Road meet attendance? What's your frequency?

Started by Duke87, August 14, 2019, 08:48:49 PM

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Regarding the discussion about what time of year meets happen in... this is not necessarily a representative sample, but, since attending my first meet in 2009, here is the distribution of how many meets I have attended in each calendar month:

Jan   1
Feb   2
Mar   8
Apr   4
May   6
Jun   4
Jul   6
Aug   6
Sep   4
Oct   6
Nov   5
Dec   3

Topic split from 2020 Meets and subject changed - worthy new topic.  -sso
If you always take the same road, you will never see anything new.


Quote from: froggie on August 14, 2019, 08:27:43 PM
SE PA was 2010 and IIRC focused on their traffic management center.  I skipped that, in part because it was also the "bill snafu meet" and highlighted the issues with having a large turnout and confusion on the lunch bill.

I did indeed host a DC meet in May, 2012, right before I transferred out.  This meet focused on the Beltway HO/T lanes and the new 11th Street Bridges.

State College was April, 2009.  I remember this well because it was Oscar's Prius that got bumped from behind and I was in the back seat.
It got "Denny Pine"'ed. 

Jeff, Bullshit!, Bullshit!

:popcorn: :popcorn:
Scott O.

Not all who wander are lost...
Ah, the open skies, wind at my back, warm sun on my... wait, where the hell am I?!
As a matter of fact, I do own the road.
Raise your what?

Wisconsin - out-multiplexing your state since 1918.

A.J. Bertin

Quote from: Duke87 on August 14, 2019, 08:48:49 PM
Regarding the discussion about what time of year meets happen in... this is not necessarily a representative sample, but, since attending my first meet in 2009, here is the distribution of how many meets I have attended in each calendar month:

Jan   1
Feb   2
Mar   8
Apr   4
May   6
Jun   4
Jul   6
Aug   6
Sep   4
Oct   6
Nov   5
Dec   3

Very interesting! After seeing this breakdown of yours, I felt compelled to compile mine. I have attended 60 road meets since 2004:

January - 0
February - 0
March - 5
April - 9
May - 13
June - 4
July - 3
August - 4
September - 6
October - 7
November - 7
December - 2
-A.J. from Michigan


I'm lucky to make it to 2 a year....Anthony's triple that...


I have been averaging about 4 road meets a year since 2008 when I started going to these on a regular basis. Some years I get to 6 then some years I am luck y to make 2 and the years I travel out west (odd numbered years) I tend to go to less road meets those years. One exception, 2015 when I went to the Denver area meet then nearly 2 months later travelled as far as the northwest.
Jason Ilyes
Palmyra, PA
Next door to the chocolate capitol of the world !

A.J. Bertin

I started attending road meets in 2004. Here's the breakdown of how many meets I've attended each year since then:

2004 - 3
2005 - 2
2006 - 1
2007 - 1
2008 - 2
2009 - 3
2010 - 5
2011 - 6
2012 - 4
2013 - 4
2014 - 6
2015 - 5
2016 - 6
2017 - 4
2018 - 4
2019 - 5 (after Milwaukee, and assuming there will be no other meets coming up this year that I'll be attending)
-A.J. from Michigan


Quote from: Duke87 on August 14, 2019, 08:48:49 PM
Regarding the discussion about what time of year meets happen in... this is not necessarily a representative sample, but, since attending my first meet in 2009, here is the distribution of how many meets I have attended in each calendar month:

Topic split from 2020 Meets and subject changed - worthy new topic.  -sso

38 meets attended since October 2001 (including impromptu meets)...And yes, I have kept a running tally...

January - 1 (Impromptu meet in Rochester the first weekend of 2004)
February - 1 (Impromptu meet in Utica in 2012)
March - 2 (Newark '11, Scranton '15)
April - 9 (Buffalo '04, State College '05, Albany '06, Hartford '08, Elmira-Corning '14, Utica '15, Tuxedo '16, York '16, Selinsgrove '18)
May - 1 (This year's Providence meet)
June - 6 (Cleveland '04, Boston '05, Rochester Impromptu '07, NYC '14, Toronto '16, Salamanca '18)
July - 2 (NYC and Glens Falls on consecutive weekends in 2017)
August - 2 (Rochester '04, Binghamton '13)
September - 6 (Syracuse Impromptu '02, Harrisburg '03, Elmira-Corning '06, Watertown '11, Albany '16, Mentor '18)
October - 6 (Elmira-Corning Impromptu '01, Utica '01, Elmira-Corning '02, Albany '03, Stamford '14, Kingston NY '18)
November - 2 (Bennington '11, Burlington '13)
December - 0

Hot Rod Hootenanny

Sporadic would be my count.
2002 - 1 (Toledo)
2003 - 1 (Cincy)
2005 - 1 (Pikeville)
2010 - 1 (Akron-Canton)
2011 - 1 (Hosted Columbus)
2012 - 1 ([sort of] Hosted Dayton)
2013 - 2 (Huntington W.Va, Cincy)
2017 - 1 (Columbus)
2018 - 5 (Central PA, West Chicago suburbs, hosted Mentor-Ashtabula Ohio, NE Philly (Turnpike "golden spike"), Lafayette Ind)
2019 - 3 (Hosted Portsmouth Ohio, Pittsburgh, Newburyport, Ma.)
Please, don't sue Alex & Andy over what I wrote above


I go to road meets based on it being a place I want to see, and secondarily for the people (if it's close enough). For example, I'm past due visiting my friend in Cincy, so that road meet works out. I may not actually go to the October meet in Newburyport because I've exhausted things to see in that area.


So if we're going by year....

2009 - 1
2010 - 4
2011 - 10
2012 - 5
2013 - 8
2014 - 8
2015 - 6
2016 - 4
2017 - 6
2018 - 4
2019 - 1

As with by month though, this is not a representative sample.

I started off only doing meets I could do as day trips... then in 2011 a few overnighters started working their way in, as by this point I had more disposable income than previously and was getting more into the groove of roadtripping in general. My trend of showing up to a whole bunch of meets continued through 2014 (2012 is an outlier because there just weren't a lot of meets that year - I even recall this being discussed then).

Since then the frequency of my attendance has slowed down, and there are two key contributing factors to this:
1) In August 2014 I met the woman who is now my wife. Naturally, this has shifted some priorities about how I spend my time...
2) Starting in 2017 I began traveling frequently for work - which has both directly created schedule conflicts with meets, and indirectly resulted in me not attending others simply by reducing my desire to travel when I don't have to.

If you always take the same road, you will never see anything new.


March - 1
April - 1
May - 1
June - 0
July - 1*
August - 2
September - 1

* indicates my own meet weekend.

2014: 1
2015: 3
2016: 1*
2017: 1
2018: 1
2019: 0
I make Poiponen look smart


Quote from: Duke87 on August 16, 2019, 02:00:06 AM
So if we're going by year....
I started off only doing meets I could do as day trips... then in 2011 a few overnighters started working their way in, as by this point I had more disposable income than previously and was getting more into the groove of roadtripping in general. My trend of showing up to a whole bunch of meets continued through 2014 (2012 is an outlier because there just weren't a lot of meets that year - I even recall this being discussed then).

Since then the frequency of my attendance has slowed down, and there are two key contributing factors to this:
1) In August 2014 I met the woman who is now my wife. Naturally, this has shifted some priorities about how I spend my time...
2) Starting in 2017 I began traveling frequently for work - which has both directly created schedule conflicts with meets, and indirectly resulted in me not attending others simply by reducing my desire to travel when I don't have to.

After I met my wife, the pace that I attended meets slowed too, at one point going three years between meets, but later did pick back up to about 3 per year.  I don't like to go too far (two overnights at most) and I did back off on going to Montreal and much as I wanted to go to both...after determining I needed to stay home to rest given my recent schedule demands at work.

A.J. Bertin

Quote from: Hot Rod Hootenanny on August 15, 2019, 11:45:22 PM
2014 - 1 (Cincy)

Are you sure this wasn't the meet that Jeremy Moses hosted in 2013? I was not aware of a 2014 Cincinnati meet.
-A.J. from Michigan

A.J. Bertin

Quote from: Alps on August 16, 2019, 01:01:06 AM
I go to road meets based on it being a place I want to see, and secondarily for the people (if it's close enough).

I do the same thing.
-A.J. from Michigan

Hot Rod Hootenanny

Quote from: A.J. Bertin on August 16, 2019, 06:59:13 AM
Quote from: Hot Rod Hootenanny on August 15, 2019, 11:45:22 PM
2014 - 1 (Cincy)

Are you sure this wasn't the meet that Jeremy Moses hosted in 2013? I was not aware of a 2014 Cincinnati meet.

I'm going off the date of the thread on here. I can double-check.
Please, don't sue Alex & Andy over what I wrote above


I have been to 4 meets total. Cody hosted the first 2 I attended, I hosted the 3rd, and Jason hosted my 4th and most recent.
Runnin' roads and polishin' rails.


I haven't been to one yet.  I'm a maybe for the Cincy meet next year.


2008 - 1 (Chicago/Milwaukee)
2009 - 1 (State College)
2010 - 1 (Providence)
2011 - 1* (Wausau (mine))
2012 - 2 (Joliet, St Louis)
2013 - 2* (Dubuque (mine), Metro Los Angeles)
2014 - 5 (St Louis, Starved Rock, NYC, Fox Cities, Quad Cities)
2015 - 1 (Madison (mine))
2016 -
2017 - 3 (Minneapolis, The Eclipse😉, Land between the Lakes)
2018 - 3 (Shreveport, Aurora and Naperville, Lafayette (IN))
2019 - 2 (Providence, Milwaukee (mine))
2020 - 1 (La Crosse/Winona (mine)
2021 - 4 (Quad Cities, Wilmington DE, Cleveland, Shaumberg/Elgin)
2022 - 4 (Cedar Rapids/Iowa City, SE Chicago/NW Indiana, Philadelphia, Janesville/Beloit)
2023 - 2 (Grand Forks, Peoria)
Scott O.

Not all who wander are lost...
Ah, the open skies, wind at my back, warm sun on my... wait, where the hell am I?!
As a matter of fact, I do own the road.
Raise your what?

Wisconsin - out-multiplexing your state since 1918.

A.J. Bertin

Quote from: SSOWorld on August 17, 2019, 09:06:16 AM
2013 - 2*

Does this mean you hosted two meets in 2013? I attended your Dubuque meet that year but was there a second one you hosted that year?
-A.J. from Michigan


Quote from: A.J. Bertin on August 17, 2019, 10:52:29 AM
Quote from: SSOWorld on August 17, 2019, 09:06:16 AM
2013 - 2*

Does this mean you hosted two meets in 2013? I attended your Dubuque meet that year but was there a second one you hosted that year?
I assume that would be 2**.


By year?

2016: 3
2017: 5
2018: 3
2019: 2 (will be 3)

I only got into this recently. Cut me some slack.
Please note: All posts represent my personal opinions and do not represent those of my employer or any of its partner agencies.

Travel Mapping (updated weekly)


I don't always remember the months, but here goes (not including the met I held in 2002 in Joliet or the 2003 meet in New Buffalo, MI):

2011 - 2
Wausau, WI; Kalamazoo, MI

2012 - 4
Dayton, OH; Port Huron, MI-Sarnia, ON; Joliet, IL (mine); St Louis, MO

2013 - 4
Dubuque, IA; Cincinnati, OH; Flint, MI; Cleveland, OH

2014 - 4
Utica, IL (mine); St Louis, MO; Appleton, WI; Nashville, TN

2015 - 3
Upper Peninsula, MI; Denver, CO; Madison, WI

2016 - 6
St Louis, MO; Duluth, MN; South Bend, IN (mine); Battle Creek, MI; Birmingham, AL; York, PA

2017 - 6
Kankakee, IL (mine); Twin Cities, MN; Glens Falls, NY; Jackson, MS; Columbus, OH; Paducah, KY

2018 - 4
Aurora-Naperville, IL (mine); Selinsgrove, PA; Lafayette, IN; Shreveport, LA

2019 - 2 to date plus 2
Memphis, TN; Portsmouth, OH; Milwaukee, WI; Newburyport, MA

Grand total (to date): 35
Plans to go to: 6

2020 - 4
San Antonio, TX; Dixon, IL (mine); Outer Banks, NC; Cincinnati, OH
"If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention." - Ramsay Bolton, "Game of Thrones"

"Symbolic of his struggle against reality." - Reg, "Monty Python's Life of Brian"


Quote from: ce929wax on August 16, 2019, 11:43:17 PM
I haven't been to one yet.  I'm a maybe for the Cincy meet next year.

Given your location in K-zoo, you could make Milwaukee (August 31) and Dixon, IL (next June/July) as well.
"If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention." - Ramsay Bolton, "Game of Thrones"

"Symbolic of his struggle against reality." - Reg, "Monty Python's Life of Brian"


Meets I hosted are italicized:

1999 - SWPA (Greensburg) - first documented meet, SWPA (Robinson Township)
2000 - SWPA (Greensburg), XMAS SWPA (North Versailles)
2001 - SWPA (North Hills)
2002 - Toledo, SWPA (Pleasant Hills), Elmira
2003 - New Buffalo, Charlotte, SWPA (Greensburg), New York/New Jersey, Harrisburg, Albany, XMAS SWPA (Cranberry Township)
2004 - Buffalo, SEPA (Willow Grove), Raleigh, Cleveland, Rochester, Lancaster, Breezewood
2005 - Boston, Columbus, SWPA (Pittsburgh)
2006 - National (Pittsburgh) - first national meet, XMAS SWPA (Belle Vernon)
2007 - Greensboro, XMAS SWPA (Uniontown)
2009 - State College
2010 - SEPA (Phoenixville), XMAS SWPA (Brownsville)
2011 - Williamsport
2018 - "Golden Spike," Breezewood


I'm actually going to Chicago to take in a game at Wrigley on August 24th.  I'm not able to swing both, but thank you for thinking of me.

Opinions expressed here on belong solely to the poster and do not represent or reflect the opinions or beliefs of AARoads, its creators and/or associates.