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Non-Road Boards => Off-Topic => Topic started by: SignGeek101 on April 14, 2015, 06:02:36 PM

Title: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: SignGeek101 on April 14, 2015, 06:02:36 PM
If any of you, like me use the "Classic Google Maps", you'll be out of luck soon. Google will be phasing it out. Considering how laggy and slow it is on my laptop, I'm not impressed, but not surprised.


Guess I'll have to go to Google Earth. The new maps is almost unusable on my system.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: NE2 on April 14, 2015, 06:03:53 PM
Just saw that. Fuck the man.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Roadrunner75 on April 14, 2015, 08:45:55 PM
Very bad news.  The new one "works", but I find the inability to just scroll in and out of streetview extremely annoying.  It's also very slow, but we've already discussed this to death on another thread.  This will sap a lot of the fun out of playing "Where's Steve At?".
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: formulanone on April 14, 2015, 08:49:23 PM
They claim there's a "Lite Mode (https://support.google.com/maps/answer/3031966)" for Google Maps...not sure how that's going to play out, since it looks and acts like the new maps, but without 3D rendering.

Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Zeffy on April 14, 2015, 09:08:32 PM
Canada Google Maps works for me, so I guess I won't be too affected by the phasing out... still think it's a douche move for those who do continue to have problems.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: US 41 on April 14, 2015, 09:10:16 PM
They should get rid of the "New" Google Maps forever and keep the classic. The New Google Maps has had so many problems, almost everyone on here complains about its performance. Apparently Google doesn't care though. I will miss the classic google maps.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: bandit957 on April 14, 2015, 09:18:17 PM
Another day, another Google failure.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: US 41 on April 14, 2015, 09:27:34 PM
Quote from: bandit957 on April 14, 2015, 09:18:17 PM
Another day, another Google failure.

I just compared the two and it jaw dropping how much faster the old (classic) google maps is. This is definitely a step back for Google Maps. Why they want to ruin something that was perfect blows my mind.

Has anyone noticed when you click on the blue line in the map it will have you facing a totally random direction now, instead of the direction your traveling?
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: hotdogPi on April 14, 2015, 09:59:32 PM
It won't even let me use the new one. The new one redirects to the old one.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: corco on April 14, 2015, 10:42:10 PM
Hopefully Google Maps Poland or some random third world country version of Google keeps the classic version around.

My only real problem is the lack of direction ticks when customizing a route, and I wonder how the new google maps will maintain that functionality from old links (right now it redirects back to classic google maps if you have a URL with too many ticks, for example http://tinyurl.com/pzoywe4)
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: SteveG1988 on April 15, 2015, 08:19:20 AM
I don't have issues with the new one at all. Probably due to having a Nvidia NVS 3100M in my laptop.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Crazy Volvo Guy on April 15, 2015, 08:38:46 AM
Why anyone thought this wouldn't be the outcome is beyond me.  I knew as soon as I saw the "See the new Google Maps" link that there would be an eventual forced changeover.  And, as is typical in this day and age, it's happening regardless of the fact that the new product is nowhere near being able to properly replace the old.

I am disappointed, but not at all surprised.  This is the way of the world these days.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Dr Frankenstein on April 15, 2015, 09:33:26 AM
I had complaints about the new version of Google Maps when they previewed it and voiced them here as well as filled bug reports with Google. By now, every single one of them has been addressed and I switched permanently a while ago.

What I'm more concerned with is that at work, both the "new" and the "new lite" (canvas) version redirect back to the classic version, probably due to my IT department's aversion to updating browsers (we use IE 9 and Fx 15...).
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: roadman on April 15, 2015, 09:46:36 AM
Quote from: US 41 on April 14, 2015, 09:10:16 PM
They should get rid of the "New" Google Maps forever and keep the classic. The New Google Maps has had so many problems, almost everyone on here complains about its performance. Apparently Google doesn't care though. I will miss the classic google maps.
This reflects a basic problem.  People who develop these things need to learn the concept of "It works, so don't mess with it."
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: TXtoNJ on April 15, 2015, 11:27:38 AM
Quote from: roadman on April 15, 2015, 09:46:36 AM
Quote from: US 41 on April 14, 2015, 09:10:16 PM
They should get rid of the "New" Google Maps forever and keep the classic. The New Google Maps has had so many problems, almost everyone on here complains about its performance. Apparently Google doesn't care though. I will miss the classic google maps.
This reflects a basic problem.  People who develop these things need to learn the concept of "It works, so don't mess with it."

They do know that. However, they are paid to be "disruptive" and come up with new interfaces and systems. It's not that the knowledge isn't there, it's that the incentive structure doesn't provide for stasis in Silicon Valley.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: stormwatch7721 on April 15, 2015, 02:14:30 PM
The new google maps lags a little. You can't go "inside" the selected buildings in the classic version.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Brandon on April 15, 2015, 03:05:45 PM
I keep having the little yellow guy bounce back to his home when I try to use street view from time to time.  Most annoying.  :banghead:

And this same Google wants to build self-driving cars?
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: formulanone on April 15, 2015, 04:40:16 PM
Quote from: roadman on April 15, 2015, 09:46:36 AM
Quote from: US 41 on April 14, 2015, 09:10:16 PM
They should get rid of the "New" Google Maps forever and keep the classic. The New Google Maps has had so many problems, almost everyone on here complains about its performance. Apparently Google doesn't care though. I will miss the classic google maps.
This reflects a basic problem.  People who develop these things need to learn the concept of "It works, so don't mess with it."

The 21st century ideology is "permanently in beta".
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: vdeane on April 15, 2015, 09:59:04 PM
Lite mode is SO much faster than the default mode.  I use it on all my computers.

Quote from: corco on April 14, 2015, 10:42:10 PM
My only real problem is the lack of direction ticks when customizing a route, and I wonder how the new google maps will maintain that functionality from old links (right now it redirects back to classic google maps if you have a URL with too many ticks, for example http://tinyurl.com/pzoywe4)
Agreed.  I mostly use the new Google Maps, but I revert to the classic maps whenever I need those extra direction ticks.  11 just isn't enough.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: wxfree on April 16, 2015, 01:04:11 AM
Quote from: formulanone on April 15, 2015, 04:40:16 PM
The 21st century ideology is "permanently in beta".

This problems continues for hundreds of years into the future.  According to Dr. McCoy in Star Trek: The Motion Picture, "I know engineers; they love to change things."

Or something similar.

I've been calling hellfire and damnation on browser makers for years now for taking away things I liked about web browsers and not giving us the option to keep those functionalities.  I still use Firefox because it's the most customizable to make it the way I like, but all these years later I still hate their so-called Awesome Bar.  My real gripe is that I like "dumb" technology; I want machines that just obey my commands, not machines that try to figure me out and anticipate what I want.  Unfortunately, engineers think that showing off what they can do is more important than making a good product.  It's kinda like musicians who think that showing off their rapid note-playing skills is more important than making beautiful music, but that's a different topic.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: jakeroot on April 16, 2015, 01:11:18 AM
I think the performance of the new Google Maps depends on your graphics card. I'm running a GeForce GTX 980 and the new maps is just as fast as the old one. But, I know most people don't have the money nor the desire nor the need to have a high-end graphics card, so I expect Google (in Google fashion) to continue to refine the new Maps. Within a year or two, I bet it will perform better than the old one. That's just how technology works (people like the old thing, old thing gets replaced, people complain, new thing improves, people forget about old thing).
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: SignGeek101 on April 16, 2015, 01:28:22 AM
Quote from: jakeroot on April 16, 2015, 01:11:18 AM
I think the performance of the new Google Maps depends on your graphics card. I'm running a GeForce GTX 980 and the new maps is just as fast as the old one. But, I know most people don't have the money nor the desire nor the need to have a high-end graphics card, so I expect Google (in Google fashion) to continue to refine the new Maps. Within a year or two, I bet it will perform better than the old one. That's just how technology works (people like the old thing, old thing gets replaced, people complain, new thing improves, people forget about old thing).

It's the same with YouTube. People always want the "old YouTube" back, and hate the new one.

I like the new one, it's just that I can't use it. It's a matter of function and not appearance or preference.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Pete from Boston on April 16, 2015, 10:39:55 AM
The new Google Maps displays invisible roads a little better.

(https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8712/17136424706_f8318e3ace.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/s7hE3o)
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: freebrickproductions on April 16, 2015, 10:54:50 AM
IMO, the old Google Maps was better. Mostly because the map maker is actually functional with the old version of Google Maps and you could actually copy-paste any directions from the old Google Maps somewhere else.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: SSOWorld on April 16, 2015, 01:25:04 PM
You have to remember for engineers - the motto isn't "if it ain't broke don't fix it", it's actually "if it ain't broke, it don't have enough features yet" ;)
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: DaBigE on April 16, 2015, 01:59:15 PM
Quote from: SSOWorld on April 16, 2015, 01:25:04 PM
You have to remember for engineers - the motto isn't "if it ain't broke don't fix it", it's actually "if it ain't broke, it don't have enough features yet" ;)

Disagree. Engineers are usually the ones having to fix all the grandiose ideas initiated by someone else. I'd place the blame on sales people and marketing not doing their research.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Truvelo on April 16, 2015, 03:05:37 PM
It needs Microsoft to bring out a super dupe version of Bing Maps and then Google will be forced to respond with something decent :pan:
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: US 41 on April 16, 2015, 08:44:23 PM
It's forcing me to use the new google maps. RIP Classic Google Maps.  X-( :-(
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: vdeane on April 16, 2015, 09:30:46 PM
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: SignGeek101 on April 16, 2015, 10:08:55 PM
Quote from: vdeane on April 16, 2015, 09:30:46 PM

I remember seeing this in one of my engineering classes  :D
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: rickmastfan67 on April 16, 2015, 11:42:39 PM
Quote from: US 41 on April 16, 2015, 08:44:23 PM
It's forcing me to use the new google maps. RIP Classic Google Maps.  X-( :-(

Still have the classic here for now.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: ajlynch91 on April 19, 2015, 10:25:13 PM
If Bing had anything close to resembling the street view that Google did, I would never use Google Maps for anything, that being said I'm going to sorely miss Classic Maps, I can't bring myself to use the new maps...
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Billy F 1988 on April 19, 2015, 11:12:19 PM
Google's just like YouTube. They don't give a crap about what you say to them, even if you told them to keep the classic version. They just flat out shunt you. Just nothing a bunch of low class bots and a handful of humans having a go at this crappy "new" version, which, by the way, isn't "new" in my book.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Pete from Boston on April 19, 2015, 11:30:31 PM

Quote from: Billy F 1988 on April 19, 2015, 11:12:19 PM
Google's just like YouTube. They don't give a crap about what you say to them, even if you told them to keep the classic version. They just flat out shunt you. Just nothing a bunch of low class bots and a handful of humans having a go at this crappy "new" version, which, by the way, isn't "new" in my book.

You realize that Google has owned YouTube for something like eight years, right?
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Dr Frankenstein on April 20, 2015, 10:57:06 AM
I've haven't actually had an issue with dragging a route and adding waypoints with the new version in quite a while (though it did lack proper support for that in its first weeks). In fact, I used the "new" Google Maps to plan the entire Quebec City road meet last summer, and just saved the resulting URL for reference.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Billy F 1988 on April 20, 2015, 07:35:51 PM
Quote from: Pete from Boston on April 19, 2015, 11:30:31 PM

Quote from: Billy F 1988 on April 19, 2015, 11:12:19 PM
Google's just like YouTube. They don't give a crap about what you say to them, even if you told them to keep the classic version. They just flat out shunt you. Just nothing a bunch of low class bots and a handful of humans having a go at this crappy "new" version, which, by the way, isn't "new" in my book.

You realize that Google has owned YouTube for something like eight years, right?

Uh, I KNOW they do, not just realize they do. Realizing and knowing are two different things and I emphasize again, the "new" version isn't new to me.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: jakeroot on April 21, 2015, 11:10:51 PM
Quote from: Billy F 1988 on April 20, 2015, 07:35:51 PM
Uh, I KNOW they do, not just realize they do.

Obligatory Scrubs gif:


sry m8, i do not understand
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: algorerhythms on April 22, 2015, 12:20:14 AM
"Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns — the ones we don't know we don't know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tend to be the difficult ones" -- Donald Rumsfeld
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: bugo on April 22, 2015, 12:35:51 AM
It simply won't work on my computer in Firefox. I'm going to keep trying to use Classic Maps using the non-US domains, and when it completely quits working I'll switch to another map provider. What is a good alternative to Google? Mapquest? Bing?
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: jakeroot on April 22, 2015, 12:38:33 AM
Quote from: bugo on April 22, 2015, 12:35:51 AM
It simply won't work on my computer in Firefox. I'm going to keep trying to use Classic Maps using the non-US domains, and when it completely quits working I'll switch to another map provider. What is a good alternative to Google? Mapquest? Bing?

Google is still the best. Don't kid yourself.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: bugo on April 22, 2015, 02:16:27 AM
Quote from: jakeroot on April 22, 2015, 12:38:33 AM
Quote from: bugo on April 22, 2015, 12:35:51 AM
It simply won't work on my computer in Firefox. I'm going to keep trying to use Classic Maps using the non-US domains, and when it completely quits working I'll switch to another map provider. What is a good alternative to Google? Mapquest? Bing?

Google is still the best. Don't kid yourself.

It doesn't work on my fucking computer, son.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: SSOWorld on April 22, 2015, 05:27:38 AM
your computer's too old then.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: bugo on April 22, 2015, 05:40:11 AM
If it won't run on a 64 bit Windows 7 installation then there's something wrong.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: wxfree on April 22, 2015, 05:53:21 AM
In that situation I'd use Bing for maps and get aerial photography and Street View through Google Earth.  I can use the new Google Maps, but until they make it suck less that's probably what I'll do.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: freebrickproductions on April 22, 2015, 10:28:56 AM
Google Maps "Lite" actually works pretty well. The only things I don't like about it is that you can't default to satellite view and you can't view the old street view images. Other than that, it doesn't lag as much and loads things rather fast. If they implemented the ability to view old street view images or default the map view to satellite, I'd happily swap over to Google Maps Lite. Hell, when the old Google Maps disappears, I'll probably go to the "Lite" version.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Brandon on April 22, 2015, 11:39:19 AM
Quote from: jakeroot on April 22, 2015, 12:38:33 AM
Quote from: bugo on April 22, 2015, 12:35:51 AM
It simply won't work on my computer in Firefox. I'm going to keep trying to use Classic Maps using the non-US domains, and when it completely quits working I'll switch to another map provider. What is a good alternative to Google? Mapquest? Bing?

Google is still the best. Don't kid yourself.

My ass.  I've found Bing to be better at directions, and now at printing.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: jakeroot on April 22, 2015, 12:53:59 PM
Quote from: bugo on April 22, 2015, 05:40:11 AM
If it won't run on a 64 bit Windows 7 installation then there's something wrong.

Probably, yeah. Have you had a teenager look at it? :-D

Quote from: Brandon on April 22, 2015, 11:39:19 AM
Quote from: jakeroot on April 22, 2015, 12:38:33 AM
Quote from: bugo on April 22, 2015, 12:35:51 AM
It simply won't work on my computer in Firefox. I'm going to keep trying to use Classic Maps using the non-US domains, and when it completely quits working I'll switch to another map provider. What is a good alternative to Google? Mapquest? Bing?

Google is still the best. Don't kid yourself.

My ass.  I've found Bing to be better at directions, and now at printing.

Better at directions as long as you can make out the roads. I've never seen such low quality maps.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: kkt on April 22, 2015, 01:01:11 PM
Quote from: algorerhythms on April 22, 2015, 12:20:14 AM
"Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns — the ones we don't know we don't know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tend to be the difficult ones" -- Donald Rumsfeld

Rumsfeld should have written Sir Humphrey's part in Yes, Minister.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: english si on April 22, 2015, 02:24:38 PM
Quote from: kkt on April 22, 2015, 01:01:11 PMRumsfeld should have written Sir Humphrey's part in Yes, Minister.
Sounds a lot more like Bernard explaining to the Minister.

Humpy would need at least twice that space to get his point across, with far longer sentences and little bits of Latin dropped in.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Pete from Boston on April 22, 2015, 03:41:18 PM

Quote from: Billy F 1988 on April 20, 2015, 07:35:51 PM
Quote from: Pete from Boston on April 19, 2015, 11:30:31 PM

Quote from: Billy F 1988 on April 19, 2015, 11:12:19 PM
Google's just like YouTube. They don't give a crap about what you say to them, even if you told them to keep the classic version. They just flat out shunt you. Just nothing a bunch of low class bots and a handful of humans having a go at this crappy "new" version, which, by the way, isn't "new" in my book.

You realize that Google has owned YouTube for something like eight years, right?

Uh, I KNOW they do, not just realize they do.

My point is that Google isn't like YouTube, Google is YouTube.  From your post it sounded like you were comparing two different entities.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Brandon on April 22, 2015, 03:43:49 PM
Quote from: Pete from Boston on April 22, 2015, 03:41:18 PM

Quote from: Billy F 1988 on April 20, 2015, 07:35:51 PM
Quote from: Pete from Boston on April 19, 2015, 11:30:31 PM

Quote from: Billy F 1988 on April 19, 2015, 11:12:19 PM
Google's just like YouTube. They don't give a crap about what you say to them, even if you told them to keep the classic version. They just flat out shunt you. Just nothing a bunch of low class bots and a handful of humans having a go at this crappy "new" version, which, by the way, isn't "new" in my book.

You realize that Google has owned YouTube for something like eight years, right?

Uh, I KNOW they do, not just realize they do.

My point is that Google isn't like YouTube, Google is YouTube.  From your post it sounded like you were comparing two different entities.

Actually, it's more like YouTube is Google.  As are a lot of other things out there people might not realize.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Pete from Boston on April 22, 2015, 03:56:07 PM

Quote from: Brandon on April 22, 2015, 03:43:49 PM
Quote from: Pete from Boston on April 22, 2015, 03:41:18 PM

Quote from: Billy F 1988 on April 20, 2015, 07:35:51 PM
Quote from: Pete from Boston on April 19, 2015, 11:30:31 PM

Quote from: Billy F 1988 on April 19, 2015, 11:12:19 PM
Google's just like YouTube. They don't give a crap about what you say to them, even if you told them to keep the classic version. They just flat out shunt you. Just nothing a bunch of low class bots and a handful of humans having a go at this crappy "new" version, which, by the way, isn't "new" in my book.

You realize that Google has owned YouTube for something like eight years, right?

Uh, I KNOW they do, not just realize they do.

My point is that Google isn't like YouTube, Google is YouTube.  From your post it sounded like you were comparing two different entities.

Actually, it's more like YouTube is Google.  As are a lot of other things out there people might not realize.

Soon, we will all be Google.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: bugo on April 22, 2015, 04:22:11 PM
The cartography on the Bing site is just fine. It is as good as Google's if not better. Mapquest has perhaps the best cartography of any online mapping site, partially because it shows actual state highway shields and not just circles. Google's cartography isn't anything special, anyway.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: jakeroot on April 22, 2015, 05:35:02 PM
Quote from: bugo on April 22, 2015, 04:22:11 PM
Google's cartography isn't anything special, anyway.

Perhaps it's not special, but the rendering is far superior. Bing and Mapquest both look like they're pre-rendered .jpeg's set to half quality. Google Maps looks more like a vector drawing program, rendered on-the-fly.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: NJRoadfan on April 22, 2015, 05:38:44 PM
Quote from: bugo on April 22, 2015, 04:22:11 PM
The cartography on the Bing site is just fine. It is as good as Google's if not better. Mapquest has perhaps the best cartography of any online mapping site, partially because it shows actual state highway shields and not just circles. Google's cartography isn't anything special, anyway.

Mapquest is using TomTom (former TeleAtlas) data these days. Bing uses HERE/Nokia (former Navteq). Google started off using Navteq, switched to TeleAtlas briefly and finally started their own database.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Brandon on April 22, 2015, 05:47:25 PM
Quote from: Pete from Boston on April 22, 2015, 03:56:07 PM

Quote from: Brandon on April 22, 2015, 03:43:49 PM
Quote from: Pete from Boston on April 22, 2015, 03:41:18 PM

Quote from: Billy F 1988 on April 20, 2015, 07:35:51 PM
Quote from: Pete from Boston on April 19, 2015, 11:30:31 PM

Quote from: Billy F 1988 on April 19, 2015, 11:12:19 PM
Google's just like YouTube. They don't give a crap about what you say to them, even if you told them to keep the classic version. They just flat out shunt you. Just nothing a bunch of low class bots and a handful of humans having a go at this crappy "new" version, which, by the way, isn't "new" in my book.

You realize that Google has owned YouTube for something like eight years, right?

Uh, I KNOW they do, not just realize they do.

My point is that Google isn't like YouTube, Google is YouTube.  From your post it sounded like you were comparing two different entities.

Actually, it's more like YouTube is Google.  As are a lot of other things out there people might not realize.

Soon, we will all be Google.

God, I hope not.  If they get their driverless cars to market, I fear for the general population with the way Google can't make much work properly.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Scott5114 on April 22, 2015, 10:24:02 PM
Quote from: bugo on April 22, 2015, 04:22:11 PM
The cartography on the Bing site is just fine. It is as good as Google's if not better. Mapquest has perhaps the best cartography of any online mapping site, partially because it shows actual state highway shields and not just circles. Google's cartography isn't anything special, anyway.

OpenStreetMap has pretty good data, but the cartography is pretty awful (since the legend is designed for British roads). I think Mapquest uses OSM data but renders it with their own cartography.

I don't mind circles for state highways on maps because a lot of state route shields don't work too well at less than 24" × 24". Apple Maps puts meat cleavers on OK state highways and it...kind of works.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Highway63 on April 23, 2015, 12:04:15 AM
Google is the basis for Apple iPhoto's Places function, which I use to geotag photos. I really really really hope that won't be affected. The new Apple Photos doesn't even HAVE a manual-geotag feature (because you're supposed to take all your pictures with your iPhone and its built-in location sensor, you see).

The new Google Maps is less functional and does fancy things that don't improve the user experience - so, like a lot of software development since about 2010. It STILL cannot figure out point-to-point with "to:/from:" in the line.

(Also, at this point, I think the exclusion of county lines is specifically to troll those of us who care.)
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Scott5114 on April 23, 2015, 06:37:14 AM
Quote from: Jeff Morrison on April 23, 2015, 12:04:15 AM
It STILL cannot figure out point-to-point with "to:/from:" in the line.

I thought this couldn't be right, so I tested it. "from:XXX to:XXX" works, but "to:XXX from:XXX" doesn't. The more you know.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: rickmastfan67 on April 23, 2015, 12:34:56 PM
I just got switched to the 'new' version. :ded:
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Highway63 on April 23, 2015, 12:36:49 PM
That exact order was not intended to be representative, but let me explain in greater detail.

In "Classic" Google Maps, I can type this in the search bar:

from: des moines ia to: la crosse wi to: mankato mn

and it gives me a route map from Des Moines to La Crosse to Mankato that I can manipulate.

In the "new" Google Maps, I type that exact line and it zooms in on three apparently completely unrelated things in La Crosse (UW-La Crosse, Fayze's Restaurant and Bakery, and Menards). No route map, no nothing.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: freebrickproductions on April 23, 2015, 01:05:35 PM
Quote from: freebrickproductions on April 22, 2015, 10:28:56 AM
Google Maps "Lite" actually works pretty well. The only things I don't like about it is that you can't default to satellite view and you can't view the old street view images. Other than that, it doesn't lag as much and loads things rather fast. If they implemented the ability to view old street view images or default the map view to satellite, I'd happily swap over to Google Maps Lite. Hell, when the old Google Maps disappears, I'll probably go to the "Lite" version.
A few more things to add onto what I said earlier about the "Lite" version:
Still more functional than the full version, IMO though.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: NJRoadfan on April 23, 2015, 03:53:20 PM
Quote from: Scott5114 on April 22, 2015, 10:24:02 PM
OpenStreetMap has pretty good data, but the cartography is pretty awful (since the legend is designed for British roads). I think Mapquest uses OSM data but renders it with their own cartography.

the main Mapquest site uses TomTom. They offer OSM data with their renderer via open.mapquest.com
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: kphoger on April 23, 2015, 03:57:07 PM
Can't drag a route in the Lite version. I just found out the full version doesn't work on my office computer. I don't know if our Windows 7 is not fully up to date, or of it's Chrome, but either way it's out of my hands.

Poo. And that's not cool.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Roadrunner75 on April 23, 2015, 10:47:44 PM
When I launched "Classic" earlier today at work via my 'favorites' link in the browser, it sent me right to the new maps.  There was no longer an option in "Help" to return to Classic.  Now at home, I can get back into Classic via the link, and the option has returned in the new maps as well.  Test run perhaps? 
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: CtrlAltDel on April 24, 2015, 02:21:46 PM
Quote from: Roadrunner75 on April 23, 2015, 10:47:44 PM
When I launched "Classic" earlier today at work via my 'favorites' link in the browser, it sent me right to the new maps.  There was no longer an option in "Help" to return to Classic.  Now at home, I can get back into Classic via the link, and the option has returned in the new maps as well.  Test run perhaps?

What happens when you type https://www.google.com/maps?output=classic directly into the search bar?
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Roadrunner75 on April 24, 2015, 03:41:09 PM
Quote from: CtrlAltDel on April 24, 2015, 02:21:46 PM
Quote from: Roadrunner75 on April 23, 2015, 10:47:44 PM
When I launched "Classic" earlier today at work via my 'favorites' link in the browser, it sent me right to the new maps.  There was no longer an option in "Help" to return to Classic.  Now at home, I can get back into Classic via the link, and the option has returned in the new maps as well.  Test run perhaps?
What happens when you type https://www.google.com/maps?output=classic directly into the search bar?
It seems like Classic has been coming and going throughout the day.  Earlier today I used my link to Classic and it dumped me again in the new maps.  This time it had the "Classic" button in help, which sent me right to the new "Lite" maps (which is no better than the new maps).  Now when I go to my link (or your link above), I can go back to Classic again.  Maybe they are periodically disabling access to Classic to prod people gradually into the new maps.  Need to find an alternative quick.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: SignGeek101 on April 24, 2015, 04:40:32 PM
I tried the new Google Streetview on another desktop in my house, and it worked smoothly there. I guess it works for some (say with good chips or something), but for the rest of us it sucks.

I plan on going to Google Earth.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: BigRedDog on April 24, 2015, 04:41:33 PM
Quote from: Roadrunner75 on April 24, 2015, 03:41:09 PM
Quote from: CtrlAltDel on April 24, 2015, 02:21:46 PM
Quote from: Roadrunner75 on April 23, 2015, 10:47:44 PM
When I launched "Classic" earlier today at work via my 'favorites' link in the browser, it sent me right to the new maps.  There was no longer an option in "Help" to return to Classic.  Now at home, I can get back into Classic via the link, and the option has returned in the new maps as well.  Test run perhaps?
What happens when you type https://www.google.com/maps?output=classic directly into the search bar?
It seems like Classic has been coming and going throughout the day.  Earlier today I used my link to Classic and it dumped me again in the new maps.  This time it had the "Classic" button in help, which sent me right to the new "Lite" maps (which is no better than the new maps).  Now when I go to my link (or your link above), I can go back to Classic again.  Maybe they are periodically disabling access to Classic to prod people gradually into the new maps.  Need to find an alternative quick.

FWIW, I had Classic when I clicked the link. I've also had Classic the half dozen or so times today I've used it.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Roadrunner75 on April 24, 2015, 06:24:26 PM
Quote from: BigRedDog on April 24, 2015, 04:41:33 PM
Quote from: Roadrunner75 on April 24, 2015, 03:41:09 PM
Quote from: CtrlAltDel on April 24, 2015, 02:21:46 PM
Quote from: Roadrunner75 on April 23, 2015, 10:47:44 PM
When I launched "Classic" earlier today at work via my 'favorites' link in the browser, it sent me right to the new maps.  There was no longer an option in "Help" to return to Classic.  Now at home, I can get back into Classic via the link, and the option has returned in the new maps as well.  Test run perhaps?
What happens when you type https://www.google.com/maps?output=classic directly into the search bar?
It seems like Classic has been coming and going throughout the day.  Earlier today I used my link to Classic and it dumped me again in the new maps.  This time it had the "Classic" button in help, which sent me right to the new "Lite" maps (which is no better than the new maps).  Now when I go to my link (or your link above), I can go back to Classic again.  Maybe they are periodically disabling access to Classic to prod people gradually into the new maps.  Need to find an alternative quick.
FWIW, I had Classic when I clicked the link. I've also had Classic the half dozen or so times today I've used it.
I just updated my link to be exactly what was posted above, and I am back to Classic again.  My previous link, which always got me there no longer works.  It looks like if you don't use that exact link, you can no longer get to Classic directly from new maps, and it just sends you to Lite.  Hopefully Google will just leave the Classic interface accessible that way, even if they don't update GSV, etc.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Alps on April 25, 2015, 02:11:32 AM
Quote from: CtrlAltDel on April 24, 2015, 02:21:46 PM
Quote from: Roadrunner75 on April 23, 2015, 10:47:44 PM
When I launched "Classic" earlier today at work via my 'favorites' link in the browser, it sent me right to the new maps.  There was no longer an option in "Help" to return to Classic.  Now at home, I can get back into Classic via the link, and the option has returned in the new maps as well.  Test run perhaps?

What happens when you type https://www.google.com/maps?output=classic directly into the search bar?
This has been my link, and as long as it works, I'm going there. The ability to display multiple boundaries/points of interest simultaneously and the ability to turn off labels in aerial view are both critical to my utility, especially as it relates to trip-planning or website writing.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: SignGeek101 on April 25, 2015, 02:25:21 AM
Quote from: Alps on April 25, 2015, 02:11:32 AM
Quote from: CtrlAltDel on April 24, 2015, 02:21:46 PM
Quote from: Roadrunner75 on April 23, 2015, 10:47:44 PM
When I launched "Classic" earlier today at work via my 'favorites' link in the browser, it sent me right to the new maps.  There was no longer an option in "Help" to return to Classic.  Now at home, I can get back into Classic via the link, and the option has returned in the new maps as well.  Test run perhaps?

What happens when you type https://www.google.com/maps?output=classic directly into the search bar?
This has been my link, and as long as it works, I'm going there. The ability to display multiple boundaries/points of interest simultaneously and the ability to turn off labels in aerial view are both critical to my utility, especially as it relates to trip-planning or website writing.

Works for me as well, at least for now.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: rickmastfan67 on April 25, 2015, 02:35:07 AM
Quote from: SignGeek101 on April 25, 2015, 02:25:21 AM
Quote from: Alps on April 25, 2015, 02:11:32 AM
Quote from: CtrlAltDel on April 24, 2015, 02:21:46 PM
Quote from: Roadrunner75 on April 23, 2015, 10:47:44 PM
When I launched "Classic" earlier today at work via my 'favorites' link in the browser, it sent me right to the new maps.  There was no longer an option in "Help" to return to Classic.  Now at home, I can get back into Classic via the link, and the option has returned in the new maps as well.  Test run perhaps?

What happens when you type https://www.google.com/maps?output=classic directly into the search bar?
This has been my link, and as long as it works, I'm going there. The ability to display multiple boundaries/points of interest simultaneously and the ability to turn off labels in aerial view are both critical to my utility, especially as it relates to trip-planning or website writing.

Works for me as well, at least for now.

They've turned off short link generation at that link. :(
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: bugo on April 25, 2015, 03:41:55 AM
Quote from: SignGeek101 on April 24, 2015, 04:40:32 PM
I tried the new Google Streetview on another desktop in my house, and it worked smoothly there. I guess it works for some (say with good chips or something), but for the rest of us it sucks.

I plan on going to Google Earth.

I'm probably changing to Bing. Google Earth takes time to load and it is a memory hog.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: US 41 on April 25, 2015, 09:27:00 AM
I hit the question mark this morning to return back to classic google maps and it sends me to lite mode instead.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Roadrunner75 on April 25, 2015, 02:07:06 PM
Quote from: US 41 on April 25, 2015, 09:27:00 AM
I hit the question mark this morning to return back to classic google maps and it sends me to lite mode instead.
It seems to be jumping back and forth at random.  One time it took me to Classic, and another time it took me to Lite.  Even if I can still get to Classic directly via the link, it occurred to me that it's going to be annoying when I click through a GSV link posted in the forum which sends me to new maps, and I can no longer just directly switch back to Classic as my habit.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: jakeroot on April 25, 2015, 02:21:58 PM
Quote from: Roadrunner75 on April 25, 2015, 02:07:06 PM
Quote from: US 41 on April 25, 2015, 09:27:00 AM
I hit the question mark this morning to return back to classic google maps and it sends me to lite mode instead.

It seems to be jumping back and forth at random.  One time it took me to Classic, and another time it took me to Lite.  Even if I can still get to Classic directly via the link, it occurred to me that it's going to be annoying when I click through a GSV link posted in the forum which sends me to new maps, and I can no longer just directly switch back to Classic as my habit.

I'm think it's redirecting you two to the new Google Maps (full version), but then re-redirecting you to the classic maps because Google doesn't think your computers can handle it.    ...?
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Roadrunner75 on April 25, 2015, 02:27:55 PM
Quote from: jakeroot on April 25, 2015, 02:21:58 PM
Quote from: Roadrunner75 on April 25, 2015, 02:07:06 PM
Quote from: US 41 on April 25, 2015, 09:27:00 AM
I hit the question mark this morning to return back to classic google maps and it sends me to lite mode instead.

It seems to be jumping back and forth at random.  One time it took me to Classic, and another time it took me to Lite.  Even if I can still get to Classic directly via the link, it occurred to me that it's going to be annoying when I click through a GSV link posted in the forum which sends me to new maps, and I can no longer just directly switch back to Classic as my habit.

I'm think it's redirecting you two to the new Google Maps (full version), but then re-redirecting you to the classic maps because Google doesn't think your computers can handle it.    ...?
Hopefully it keeps thinking my computer can't handle it.  My PC actually can handle new maps decently (got Windows 7, Core i5), even if it's a little slow in GSV (much slower than Classic).  It's more that I just can't stand it.  I also have my browser dump all cookies, passwords, history etc. on exit, so I'm new to Google each time, which also has the downside that it won't 'remember' my preference for Classic. 
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: vdeane on April 25, 2015, 05:35:06 PM
Interestingly, I CAN do things like drag routes, view the month/year of street view imagery (and view old imagery), right click to get the distance measurement, etc. in Lite mode... the only thing I'm unable to do is view old aerial images and view the month/year of the aerial image (since Lite mode has satellite view instead of Earth view).  Perhaps it's because I force Lite mode by disabling WebGL via Chrome's about://flags page instead of using a setting in Maps?
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Purgatory On Wheels on April 25, 2015, 07:47:07 PM
Any way to force this link to open in classic maps?  New maps cuts off the last several stops I had programmed, which would have routed me along US 69 in MO & IA, not I-35:


Just not sure where to edit the URL to force classic, assuming it's possible.  And I am really hoping it's possible, as I have saved dozens of these.

Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Billy F 1988 on April 25, 2015, 11:21:56 PM
Quote from: jakeroot on April 21, 2015, 11:10:51 PM
Quote from: Billy F 1988 on April 20, 2015, 07:35:51 PM
Uh, I KNOW they do, not just realize they do.

Obligatory Scrubs gif:


sry m8, i do not understand

Well, sry m8. I don't speak internet slang, so, yeah.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: wxfree on April 26, 2015, 12:20:18 AM
Quote from: Purgatory On Wheels on April 25, 2015, 07:47:07 PM
Any way to force this link to open in classic maps?  New maps cuts off the last several stops I had programmed, which would have routed me along US 69 in MO & IA, not I-35:


Just not sure where to edit the URL to force classic, assuming it's possible.  And I am really hoping it's possible, as I have saved dozens of these.


For a while I've been using a direct link to get to Google Maps.  The link centers on my area at a certain zoom level I find suitable and opens in the classic version.  The link still works for me.
https://maps.google.com/maps?ll=32.3576289,-97.411016&z=8&output=classic&dg=opt (https://maps.google.com/maps?ll=32.3576289,-97.411016&z=8&output=classic&dg=opt)

I copied your link and attached the &output=classic&dg=opt to the end, and it opened in the old version with 23 intermediate points.  The route follows US 69 as far north as US 20, and I-35 from there.  I'm not certain how to move it to the new version, but if it'll let you access the old one, you should be able to see it with this link
https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Court+St&daddr=40.378055,-96.1897753+to:39.8417258,-96.4052565+to:39.8124211,-94.8405036+to:39.9444098,-94.8218877+to:40.3421188,-94.8730497+to:40.382364,-94.863916+to:40.2564317,-94.339112+to:39.692783,-94.2295962+to:39.7650195,-94.2343071+to:39.8815783,-94.1159879+to:40.1312585,-94.1062682+to:40.4345337,-93.9925832+to:40.499703,-93.9935357+to:40.6237697,-93.8590626+to:41.0137328,-93.7625293+to:41.4022871,-93.5585651+to:41.644954,-93.6004267+to:41.7081783,-93.600444+to:41.8996533,-93.604951+to:42.0917698,-93.6204881+to:42.4349855,-93.640124+to:43.2773056,-93.6366574+to:43.6455278,-93.3915586+to:43.8818454,-92.4884643&hl=en&ll=40.113789,-95.906525&spn=0.928415,2.113495&sll=39.886558,-94.174805&sspn=0.93151,2.113495&geocode=FYNoZgId_MI7-g%3BFcceaAIdsUJE-imBFrschs6VhzEu5foKy1iZ7Q%3BFb3vXwId-PhA-inx-GEYfwCWhzGqSERlP1FASA%3BFUV9XwIdSdlY-ilpSPF1bxzAhzEuxHoIZOFbuw%3BFdmAYQIdASJZ-imjm44RuKbqhzEjoYmCA496Vg%3BFWaSZwIdJ1pY-ilzysbVbMXqhzEKwxkLMes1SA%3BFZwvaAId1H1Y-ikjzKY3xdrqhzF6dhNTpDBBRA%3BFa9DZgId2H9g-ild1uVxQ17qhzFk_H-rB9qkig%3BFe-pXQIdpCti-ilHmyVvgcXBhzFPm4HPEFAnYw%3BFRvEXgIdPRli-imvmfmZddDBhzEeQBGCPtBnuQ%3BFWqLYAIdbedj-ilPSL18EN_BhzG2lwYEDnz3_g%3BFbpaZAIdZA1k-in3uLbs9mzqhzEpGgaP98m3Zg%3BFWX7aAIdecll-ik_R6SfMTfqhzHmAa17uiNVmA%3BFff5aQIdwcVl-imlwIXXDjTqhzESo36wVheD8A%3BFZneawIdCtNn-imn51-0s9PrhzG7fIf6UR073w%3BFeTRcQIdH0xp-ilJ4hK1YOLrhzHsgBdnRI8Xtw%3BFa-_dwId22hs-ikdB5ljlrruhzF3TJmCR-vjmQ%3BFZpzewIdVsVr-ikLtkW0apruhzGlkeaP7jVSNA%3BFZJqfAIdRMVr-imjflpmSoXuhzF4H1JVojJjSw%3BFYVWfwIdqbNr-imDwSbmHn3uhzF7SQZA48AfTw%3BFflEggId-HZr-im_ZXbKgnHuhzHKyx0JgxXjHw%3BFamBhwIdRCpr-in_5YjXvwPuhzF_3_S-xTGnpQ%3BFflblAIdzzdr-imZ2wGqzmTxhzHhFRcVGa5Ttw%3BFVf6mQIdOvVu-ik9t8EqaDbxhzELinhBOSiO8g%3BFVmXnQIdEb18-inL7eI4slf3hzEm4GRlK6teXw&gl=us&mra=dpe&mrsp=11&sz=10&via=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23&t=m&z=10&output=classic&dg=opt (https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Court+St&daddr=40.378055,-96.1897753+to:39.8417258,-96.4052565+to:39.8124211,-94.8405036+to:39.9444098,-94.8218877+to:40.3421188,-94.8730497+to:40.382364,-94.863916+to:40.2564317,-94.339112+to:39.692783,-94.2295962+to:39.7650195,-94.2343071+to:39.8815783,-94.1159879+to:40.1312585,-94.1062682+to:40.4345337,-93.9925832+to:40.499703,-93.9935357+to:40.6237697,-93.8590626+to:41.0137328,-93.7625293+to:41.4022871,-93.5585651+to:41.644954,-93.6004267+to:41.7081783,-93.600444+to:41.8996533,-93.604951+to:42.0917698,-93.6204881+to:42.4349855,-93.640124+to:43.2773056,-93.6366574+to:43.6455278,-93.3915586+to:43.8818454,-92.4884643&hl=en&ll=40.113789,-95.906525&spn=0.928415,2.113495&sll=39.886558,-94.174805&sspn=0.93151,2.113495&geocode=FYNoZgId_MI7-g%3BFcceaAIdsUJE-imBFrschs6VhzEu5foKy1iZ7Q%3BFb3vXwId-PhA-inx-GEYfwCWhzGqSERlP1FASA%3BFUV9XwIdSdlY-ilpSPF1bxzAhzEuxHoIZOFbuw%3BFdmAYQIdASJZ-imjm44RuKbqhzEjoYmCA496Vg%3BFWaSZwIdJ1pY-ilzysbVbMXqhzEKwxkLMes1SA%3BFZwvaAId1H1Y-ikjzKY3xdrqhzF6dhNTpDBBRA%3BFa9DZgId2H9g-ild1uVxQ17qhzFk_H-rB9qkig%3BFe-pXQIdpCti-ilHmyVvgcXBhzFPm4HPEFAnYw%3BFRvEXgIdPRli-imvmfmZddDBhzEeQBGCPtBnuQ%3BFWqLYAIdbedj-ilPSL18EN_BhzG2lwYEDnz3_g%3BFbpaZAIdZA1k-in3uLbs9mzqhzEpGgaP98m3Zg%3BFWX7aAIdecll-ik_R6SfMTfqhzHmAa17uiNVmA%3BFff5aQIdwcVl-imlwIXXDjTqhzESo36wVheD8A%3BFZneawIdCtNn-imn51-0s9PrhzG7fIf6UR073w%3BFeTRcQIdH0xp-ilJ4hK1YOLrhzHsgBdnRI8Xtw%3BFa-_dwId22hs-ikdB5ljlrruhzF3TJmCR-vjmQ%3BFZpzewIdVsVr-ikLtkW0apruhzGlkeaP7jVSNA%3BFZJqfAIdRMVr-imjflpmSoXuhzF4H1JVojJjSw%3BFYVWfwIdqbNr-imDwSbmHn3uhzF7SQZA48AfTw%3BFflEggId-HZr-im_ZXbKgnHuhzHKyx0JgxXjHw%3BFamBhwIdRCpr-in_5YjXvwPuhzF_3_S-xTGnpQ%3BFflblAIdzzdr-imZ2wGqzmTxhzHhFRcVGa5Ttw%3BFVf6mQIdOvVu-ik9t8EqaDbxhzELinhBOSiO8g%3BFVmXnQIdEb18-inL7eI4slf3hzEm4GRlK6teXw&gl=us&mra=dpe&mrsp=11&sz=10&via=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23&t=m&z=10&output=classic&dg=opt)
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Purgatory On Wheels on April 26, 2015, 12:29:57 AM
Quote from: wxfree on April 26, 2015, 12:20:18 AM
I copied your link and attached the &output=classic&dg=opt to the end, and it opened in the old version with 23 intermediate points.

Sweet, that works.  Thanks!
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: freebrickproductions on April 27, 2015, 09:32:33 AM
Quote from: freebrickproductions on April 23, 2015, 01:05:35 PM
Quote from: freebrickproductions on April 22, 2015, 10:28:56 AM
Google Maps "Lite" actually works pretty well. The only things I don't like about it is that you can't default to satellite view and you can't view the old street view images. Other than that, it doesn't lag as much and loads things rather fast. If they implemented the ability to view old street view images or default the map view to satellite, I'd happily swap over to Google Maps Lite. Hell, when the old Google Maps disappears, I'll probably go to the "Lite" version.
A few more things to add onto what I said earlier about the "Lite" version:

  • You can't directly link to street view images.
  • You can't see what month and year the images were taken.
  • Right-clicking the map will provide you with two options: directions to or from the locations you right-clicked.
  • Street-view is also still somewhat laggy, but it doesn't seem to be any worse than on the "full" version or on "classic".
Still more functional than the full version, IMO though.
One more thing to add: You can now link directly to street view in Lite mode.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: stormwatch7721 on April 28, 2015, 03:16:41 PM
After I got the new full version. I wanted to go back to classic and it took me to lite mode. Is full or lite version better?
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Billy F 1988 on April 28, 2015, 04:20:43 PM
The Lite and full versions are different. The Lite version is the less-CPU intensive version of the current Gmaps generation, not the one from before. I mean, if you want to run Gmaps on your computer and not have it eat up bandwitdth and data, then I'd say run Lite, but remember, Lite is NOT Classic Gmaps. It's a less-CPU intensive substitute of the full version of the current Gmaps.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: NE2 on April 28, 2015, 05:15:04 PM
Lite eats memory too.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: US 41 on April 28, 2015, 06:05:52 PM
Quote from: CtrlAltDel on April 24, 2015, 02:21:46 PM
Quote from: Roadrunner75 on April 23, 2015, 10:47:44 PM
When I launched "Classic" earlier today at work via my 'favorites' link in the browser, it sent me right to the new maps.  There was no longer an option in "Help" to return to Classic.  Now at home, I can get back into Classic via the link, and the option has returned in the new maps as well.  Test run perhaps?

What happens when you type https://www.google.com/maps?output=classic directly into the search bar?

Surprisingly, this link still works.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: BigRedDog on April 29, 2015, 01:05:58 AM
Quote from: US 41 on April 28, 2015, 06:05:52 PM
Quote from: CtrlAltDel on April 24, 2015, 02:21:46 PM
Quote from: Roadrunner75 on April 23, 2015, 10:47:44 PM
When I launched "Classic" earlier today at work via my 'favorites' link in the browser, it sent me right to the new maps.  There was no longer an option in "Help" to return to Classic.  Now at home, I can get back into Classic via the link, and the option has returned in the new maps as well.  Test run perhaps?

What happens when you type https://www.google.com/maps?output=classic directly into the search bar?

Surprisingly, this link still works.

Doesn't work here. It did before lunch (well, classic maps worked, anyway). But sometime since, I can only access new maps. Trying to switch back to classic only takes me to "lite" mode.

Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: SignGeek101 on April 29, 2015, 01:08:45 AM
Quote from: BigRedDog on April 29, 2015, 01:05:58 AM
Quote from: US 41 on April 28, 2015, 06:05:52 PM
Quote from: CtrlAltDel on April 24, 2015, 02:21:46 PM
Quote from: Roadrunner75 on April 23, 2015, 10:47:44 PM
When I launched "Classic" earlier today at work via my 'favorites' link in the browser, it sent me right to the new maps.  There was no longer an option in "Help" to return to Classic.  Now at home, I can get back into Classic via the link, and the option has returned in the new maps as well.  Test run perhaps?

What happens when you type https://www.google.com/maps?output=classic directly into the search bar?

Surprisingly, this link still works.

Doesn't work here. It did before lunch (well, classic maps worked, anyway). But sometime since, I can only access new maps. Trying to switch back to classic only takes me to "lite" mode.


Same, worked me for me earlier today, but no longer works.  :-(
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: wxfree on April 29, 2015, 01:22:57 AM
The day of darkness is now upon me.  My link, given above, now redirects to the new version.

It's not as bad now as it had been.  It still assigns a web address every time the view changes, but I can use a private browsing window to keep it from filling my history.  Also, I can't turn off the labels in the aerial view.  Has anyone figured out how to do that?  Is it possible?  I don't like the automatic pop-ups from the place markers, or how the Street View guy falls below the circle that seems to be his target, but I can learn to live with those things.

I like the ability to see old Street View.  It's not all bad.  It's certainly worth a lot more than I pay for it, to keep it in perspective.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: corco on April 29, 2015, 01:33:34 AM
Yep, just lost the old classic link :( , and with it my many links to google maps itineraries that had the maxed out number of route ticks.

Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Billy F 1988 on April 29, 2015, 02:26:41 AM
Quote from: NE2 on April 28, 2015, 05:15:04 PM
Lite eats memory too.

Yes, Lite eats up memory, but not as much as the full blown version with all that gob smack slapped on top of it, unless you load about 100 Chrome tabs of the same thing, then, yeah, it'll chew it up like no one else. So when I said "less CPU-intensive", I didn't say it wouldn't eat up a lot of memory. You do prove a point that like the full version, Lite does it, too, just not as much as long as you don't force the dadgum thing to do a 100 things at once.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: corco on April 29, 2015, 09:49:57 AM
STILL WORKS- hiding at this link:

Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: PHLBOS on April 29, 2015, 01:31:28 PM
Quote from: corco on April 29, 2015, 09:49:57 AM
STILL WORKS- hiding at this link:

Thanks.  I've since bookmarked it in my Favorites.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Dr Frankenstein on April 29, 2015, 01:43:05 PM
Quote from: bugo on April 22, 2015, 05:40:11 AM
If it won't run on a 64 bit Windows 7 installation then there's something wrong.
Is your Firefox up to date? My workplace still uses Firefox 15 and the new version has never worked on it, and the lite version didn't work until yesterday (now it does, although it's missing several handy features; it used to just redirect to the classic version until then).
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Roadrunner75 on April 29, 2015, 01:45:26 PM
Quote from: PHLBOS on April 29, 2015, 01:31:28 PM
Quote from: corco on April 29, 2015, 09:49:57 AM
STILL WORKS- hiding at this link:

Thanks.  I've since bookmarked it in my Favorites.
Here's another one that works too:
https://maps.google.com/maps?output=classi (https://maps.google.com/maps?output=classi)
(somewhat ironically, both found through Google search)  I guess it will be like whack-a-mole for awhile with Google disabling the various workarounds as they become public.

Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Michael on April 29, 2015, 07:02:25 PM
After the forced switch yesterday, I started playing around a bit to see what I could do since Lite Mode's Street View was choppy for me while panning, and I couldn't drag routes.  As much as I hate Flash, I have to say that the Flash Street View viewer was better.  I wanted to try Full Mode, but since I run Windows XP and Chrome 21 (there's some things I can't do with newer versions of Windows and Chrome), I couldn't.  I was able to use Full Mode by using Chrome's Developer Tools to spoof my user agent to IE9 on Windows 7, then using the button on the help page to force Full Mode.  The button links to https://www.google.com/maps/preview/?force=tt (https://www.google.com/maps/preview/?force=tt).  As I was proofreading this post, I found that that link also works without spoofing my user agent, but if I end the tab process, it goes to Lite Mode after clicking Reload.

Since I didn't want to go through that every time, I found an old version of User-Agent Switcher for Chrome at the developer's site (https://spoofer-extension.appspot.com), and installed it.  I used an old version since I need a newer version of Chrome to use the Web Store, and using http://chrome-extension-downloader.com (http://chrome-extension-downloader.com) to manually install extensions from the Web Store often gives me a broken extension since extensions work differently in newer versions of Chrome.

I ended up setting the domain google.com to be spoofed with Chrome 41.0.2228.0 on Windows 7 in the permanent spoof list.  This works, and even gives me smoother panning Street View.  The only bugs are that I can't use the scroll wheel, it seems to have a memory leak (I got to 900 MB or so after going to about half a dozen different Street View locations), and the font on the Full Mode popup defaults to Times New Roman.  Also, links redirect to Lite mode, but I can click the link in the Lite Mode popup to go back to Full Mode.  The only good things I've found so far are that you can go back to where you were if your browser crashes since the URL is always updating, and I can use Satellite view instead of being forced to load the Google Earth plugin.

As an aside, up until a few months ago, I was able to get the classic style of Google Maps with the darker colors and more yellow roads using https://www.google.com/maps?layer=c&t=m&z=16&source=embed&output=svembed (https://www.google.com/maps?layer=c&t=m&z=16&source=embed&output=svembed).  I got the URL from an iframe using old embed code (now updated) on http://www.ustrafficcontrol.com (http://www.ustrafficcontrol.com).  The URL now gives me an error that the Embed API must be used in an iframe.  Since it's possible to enter HTML directly in Chrome's Omnibox, I tried it, and ended up having to give a height and width to make it big enough.  The URL I used was data:text/html, <iframe src="https://www.google.com/maps?layer=c&t=m&z=16&source=embed&output=svembed" width="1420" height="766"></iframe> (//http://data:text/html,%20<iframe%20src="https://www.google.com/maps?layer=c&t=m&z=16&source=embed&output=svembed"%20width="1420"%20height="766"></iframe>).  My screen's resolution is 1440×900, so 1420×766 worked best for me.  It uses the new style of Maps with the brighter colors, but it's closer to Classic maps than Lite Mode.  Another thing I found while proofreading this post is that after going to the second link, the first link works but with the new style.  In any case, the only thing you can do is just browse the map.

To get even closer to classic Maps, there's always ACME Mapper (http://mapper.acme.com).
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: vdeane on April 29, 2015, 08:56:02 PM
So now that the switch happened I finally understand what all this talk of being unable to drag routes, etc. in Lite mode is all about.  Looks like Google forgot that they had been previously been calling the tile-based version of the full maps "Lite mode" (now it's not called anything) when they were coming up for a name for this thing.

They really need to add back the additional points.  I now have a spreadsheet for work that's completely useless.  Looks like this is going to become an ArcGIS project to get those maps back, but the drive times are lost forever.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Purgatory On Wheels on April 29, 2015, 10:30:39 PM
Bing seems to support directions with large number of stops, BUT you can't save the directions.  You can save the URL or short URL that it provides, but for trips with many stops, clicking on or copy-pasting the link only brings up "That web page doesn't exist".  Mapquest handles the stops, but road locations are off, so when I enter a stop as lat/long from one of my old Google routings, it doesn't always put it on the same road.  But at least all my saved GMaps routings can be salvaged, albeit with some cleanup.

This page produced directions using Google Maps, and allowed for >20 stops earlier today, but at the moment was no longer working.  Posted in case they get it working again.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: SignGeek101 on April 30, 2015, 11:19:30 AM
I realized that you can't share a link on Lite mode. You'll have to switch to "full mode" in order to do that. Great.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: jakeroot on April 30, 2015, 12:14:31 PM
Quote from: SignGeek101 on April 30, 2015, 11:19:30 AM
I realized that you can't share a link on Lite mode. You'll have to switch to "full mode" in order to do that. Great.

Can't you just copy the URL and then paste it into a link shortener, such as goo.gl (http://www.goo.gl/)?
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: SignGeek101 on April 30, 2015, 12:24:06 PM
Quote from: jakeroot on April 30, 2015, 12:14:31 PM
Quote from: SignGeek101 on April 30, 2015, 11:19:30 AM
I realized that you can't share a link on Lite mode. You'll have to switch to "full mode" in order to do that. Great.

Can't you just copy the URL and then paste it into a link shortener, such as goo.gl (http://www.goo.gl/)?

Never knew about that. Thanks.  :)
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: NE2 on April 30, 2015, 01:31:25 PM
Or just use the full URL unless you're twitting or something.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: jakeroot on April 30, 2015, 01:54:02 PM
Quote from: NE2 on April 30, 2015, 01:31:25 PM
Or just use the full URL unless you're twitting or something.

Goo.gl saves your links so you can see stats on them, or fix them if they break for whatever reason.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: NE2 on April 30, 2015, 02:00:08 PM
Quote from: jakeroot on April 30, 2015, 01:54:02 PM
Quote from: NE2 on April 30, 2015, 01:31:25 PM
Or just use the full URL unless you're twitting or something.

Goo.gl saves your links so you can see stats on them, or fix them if they break for whatever reason.

It's cool that you're OCD about that, but not everyone is.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: SignGeek101 on April 30, 2015, 02:08:05 PM
Quote from: NE2 on April 30, 2015, 01:31:25 PM
Or just use the full URL unless you're twitting or something.

The full URL is alright with me, it's just that it's really long sometimes. The shorter URL is more compact and neater I guess.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: jakeroot on April 30, 2015, 04:52:22 PM
Quote from: NE2 on April 30, 2015, 02:00:08 PM
Quote from: jakeroot on April 30, 2015, 01:54:02 PM
Quote from: NE2 on April 30, 2015, 01:31:25 PM
Or just use the full URL unless you're twitting or something.

Goo.gl saves your links so you can see stats on them, or fix them if they break for whatever reason.

It's cool that you're OCD about that, but not everyone is.

I always told my parents I was OCD. They never listened.

Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Highway63 on April 30, 2015, 09:05:11 PM
Lite mode has been forced upon me.

I got a basic "from:/to:" to work, but I can't drag the endpoint around inside the destination city.

That's just swell.

(And I can feel it sucking up CPU cycles, as my typing is delayed here.)
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: hotdogPi on April 30, 2015, 09:23:11 PM
What about Google Mapmaker? Is that similar enough to Classic?


(For directions, right-click "Get directions from here" and "get directions to here".

1. No viewing traffic.
2. There is a "changes in my neighborhood" section of the page. Fortunately, it can be collapsed.

Even though Lite mode does not have CPU usage issues for me, if any of you find Mapmaker use much less CPU, you might be better switching to it.
Title: Re: "Classic" Google Maps to disappear forever
Post by: Michael on May 18, 2015, 10:07:58 PM
For the past few months, I have been unable to drag Pegman to photo spheres and indoor imagery spheres.  A few minutes ago, I unexpectedly ended up in a photo sphere while trying to look at the Broad Street Bridge in Rochester.  After going back to the map, I saw that I accidentally went to a photo sphere.  I tried other photo spheres and indoor imagery spheres, and they seem to be working again!  I had given up hope after a few weeks since the switch to the new Google Maps was going to happen in a few months anyway.