DEFINITE Natchez, MS meet March 19, 2022!!

Started by cjk374, March 03, 2021, 03:42:20 PM

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I have been tossing around an idea in my head for awhile now. I would like to host a road meet in the Natchez, MS & Ferriday/Vidalia, LA area in March 2022. March seemed to work well for my Shreveport meet in 2018 (weather-wise), so that will be my target time frame. So if you were to come to Natchez, what would there be worth looking at?

  • The twin spans of US 84/425 crossing the Mississippi River. One is much older than the other.
  • A very old mechanical drawbridge that carries the northbound lanes of US 425/LA 15 over the Tensas River at the Concordia/Catahoula Parish line. (so far, 2 parishes to clinch!)
  • The termini of US 98, US 425, US 65, and the Natchez Trace Parkway.
  • The old toll booth area on the MS side to cross the MS River bridge (now a parking loop with informational plaques).
  • Possibly visit the nation's 2nd largest Indian mound?
  • I'll go explore to try to find more road-related things to see.

Natchez is also loaded with antebellum homes now converted in Bed & Breakfasts, and others are open for tours, if you are looking for something else to experience while visiting. I will need to make more scouting trips to see what else there is to see or not see. But my main question is this: Who would be interested enough to come down here for this? I'm hoping by this time next year there are no more "shit lists" involving other states and quarantining...or anything else related to this virus crap. HOWEVER....if the virus continues to be a problem by the time 2022 rolls around, I may postpone this idea until 2023.

So.....who's interested?  :hmmm:  :popcorn:
Runnin' roads and polishin' rails.


QuoteThe termini of US 98

...which would require a very boring hour-long roundtrip drive along 84...

I'd stick to Natchez and avoid lengthy sidetrips.

One thing not on your list:  the prevalence of city-owned, side-mounted signals in downtown Natchez.  Side-mounted signals are a rarity in Mississippi.


Quote from: froggie on March 03, 2021, 05:35:07 PM
QuoteThe termini of US 98

...which would require a very boring hour-long roundtrip drive along 84...

I'd stick to Natchez and avoid lengthy sidetrips.

I thought the US 98 terminus was where US 84/US 425 met the US 61/US 98 concurrency end? At least that's what the signage shows:,-91.3872213,3a,75y,67.31h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s2FwuLxhrySV8ADRBw7sY0g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en

One thing not on your list:  the prevalence of city-owned, side-mounted signals in downtown Natchez.  Side-mounted signals are a rarity in Mississippi.

I am not really a signal person. I had no idea about these. Thanks for the information.

Runnin' roads and polishin' rails.



Count me as interested. Hopefully, I'll be both working in industry and living a little closer, which would make a trip down a bit more feasible.
Please note: All posts represent my personal opinions and do not represent those of my employer or any of its partner agencies.

Travel Mapping (updated weekly)


Quote from: cjk374 on March 03, 2021, 06:22:46 PM
Quote from: froggie on March 03, 2021, 05:35:07 PM
QuoteThe termini of US 98

...which would require a very boring hour-long roundtrip drive along 84...

I'd stick to Natchez and avoid lengthy sidetrips.

I thought the US 98 terminus was where US 84/US 425 met the US 61/US 98 concurrency end? At least that's what the signage shows:,-91.3872213,3a,75y,67.31h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s2FwuLxhrySV8ADRBw7sY0g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en

Probably a replace-in-kind contractor error from when that intersection was rebuilt. Most of the rest of the signage along US 61 to the US 84 split is "To US 98," as the endpoint was truncated back to the intersection of 98 and 84.
Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.

A.J. Bertin

-A.J. from Michigan


Dibs on hanging out with you without the meet crowd around. This is my excuse to clinch the Natchez Trace Pkwy.


Quote from: cjk374 on March 03, 2021, 06:22:46 PM
Quote from: froggie on March 03, 2021, 05:35:07 PM
QuoteThe termini of US 98

...which would require a very boring hour-long roundtrip drive along 84...

I'd stick to Natchez and avoid lengthy sidetrips.

I thought the US 98 terminus was where US 84/US 425 met the US 61/US 98 concurrency end? At least that's what the signage shows:,-91.3872213,3a,75y,67.31h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s2FwuLxhrySV8ADRBw7sY0g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en

I was just out there last week, as part of an attempt to clinch US 84 (the part west of the Mississippi, including unclinched mileage in west Texas, was postponed for obvious reasons). I agree the signage in the field is ambiguous, including US 98 signage in more than one place along US 84. But the 2020 Mississippi state highway map has US 84 west of the US 98 junction near Bude marked only as US 84.

My potential interest in a Natchez meet is moderate. I visited Natchez on my way to your Jackson meet a few years ago, after clinching the Natchez Trace Parkway, but not this year (except to the northern US 61/84 junction, where I turned back east).
my Hot Springs and Highways pages, with links to my roads sites:


"If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention." - Ramsay Bolton, "Game of Thrones"

"Symbolic of his struggle against reality." - Reg, "Monty Python's Life of Brian"


Quote from: cjk374 on March 03, 2021, 06:22:46 PM
Quote from: froggie on March 03, 2021, 05:35:07 PM
QuoteThe termini of US 98

...which would require a very boring hour-long roundtrip drive along 84...

I'd stick to Natchez and avoid lengthy sidetrips.

I thought the US 98 terminus was where US 84/US 425 met the US 61/US 98 concurrency end? At least that's what the signage shows:,-91.3872213,3a,75y,67.31h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s2FwuLxhrySV8ADRBw7sY0g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en

MDOT truncated it to Bude in 1999.  But, upon further review, it appears they never petitioned AASHTO for that change.  One theory is that some newer US 98 signs exist west of Bude (including at the CFI at 61/84/425) because the contractor was going off AASHTO route guidance and not MDOT route guidance.


I really wish that Louisiana and Mississippi had left US 65 where it was coming into Natchez at that same intersection.
Runnin' roads and polishin' rails.

Hot Rod Hootenanny

The evolution of Sgt. Prentiss & Devereux Dr from intersection into interchange.
You can see if an old concrete arch bridge along Old US 61 (Lower Woodville Rd) is still standing, north of Sibley.
And while Froggie isn't interested in driving out to Bude to see the western terminus of US 98, we might all be interested in checking out this bridge,, near there.
Please, don't sue Alex & Andy over what I wrote above


Definitely interested, I'd gladly attend another one of your meets.


Technology is spying on me. I got this video suggested to me by YouTube this morning. It is interesting:  :popcorn:

And then this was right behind it:
Runnin' roads and polishin' rails.



I have to consider limited mainland travel as I do owe Hawaii a visit (originally July 2020 but COVID changed those plans) that will likely happen in 2022.
Scott O.

Not all who wander are lost...
Ah, the open skies, wind at my back, warm sun on my... wait, where the hell am I?!
As a matter of fact, I do own the road.
Raise your what?

Wisconsin - out-multiplexing your state since 1918.


I have decided to set the date for this meet as March 19, 2022. It will be BYOL, and we will have lunch at the riverside park in Vidalia, LA. More updates later as time rolls along.
Runnin' roads and polishin' rails.

A.J. Bertin

Quote from: cjk374 on April 26, 2021, 03:16:42 PM
I have decided to set the date for this meet as March 19, 2022. It will be BYOL, and we will have lunch at the riverside park in Vidalia, LA. More updates later as time rolls along.

Sounds good!  At this point, I will say that I will definitely try to attend.
-A.J. from Michigan


Cool! I will keep this in mind and let Steph know, I don't think this will conflict with any toy shows I have going on then
Jason Ilyes
Palmyra, PA
Next door to the chocolate capitol of the world !


Quote from: cjk374 on April 26, 2021, 03:16:42 PM
I have decided to set the date for this meet as March 19, 2022. It will be BYOL, and we will have lunch at the riverside park in Vidalia, LA. More updates later as time rolls along.

Date is marked on my calendar. Hopefully I can make it as I've not been to this area.


I'd love to go but the date is one day before our 6th anniversary so I dunno if I can attend.
Cody Goodman
Huntsville, AL, United States


Quote from: codyg1985 on May 23, 2021, 02:08:44 PM
I'd love to go but the date is one day before our 6th anniversary so I dunno if I can attend.

Katie thinks going would be a great idea. We can turn it into a weekend getaway. Unless something comes up, I should be able to attend.
Cody Goodman
Huntsville, AL, United States


You know what? This is close enough to me I could do it, I've never been to LA or MS, and unless something changes with my work between now and then getting a day or two off to make it won't be that hard. I'll try to make it.
uncontrollable freak sardine salad chef

Hot Rod Hootenanny

Due to events in New Orleans this afternoon/evening (They canceled Jazzfest for October),
Attending this meet is plausible for me now.
Please, don't sue Alex & Andy over what I wrote above


Hi Everyone, just touching base to see if this is still a go next year? I am definetly in and if Steph can get 2 days off work she will be along for the ride too, I also plan to get the last of the Mississippi counties I need to and possibly some Louisiana parishes just south of MS (as long as the area is recovered from Ida by then)
Jason Ilyes
Palmyra, PA
Next door to the chocolate capitol of the world !

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