12/16 (NJ) MMMM: Missing Moves Mini Meet

Started by Alps, November 15, 2023, 08:49:34 PM

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Hey everyone, once they announce an opening date for the Missing Moves (I-295 / NJ 42), I want to go down and see the ceremony and be one of the first people on the road! I'd love to have people join me - and assist in announcing the date once it's publicized.


The unofficial word I've overheard is 11/28, which is the Tuesday after Thanksgiving.

If I'm available and can take the day off of work, whenever the opening is, I will definitely be there also.

And it should be noted, in case anyone is wondering:  This is a separate project from the Direct Connection of the 295/76/42 interchange, which is infinity delayed.


Maybe I will fit this in on a side excursion from my Lancaster Meet dry run on 12/2 or something.
I am now a PennDOT employee.  My opinions/views do not necessarily reflect the opinions/views of PennDOT.

Travel Mapping: https://travelmapping.net/user/?units=miles&u=markkos1992
Mob-Rule:  https://mob-rule.com/user/markkos1992


Quote from: jeffandnicole on November 15, 2023, 09:12:50 PM
The unofficial word I've overheard is 11/28, which is the Tuesday after Thanksgiving.

If I'm available and can take the day off of work, whenever the opening is, I will definitely be there also.

And it should be noted, in case anyone is wondering:  This is a separate project from the Direct Connection of the 295/76/42 interchange, which is infinity delayed.

Thanks, I've updated the meet title. Once it's confirmed I'll plan to work in our South Jersey office that day to get some hours in.


Hmm, if this is on Tuesday 11/28 I may actually be able to make it since I will be in nearby Harrisburg\ York area at that time, will keep this in mind
Jason Ilyes
Palmyra, PA
Next door to the chocolate capitol of the world !


Crap.  I can't make this (a comment that will be a common refrain over the next bunch of months...except for New Orleans...).
Please note: All comments here represent my own personal opinion and do not reflect the official position(s) of NYSDOT.


I may just decide to take the day off for this, and combine Lancaster Meet work somehow.
I am now a PennDOT employee.  My opinions/views do not necessarily reflect the opinions/views of PennDOT.

Travel Mapping: https://travelmapping.net/user/?units=miles&u=markkos1992
Mob-Rule:  https://mob-rule.com/user/markkos1992

02 Park Ave


Mr. Matté

I would def. be a go once an official date is set.


Interested, but I'm already taking a lot of time off from work for meets this year.  If it was on a weekend, I would go.

Mr. Matté

Has anyone heard any updates on an opening date? Saw nothing on the DOT website, not sure if there'd be any public ceremony on the day of the opening for all the DOT officials/local pols to come and show it off.


Quote from: Mr. Matté on November 21, 2023, 12:03:12 PM
Has anyone heard any updates on an opening date? Saw nothing on the DOT website, not sure if there'd be any public ceremony on the day of the opening for all the DOT officials/local pols to come and show it off.

I've been checking also and haven't heard of anything. This ramp would be big enough to have an opening ceremony for, unless they believe it'll drawn media attention to the disaster of the Direct Connection project to the point where it gets overshadowed, in which case they'll just quietly open up the ramp during the overnight hours.


As of Friday night, nothing was posted on the NJDOT website regarding the opening.   Checking back Monday...


Rumor was passed along to me that this will be a quiet opening, no ceremony, so I suppose this is not a mini meet after all. Next time I find myself in South Jersey I'll drive the open ramps.

02 Park Ave




Let's get together on Saturday, 12/16 - weather permitting - to check out the new ramp ourselves. I will work out a good meet location but it's gonna be Mission BBQ in Deptford. Agenda:

11:30 Meet at Mission for lunch and chat
1:00 Head up 42 north to 295 south
1:15 U-turn and head back up 295 north to 42 south
1:30 Group photo on Coolidge/Harding Aves.
2:00-2:30: Up Essex Ave. to Browning Ave. to check out the Direct Connect project from above (on foot)
3:00: Head north, drive down through 295 to 42 and back to Mission BBQ

A little float time in there should it be desired (sunset at 4:30). Hope to see you there!


I will probably force time to get myself to check it out this upcoming Saturday since I plan to be back in VA on 12/15. 
I am now a PennDOT employee.  My opinions/views do not necessarily reflect the opinions/views of PennDOT.

Travel Mapping: https://travelmapping.net/user/?units=miles&u=markkos1992
Mob-Rule:  https://mob-rule.com/user/markkos1992


At present, my calendar for that day is open.  I plan on attending.
Spoke (or typed) too soon.  I have a scheduling conflict between 11 AM - 3 PM; so I won't be able to attend.
GPS does NOT equal GOD


And they're finally open!  The project truly was completed on time, and per NJDOT on budget. If anything, NJDOT has been consistant in their message that they'll be open by the end of 2023, so if that's to be taken as late December, this is probably about as ahead of schedule as a 3 year project gets for the state.

Drove the new ramps this morning during rush hour.  For those that want to be surprised and experience it themselves or will wait for the MMMM, I won't post my quick summery here.  For those that do want to view my video and thoughts, feel free to head to the 295/76/42 projects thread at: https://www.aaroads.com/forum/index.php?topic=8539.msg2887428#msg2887428


Since I was just in central PA and plan to be at a toy show in Cartersville GA on the 16th, again I am out, I have a feeling next year I will be making it to more meets then this past year  ;-)
Jason Ilyes
Palmyra, PA
Next door to the chocolate capitol of the world !




Coming up tomorrow, a little lunch n drive. Hope y'all can make it!

EDIT: It is actually shaping up to be less mini than I thought. We'll drive the ramps, walk under the ramps, see a couple of old bridges, walk around Direct Connect. Good times will be had.


Tentatively yes to this one, at least in the morning.


Turns out we had a very nice little gathering! A total of 9 people came out to drive the Missing Moves both ways, discuss the project site from underneath, walk a couple of old NJDOT bridges that may be replaced soon, and get the latest on the Direct Connection project. A great lunch, a great meet with great people, and we got to welcome a new meetcomer!

Opinions expressed here on belong solely to the poster and do not represent or reflect the opinions or beliefs of AARoads, its creators and/or associates.