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Non-Road Boards => Off-Topic => Topic started by: berberry on August 12, 2011, 04:57:40 PM

Title: Riddles & Brain Teasers
Post by: berberry on August 12, 2011, 04:57:40 PM
I thought it might be fun to start a thread of verbal puzzles.  The first is one I remember from many years ago.  It can sound a little confusing until you begin to analyze the clues.  It shouldn't take more than a minute or so to solve.

It's s famous riddle attributed to Einstein which may or may not be authentic (I kinda doubt it), but it does have only one solution:

A fellow encountered a bear in a wasteland. There was nobody else there. Both were frightened and ran away, fellow to the north and bear to the west. Suddenly the fellow stopped, aimed his gun to the south and shot the bear. What color was the bear?

Don't know?  Here's another clue:  if the bear ran about 3.14 times faster than the fellow, still westward, the fellow could have shot straight in front of him, however to collect the booty he would have to go to the south.  So again:  what color was the bear?

I don't think I need to give the answer.

The next puzzle is shamelessly stolen from a years-old thread on brainden.com, where the above riddle is being discussed.  This puzzle is a little bit tougher.  You probably won't match the provided answer exactly, but so long as your answer is based on the same idea then you solved it.  You'll see what I mean:

A man is discovered dead in a phone box, the phone is hanging off the receiver and there are two holes in the glass to the right and left of him. There is no evidence of foul play. How did the man die?

I'll use a different color for the answer to this one so it won't distract too much:  he was explaining to a friend the size of a fish he'd caught, cut his wrists on the glass, and, well, you know...

Anybody else have a good brain teaser?