Schenectady/Amsterdam Roadmeet - August 6, 2022

Started by vdeane, May 01, 2022, 04:19:27 PM

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We had a successful meet today, despite the (very) muggy weather and dodging storms, most of which hit during the driving portions, although we did cut short the stop along NY 5 in Amsterdam due to one (we drove through it on the way to the stop, so we didn't miss much).  I plan to post the meet report to my site tomorrow; in the mean time, the meet photos are below.

Left to right: David James Corcoran, Adam Moss, Matt K., David Golub, Valerie Deane, David Roth, Miranda Roth, Adam Forehlig, Mark David Moore, Mark Sinsabaugh

Left to right, back row: Valerie Deane, David James Corcoran, David Golub, Miranda Roth, David Roth, Matt K., Mark David Moore
Left to right, front row: Adam Moss, Dough Kerr, Mark Sinsabaugh
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Thanks vdeane for everything.  While looping around to clinch I-890 after the meet, I saw a rainbow looking towards the east so the rain at least gave us that.  I also saw another one in the Cohoes/Watervilet area along NY 32.
I am now a PennDOT employee.  My opinions/views do not necessarily reflect the opinions/views of PennDOT.

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