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I-295 - Buckman Bridge VMS signage project : Whats taking so long?

Started by DerGerman24, December 22, 2024, 10:54:51 PM

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Recently, (within the previous 2 years), FDOT-D2 wanted to put up signs to let motorists know what lanes are open/close/about to close on the 4-mile Buckman Bridge over the St. Johns River in south Duval. After a year and a half, these signs are STILL not operational, in fact, being delayed 3 to 4 times over ! Nowadays, the D2 website says that these signs will become operational in early 2025, after looking like it could be opening any moment now. I do know the following:
1. 2022/3 worldwide chips shortages
2. Possible Wiring work
ALTHOUGH... The East Beltway Express lanes were able to open around the same time as this project's start-date, leaving me with one question : What's going on over there ?


From what I am aware of, the original company that installed the signage went out of business midway through installation and a new company had to be contracted. Afterwards, the joys of government contracting seemingly kicked in. This is just what I am aware of, however... I'll try to find you an official answer from my connections.
I can drive 55 ONLY when it makes sense.

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