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flickr pages

Started by agentsteel53, May 13, 2010, 10:23:29 PM

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I bought black dash mats from JC Whitney for my vehicles. Not only do they cut down on glare, but they help preserve and protect the dashboard from cracking.

As for taking photos while driving, it's an acquired skill. Years ago I was managing a Minolta 35mm camera with a 150 mm telephoto lens to take pics. I wouldn't try that now. I just use the viewscreen on my digital cameras to take the picture.

You can buy some mounts that will clip or clamp to various surfaces. I have my video camera mounted to the overhang on my instrument panel. You could try this with your digital still camera and then just reach up and push the button when you want to take a photo.
Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.


Thanks for the advice. Shoulda realized something as simple as a black shirt could cut down on the reflection. Now if only I could get myself a better camera...
Infrastructure. The city.


Quote from: SyntheticDreamer on January 24, 2011, 06:27:06 PM
Methinks we need a thread on camera preference? Seems like that'd make for a good discussion.
Like this one.


One thing I found with flickr is that they took off their direct links to the raw images - I have reservations about what they call "Community Guidelines" being interpreted as "law/policy" in that you must provide a link back to the image's main page if you hotlink it.   It interferes with my easy method of inserting images into my blog :pan:
Scott O.

Not all who wander are lost...
Ah, the open skies, wind at my back, warm sun on my... wait, where the hell am I?!
As a matter of fact, I do own the road.
Raise your what?

Wisconsin - out-multiplexing your state since 1918.


Quote from: Master son on January 25, 2011, 04:03:27 PM
One thing I found with flickr is that they took off their direct links to the raw images - I have reservations about what they call "Community Guidelines" being interpreted as "law/policy" in that you must provide a link back to the image's main page if you hotlink it.   It interferes with my easy method of inserting images into my blog :pan:

Flickr doesn't really enforce that very well, though. I had a photo "borrowed" a few months ago without my permission and when I complained, they all but said "not our problem"
Like Alice I Try To Believe Three Impossible Things Before Breakfast


I hotlinked a Flickr photo here not too long ago.

Kinda like this...

(URL is
Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.


Flickr doesn't stop you from hotlinking, they just make it inconvenient. It's still easy enough, though.
Will Weaver
WillWeaverRVA Photography | Twitter

"But how will the oxen know where to drown if we renumber the Oregon Trail?" - NE2


I didn't have any trouble at all hotlinking.

1. Went to my Flickr page, went to my photoset, clicked on the thumbnail.
2. Ctrl-clicked on the photo displayed on the resulting page (I have a Mac), which brought up a dialogue box saying "View all sizes.." with a few choices.
3. Clicked on one of the choices available.
4. Ctrl-clicked on the image displayed on the resulting page (again, I have a Mac) and chose the "Open image in new window" option that came up in Safari (Firefox gives a similar option).
5. Copied the image's URL and pasted into the "image" option in my post here.

Alternately, the Ctrl-click in step 4 above gives the option to "copy image address" in Safari, which can then be pasted in to the "image" option here.

Pretty quick and painless. Not difficult at all.
Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.


1) Alternatively, you can click on Share This which will show a list of options.
2) Click on Grab the HTML/BBCode
3) Select the size you want from the dropdown list
4) Select HTML (general pages) or BBCode (forums like this) and it will give you ready to go code that you can cut and paste.
My Flickr Photos:

I'm out of this F***KING PLACE!


Quote from: mightyace on January 26, 2011, 02:26:11 PM
1) Alternatively, you can click on Share This which will show a list of options.
2) Click on Grab the HTML/BBCode
3) Select the size you want from the dropdown list
4) Select HTML (general pages) or BBCode (forums like this) and it will give you ready to go code that you can cut and paste.

That gives you a link to the page on which the image is contained, doesn't it? And not the image itself?
Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.


No, it gives the image itself, at least for the BBCode.  I've been using it for all my recent image posts.

For example, the BBCode to show the image below was pasted directly into the post reply box:

20090831 TN 840 E @ Exit 30-2C by mightyace, on Flickr
My Flickr Photos:

I'm out of this F***KING PLACE!


That gives the link to the Flickr page, which is not something I'm crazy about doing. And it won't fit in the IMG tag, either.
Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.



That's your prerogative, of course.

If I was linking images on a website of my own, I probably wouldn't use it either.  But, for here, the simple cut and paste works for me and I don't care about the link.

And, in any case, I was putting it out as general information, as some other people might want a quick and dirty way to do it as another option.
My Flickr Photos:

I'm out of this F***KING PLACE!


I was in Oregon earlier this month for family reasons.  While I didn't have a lot of extra time to explore and drive around, I was able to fit in some exploring and roadgeeking while running errands or dropping family off at the airport, and managed to get some photos from the Salem and Portland areas, and plenty of places in between around the Willamette Valley.  Today, I was able to upload the photos from the trip onto my Flickr account.  Check them out (and other road photos too) by following the links below...


Washington State (I briefly went to Vancouver around dawn)


Let me ask you guys...what would the advantage of Flickr be compare to Photobucket, where I keep my albums on?<br /><br />Maintaining an interest in Fine Highway Signs since 1958....


Quote from: ctsignguy on January 29, 2011, 02:41:27 PM
Let me ask you guys...what would the advantage of Flickr be compare to Photobucket, where I keep my albums on?

For one, Flickr will preserve the original size of any photo you upload while the same cannot be said for Photobucket. There's also a much cleaner look on Flickr's website. Given that, I'll still use Photobucket to host images that aren't photos simply because I don't like to pollute my Flickr stream with non-photos. There should be several reasons given upthread why others have taken to using Flickr, so you may want to re-read those posts.


I use flickr to upload temporary/throwaway things that have no place on a legitimate website.  I much prefer a website to organize things in a precise way.  Flickr still doesn't have that capability - albums get thrown together by date.


Well, the advice you guys gave was great. It's really helped with getting that pesky glare and reflection from my dash out of my photos. Now my biggest issue is lighting... I can't head south or west in the afternoon; otherwise, the sun's pointing at me and everything gets washed out. I think once summer comes around the higher sun angle will mitigate this though.
Infrastructure. The city.


Quote from: CL on February 07, 2011, 06:24:43 PM
Well, the advice you guys gave was great. It's really helped with getting that pesky glare and reflection from my dash out of my photos. Now my biggest issue is lighting... I can't head south or west in the afternoon; otherwise, the sun's pointing at me and everything gets washed out. I think once summer comes around the higher sun angle will mitigate this though.

If you do not mind shooting during cloudy days, you can mitigate the afternoon sunshine in the west or southbound direction by photographing on overcast days. This gives you an option until the sun angle becomes more conducive for better shooting conditions after noon.


I feel like I'm a little late to this party, but what the hey.  I'm sure none of you care about photos of my dog and things like that, so here's a shortcut straight to my collection of road photos.  Lots of photos of state and US highways, especially old and abandoned alignments.
jim grey | Indianapolis, Indiana


Quotealbums get thrown together by date.

By default, yes.  But that's easily changed with some clicking and dragging.


Quote from: CL on February 07, 2011, 06:24:43 PM
Well, the advice you guys gave was great. It's really helped with getting that pesky glare and reflection from my dash out of my photos. Now my biggest issue is lighting... I can't head south or west in the afternoon; otherwise, the sun's pointing at me and everything gets washed out. I think once summer comes around the higher sun angle will mitigate this though.

Try using fill flash on those backlit photos.
Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.

Dr Frankenstein

Here is my "Random Roadgeek Picture Dump" album.

I started it a few days ago with a first batch of pictures from QC-138, A-30, QC-132 and A-10. It doesn't contain a lot of stuff as of right now, and it certainly doesn't contain any real good pictures... but that's a beginning I guess.



Infrastructure. The city.

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