Central New Jersey Road Meet - August 13/14

Started by Alps, June 09, 2011, 08:40:48 PM

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Rob Adams

Thanks for bailing me out on the mistake, Steve!  I was a little tired when I typed it, and I should know better, since I've driven that stretch before.  The Patriots play in a nice ballpark, and are managed by Sparky Lyle (former Yankees closer and 1977 Cy Young winner, for those who didn't know).  It's Indy baseball, but hey, it's still baseball!


Although not on the official itinerary, the US 206 Hillsborough Bypass is currently under construction. It's going to be a super-2 with a grade seperation at CR 514/Amwell Road. It is not too far out of the way from New Brunswick (via CR 514) where can we bridge the gap between New Brunswick and Princeton (via CR 518 from US 206 and then connect with NJ 27 to check out the Stone Arch Bridge in Kingston).


In planning for my possible attendance at this meet, I'm going to attempt to recreate the route I had planned for the New Haven meet, which I didn't get to attend. Basically this will involve me spending Friday night in the Norwalk, Conn. area.

So, what is traffic usually like on a Saturday morning on I-287 westbound/southbound (Cross-Westchester, Tappan Zee, NY Thruway, then south into New Jersey and all the way around to the Turnpike?)

Google and other mapping sites/apps generally estimate a drive time of between 2 and 2.5 hours from Norwalk to the meet site. Of course that's under ideal conditions. Would there be anything on a Saturday morning that would cause significant delays?
Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.


Looking forward to this meet.  I may miss lunch as I will be taking a friend to PHL airport around 11:30, but that'll allow me to get up to the Diner/Hightstown/East Windsor area around 12:30.

Belkins - in general there isn't anything too alarming at that time, unless there's some unusual construction activity going on.


Please note: All comments here represent my own personal opinion and do not reflect the official position of NYSDOT or its affiliates.


H.B., you aren't going to have a problem on Saturday morning on that route. Friday afternoons are another story...


Steve, how are we doing ticketing for the Patriots game? Are you going to order group tickets and have us pay you, similar to what was done for the Hockey game several months ago?


We'll figure that out when we get around to it - I'm not preordering anything.

Rob Adams

Somerset averages 5368 per game in a stadium that holds 6100.  The game might sellout, but that's a chance we'll take, I guess.


Last game I went to in June was pretty full, but we had no problem getting 8 front row 1st base line tickets for $13 a piece.


Worst case, no baseball. I'd rather not make people commit in advance, since I'm hoping to maximize the number who I can persuade!


One more work week to go! We have over 20 RSVPs already, so there's a chance we could break the record set in Baltimore! I'll make sure we have plenty of room for everyone, and look forward to seeing everyone there!


Well, two of the three friends I mentioned are definite nos. Still need to extract an answer from the third...
If you always take the same road, you will never see anything new.


Just a friendly reminder that we're going to have a packed day on Saturday, so I'm starting a half-hour earlier than most meet lunches - at 11:30 - plan accordingly! I've worked the meet so that the featured Interchange 8 SPUI is the last stop - if you can't attend the whole meet, you might want to consider arriving at 11 or earlier so you can check it out yourself. It's just one light to the west on Route 33.

Dr Frankenstein

If I have to be there by 11:30, then I'll be coming down Friday night. I'll go back up north Sunday afternoon.


What time do you plan on leaving the diner and getting on the road?

Janko Dialnice

Seeing that the start time of 11:30 AM has been emphasized, in order for me to accomplish my other purpose of the trip (route clinching), I will have to check out of the motel and hit the road around 8:00, so as not to be late.

As far as any post-meet activities are concerned, I might forego the baseball game, and visit a friend in Waterbury, CT instead (I will find out for sure on Thursday night). Again, that raises a couple of questions. I want to check out CT 8 in that case, and, according to Google Maps, it will take me three hours to get to his place. Is that a valid time estimate? Does I-95 in NY or CT get congested on weekend evenings? Also, what is the current eastbound toll for the George Washington Bridge?

Dr Frankenstein

As of last meet, the EB toll for the GWB is $8 without EZPass.


When I went on I-95 home after New Haven, there was a lot of traffic but it was moving at 65 mph.
Please note: All comments here represent my own personal opinion and do not reflect the official position of NYSDOT or its affiliates.


Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.


Quote from: jeffandnicole on August 09, 2011, 08:36:34 AM
What time do you plan on leaving the diner and getting on the road?

By 1:30, hopefully even by 1:15 to start the tour, so that we can return in the 5:30-5:45 window.


Do you have any recommendations for roads in the region to check out that aren't on the tour?


Quote from: dlainhart on August 11, 2011, 10:58:57 PM
Do you have any recommendations for roads in the region to check out that aren't on the tour?
If you have the time, take a ride on the NJ Turnpike between Interchanges 6 & 9.  Even if we travel some of that on the tour, ride it before/after the meeting, just to take in all the construction that has been going on.

Rt. 29 from 195/295 into Trenton if you want to go thru one of NJ's two relatively new 'cut and cover' tunnels...one of the few tunnels in the area that features a full passing zone within the tunnel.  The SB side out of Trenton was left open to give a nice view of the Delaware River.


Some things I dropped from consideration due to time:

CR 55 bypass of Freehold (Halls Mill Rd)
NJ 33 freeway that converges to a Super 2 and has blocked EB off/WB on ramps at Howell Rd.
Viewing Turnpike construction from various side road overpasses (where you can get out and stop for photos)
Side view of the NJ 18 Raritan River bridge (similar to US 1) from old 18 to the east
Any of the untolled Delaware River bridges (almost all trusses) - specifically Trenton Makes, Calhoun St., Washington's Crossing
NJ 32 clinch (short route between 130 and Turnpike exit 8A)
US 206 bridge at CR 533 south of Princeton (another early 19th century stone arch, but no place to park enough cars for a stop)


Well, I want to thank everyone for showing up. We had a great time and saw everything that was planned. It was another very well-attended meet, but no one got seriously lost :| and we set a new record for post-meet dinner attendance! (Not like that matters, it's just neat)

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