Omaha "city meet" - April 29, 2023

Started by A.J. Bertin, June 19, 2022, 10:20:04 PM

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A.J. Bertin

Happy March!

We're down to about two more months until our gathering in Omaha.  In the Facebook event, I've still got a lot of folks who haven't responded either way.  If you received a Facebook invitation, please mark yourself down as a Yes, No, or Maybe as soon as you are able.  (If you're not sure, that's not necessarily a "no" so feel free to mark yourself as a Maybe.)  If you didn't receive an invitation on Facebook, you are still invited!  You can let me know here if you are thinking of, or planning to, attend.

By the beginning of April, I'd like to have a clearer idea of how many folks I can expect so that I can make our dinner reservation.  When I give the restaurant a count, I'll probably estimate a little higher than what the number is that I think I'll have... to incorporate folks who might decide more at the last minute that they'll attend.  But regardless, I'd like to have a good idea by early April of how many we'll have.  Thanks in advance, and I look forward to seeing some of you in Omaha!
-A.J. from Michigan


Quote from: Scott5114 on July 07, 2022, 09:43:26 PM
I'll consider attending, depending on how the finance, general life situation, etc. is by then.

I won't be able to attend this one, as I'll have a trip to Nevada a few weeks afterward that I'll need to put the time and money toward.
uncontrollable freak sardine salad chef

A.J. Bertin

Well, our gathering in Omaha is now about a month away.  I'm looking forward to it and I hope everyone else who is attending is looking forward to it as well.   :D

I am planning to contact Acadian Grille (the dinner restaurant) early next week to make our reservation.  For the number of people joining us, I'll base that on how many folks in the Facebook event marked themselves down as Going, plus adding a few additional spots for those who might go but aren't ready to commit yet.  (At this point, I don't believe we have anyone joining us from AARoads alone who hasn't received a Facebook invitation.)

Two other things to share:

1.  If you received an invitation on Facebook and marked yourself down as a Maybe, and you're able to make the decision now that you're either going or not, please update your RSVP status accordingly.  If you're still not sure, that's okay for now but I may want to contact the restaurant with a more accurate number as it gets closer to the date.

2.  If you have not received an invitation on Facebook, you are absolutely still invited and welcome to join us.  Please let me know here if that's the case and you plan on attending.

April 29 will be here before we know it!  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone.
-A.J. from Michigan


A.J. Bertin

I am pleasantly surprised and humbled by the number of folks, both here and in the Facebook event, who have expressed interest in attending our gathering in Omaha.

Yesterday, I made a reservation for our dinner restaurant (Acadian Grille).  As of midday yesterday, before I made the reservation, I was aware of 13 individuals including myself who are planning to attend... with several still in the Maybe column.  Before I called the restaurant yesterday, my intent was to allow for a buffer of 5 more folks (beyond the 13) who weren't yet able to commit to going because I figured 5 was a reasonable number for that.  Well, the maximum that this restaurant can allow for one table is 16... so I told them we'd have 16 with the thought process that I'd figure out a different plan if we have more than that.  If we have more than 16, this restaurant would have to split us up into two separate tables which really doesn't make sense for this gathering is structured.  We all really need to be at the same table.

I never thought I'd have to do this, but I'm considering capping the size of our group at 16.  After I shared my update on Facebook yesterday evening, the number 13 quickly increased to 16... so I'm now at my max.  I really don't want to look for a different restaurant to accommodate a larger group, but I may be forced to do so.  However, I'm still aware of three individuals (both here and on Facebook) who are still in the Maybe column.  While I don't want to force those folks to make a decision before they are able to do so, I also need to know sooner rather than later if I need to start looking for a different restaurant that can accommodate a larger group.  I honestly never expected that I'd have more than, say, 12 folks attending but I'm delighted by the amount of interest my gathering has generated!

Stay tuned.  :)
-A.J. from Michigan


Quote from: A.J. Bertin on April 05, 2023, 07:21:44 AM
If we have more than 16, this restaurant would have to split us up into two separate tables which really doesn't make sense for this gathering is structured.  We all really need to be at the same table.

Is this because the dinner is structured similarly to the Extra Miler Club (EMC) Annual Meetings, where everyone goes around the room and talks about their adventures? I love that about EMC meets, but that is also in a ballroom where there is practically zero other noise. Trying to sit at a restaurant table and trying to hear someone all the way at the other end of a 16 person table in a noisy restaurant would be super challenging!!

I understand why you wouldn't want to break the group into two 8-10 person tables (because then not everyone gets to hear every single other person's adventures) but they're not going to hear them anyway if they have to compete with a bunch of other restaurant noises!!


Quote from: Laura on April 05, 2023, 02:13:12 PM
Quote from: A.J. Bertin on April 05, 2023, 07:21:44 AM
If we have more than 16, this restaurant would have to split us up into two separate tables which really doesn't make sense for this gathering is structured.  We all really need to be at the same table.

Is this because the dinner is structured similarly to the Extra Miler Club (EMC) Annual Meetings, where everyone goes around the room and talks about their adventures? I love that about EMC meets, but that is also in a ballroom where there is practically zero other noise. Trying to sit at a restaurant table and trying to hear someone all the way at the other end of a 16 person table in a noisy restaurant would be super challenging!!

I understand why you wouldn't want to break the group into two 8-10 person tables (because then not everyone gets to hear every single other person's adventures) but they're not going to hear them anyway if they have to compete with a bunch of other restaurant noises!!

The city meets I've attended have not followed that format. No organized opportunity to yak about our adventures. But the breakfast gathering (even before going into that restaurant) might allow that, as well as our breaking into groups between the breakfast and dinner gatherings to tour the Omaha area.

My last message to A.J. had me down as a "maybe". Things have improved since then, especially with the aches and pains I brought back from Kentucky. So I'm more of a "yes" at this point. I'm concerned about the storms lately blowing through the upper Midwest, since I'm super-allergic about dodging tornadoes on the road. But AFAIK that's never canceled "Woodstock for Capitalists" (a/k/a the huge Berkshire Hathaway corporate annual meeting) in Omaha the weekend following our event.

The other bother that's been cleared up (more relevant to Laura's meet, and Max's Fresno meet) was I got a "save the date" for jury duty from the Federal court in Alexandria, starting for up to two weeks beginning May 5. This was like the county jury duty summons I got ahead of last year's Natchez meet. Fortunately, I've been excused from the Federal court date, since the court agreed with me that jury duty two years in a row would be really uncool.
my Hot Springs and Highways pages, with links to my roads sites:


Quote from: oscar on April 05, 2023, 03:10:00 PMThings have improved since then, especially with the aches and pains I brought back from Kentucky.

How did my state injure you? And where all were you in Kentucky?

As for this meet, I don't know if I'm on the Facebook invitation or not, as A.J. and I are not connected on Facebook, but I do list myself as "interested" for most meets so i can keep track of the festivities, being that circumstances prevent any long-distance travel. So if I'm showing as "maybe" or "interested" or whatever the current Zuckerterm is now, take this as my official notice that I won't be there.
Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.

A.J. Bertin

Quote from: Laura on April 05, 2023, 02:13:12 PM
Quote from: A.J. Bertin on April 05, 2023, 07:21:44 AM
If we have more than 16, this restaurant would have to split us up into two separate tables which really doesn't make sense for this gathering is structured.  We all really need to be at the same table.

Is this because the dinner is structured similarly to the Extra Miler Club (EMC) Annual Meetings, where everyone goes around the room and talks about their adventures? I love that about EMC meets, but that is also in a ballroom where there is practically zero other noise. Trying to sit at a restaurant table and trying to hear someone all the way at the other end of a 16 person table in a noisy restaurant would be super challenging!!

I understand why you wouldn't want to break the group into two 8-10 person tables (because then not everyone gets to hear every single other person's adventures) but they're not going to hear them anyway if they have to compete with a bunch of other restaurant noises!!

Laura, you make some good points.  However, when I hosted my Providence "city meet" in 2019, we had something like 20 people sitting at a long table for dinner in a busy restaurant.  Of course, folks at one end of the table could not hear what folks at the other end of the table were talking about... and vice versa.  Despite the logistics of that, it worked well, everyone seemed to have a good time, and I received quite a bit of positive feedback from it.

The second "city meet" I hosted was almost a year ago in the Outer Banks of North Carolina.  Our group then was smaller... only 8 for lunch and 9 for dinner.  Even with a smaller group, it was still definitely the case that separate conversations were happening simultaneously at the same table.

In both of these dinners I've organized, our entire group was sitting together at the same table which is important.  Because this is not a regular road meet where the entire group is essentially together for a multi-hour tour in the afternoon, the only times when we are all together are lunch and dinner.  Splitting our group up at one of those meals just doesn't make sense at all.  As much as I'd love the idea of us having a private space together, separate from other patrons at the same restaurant, it's just not feasible.  I am experiencing these restaurants for the first time just like everyone else who's attending, and there's only so much planning and research I can do from multiple states away, sight unseen.  That's what makes it part of the adventure!
-A.J. from Michigan


I haven't been to meet yet that has had a formal format. :D
Please note: All comments here represent my own personal opinion and do not reflect the official position(s) of NYSDOT.

A.J. Bertin

Quote from: A.J. Bertin on April 05, 2023, 07:21:44 AM
If we have more than 16, this restaurant would have to split us up into two separate tables which really doesn't make sense for this gathering is structured.  We all really need to be at the same table.

Quote from: Laura on April 05, 2023, 02:13:12 PM
Is this because the dinner is structured similarly to the Extra Miler Club (EMC) Annual Meetings, where everyone goes around the room and talks about their adventures? I love that about EMC meets, but that is also in a ballroom where there is practically zero other noise. Trying to sit at a restaurant table and trying to hear someone all the way at the other end of a 16 person table in a noisy restaurant would be super challenging!!

I understand why you wouldn't want to break the group into two 8-10 person tables (because then not everyone gets to hear every single other person's adventures) but they're not going to hear them anyway if they have to compete with a bunch of other restaurant noises!!

Quote from: oscar on April 05, 2023, 03:10:00 PM
The city meets I've attended have not followed that format. No organized opportunity to yak about our adventures. But the breakfast gathering (even before going into that restaurant) might allow that, as well as our breaking into groups between the breakfast and dinner gatherings to tour the Omaha area.

When I first came up with the idea for my "city meets", the intent, really, was for us to talk together at lunch about what we would each plan on seeing and doing throughout the afternoon.  At my Providence meet in 2019, we were lucky because our large group had a private room and it was easy for everyone to go around the room and announce their sightseeing goals with the group.  I actually got up in front of the group and asked everyone to go around the tables and share that.  I think a really positive outcome of that was that the attendees got to form small groups when they heard that others had the same, or similar, sightseeing goals they had.  With the lunch in the Outer Banks in 2022, we didn't really do this... but everyone sort of organically figured out where they wanted to go and whom they wanted to join.  There wasn't an organized discussion or "round-robin" sharing of what everyone was planning to do.  Everything worked out fine, though.

And then at our dinners (both in Providence in 2019 and the Outer Banks in 2022), I can't remember how organized our discussion was about what we'd seen during the afternoon.  I know that it was all discussed... maybe not in the most organized of fashion, but it was still a good time overall.

In Omaha, I'm not sure how organized I will be in terms of having everyone go around the tables to share individually what they plan to see and do (and then, what they did/saw), but I think I'll play that by ear and see how things go.  Sometimes it's hard to get a "round robin" like that started when folks are already in the midst of conversations at the table that they are enjoying.

Quote from: oscar on April 05, 2023, 03:10:00 PM
My last message to A.J. had me down as a "maybe". Things have improved since then, especially with the aches and pains I brought back from Kentucky. So I'm more of a "yes" at this point. I'm concerned about the storms lately blowing through the upper Midwest, since I'm super-allergic about dodging tornadoes on the road. But AFAIK that's never canceled "Woodstock for Capitalists" (a/k/a the huge Berkshire Hathaway corporate annual meeting) in Omaha the weekend following our event.

I'm glad those aches and pains for you have improved, Oscar!  That's really good news.  Based on you saying that you are leaning toward "yes" in terms of joining us, I'm now seriously considering looking for a different restaurant that can handle a group larger than 16 at the same table.  When selecting a restaurant, these are the main factors I consider: 1) will parking be easy, 2) are the reviews good, and 3) can they split up the check and allow each individual paying separately to have a separate check.
-A.J. from Michigan

A.J. Bertin

Quote from: hbelkins on April 05, 2023, 04:46:19 PM
As for this meet, I don't know if I'm on the Facebook invitation or not, as A.J. and I are not connected on Facebook, but I do list myself as "interested" for most meets so i can keep track of the festivities, being that circumstances prevent any long-distance travel. So if I'm showing as "maybe" or "interested" or whatever the current Zuckerterm is now, take this as my official notice that I won't be there.

Hi, H.B.... I can confirm that you did not receive a Facebook invitation.  Not because you're not invited (you absolutely are invited), but because you and I are not connected on Facebook as you mentioned.  When I first created the event, I sent invitations to many of my road-enthusiast friends with whom I'm connected on Facebook.  I set up the event to allow anyone I invited to invite others that hadn't already been invited by me (mainly thinking of folks with whom I'm not connected on Facebook but might be interested in attending).  A few of the Facebook friends I invited did invite others, but you unfortunately did not receive one of those invitations.

To your point about marking yourself down on Facebook as "Interested", I think that option is only available when the Facebook events are "public"... which mine is not.  For "private" events on Facebook like this one, the options are either Going, Maybe, or Can't Go.  But regardless, thanks for letting me know that you won't be able to make it.
-A.J. from Michigan

A.J. Bertin


In light of the fact that we have a larger group than I'd previously expected (and larger than the original dinner restaurant was able to accommodate for a single table), I've made a change.  We will now be meeting for dinner at Charleston's Restaurant, which is located at 7540 Dodge St., Omaha, NE 68114.  It's important to note that Charleston's has two locations... one at 140th & Dodge and one at 76th & Dodge.  We will be meeting at the one at 76th & Dodge.  The reservation is for 7 p.m. under the name "A.J."

Our gathering is only 18 days away!!!
-A.J. from Michigan

A.J. Bertin

Our gathering in Omaha is now only one week away!  I wanted to share a few things because this may be my final post before next Saturday.

An early look at the weather forecast indicates that the high will be in the upper 50s with clouds/rain possible.  Not the best forecast, but it can of course change between now and then.

For lunch at 11 a.m., make sure you are going to the Runza which is located at 13236 Arbor Plaza in Omaha.  (At this point, I'm expecting to have 16 attendees for lunch.)  And then for dinner at 7 p.m., I'm expecting 17 attendees at Charleston's (76th & Dodge - not 140th & Dodge).

If anyone needs to reach me between now and next Saturday, the best way to do that is by calling or texting me.  Feel free to send me a private message if you need my number.

I look forward to seeing everyone next Saturday!!
-A.J. from Michigan

A.J. Bertin

I made it back home to Michigan a little while ago from my trip out to Omaha and back (drove a total of 1,625.1 miles on my journey which included some time exploring Iowa City IA between yesterday afternoon and this morning).  I just want to give a huge THANK YOU to everyone who showed up on Saturday!  I was very pleased with the turnout.

We were blessed with beautiful weather on Saturday, and it sounded like everyone had a good time exploring Omaha throughout the afternoon - either individually or in small groups.  Some of the attendees focused their attention on road-related attractions, some did retail-geeking, some explored the downtown, some went to a brewery or two during the afternoon, some did a combination of the above things, and so on.  Everyone was able to focus on the specific aspects of Omaha that they wanted to see.  That's been my goal all along with my city meets, and I think the goal was accomplished in Omaha.

I'm always open to feedback on what went well and what could have been improved, so if anyone who attended has any feedback that they'd like to share, please let me know!  This is now the third city meet I've hosted, and I learn something new each time I do it.  I'm already looking forward to my 2024 city meet... wherever it will take place.  Details will be forthcoming.  :)
-A.J. from Michigan

Opinions expressed here on belong solely to the poster and do not represent or reflect the opinions or beliefs of AARoads, its creators and/or associates.