"roadwaywiz" YouTube Video Updates and Live Content Information

Started by roadwaywiz95, August 15, 2019, 06:33:53 PM

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How would you grade the broadcast of the inaugural Online Road Meet from 8/24/19?

A - Excellent, loved every minute of it!
0 (0%)
B - Pretty good, enjoyed a lot of it but it could be better at times
0 (0%)
C - It was ok, some of the material covered was interesting but it was so-so overall
0 (0%)
D - Not very good, not many good qualities about it and not interesting to watch
0 (0%)
F - It sucked!
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 0

Voting closed: September 25, 2019, 06:24:01 PM


Coming up in a little more than a week from today will be the next installment in my new "Virtual Tour" series. We're back in the Garden State, this time focusing on a more leisurely-paced guide to Ocean Drive, one of the state's most scenic coastal routes.

Coverage kicks off on 1/18 at 5 PM ET - we certainly hope to see you there; just like last time, there will be several members of the AARoads.com forum community on hand to co-host this event with me and take your questions along the way!

A link to the Live Stream location is provided here:

Clinched Counties: http://www.mob-rule.com/user-gifs/USA/roadwaywiz.gif
Clinched Interstates & Other Highways: https://travelmapping.net/shields/clinched.php?units=miles&u=roadwaywiz

@roadwaywiz on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Spreadshirt, and Discord

Also at http://www.gribblenation.org/


I am pleased to announce the next installment in my ongoing "Online Road Meet" series, which will take place on Saturday March 14, with the live stream kicking off at 1 PM ET. Yours truly will be joined by forum members "Alps", "Ian", and "dgolub" as we give you folks a tour of many notable road-related landmarks in the Atlantic City/Ocean City, NJ vicinity. We are looking forward to having you join us!

A copy of the meet itinerary we'll be following can be found here:

A link to our live stream location can be found here:
Clinched Counties: http://www.mob-rule.com/user-gifs/USA/roadwaywiz.gif
Clinched Interstates & Other Highways: https://travelmapping.net/shields/clinched.php?units=miles&u=roadwaywiz

@roadwaywiz on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Spreadshirt, and Discord

Also at http://www.gribblenation.org/


Our next installment in the "Virtual Tour" series is scheduled to take place next Saturday (3/21) at 5 PM ET. Come join me and members of the AARoads community as we profile Interstate 17 through central Arizona and discuss the history and features of this highway, all while enjoying a real-time video trip along the length of the freeway between Phoenix and Flagstaff.

A link to the event location can be found below:

Clinched Counties: http://www.mob-rule.com/user-gifs/USA/roadwaywiz.gif
Clinched Interstates & Other Highways: https://travelmapping.net/shields/clinched.php?units=miles&u=roadwaywiz

@roadwaywiz on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Spreadshirt, and Discord

Also at http://www.gribblenation.org/


The recent nation-wide shutdown due to COVID-19 has left a huge entertainment programming void to be filled by us content creators in the coming weeks. In response to this shortage of original/unscripted programming due to the closure of theaters, sporting events,etc., I'll be streaming live every weekday from somewhere in my day-to-day travels and will be starting a new Webinar series to be broadcast once a week, probably on Saturdays. Go to my channel home page (linked below) and scroll to the "Upcoming Live Streams" section to find an upcoming program you'd like to see. Also be sure to check out the "Created Playlists" section and browse all of my past Webinars, Online Road Meets, and Virtual Tours (either those you haven't yet seen, or those you'd like to see again!). With a little creativity and some perseverance, us content creators and viewers will make it through these next weeks/months.

Clinched Counties: http://www.mob-rule.com/user-gifs/USA/roadwaywiz.gif
Clinched Interstates & Other Highways: https://travelmapping.net/shields/clinched.php?units=miles&u=roadwaywiz

@roadwaywiz on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Spreadshirt, and Discord

Also at http://www.gribblenation.org/


Our next installment in the new *weekly* live broadcast featuring AARoads Forum members will be this comprehensive Webinar introduction to the freeways of Las Vegas & vicinity. The event will kick off at 6 PM ET and will feature remote contributions from members of this forum. We look forward to seeing you there!

Clinched Counties: http://www.mob-rule.com/user-gifs/USA/roadwaywiz.gif
Clinched Interstates & Other Highways: https://travelmapping.net/shields/clinched.php?units=miles&u=roadwaywiz

@roadwaywiz on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Spreadshirt, and Discord

Also at http://www.gribblenation.org/


As the month of March comes to a close, tonight's live stream (part of the ongoing series of *daily* live content you can expect from my channel in the days/weeks to come) will take a look back at the past 3 weeks as the COVID-19 Outbreak enveloped the New York metropolitan area and resulted in the creation of a daily afternoon Live Drive series named "The Coronavirus & The Commute". In this episode, I'll be taking you folks down "memory lane" to revisit some of my favorite moments from this series thusfar and giving you a chance to see some other related footage that never made it onto a live stream. I'll also talk in detail about the origins and inspirations for this series, where it's taken me and my viewers thus far, and where you can expect it to go from here.

Coverage begins tonight at 6 PM ET - we look forward to seeing you there!

Clinched Counties: http://www.mob-rule.com/user-gifs/USA/roadwaywiz.gif
Clinched Interstates & Other Highways: https://travelmapping.net/shields/clinched.php?units=miles&u=roadwaywiz

@roadwaywiz on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Spreadshirt, and Discord

Also at http://www.gribblenation.org/


For this upcoming weekend's Webinar presentation, we'll be taking a look at the freeway system in and around El Paso, TX, one of the more interesting urban centers in the Mountain West region. Coverage will begin on Saturday (4/4) at 6 PM ET.

We had a great crowd with a lot of awesome contributors for our Las Vegas Webinar presentation from last weekend and we hope to have an even stronger crowd this weekend. We hope to see you there!

Clinched Counties: http://www.mob-rule.com/user-gifs/USA/roadwaywiz.gif
Clinched Interstates & Other Highways: https://travelmapping.net/shields/clinched.php?units=miles&u=roadwaywiz

@roadwaywiz on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Spreadshirt, and Discord

Also at http://www.gribblenation.org/


I had the opportunity to interview our good friend, colleague, and regional moderator "Corco" earlier this evening over on my YouTube channel. We discussed (among other things) his website's origins & journey, his professional life and its relationship to his hobby, and where he's headed in the future, both in the near & long-term. The link to our extensive Sunday Conversation can by found below:

Clinched Counties: http://www.mob-rule.com/user-gifs/USA/roadwaywiz.gif
Clinched Interstates & Other Highways: https://travelmapping.net/shields/clinched.php?units=miles&u=roadwaywiz

@roadwaywiz on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Spreadshirt, and Discord

Also at http://www.gribblenation.org/


Our next installment in the *weekly* live broadcast over on 'roadwaywiz' will be this double-header Virtual Tour presentation, where we dissect and enjoy a full-length trip along the belt highways encircling both El Paso, TX and Las Vegas, NV in real time, complete with commentary and contributions from admins/moderators/members of this forum.

The event will kick off on Saturday (4/11) at 6 PM ET and we look forward to seeing you there!

Clinched Counties: http://www.mob-rule.com/user-gifs/USA/roadwaywiz.gif
Clinched Interstates & Other Highways: https://travelmapping.net/shields/clinched.php?units=miles&u=roadwaywiz

@roadwaywiz on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Spreadshirt, and Discord

Also at http://www.gribblenation.org/


I had the opportunity to interview our good friends Mike & Laura Pruett earlier this evening over on my YouTube channel. We discussed (among other things) the origins of Mike's website 'mdroads.com', they're professional lives both on and off the road, and where they're headed in the future, both in the near & long-term. The link to our extensive Sunday Conversation can by found below:

Clinched Counties: http://www.mob-rule.com/user-gifs/USA/roadwaywiz.gif
Clinched Interstates & Other Highways: https://travelmapping.net/shields/clinched.php?units=miles&u=roadwaywiz

@roadwaywiz on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Spreadshirt, and Discord

Also at http://www.gribblenation.org/


For this upcoming weekend's Webinar presentation, we'll be taking a look at the freeway system in and around San Diego, CA, one of California's largest cities and one of the more interesting urban centers on the west coast. Coverage will begin on Saturday (4/18) at 6 PM ET and will feature live contributions from members of this forum; we hope to see you there!

Clinched Counties: http://www.mob-rule.com/user-gifs/USA/roadwaywiz.gif
Clinched Interstates & Other Highways: https://travelmapping.net/shields/clinched.php?units=miles&u=roadwaywiz

@roadwaywiz on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Spreadshirt, and Discord

Also at http://www.gribblenation.org/


I had the opportunity to interview our good friend, colleague, and global moderator "Alps" on Sunday over on my YouTube channel. We discussed (among other things) his website's origins & journey, his professional life and its relationship to his hobby, and where he's headed in the future, both in the near & long-term. The link to our extensive Sunday Conversation can by found below:

Clinched Counties: http://www.mob-rule.com/user-gifs/USA/roadwaywiz.gif
Clinched Interstates & Other Highways: https://travelmapping.net/shields/clinched.php?units=miles&u=roadwaywiz

@roadwaywiz on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Spreadshirt, and Discord

Also at http://www.gribblenation.org/


Our next installment in the "Virtual Tour" series is scheduled to take place on Saturday (4/25) at 6 PM ET. Come join me and members of the AARoads community as we profile Interstate 8 across southern California and discuss the history and features of this highway, all while enjoying a real-time video trip along the length of the freeway Yuma, AZ and San Diego, CA.

A link to the event location can be found below:

Clinched Counties: http://www.mob-rule.com/user-gifs/USA/roadwaywiz.gif
Clinched Interstates & Other Highways: https://travelmapping.net/shields/clinched.php?units=miles&u=roadwaywiz

@roadwaywiz on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Spreadshirt, and Discord

Also at http://www.gribblenation.org/


I had the opportunity to interview our good friends over at gribblenation.org (Doug Kerr, Adam Prince, and Tom Fearer) on Sunday over on my YouTube channel. We discussed (among other things) the story of their website's origins & journey, and where they're headed in the future (both individually and collectively), both in the near & long-term. The link to our extensive Sunday Conversation can by found below:

Clinched Counties: http://www.mob-rule.com/user-gifs/USA/roadwaywiz.gif
Clinched Interstates & Other Highways: https://travelmapping.net/shields/clinched.php?units=miles&u=roadwaywiz

@roadwaywiz on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Spreadshirt, and Discord

Also at http://www.gribblenation.org/


For this upcoming weekend's Webinar presentation, we'll be taking a look at the freeway system (at least the sections I managed to cover in February 2020) in and around Los Angeles, CA, one of America's largest cities and one of the more interesting urban centers on the west coast. Coverage will begin on Saturday (5/2) at 6 PM ET and will feature live contributions from members of this forum; we hope to see you there!

Clinched Counties: http://www.mob-rule.com/user-gifs/USA/roadwaywiz.gif
Clinched Interstates & Other Highways: https://travelmapping.net/shields/clinched.php?units=miles&u=roadwaywiz

@roadwaywiz on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Spreadshirt, and Discord

Also at http://www.gribblenation.org/


For this upcoming weekend's Webinar presentation, we'll be taking a look at the freeway system in and around Phoenix, AZ, one of America's largest cities and a cultural crossroads of the nation. Coverage will begin on Saturday (5/9) at 6 PM ET and will feature live contributions from members of this forum; we hope to see you there!

Clinched Counties: http://www.mob-rule.com/user-gifs/USA/roadwaywiz.gif
Clinched Interstates & Other Highways: https://travelmapping.net/shields/clinched.php?units=miles&u=roadwaywiz

@roadwaywiz on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Spreadshirt, and Discord

Also at http://www.gribblenation.org/


I had the opportunity to interview our good friend, colleague, and forum member David Golub ("dgolub") on Sunday over on my YouTube channel. We discussed (among other things) his website's origins & journey, his professional life, and where he's headed in the future, both in the near & long-term. The link to our extensive Sunday Conversation can by found below:

Clinched Counties: http://www.mob-rule.com/user-gifs/USA/roadwaywiz.gif
Clinched Interstates & Other Highways: https://travelmapping.net/shields/clinched.php?units=miles&u=roadwaywiz

@roadwaywiz on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Spreadshirt, and Discord

Also at http://www.gribblenation.org/


Our next installment in the *weekly* live broadcast over on 'roadwaywiz' will be this double-header Virtual Tour presentation, where we dissect and enjoy a full-length trip along the belt highway encircling Phoenix, AZ and the infamous 405 Freeway around Los Angeles in real time, complete with commentary and contributions from admins/moderators/members of this forum.

The event will kick off on Saturday (5/16) at 6 PM ET and we look forward to seeing you there!

Clinched Counties: http://www.mob-rule.com/user-gifs/USA/roadwaywiz.gif
Clinched Interstates & Other Highways: https://travelmapping.net/shields/clinched.php?units=miles&u=roadwaywiz

@roadwaywiz on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Spreadshirt, and Discord

Also at http://www.gribblenation.org/


This evening I had the great pleasure of interviewing fellow YouTuber and road enthusiast "Jason" from the "504RoadTrips" YouTube channel. We talked about everything from his channel and printing business to living through Hurricane Katrina and COVID-19, all from a Gulf South perspective. The link to our extensive Sunday Conversation can be found below:

Clinched Counties: http://www.mob-rule.com/user-gifs/USA/roadwaywiz.gif
Clinched Interstates & Other Highways: https://travelmapping.net/shields/clinched.php?units=miles&u=roadwaywiz

@roadwaywiz on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Spreadshirt, and Discord

Also at http://www.gribblenation.org/


Our next installment in the "Virtual Tour" series is scheduled to take place on Saturday (5/23) at 6 PM ET. Come join me and members of the AARoads community as we profile US Routes 163 and 160 across southern Utah & northern Arizona and discuss the history and features of these highways, all while enjoying a real-time video trip across one of the most scenic areas of the desert southwest.

A link to the event location can be found below:

Clinched Counties: http://www.mob-rule.com/user-gifs/USA/roadwaywiz.gif
Clinched Interstates & Other Highways: https://travelmapping.net/shields/clinched.php?units=miles&u=roadwaywiz

@roadwaywiz on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Spreadshirt, and Discord

Also at http://www.gribblenation.org/


I don't usually give folks advance warning when it comes to my interview sessions, but this one represents a special case:

Tomorrow (5/24) at 3 PM ET, I'll be sitting down with Steve Anderson of 'nycroads.com' to discuss his contributions to the road enthusiast hobby over the years and (I'm sure) many other things as well. We hope you can join us for what's sure to be an interesting "Sunday Conversation".

Clinched Counties: http://www.mob-rule.com/user-gifs/USA/roadwaywiz.gif
Clinched Interstates & Other Highways: https://travelmapping.net/shields/clinched.php?units=miles&u=roadwaywiz

@roadwaywiz on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Spreadshirt, and Discord

Also at http://www.gribblenation.org/


With this weekend being a Cincinnati-themed one in the Road Meet department, we'll have a special Cincinnati-themed live event for folks to enjoy this Saturday (5/30) starting at 3 PM ET. It'll feature contributions from members across the road enthusiast community, including members of this forum, and we hope you can join us for what's sure to be an awesome event!

Clinched Counties: http://www.mob-rule.com/user-gifs/USA/roadwaywiz.gif
Clinched Interstates & Other Highways: https://travelmapping.net/shields/clinched.php?units=miles&u=roadwaywiz

@roadwaywiz on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Spreadshirt, and Discord

Also at http://www.gribblenation.org/


Again, I don't usually give folks advance warning when it comes to my interview sessions, but here's another special case:

Tomorrow (6/6) at 6 PM ET, I'll be sitting down with a couple members of this forum ('Dougtone' and 'Alps' to be exact) and they're going to interview *me* as part of the ongoing road enthusiast interview series my channel initiated back in March. If you've ever wanted to ask me anything (within reason) about my work both on & off the road, here's your chance!

We hope you can join us for what's sure to be an interesting Saturday edition of the "Sunday Conversation" series.

Clinched Counties: http://www.mob-rule.com/user-gifs/USA/roadwaywiz.gif
Clinched Interstates & Other Highways: https://travelmapping.net/shields/clinched.php?units=miles&u=roadwaywiz

@roadwaywiz on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Spreadshirt, and Discord

Also at http://www.gribblenation.org/


I am pleased to announce the upcoming 'Season 2' of live road-related programming on the 'roadwaywiz' YouTube channel, to feature commentators from across the AARoads forum. In a similar format to the March-->May 'Season 1', programs will consist of Webinars, Virtual Tours, and other special content featuring discussions of our favorite road-related locations and topics. The Saturday portion of the 'Season 2' reads as follows:

12/5: I-88 (East) Virtual Tour
12/12: Binghamton, NY Webinar
12/19: NY 17/" Quickway"  Virtual Tour
12/26 (Saturday after Christmas): 2020 "Year in Review"  Webinar
1/2 (Saturday after New Year's): West Virginia Turnpike Virtual Tour
1/9: Michigan Webinar, Part I (Detroit)
1/16: I-75 (Toledo, OH to Saginaw, MI) Virtual Tour
1/23: Michigan Webinar, Part II (Not Detroit)
1/30: ADHS Corridor H (US 48) Virtual Tour
2/6: West Virginia Webinar, Part I (Charleston)
2/13 (Saturday of President's Day Weekend): ADHS Corridor E (I-68) Virtual Tour
2/20: West Virginia Webinar, Part II (Not Charleston)
2/27: ADHS Corridor G (US 119) Virtual Tour
3/6: ADHS Corridor L (US 19) Virtual Tour/New River Gorge Bridge Webinar

My team and I are looking forward to bringing this upcoming season to everyone and we hope to see some of you folks out there in attendance when we get started!
Clinched Counties: http://www.mob-rule.com/user-gifs/USA/roadwaywiz.gif
Clinched Interstates & Other Highways: https://travelmapping.net/shields/clinched.php?units=miles&u=roadwaywiz

@roadwaywiz on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Spreadshirt, and Discord

Also at http://www.gribblenation.org/


Thank you for continuing to host live road-related content.
I am now a PennDOT employee.  My opinions/views do not necessarily reflect the opinions/views of PennDOT.

Travel Mapping: https://travelmapping.net/user/?units=miles&u=markkos1992
Mob-Rule:  https://mob-rule.com/user/markkos1992

Opinions expressed here on belong solely to the poster and do not represent or reflect the opinions or beliefs of AARoads, its creators and/or associates.