Central New Jersey Road Meet - August 13/14

Started by Alps, June 09, 2011, 08:40:48 PM

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Mark your calendars, ladies and germs. The latest installment of NJ road meets is coming and this time, we won't get anyone towed! RSVP any time you like.

Date: August 13
Rain date: August 14
Time: 11:30
Location: Prestige Diner, E. Windsor
Directions: NJ 33 Eastbound one light east of NJ 133 (East from NJ Turnpike Exit 8). If coming from NJ 33 west, use the jughandle (bear right) at Twin Rivers/Cranbury Sta. and turn left.

After lunch, the day starts with a tour of Interchange 8. Whether it's a guided tour is still up in the air, but I'll do my best. From there we'll head up the Turnpike an exit, checking out the widening construction, and clinch NJ 32. We'll head up to the Traffic Management Center, where you'll be treated to a tour of NJ's state of the art facility that coordinates traffic operations for the entire state! After that, we'll make our way back slowly, checking out along the way some or all of the following: the new NJ 18 freeway in New Brunswick (and NJ 172 roundabouts, perhaps), US 1 overpass construction (amusing error shields), a town-maintained county route expressway, an 18th century bridge at Kingston, little NJ 64 at Princeton Junction, and finishing up with a clinch of NJ 133.

RSVP: E-mail is simplest - webmaster@alpsroads.net. The Facebook page is at http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=180200268699957 - you can RSVP there as well.

After the meet: If we can hold it on the 13th, there will be a Trenton Thunder baseball game that evening. You're all invited! RSVP not necessary.


You know I'll be there! Looking forward to it!


As I said on the Facebook page, it's a may be. There is a chance I could be up in New York that weekend.
UMaine graduate, former PennDOT employee, new SoCal resident.
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As my Facebook RSVP indicates, this is a maybe. Hopefully the time and resources are there, considering you gave me over two months' notice.


Yep, as I said, RSVP any time you like, just getting this announcement out there before I forget.


I almost picked August 13 for a potential Williamsport meet, but backed off since it was too close to the start of the Little League World Series.


Well within my range, so I'm in no question.
If you always take the same road, you will never see anything new.


I wish I could go. Interestingly, I know exactly where this place is despite having spent all of 1 hour in the area. :P
Will Weaver
WillWeaverRVA Photography | Twitter

"But how will the oxen know where to drown if we renumber the Oregon Trail?" - NE2

Roadgeek Adam

I could bike to East Windsor if I felt like it. Definitely. :)
Adam Seth Moss / Amanda Sadie Moss
Author, Inkstains and Cracked Bats
M.A. History, Western Illinois University 2015-17
B.A. History, Montclair State University 2013-15
A.A. History & Education - Middlesex (County) College 2009-13


Wow.  Will have to make a definite decision closer to the meet.
Please note: All comments here represent my own personal opinion and do not reflect the official position of NYSDOT or its affiliates.

Mr. Matté

Quote from: Roadgeek Adam on June 10, 2011, 12:01:01 AM
I could bike to East Windsor if I felt like it. Definitely. :)

As could I since I already live here. :)

Even though it's mostly visiting stuff I've already come to know and hate (especially Route 18), I'm thinking about joining this as my first meet for this kind of event.


Hey, come for the lunch, stay for the tour (possibly tours), and you can skip the rest if you like. Maybe come back at the end for some baseball.

Dr Frankenstein

Will RSVP closer to the meet date; it shouldn't be much of a problem though.


Speaking of which, any date we should RSVP by?  I'm thinking of attending both this and New Haven but would rather RSVP closer to the meets.
Please note: All comments here represent my own personal opinion and do not reflect the official position of NYSDOT or its affiliates.


No prob. No fixed RSVP until I find out about tours.


You better believe that I'll be there (unless circumstances change, of course).


I'm definitely in. I used to live in East Windsor, so I'm really interested in seeing what's new (and if the tour of ops happens, even better!).


Like with New Haven, I have to decide on a route for this meet, and I figured I might as well ask now while I'm thinking about it.  More or less the same start and end; I was thinking NY 17/future I-86 to I-87, I-87 to I-287, and I-287 to I-95, ending with I-95 south.  Heading back, I-95 to I-80, I-80 to I-380, and I-380 to I-81 (then same as for New Haven).  Could also clinch NY 17 if I were to clinch future I-86 heading to or from New Haven; also though about clinching most of I-278 and I-87, but between traffic and tolls in NYC I don't think it's worth it.

Please note: All comments here represent my own personal opinion and do not reflect the official position of NYSDOT or its affiliates.


Well as it turns out, I'll be able to attend this (unless something comes up of course)!
UMaine graduate, former PennDOT employee, new SoCal resident.
Youtube l Flickr


Now that both Wausau and New Haven have fallen through, I'm putting this on the radar screen and am going to try to make it. I can still get some of the interstate mileage that I hoped to get with the New Haven trip, but looks like I'll have to forego an excursion on the Merritt Turnpike.

Will let you know closer to the date. Still dealing with an unwell kitty so I will be iffy right up until the eve of departure, but I'm going to shoot for it.
Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.


Awesome, HB. I'll re-propagandize the meet shortly.


I'll have to watch the weather, though. Won't be able to do the rain date, just the Saturday. And won't be able to do the post-meet baseball game, either.

And still planning to get some New York route-clinching in on this trip, although no Merritt Parkway excursion this time.
Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.


Good morning all, now that I'm awake, and now that we've enjoyed the New Haven meet, it's time to officially announce the 2011 Central NJ Road Meet. (Some of you have been calling this the Trenton meet, but I'm not even sure we'll be entering Trenton! We might, though, by popular acclaim...) Please RSVP through personal message here, or any of my email addresses you may know. Facebook RSVP is also acceptable. Details are at the beginning of this thread.

Rob Adams

In looking at the Trenton Thunder schedule, the team is in Harrisburg on 8/13...bummer.  http://web.minorleaguebaseball.com/schedule/index.jsp?sid=t567&m=08&y=2011

In fact, the Lakewood Blueclaws and the Camden Riversharks are all out of town as well.  However, the Somerset Patriots, who play right off of I-287 and US 46, will be home that night, playing the York Revolution that night.  Tickets start at $7.  Just a thought.


Thanks Rob, they've changed the schedule since I first posted! I know you meant US 22 when you typed 46. But that is indeed very convenient to the meet, so that's where we'll head!

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