La Crosse and Winona - August 22, 2019

Started by SSOWorld, February 02, 2020, 01:18:13 PM

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A.J. Bertin

Quote from: bandit957 on August 09, 2020, 07:07:12 AM
Am I the last person around who really isn't bothered by the lack of masks? I'm from a county with surprisingly few cases, but still.

I, for one, am tired of seeing lots of selfish people out in public not wearing masks who don't care about public health and are ignoring the science of this pandemic.  I was in Indiana this weekend and was disgusted by so many people flaunting the rules and businesses not enforcing their mask requirements.
-A.J. from Michigan


Quote from: thspfc on August 09, 2020, 06:44:36 PM
Quote from: bandit957 on August 09, 2020, 07:07:12 AM
Quote from: Alps on August 09, 2020, 01:55:22 AM
In Fredericksburg, VA, the only hotel with a desk worker wearing a mask was Choice. So be vigilant and don't book in advance.

Am I the last person around who really isn't bothered by the lack of masks? I'm from a county with surprisingly few cases, but still.
It's all political views. Some people here are very argumentative about that stuff. Just don't engage with them.
There is nothing political about who catches this disease. Just wear a mask and it'll be over sooner.


Quote from: A.J. Bertin on August 09, 2020, 10:05:26 PM
Quote from: bandit957 on August 09, 2020, 07:07:12 AM
Am I the last person around who really isn't bothered by the lack of masks? I'm from a county with surprisingly few cases, but still.

I, for one, am tired of seeing lots of selfish people out in public not wearing masks who don't care about public health and are ignoring the science of this pandemic.  I was in Indiana this weekend and was disgusted by so many people flaunting the rules and businesses not enforcing their mask requirements.

Most every governmental subdivision (most of which have been done by executive order instead of legislative action, which means they aren't laws) and business with a mask mandate make exceptions for individuals for medical reasons, as well as children of varying ages. Some exempt kids younger than 10; for others it's 6 or younger. Many businesses will accept the customer's word that they have a medical issue that makes them exempt, and some even post signs to that effect. Those businesses that choose not to let anyone without a mask enter the premises, even if they qualify for one of the listed exceptions in the governmental mask requirements, must provide for reasonable accommodations as specified in the ADA such as online ordering or curbside pickup. Not serving a customer with a medical exception for not wearing a mask is no different than not serving a customer with physical accessibility issues.

Personally, I choose not to question anyone who doesn't wear a mask, either to their face or publicly in an open forum. I give them the benefit of the doubt that they do not wear a mask for valid reasons stated in various exceptions. I don't regard them as selfish. Just like handicapped parking tags, not all infirmities are visible.

And I also don't buy into the "if you can't wear a mask for medical reasons, you don't need to be out in public." There are lots of reasons besides respiratory ailments. PTSD, claustrophobia, anxiety ... all are valid.

If I encounter someone not wearing a mask, I don't feel unsafe or angry. Nor do I inquire as to why they aren't wearing one or cause a scene with either them or the business, as some have done. I mind my own business. Wish everyone else would as well. That would do wonders in easing the frustrations so many feel over this whole situation.
Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.


Quote from: hbelkins on August 10, 2020, 01:29:06 PM
Quote from: A.J. Bertin on August 09, 2020, 10:05:26 PM
Quote from: bandit957 on August 09, 2020, 07:07:12 AM
Am I the last person around who really isn't bothered by the lack of masks? I'm from a county with surprisingly few cases, but still.

I, for one, am tired of seeing lots of selfish people out in public not wearing masks who don't care about public health and are ignoring the science of this pandemic.  I was in Indiana this weekend and was disgusted by so many people flaunting the rules and businesses not enforcing their mask requirements.

Most every governmental subdivision (most of which have been done by executive order instead of legislative action, which means they aren't laws) and business with a mask mandate make exceptions for individuals for medical reasons, as well as children of varying ages. Some exempt kids younger than 10; for others it's 6 or younger. Many businesses will accept the customer's word that they have a medical issue that makes them exempt, and some even post signs to that effect. Those businesses that choose not to let anyone without a mask enter the premises, even if they qualify for one of the listed exceptions in the governmental mask requirements, must provide for reasonable accommodations as specified in the ADA such as online ordering or curbside pickup. Not serving a customer with a medical exception for not wearing a mask is no different than not serving a customer with physical accessibility issues.

Personally, I choose not to question anyone who doesn't wear a mask, either to their face or publicly in an open forum. I give them the benefit of the doubt that they do not wear a mask for valid reasons stated in various exceptions. I don't regard them as selfish. Just like handicapped parking tags, not all infirmities are visible.

And I also don't buy into the "if you can't wear a mask for medical reasons, you don't need to be out in public." There are lots of reasons besides respiratory ailments. PTSD, claustrophobia, anxiety ... all are valid.

If I encounter someone not wearing a mask, I don't feel unsafe or angry. Nor do I inquire as to why they aren't wearing one or cause a scene with either them or the business, as some have done. I mind my own business. Wish everyone else would as well. That would do wonders in easing the frustrations so many feel over this whole situation.
Let me close this out by agreeing with the last statement that H.B. said.  I can be frustrated, but i just leave it be.  I wear mine and move on quick without causing a scene.  Last thing we want from this is attempt to fix a problem by becoming a problem.  There are variables out there and interpretations are variant between everybody.  Do I think everyone should wear a mask? Yes.  Am I going to raise a stink? No.  I went through a hotel in Elkhart that had a party of 20 in the lobby drinking - no masks.  The staff was mad but no one did anything - or could do anything.  I just walked through with mask on and went to my room.  Two weeks later? Still healthy.

With that, lets return to topic and avoid delving into politics (no one did, just want to let you know)
Scott O.

Not all who wander are lost...
Ah, the open skies, wind at my back, warm sun on my... wait, where the hell am I?!
As a matter of fact, I do own the road.
Raise your what?

Wisconsin - out-multiplexing your state since 1918.


I make Poiponen look smart


I am definetly out, got a toy show in Carterville, GA that weekend and it is not cancelled and will not be. Hope you all have a good time!
Jason Ilyes
Palmyra, PA
Next door to the chocolate capitol of the world !

Hot Rod Hootenanny

Forecast for La week out.
Friday - High of 85, with increasing chance of storms overnight.
Saturday - High of 82 with clearing skies in the morning.
Please, don't sue Alex & Andy over what I wrote above


So has the meeting spot been determined?


Quote from: Mdcastle on August 21, 2020, 06:47:14 PM
So has the meeting spot been determined?
Pettibone Park Shelter here - Map - Street View

Itinerary posted up-thread
Scott O.

Not all who wander are lost...
Ah, the open skies, wind at my back, warm sun on my... wait, where the hell am I?!
As a matter of fact, I do own the road.
Raise your what?

Wisconsin - out-multiplexing your state since 1918.


Quote from: SSOWorld on August 08, 2020, 05:03:48 PM

Please note this is subject to change, but the plan is to start the tour in La Crosse and end in Winona.  I've also added Pandemic related notes to the appendix (Mask Mandates and Car Pooling)  Regarding the mask mandates, we will follow what is in place on meet day.  Remember that mask use protects each other, not just yourself.

We will be meeting at Pettibone Park.  Check online for available take-out establishments and meet at the shelter mentioned on the itinerary.  We will be beginning the tour at 12:30 pm so try to be there by then. 

For those needing hotels, there are plenty downtown.  Hilton (Hampton and Home2) and Marriott properties (Fairfield and Courtyard) and a Raddison along with some local chains are right there.  There are Wyndham and Choice properties further out - north toward I-90.  I recommend the Hilton and Marriott over Choice and Wyndham due to their reputation with maintenance during the pandemic.

EDIT: Slightly modified to cross I-90 bridge.
As quoted.  I will have print copies to study in advance.  Please also note that I will not be sharing my tri-pod with anyone due to the risks.
Scott O.

Not all who wander are lost...
Ah, the open skies, wind at my back, warm sun on my... wait, where the hell am I?!
As a matter of fact, I do own the road.
Raise your what?

Wisconsin - out-multiplexing your state since 1918.


See the whole of the album on Flickr

On the way - a couple of errors - WIS 61?  Well, in WI, it's HWY 61  :sombrero:

WisDOT decided to close the toilets (outhouses) in their waysides...

Something tells me I should "Cut a Cross" here.

Well if that is not allowed - how are we suppose to take a shit? 

oh wait...

V.I.P. Seating for the river.

Define "re-parking".

Ok, now let's see you "enforce it".

HotRodHootenay: HEY YOU GUYS!!!!!

Everyone to the bridge

Dam supplies power? Nope.

Look at the insects at the bridge - they're big!

Group Photo

Winona Wagon Bridge from the beach (this beach wasn't as populated as one 1/2 mile west of this point, but still....

Aghaming Park is a Winona, MN park.  It's in the Town of Buffalo, WI  :ded:

Scott O.

Not all who wander are lost...
Ah, the open skies, wind at my back, warm sun on my... wait, where the hell am I?!
As a matter of fact, I do own the road.
Raise your what?

Wisconsin - out-multiplexing your state since 1918.

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