner of the bridge.

Victory Memorial Bridge.



Thread revival time!!!

If you're following 40 through Nashville, just take 840 or Briley Pkwy.  Pretend that they're already working on 440.  You're much better off!


3 years to fix it! I can see why with it being done under traffic. That's going to be a nightmare. Maybe the traffic control plans will post alternate routes along Briley.
Cody Goodman
Huntsville, AL, United States


Quote from: D-Dey65 on February 01, 2017, 11:57:18 AM
What's the name of the bridge for James Robertson Parkway (US 31-41-431) over the Cumberland River? I took a Google Street View scan of it, and I see some kind of related memorial on the southwest corner of the bridge.

The lack of signs off I-24 is disappointing.


It amazes me that as much as TDOT keeps up on paving projects on the major interstates, we still have original concrete pavement from the mid-late 80's construction on I-440 and has never been completely overhauled! I don't take 440 as much as I used to, especially since 840 is finished from my side of Nashville to Dickson.
Jason Ilyes
Palmyra, PA
Next door to the chocolate capitol of the world !


Quote from: jpi on February 28, 2018, 01:07:52 PM
It amazes me that as much as TDOT keeps up on paving projects on the major interstates, we still have original concrete pavement from the mid-late 80's construction on I-440 and has never been completely overhauled! I don't take 440 as much as I used to, especially since 840 is finished from my side of Nashville to Dickson.

I think they rehabbed/diamond-ground it twice.  First time was I think in the mid-90s, and the second time was I think right after I moved away, around 2011.  They also did some slab replacements both times.  Since the original depth of the concrete has definitely been compromised, it's a wonder it had all held up for as long as it did.  But I will say they used a very good mix back in the mid-80s, and I'm assuming proper dowel bars between the slabs.


I-440 has been rehabilitated.  It is still concrete unlike any of the other roads in the area.


TDOT is now considering shutting down sections of I-440 for months at a time for reconstruction/widening, cutting down overall project duration from 3 years to just 1 year.

DO IT!!!!!


Quote from: wriddle082 on May 31, 2018, 05:29:28 PM
TDOT is now considering shutting down sections of I-440 for months at a time for reconstruction/widening, cutting down overall project duration from 3 years to just 1 year.

DO IT!!!!!

Yes please!!!!!!! Anything that gets it done faster!


Quote from: wriddle082 on May 31, 2018, 05:29:28 PM
TDOT is now considering shutting down sections of I-440 for months at a time for reconstruction/widening, cutting down overall project duration from 3 years to just 1 year.

DO IT!!!!!

It would make the project cheaper if it was done this way too. We are grappling with a similar sort of issue here in Huntsville on whether to close a road to widen it.
Cody Goodman
Huntsville, AL, United States


Quote from: wriddle082 on May 31, 2018, 05:29:28 PM
TDOT is now considering shutting down sections of I-440 for months at a time for reconstruction/widening, cutting down overall project duration from 3 years to just 1 year.

DO IT!!!!!

I think that it's a great idea. It will suck for the drivers there for a little bit, but it works out in the long run.
Counties: Counties visited
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Sounds like a great idea to me as a monthly driver of 440.  It is my least favorite interstate in that metro area given how deteriorated the concrete pavement is in sections especially the 24->65 stretch.

jon daly

I was with the 101st before and during Desert Storm but haven't been to Tenn since. I think it's synchronicity that I just bought a motor carriers atlas today and noticed a new highway (I-840) around Nashville and also noticed this thread. I think construction started on it right after I left.


TDOT is holding a public meeting tonight to present the alternatives for the I-440 reconstruction.

I, for one, am glad they are considering multiple options.  I grew up seeing I-440 constructed (even vaguely remember the ghost ramps in the very early 80's) and drove across the length of it for years, admiring two underrated views of the downtown skyline on every trip.  Have watched it get slightly improved b/w I-65 and I-24 to alleviate bottlenecks (though I'm sure by now the bottlenecks are back), and have watched the pavement be diamond-ground at least twice, and then further deteriorate to something I wouldn't expect to be maintained by TDOT.  Though I no longer live in the Nashville area, this 7.2 mile stretch of highway will always have a special place in my heart.

The Ghostbuster

Will additional lanes be added to Interstate 440?


Quote from: The Ghostbuster on July 10, 2018, 03:32:08 PM
Will additional lanes be added to Interstate 440?

Yes!  They will get rid of the raised grassy median and add one general purpose lane in each direction.  Not sure how they will accomplish adding the extra lanes to the top level bridges of the stack interchange with I-65, but I assume they will be addressing that in their plans.

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