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Interstate 73/74

Started by Voyager, January 18, 2009, 08:09:48 AM

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What's the status of these two Interstates? Has their final route been worked out through the Carolinas?
AARoads Forum Original


I just clinched Interstate 73 in its current entirety in December. Weirdly all of the new freeway that was built south of Candor is signed as "Future Interstate 73/74", while it is so much better than the older sections to the north. No work is underway on the freeway south of Rockingham yet, and work on the freeway north of the Piedmont-Triad International Airport has also yet to begin.

As for Interstate 74, the High Point Bypass is still well underway, and the Maxton to Lumberton section opened in recent months as well. There are still several sections of existing freeway that need upgrading or sections to be completed (such as most of the route east of Interstate 95).


CG, I-64's not new. :P It's actually a very old interstate.

I haven't really paid attention to new interstates in the Carolinas though...  :-\
Disclaimer: All posts represent my personal opinions and not those of my employer.

Clinched Highways | Counties Visited


Why is I-3 given the number 3? If it is running from Savannah to Knoxville, it's an east west.. or southeast to northwest..or whatever you want to call it. Should be an even number. Correct?


Quote from: Snappyjack on January 18, 2009, 10:23:12 PM
Why is I-3 given the number 3? If it is running from Savannah to Knoxville, it's an east west.. or southeast to northwest..or whatever you want to call it. Should be an even number. Correct?

Proposed Interstate 3 is an initial desgination in which it honors Fort Stewart's 3rd Infantry Division's lead role in the War on Terror in Iraq.  Interstate 3, if ever built, would be known as the "3rd Infantry Division Highway" and serve defense interests in the region.  That's the official reason for the numbering.  Check out this page for more information.

As far as the proposed route being an even or odd designation, that is open to debate.  Looking at a map it does follows a northwest-southeast pattern, such as I-24 and I-26, and so it should carry an even designation, to keep in sync.  But, we currently have an interstate that breaks that rule: I-85.  That particular interstate pretty much runs northeast-southwest.  So, theoretically, it can carry an odd number.  But, in my opinion, the number 3 is WAY out of the current grid of the interstate system and that number should really be reserved for a western US north-south interstate.  But, since no high numbered north-south numbers can be used, and AASHTO won't duplicate any north-south route designations such as I-83, I-91, etc.  That leaves the lower north-south numbers to be used.

My personal opinion, if they do indeed build this interstate, bring back the suffixed interstates and designate it I-75E!!  That would solve any issues, other than it would eventually be east of I-85, but then we already have one I-75 that does that.


Well actually it wouldn't even be the first time they duplicated a route number. There are two I-84s (CT and OR), two I-76s (PA and CO), and I believe to I-69s. It just bugs the crap out of me when they do stuff like that...  >:(
Disclaimer: All posts represent my personal opinions and not those of my employer.

Clinched Highways | Counties Visited


Quote from: deathtopumpkins on January 18, 2009, 11:37:10 PM
Well actually it wouldn't even be the first time they duplicated a route number. There are two I-84s (CT and OR), two I-76s (PA and CO), and I believe to I-69s. It just bugs the crap out of me when they do stuff like that...  >:(

Two I-74's (like they'll ever be connected!), two I-88's, two I-86's. Heck, think of how many I-80N's that there once were?  ;)


In Ohio, Interstate 73 and 74 are all but dead proposals. ODOT is not upgrading Ohio Route 32 to interstate standards, although there will be interchanges from Batavia west to Interstate 275 in the next 10 years to replace the signalized intersections. Kentucky had a short-lived proposal to widen and subsequently rebuild the AA Highway from Interstate 275 east to Interstate 64 Grayson to interstate standards, although this political-blabber died quite fast.

Kentucky, however, is slated to widen the AA Highway to four-lanes from the Campbell County line (where the four-lane ends) to Maysville, although it will be done by twinning the existing alignment and by keeping the few intersections that do exist. A new four-lane, limited access bypass of Maysville is currently in the right-of-way acquisition stage, although it is not part of any interstate.

West Virginia has several segments completed as part of the Tolsia Highway/King Coal Highway upgrade:
1. Four-lane divided segment (with a curbed median that becomes ditched, grassy) from Interstate 64 at Kenova to West Virginia Route 75, where there is a half-completed diamond interchange. Any upgrade near Interstate 64 will require substantial reconstruction, and the traffic counts just is not there.
2. Four-lane corridor highway around Prichard, complete with one interchange.
3. Four-lane corridor highway around Crum, although it was originally striped for 2-lanes SB and 1 NB (in a very odd arrangement). It is now two-lanes with four-lanes fully completed, and with one half-completed diamond interchange. It has no route marker, as it is not a full bypass of Crum, and ends at a minor county route.
4. Four-lane grading at Welch, with the massive volleyball interchange at the Coalfields Expressway -- both still grades in this vicinity.
5. Four-lane corridor highway from Interstate 77 west to US Route 460. From that point north, construction is ongoing to the Bluefield/Princeton Airport.

rawr apples

I'd like to if any of these duplicated routes will ever be connected, with all the environmentalist out there
Now shut up and drivee


Quote from: aaroads on January 18, 2009, 11:42:54 PM
Quote from: deathtopumpkins on January 18, 2009, 11:37:10 PM
Well actually it wouldn't even be the first time they duplicated a route number. There are two I-84s (CT and OR), two I-76s (PA and CO), and I believe to I-69s. It just bugs the crap out of me when they do stuff like that...  >:(

Two I-74's (like they'll ever be connected!), two I-88's, two I-86's. Heck, think of how many I-80N's that there once were?  ;)

Yes, and if you notice, ALL of those duplicates are east-west route numbers, with the exception of I-69.  But the one in Mississippi is suppose to eventually (in 20-30 years??) connect with the other, so then it would be a continuous route.


Going back to I-85 quick, it also breaks the rules because the part from Atlanta to its end in Montgomery, AL goes to the west of 75.

Other interstates do this as well; the most notable example coming to mind being I-89 crossing I-91.

I-26 crosses to the south of I-20 as well.

And if you want to really get technical, the two I-88's could connect if they so chose to, by way of I-90 and (I believe) I-94. The two I-86's could too.


Quote from: rawr apples on January 18, 2009, 11:54:49 PM
I'd like to if any of these duplicated routes will ever be connected, with all the environmentalist out there

That has nothing to do with the construction of the corridor in West Virginia. It was long ago decided that it would be prohibitively expensive to construct it as an interstate facility, so it is being designed as a corridor highway -- four-lanes, with a depressed median and a 70 MPH design speed (although signed at 65 MPH). It has sparse intersections and a few interchanges, which is fine for a highway that sees less than 10,000 ADT for 90% of the route.

At $2 billion to complete ~70 miles in West Virginia, for a highway that travels through a depopulating region, where economic development won't occur, it doesn't make sense to complete it in its current form. At the current rate, it will be until 2060 until the highway is complete.

Real Life Guitar Hero

I believe that in like MB it was gonna be that one was gonna be SC-31 and the other would be SC-22, I cant remember but anyway I think that its that way, dont trust me I could be wrong.


Quote from: Real Life Guitar Hero on January 28, 2009, 08:18:32 PM
I believe that in like MB it was gonna be that one was gonna be SC-31 and the other would be SC-22, I cant remember but anyway I think that its that way, dont trust me I could be wrong.
I believe that I-73 is supposed to be SC 22 and I-74 is supposed to be SC 31 with an extension of the current SC 31(Carolina Bays Pkwy) into North Carolina.  I have also read about a possible I-174 heading along the Main Street Connector from SC 31 into N Myrtle Beach.
I am now a PennDOT employee.  My opinions/views do not necessarily reflect the opinions/views of PennDOT.

Travel Mapping:


There's also a planned I-274, I think, in Winston-Salem.
Anti-center-tabbing, anti-sequential-numbering, anti-Clearview BGS FAN


Yes, that is the Winston-Salem beltway, which is pretty much unfunded at this time.


SC is having controversy with itself(as in the transpotation board)on I-73  The result of not having full funding to build I-73.
I am now a PennDOT employee.  My opinions/views do not necessarily reflect the opinions/views of PennDOT.

Travel Mapping:


Does anybody know if the small section of SC 22 that will be left over after I-73 takes over the Conway Bypass will be renumbered or not?  I personally think it should be because that section seems too short to warrant a 2-digit designation.
NJ Roads FTW!
Quote from: agentsteel53 on September 30, 2009, 04:04:11 PM
I-99... the Glen Quagmire of interstate routes??


Well, I have a more positive feeling with the I-73/I-74 multiplex; in fact I traveled on it from Greensboro, NC to Ellerbe in 2007. I see what the feds are trying to do, but is US 52 in West Virginia from Huntington to Bluefield so congested that I-73/I-74 have to go through there? I also wonder why Ohio gave up on it. I think US 23 from the Ohio River to Findley, OH should be an interstate corridor. I really think I-73 should be on the US 29 corridor from Greensboro to Washington as a good alternate to I-95. Has the NCDOT decided on what to do with US 74?


QuoteDoes anybody know if the small section of SC 22 that will be left over after I-73 takes over the Conway Bypass will be renumbered or not?  I personally think it should be because that section seems too short to warrant a 2-digit designation.
No but I wouldn't mind it being called SC 273 :-D   Stimulus funds approved for building part of I-73 from I-95 to US 501 in Dillon County, SC
I am now a PennDOT employee.  My opinions/views do not necessarily reflect the opinions/views of PennDOT.

Travel Mapping:


Greetings from Hilton Head.  I have seen signs on I-95 signing the Lumberton Bypass as I-74/U.S. 74.  I will get pictures on the way north, as the route down was in the dark.

Since the family is along, I doubt they would let me ride I-74 . . .    :angry:
Opinions here attributed to me are mine alone and do not reflect those of my employer or the agencies for which I am contracted to do work.


Quote from: akotchi on July 30, 2009, 09:37:53 PM
Greetings from Hilton Head.  I have seen signs on I-95 signing the Lumberton Bypass as I-74/U.S. 74.  I will get pictures on the way north, as the route down was in the dark.

Since the family is along, I doubt they would let me ride I-74 . . .    :angry: ;)

SP Cook

The powers that be, IMHO, dropped the ball in allowing NC all of this latitude for a project that will never connect up, nor be finished in any meaningful way.  It is confusing to motorists, pointless, and even if completed, there are plenty of places on either "interstate" where the most logical route between two points on the route will not be the route, which should never happen.

This is my humbe solution.

Simply renumber the short section of I-74 from I-77 to US 52 as either "I-177" or "US 152" with signage of "TO US 52" or "TO I-77" beside it.

Let the rest simply carry its US route numbers.  All of the rest of both projects is multi-plexed with current US routes.  US 52, US 311, US 220, US 74.   Renumber the Conway Bypass as "ALT US 501".


With US-74 from I-26 through Charlotte to I-95, I always thought I-74 (if it wasn't going to legitimately be independent of the proposed I-73) should just have a second run along US-74 from I-26 east around the I-485 on the southside of Charlotte, upgrade to freeway to Rockingham. And then upgrade to freeway to Wilmington.

Let I-73 'someday' continue north of WV, but for now, just keep that from Myrtle Beach to Virginia via US-52 to that runt I-74 spur, multiplex with I-77 to I-64 and then follow, some day, US-35 to US-23 to OH-15 to Toledo, along US-23 and end near Saginaw.



Quote from: rickmastfan67 on August 02, 2009, 03:06:06 AM
Quote from: akotchi on July 30, 2009, 09:37:53 PM
Greetings from Hilton Head.  I have seen signs on I-95 signing the Lumberton Bypass as I-74/U.S. 74.  I will get pictures on the way north, as the route down was in the dark.

Since the family is along, I doubt they would let me ride I-74 . . .    :angry: ;)

Thanks for the link.  I did not think I was discovering anything.  It's just nice to see such oddities (same route numbers) firsthand and photograph for posterity ...

I have found it strange that this piece of I-74 is so far south, between I-20 and I-40 ...
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