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Greensboro Urban Loop

Started by Henry, February 07, 2011, 03:57:27 PM

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I can confirm that I-785/I-840 is FINALLY signed along the Eastern Urban Loop. Pictures to come soon via bob7374.


Quote from: Strider on July 24, 2023, 07:19:15 PM
I can confirm that I-785/I-840 is FINALLY signed along the Eastern Urban Loop. Pictures to come soon via bob7374.
Here's a photo of one of the new reassurance marker signs, courtesy of Strider:

Here's one of the APL signs leading up to the split of I-85 South and I-40 West:

Notice that there's no longer a reference to I-73 for I-85 South, this was what the sign was going to look like according to the plans:

Other photos I've posted so far are at:

The Ghostbuster

Now if they could just get US 29 north of the Greensboro Urban Loop upgraded to Interstate Standards, then Interstate 785 would truly have a reason to exist.


Quote from: The Ghostbuster on July 25, 2023, 01:43:39 PM
Now if they could just get US 29 north of the Greensboro Urban Loop upgraded to Interstate Standards, then Interstate 785 would truly have a reason to exist.

I-785 is fine where it is for now. It has a reason to exist (within Guilford County). US 29 from Rockingham/Guilford Co line up to Danville VA is already interstate standard, so the only left is the 7 mile between Hicone Rd interchange (just north of I-785/I-840) and the Rockingham County line. One of the new interchanges is currently under construction that will at least extend that 1/2 mile part out of 7 miles of US 29 to interstate standards at least until the full upgrade of US 29 happens.


I-785 sort of made sense to be designated on the beltway when it was by itself, but now with it being fully concurrent with I-840 and having nowhere else to go, it sort of is in a weird spot. Until it is signed / completed north of I-840 up to Virginia, it doesn't make a lot of sense right now.

The Ghostbuster

I concur, sprjus4. It reflects my sentiments exactly.


Quote from: sprjus4 on July 25, 2023, 05:28:21 PM
I-785 sort of made sense to be designated on the beltway when it was by itself, but now with it being fully concurrent with I-840 and having nowhere else to go, it sort of is in a weird spot. Until it is signed / completed north of I-840 up to Virginia, it doesn't make a lot of sense right now.
At least it will need only a short section to be upgraded in order to be a legitimate route (7 miles), and 1/2 mile of it is being worked on right now.
Go Cubs Go! Go Cubs Go! Hey Chicago, what do you say? The Cubs are gonna win today!


Still a good bit of work to be done in quite a few spots. Specific Service Logo Signs are to be expected soon on the N. Elm St. exit, as they've already erected the metal poles for them. They also need to paint more permanent lines all over the place. I would say they are close to 98% done with everything. Still a lot of orange traffic barrels out there.

The Ghostbuster

At least there is now a completed beltway around the Greensboro area, even if it does have four Interstate designations (73, 85, 785, and 840).


Quote from: AlmaPinnix on August 04, 2023, 10:17:39 PM
Still a good bit of work to be done in quite a few spots. Specific Service Logo Signs are to be expected soon on the N. Elm St. exit, as they've already erected the metal poles for them. They also need to paint more permanent lines all over the place. I would say they are close to 98% done with everything. Still a lot of orange traffic barrels out there.
The contract is completed as far as NCDOT's Construction Progress Report site is concerned. The project is no longer listed among those for Guilford County.


Quote from: bob7374 on August 05, 2023, 08:56:19 PM
Quote from: AlmaPinnix on August 04, 2023, 10:17:39 PM
Still a good bit of work to be done in quite a few spots. Specific Service Logo Signs are to be expected soon on the N. Elm St. exit, as they've already erected the metal poles for them. They also need to paint more permanent lines all over the place. I would say they are close to 98% done with everything. Still a lot of orange traffic barrels out there.
The contract is completed as far as NCDOT's Construction Progress Report site is concerned. The project is no longer listed among those for Guilford County.

Who is still working on the project then?


Quote from: bob7374 on August 05, 2023, 08:56:19 PM
Quote from: AlmaPinnix on August 04, 2023, 10:17:39 PM
Still a good bit of work to be done in quite a few spots. Specific Service Logo Signs are to be expected soon on the N. Elm St. exit, as they've already erected the metal poles for them. They also need to paint more permanent lines all over the place. I would say they are close to 98% done with everything. Still a lot of orange traffic barrels out there.
The contract is completed as far as NCDOT's Construction Progress Report site is concerned. The project is no longer listed among those for Guilford County.
Did this contract include signage for the relocated US 70?


Quote from: wdcrft63 on August 06, 2023, 10:45:32 PM
Quote from: bob7374 on August 05, 2023, 08:56:19 PM
Quote from: AlmaPinnix on August 04, 2023, 10:17:39 PM
Still a good bit of work to be done in quite a few spots. Specific Service Logo Signs are to be expected soon on the N. Elm St. exit, as they've already erected the metal poles for them. They also need to paint more permanent lines all over the place. I would say they are close to 98% done with everything. Still a lot of orange traffic barrels out there.
The contract is completed as far as NCDOT's Construction Progress Report site is concerned. The project is no longer listed among those for Guilford County.
Did this contract include signage for the relocated US 70?

Yes, however I was on Wendover Ave the other day and no US 70 shields up yet. But that was a few days ago. I have not taken a complete drive around Guilford County so when I have a chance, I will check.


Quote from: Strider on August 06, 2023, 10:50:36 PM
Quote from: wdcrft63 on August 06, 2023, 10:45:32 PM
Quote from: bob7374 on August 05, 2023, 08:56:19 PM
Quote from: AlmaPinnix on August 04, 2023, 10:17:39 PM
Still a good bit of work to be done in quite a few spots. Specific Service Logo Signs are to be expected soon on the N. Elm St. exit, as they've already erected the metal poles for them. They also need to paint more permanent lines all over the place. I would say they are close to 98% done with everything. Still a lot of orange traffic barrels out there.
The contract is completed as far as NCDOT's Construction Progress Report site is concerned. The project is no longer listed among those for Guilford County.
Did this contract include signage for the relocated US 70?

Yes, however I was on Wendover Ave the other day and no US 70 shields up yet. But that was a few days ago. I have not taken a complete drive around Guilford County so when I have a chance, I will check.
I have a couple NCDOT traffic cameras along NC 68 I frequently check regarding the addition of new US 70 shields. I did not see any when I looked on Friday.


Quote from: bob7374 on August 06, 2023, 11:01:05 PM
Quote from: Strider on August 06, 2023, 10:50:36 PM
Quote from: wdcrft63 on August 06, 2023, 10:45:32 PM
Quote from: bob7374 on August 05, 2023, 08:56:19 PM
Quote from: AlmaPinnix on August 04, 2023, 10:17:39 PM
Still a good bit of work to be done in quite a few spots. Specific Service Logo Signs are to be expected soon on the N. Elm St. exit, as they've already erected the metal poles for them. They also need to paint more permanent lines all over the place. I would say they are close to 98% done with everything. Still a lot of orange traffic barrels out there.
The contract is completed as far as NCDOT's Construction Progress Report site is concerned. The project is no longer listed among those for Guilford County.
Did this contract include signage for the relocated US 70?

Yes, however I was on Wendover Ave the other day and no US 70 shields up yet. But that was a few days ago. I have not taken a complete drive around Guilford County so when I have a chance, I will check.
I have a couple NCDOT traffic cameras along NC 68 I frequently check regarding the addition of new US 70 shields. I did not see any when I looked on Friday.

They keep removing more US-70 signs on the I-40 BGS signs but no new US-70 signs on Wendover that I've seen either - and I live less than a 1/4 mile from Wendover.


Quote from: MBHockey13 on August 10, 2023, 12:11:10 PM
Quote from: bob7374 on August 06, 2023, 11:01:05 PM
Quote from: Strider on August 06, 2023, 10:50:36 PM
Quote from: wdcrft63 on August 06, 2023, 10:45:32 PM
Quote from: bob7374 on August 05, 2023, 08:56:19 PM
Quote from: AlmaPinnix on August 04, 2023, 10:17:39 PM
Still a good bit of work to be done in quite a few spots. Specific Service Logo Signs are to be expected soon on the N. Elm St. exit, as they've already erected the metal poles for them. They also need to paint more permanent lines all over the place. I would say they are close to 98% done with everything. Still a lot of orange traffic barrels out there.
The contract is completed as far as NCDOT's Construction Progress Report site is concerned. The project is no longer listed among those for Guilford County.
Did this contract include signage for the relocated US 70?

Yes, however I was on Wendover Ave the other day and no US 70 shields up yet. But that was a few days ago. I have not taken a complete drive around Guilford County so when I have a chance, I will check.
I have a couple NCDOT traffic cameras along NC 68 I frequently check regarding the addition of new US 70 shields. I did not see any when I looked on Friday.
They keep removing more US-70 signs on the I-40 BGS signs but no new US-70 signs on Wendover that I've seen either - and I live less than a 1/4 mile from Wendover.
Looks like there may be a period of time where US 70 simply disappears through Greensboro. The Greensboro Loop contract only covers removing the US 70 shields from the interstate routes. I have not seen any contract awarded or advertised that specifically calls for placing US 70 shields along its new routing. There was even a contract let on May 8 that is rehabbing the I-40/South Elm St/Eugene St interchange whose sign plans, created in 2021, call for the retaining of the existing Business 85 and US 70 signage:

No changes were spotted today (8/10) in signage based on traffic camera images.


Quote from: bob7374 on August 10, 2023, 06:23:34 PM
Quote from: MBHockey13 on August 10, 2023, 12:11:10 PM
Quote from: bob7374 on August 06, 2023, 11:01:05 PM
Quote from: Strider on August 06, 2023, 10:50:36 PM
Quote from: wdcrft63 on August 06, 2023, 10:45:32 PM
Quote from: bob7374 on August 05, 2023, 08:56:19 PM
Quote from: AlmaPinnix on August 04, 2023, 10:17:39 PM
Still a good bit of work to be done in quite a few spots. Specific Service Logo Signs are to be expected soon on the N. Elm St. exit, as they've already erected the metal poles for them. They also need to paint more permanent lines all over the place. I would say they are close to 98% done with everything. Still a lot of orange traffic barrels out there.
The contract is completed as far as NCDOT's Construction Progress Report site is concerned. The project is no longer listed among those for Guilford County.
Did this contract include signage for the relocated US 70?

Yes, however I was on Wendover Ave the other day and no US 70 shields up yet. But that was a few days ago. I have not taken a complete drive around Guilford County so when I have a chance, I will check.
I have a couple NCDOT traffic cameras along NC 68 I frequently check regarding the addition of new US 70 shields. I did not see any when I looked on Friday.
They keep removing more US-70 signs on the I-40 BGS signs but no new US-70 signs on Wendover that I've seen either - and I live less than a 1/4 mile from Wendover.
Looks like there may be a period of time where US 70 simply disappears through Greensboro. The Greensboro Loop contract only covers removing the US 70 shields from the interstate routes. I have not seen any contract awarded or advertised that specifically calls for placing US 70 shields along its new routing. There was even a contract let on May 8 that is rehabbing the I-40/South Elm St/Eugene St interchange whose sign plans, created in 2021, call for the retaining of the existing Business 85 and US 70 signage:

No changes were spotted today (8/10) in signage based on traffic camera images.

That maybe a separate project or the signage plans for US 70 relocation is really going very slow.


The adding of new I-840 signage along the Loop continues, here along US 29:

Other sign photos, courtesy of Strider, at:


It does appear that US 70 has disappeared in Greensboro. Google Maps is showing most of the new signage. On southbound US 29 approaching Wendover, the new signage is for US 220 West and for US 70 East. No clue as to what happens to US 70 WB. South of Wendover the reassurance signing is for 29/220 only.

Signing the new route of 70 will need a major contract because multiple BGS wil be needed, at the I-40 interchange and several other locations.


Quote from: wdcrft63 on September 06, 2023, 09:54:30 PM
It does appear that US 70 has disappeared in Greensboro. Google Maps is showing most of the new signage. On southbound US 29 approaching Wendover, the new signage is for US 220 West and for US 70 East. No clue as to what happens to US 70 WB. South of Wendover the reassurance signing is for 29/220 only.

Signing the new route of 70 will need a major contract because multiple BGS wil be needed, at the I-40 interchange and several other locations.

Not yet signed because the signing project is going VERY SLOW, however US 70 now follows Wendover Ave all the way to NC 68 in High Point, and then turn south and follows NC 68 towards US 29 (former Business I-85 and US 70) in Thomasville before joining US 29 South going towards Lexington and beyond.


For a couple of weeks now, it seems like all orange traffic cylinders and construction equipment have vacated the northern sections of the loop and everything has been finalized.


Mileage Mike just uploaded a full loop.  Basically, no US 70 signage at Wendover Ave, and no I-85 BL or US 70 at I-85/US 29 southwest of Greensboro.

I am now a PennDOT employee.  My opinions/views do not necessarily reflect the opinions/views of PennDOT.

Travel Mapping:

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