| Joseph Bryan Boulevard continues a half mile east from I-73/840 to Fleming Road (SR 2136). 08/17/21 |
| Fleming Road branches 1.19 miles north from New Garden Road (SR 2179) near Guilford College to a diamond interchange with Bryan Boulevard. 08/17/21 |
| Fleming Road (SR 2136) continues 3.68 miles northwest to Pleasant Ridge Road (SR 2133) in suburban areas of north Greensboro. 08/17/21 |
| New Garden Road runs north from Friendly Avenue (SR 2147) and N College Road (SR 1546) to a parclo interchange with Bryan Boulevard (SR 2085). 08/17/21 |
| Joseph Bryan Boulevard makes an S-curve east from Fleming Road across Horsepen Creek. 08/17/21 |
| New Garden Road meets Bryan Boulevard adjacent to the New Garden Crossing and Jefferson Village retail centers. New Garden Road continues northeast to U.S. 220 (Battleground Avenue) and Guilford Courthouse National Military Park. 08/17/21 |
| Advancing east, Joseph M. Bryan Boulevard next crosses over Jefferson Road. 08/17/21 |
| Bryan Boulevard weaves eastward between an array of subdivisions one mile to Westridge Road. 08/17/21 |
| Westridge Road heads north to the British Woods section of Greensboro and south to the Carriage Hills community. 08/17/21 |
| A parclo interchange joins Bryan Boulevard (SR 2085) with Westridge Road. 08/17/21 |
| Joseph M. Bryan Boulevard curves southeast between the Forest Valley and Garden Homes neighborhoods on the ensuing stretch. 08/17/21 |
| The final exits along Bryan Boulevard east join the freeway with Holden Road. Holden Road south heads toward Friendly Avenue and Starmount Forest. 08/17/21 |
| Holden Road heads east from Bryan Boulevard to Benjamin Parkway near U.S. 220 (Battleground Avenue). 08/17/21 |
| Bryan Boulevard ties into Benjamin Parkway at the freeway end adjacent to the Green Valley community. 08/17/21 |
| Benjamin Parkway extends southwest from Cone Boulevard and U.S. 220 to overtake Joseph M. Bryan Boulevard (SR 2085). 08/17/21 |
| Benjamin Parkway intersects Cornwallis Drive just south of Bryan Boulevard (SR 2085). Cornwallis Drive meanders west to Holden Road and east to the commercial center along U.S. 220 (Battleground Avenue). 12/21/08 |
| The succeeding traffic light along Benjamin Parkway south is at Pembroke Road. Pembroke Road connects the Green Valley and Guilford Hills neighborhoods. 12/21/08 |
| Green Valley Road south links Benjamin Parkway with Wendover Avenue westbound. A three quarter cloverleaf interchange follows with Wendover Avenue east. Wendover Avenue constitutes an expressway leading west to Spring Garden Street near Pomona and Terra Cotta. 12/21/08 |
| The expressway along Wendover Avenue (SR 2254) continues east from Benjamin Parkway to U.S. 220 at Battleground Avenue. Wendover Avenue is part of the U.S. 70 realignment between High Point and Greensboro approved by AASHTO in 2019. 12/21/08 |
| Westbound Bryan Boulevard (SR 2085) navigates through an S-curve ahead of the half turbine interchange with I-73/I-840. 01/17/19 |
| Interstate 840 (Greensboro Urban Loop) runs 10.6 miles across the north side of Greensboro to I-785/U.S. 29. 01/17/19 |
| A loop ramp connects Bryan Boulevard west with I-73/I-840 south three miles to I-40/U.S. 421. Bryan Boulevard continues west along I-73 north to Piedmont Triad International Airport (PTI) and NC 68. 01/17/19 |
Page Updated 01-26-2023.