
why is this up in the corner now

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Started by mightyace, August 29, 2009, 10:05:32 PM

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Quote from: Plutonic Panda on May 22, 2023, 07:58:07 AM
Pardon me if this has been discussed here before but I was reading an article about SCDOTs planned widening of I-26 between Charleston and Columbia and noticed it mentioned a complete overhaul of the I-95/I-26 interchange. I was unable to find anything more about it on SCDOTs website other than some type of improvement is planned. Have they released any alternatives or proposals? A turbine interchange would be fantastic here.

Given traffic movement, just adding a fly-over to move from northbound I-95 to I-26 westbound would take care of a lot of the issues with that interchange.
"Get in the fast lane, grandma!  The bingo game is ready to roll!"


Quote from: Plutonic Panda on May 22, 2023, 07:58:07 AM
Pardon me if this has been discussed here before but I was reading an article about SCDOTs planned widening of I-26 between Charleston and Columbia and noticed it mentioned a complete overhaul of the I-95/I-26 interchange. I was unable to find anything more about it on SCDOTs website other than some type of improvement is planned. Have they released any alternatives or proposals? A turbine interchange would be fantastic here.

The 2021 feasibility report shows a few alternatives.

Looks like the final design-build request for proposals comes out this month with anticipated contract execution in early 2024.

This zip file contains a PDF with a conceptual roadway design showing two flyovers in a turbine-like layout (also shown below). That can of course change.

Plutonic Panda

^^^^^ thank you


^ One thing I'll note is that the flyovers appear to only be single lane... based on heavy traffic volumes, it may be a good idea to at least make the I-95 NB to I-26 WB flyover two lanes, along with the direct ramp from I-26 EB to I-95 SB two lanes.


It was in my news feed that SCOTT has awarded a contract to rebuild the I26 bridge over the Wateree River, but the article read as if no widening was involved.


Quote from: ARMOURERERIC on May 23, 2023, 08:09:12 AM
It was in my news feed that SCOTT has awarded a contract to rebuild the I26 bridge over the Wateree River, but the article read as if no widening was involved.

I-20 crosses the Wateree River, not I-26.  And that crossing likely does not require widening at this time.


Endured I-26 on Wednesday with several asshole truckers micropassing and blocking traffic largely from Orangeburg to I-95.

What is it about South Carolina and its signs? There were signs posted around the ramps at exit 145/U.S. 601 with a lot of text. The most I could catch was something about widening the interstate between some mileposts. I assume there was also mention of public comment. Not sure how informative they are to those passing by; maybe they should try the Burma Shave method and post several signs in a row with details.
"Get in the fast lane, grandma!  The bingo game is ready to roll!"


Another gas tanker rolled over at the same exact spot near MM 62 on I-26 in Polk County. Both directions closed this morning. Numerous other tractor-trailers have rolled over here in the past. I guess the one rollover warning sign still isn't enough.


Quote from: cowboy_wilhelm on July 13, 2023, 07:36:21 AM
Another gas tanker rolled over at the same exact spot near MM 62 on I-26 in Polk County. Both directions closed this morning. Numerous other tractor-trailers have rolled over here in the past. I guess the one rollover warning sign still isn't enough.

My bad. I put a sign up last week there with "DO A BARREL ROLL." I meant for it as a joke.  :ded:


Directly beneath the I-26 drainage project near MM 63.0-63.5 is the Howard Gap Rd. landslide. I'm not aware of a longer road closure in the state (February 2019) and have not seen any plans posted for rebuilding. The drainage project should be wrapping up next year. This section of I-26 is built on fill and was a couple of tropical storms away from sliding down the mountain as it repeatedly did during a decade of construction.


Next week I'll be driving from Charlotte to Central Kentucky.  Has the I-26 widening construction shown any improvements recently?  I heard that I-40 was going to be down to one lane around Black Mountain, and I've been taking NC 16 to I-40 into Tennessee to avoid I-26, but if I-40 is screwed up going up the mountain then I might have to just deal with the I-26 slog, in addition to the I-85 slog around Gastonia and the US 74 slog through Shelby.


Quote from: wriddle082 on October 10, 2023, 05:05:37 AM
Next week I'll be driving from Charlotte to Central Kentucky.  Has the I-26 widening construction shown any improvements recently?  I heard that I-40 was going to be down to one lane around Black Mountain, and I've been taking NC 16 to I-40 into Tennessee to avoid I-26, but if I-40 is screwed up going up the mountain then I might have to just deal with the I-26 slog, in addition to the I-85 slog around Gastonia and the US 74 slog through Shelby.

I went down Old Fort around 1:30 last Friday, and the lane closure didn't start until about half-way down the mountain, and only the left lane was closed out of three in each direction. No traffic issues whatsoever, but your mileage may vary. They're currently tearing out the median barrier. I did not see any construction around Black Mountain.

The I-26 widening is progressing, but is still a cluster. Most traffic is now on newly constructed lanes and it's not as rough of a ride as it was on the temporary shoulders, but it is still two lanes per direction. The Henderson County portion may be finished by next summer, but I don't see the Buncombe County section finishing before the end of next year.

You also have work zones at Green River bridges and Howard Gap, where the left lane (1 of 3) is closed near the top of the grade. The long-term westbound lane closure at Green River will probably start in November. Given the choice, I would take I-40 in a second.

For those coming from South Carolina, there is bridge rehab with lane closures near the state line, and there's paving on the S.C. side from the state line to Inman.


Quote from: cowboy_wilhelm on October 10, 2023, 08:05:49 AM
Quote from: wriddle082 on October 10, 2023, 05:05:37 AM
Next week I'll be driving from Charlotte to Central Kentucky.  Has the I-26 widening construction shown any improvements recently?  I heard that I-40 was going to be down to one lane around Black Mountain, and I've been taking NC 16 to I-40 into Tennessee to avoid I-26, but if I-40 is screwed up going up the mountain then I might have to just deal with the I-26 slog, in addition to the I-85 slog around Gastonia and the US 74 slog through Shelby.

I went down Old Fort around 1:30 last Friday, and the lane closure didn't start until about half-way down the mountain, and only the left lane was closed out of three in each direction. No traffic issues whatsoever, but your mileage may vary. They're currently tearing out the median barrier. I did not see any construction around Black Mountain.

The I-26 widening is progressing, but is still a cluster. Most traffic is now on newly constructed lanes and it's not as rough of a ride as it was on the temporary shoulders, but it is still two lanes per direction. The Henderson County portion may be finished by next summer, but I don't see the Buncombe County section finishing before the end of next year.

You also have work zones at Green River bridges and Howard Gap, where the left lane (1 of 3) is closed near the top of the grade. The long-term westbound lane closure at Green River will probably start in November. Given the choice, I would take I-40 in a second.

For those coming from South Carolina, there is bridge rehab with lane closures near the state line, and there's paving on the S.C. side from the state line to Inman.

Ok I guess my concern was really Old Fort, as I misspoke and said Black Mountain.  As long as it's not a huge issue I will definitely be going that way.  I'll be passing through there next Wednesday afternoon.

I've really grown weary of just about all of the I-26 construction between Asheville and Columbia.  It seems like they're taking absolutely forever with the Henderson and Buncombe County widenings, and the Green River bridge replacement just makes it worse.  And the widening NW of Columbia also seems to be taking a while, but they are also correcting numerous roadway deficiencies, replacing overpasses, and completely rebuilding three interchanges, and overall it seems to be progressing faster than the NC work zones, which started earlier.

Plutonic Panda

It would be nice to see a five stack directional interchange built at I-20. I believe it's part of the Crossroads Projecr. IIRC it's due to be built as a turbine interchange. Anyone know when that part will start?


Quote from: Plutonic Panda on October 10, 2023, 06:54:16 PM
It would be nice to see a five stack directional interchange built at I-20. I believe it's part of the Crossroads Projecr. IIRC it's due to be built as a turbine interchange. Anyone know when that part will start?

So far they have lengthened the EB off-ramp for I-26 Exit 110 at US 378 Sunset Blvd (it backs up frequently, as a large hospital is nearby), they're redoing some of the ramps at the 26/126 interchange by building new ones over the Saluda River (which will turn the 126 interchange with Colonial Life Blvd into a full DDI, and allow the 26 interchange with Bush River Rd to be eliminated completely), and they are reworking I-20 Exit 65 at US 176 Broad River Rd.  My guess is that once the 26/126/Colonial Life and 20/176 work is further along, they will be able to start on building out the turbine, so I'd say at least a year or two.  A lot of structures are slated to be demo'd in that immediate area to make room.


Quote from: wriddle082 on October 11, 2023, 05:58:06 AM
Quote from: Plutonic Panda on October 10, 2023, 06:54:16 PM
It would be nice to see a five stack directional interchange built at I-20. I believe it's part of the Crossroads Projecr. IIRC it's due to be built as a turbine interchange. Anyone know when that part will start?

So far they have lengthened the EB off-ramp for I-26 Exit 110 at US 378 Sunset Blvd (it backs up frequently, as a large hospital is nearby), they're redoing some of the ramps at the 26/126 interchange by building new ones over the Saluda River (which will turn the 126 interchange with Colonial Life Blvd into a full DDI, and allow the 26 interchange with Bush River Rd to be eliminated completely), and they are reworking I-20 Exit 65 at US 176 Broad River Rd.  My guess is that once the 26/126/Colonial Life and 20/176 work is further along, they will be able to start on building out the turbine, so I'd say at least a year or two.  A lot of structures are slated to be demo'd in that immediate area to make room.

If their website is up-to-date, Phase 3 (I-20/I-26 interchange) "construction activity is anticipated to begin in 2024."


Quote from: cowboy_wilhelm on October 10, 2023, 08:05:49 AM
The long-term westbound lane closure at Green River will probably start in November.

The westbound lane closure included in the project plans has been avoided and there are two westbound lanes on the new bridge deck constructed between the two existing decks. I'm not sure if the westbound speed limit is dynamic, but it was 45 MPH on a digital sign at the time I went through. The old westbound railings are currently being removed.


Google Street View has imagery from December showing progress on the Green River Bridges. The westbound deck is currently being removed.

The drainage project at Howard Gap appears to have been abandoned. No work is getting done, and equipment has been sitting in the same place for months. Per NCDOT's Construction Progress Report, no work has been completed since July.


Quote from: Chris on August 30, 2009, 06:55:18 AM
Hmmm okay. Maybe I-26 wasn't the perfect number, but it's not like there are a lot of odd numbers to spare in that region.

I-26 ends 150 miles east of it's terminus, but also 260 miles south of it's terminus, so it indeed runs more north-south than east-west, unlike I-40 and I-85 which only partially run in the n/s or e/w direction.

The only semi-logical odd number I can think of is I-73 (it's east of 75, but west of 77), knowing that I can't see the currently designated I-73 being extended across VA and WV, and it largely duplicates I-77 anyway. (That would require NCDOT to remove 73 from the current central route.)

In fact, US 23 is mostly either expressway or freeway all the way into Ohio, making such a designation somewhat logical as more freeway sections can easily be built (as opposed to a completely new terrain highway).


I-26 westbound finally has a DMS at the South Carolina line. Hopefully they don't move the border again or it will belong to SCDOT. All guardrail has been replaced and set higher from the state line to MM 65. Bridge rehabilitation is still taking place at Hunting Country Rd. and over the N. Pacolet River, but paving has not started yet.

It still looks like construction activity has stalled at Howard Gap. The left lane closure remains in place. The project was supposed to be completed in March, but construction progress has stalled at 60 percent and gone backwards since January.

Work is progressing on the new westbound bridge deck at Green River. Construction is supposed to be finished in December, but that's not happening. Once the new westbound deck is complete, traffic will shift to the new deck until the eastbound deck is demolished and rebuilt. One of the portable CCTVs from the widening project in Henderson County was moved to the bridge construction site. A permanent CCTV should be added west of the bridge later. Two CCTV poles have been placed at Exits 54 and 59, but cameras have not been mounted yet.

WLOS reported earlier this month that the Henderson County portion of the I-26 widening is supposed to be finished by the end of August. They also report that the Buncombe County portion won't be completed until 2026, which I don't think is entirely true. The new interchange for Exit 35 to Pratt & Whitney has delayed construction for the section near the French Broad River and Blue Ridge Parkway. It looks like the Buncombe County portion east of Long Shoals Rd./Exit 37 to the Airport/Exit 40 could possibly open late this year. If they do start opening the new westbound lanes, I am assuming they will have one lane exit at Long Shoals Rd. and have another merge near the Blue Ridge Parkway.


Pouring of the new westbound bridge deck at Green River began this week.

There was also a major traffic shift in Henderson County this week. Westbound traffic is now on the new westbound lanes. Work is still ongoing in the median to finish the inside shoulders and barrier. New concrete is still going down at the interchanges. Some new overhead signs have gone up.

A lot of new concrete has gone down for the eastbound lanes in Buncombe County. I expect there will be a traffic shift for eastbound traffic onto the new eastbound lanes in the next couple of months.

There is still a lot of work to be done between the French Broad River and the Blue Ridge Parkway. All traffic is still on the temporary eastbound lanes. There was some grading this week near MM 35 east of the river. I suspect the French Broad River bridge is nearing completion and new concrete will be going down soon. There has been clearing for the new Exit 37 interchange, but it's hard to tell how much progress has been made on the westbound side going down the hill from the parkway. Since westbound will be a left exit and entrance, there shouldn't be any additional structure work on the westbound side for the interchange.


NCDOT is planning to open another DDI this weekend at the US 25 exit on I-26 in Hendersonville:


NCDOT says the second I-26 Connector contract, to rebuild the I-40 interchange and surrounding roadways, has been awarded:


Drilling work in the French Broad River for the I-26 Connector will begin next week.
"I don't know whether to wind my ass or scratch my watch!" -Jim Cornette


Two bridges of I-26 near Erwin, Tennessee partially collapsed. These are bridges across the Nolichucky River.

Earlier photo:

Photos from the TDOT Facebook page

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