| Junction Interstate 65 shield on West Lee Street eastbound at Delaware Avenue. Thompson Boulevard and Wasson Avenues connect with West Lee Street from the city of Prichard via Delaware Avenue and Comanche Street. 03/15/02 |
| The first of two original button copy guide signs on West Lee Street remained along eastbound ahead of the diamond interchange with I-65 at Exit 10. This exchange primarily serves residential areas of Chickasaw and northern Prichard, as well as a handful of businesses to the east. 10/25/03 |
| The southbound on-ramp to Interstate 65 departs West Lee Street. I-65 next splits with Interstate 165. 07/17/07 |
| Button copy guide sign for the northbound entrance ramp to I-65 from West Lee Street eastbound. The two vintage signs on West Lee Street were the last original signs standing for Interstate 65 in Mobile County. 07/17/07 |
| West Lee Street leaves the diamond interchange with Interstate 65 and meets Grand Boulevard at this traffic light. Grand Boulevard parallels the freeway north from Thompson Boulevard and John W. Dotson Memorial Park to the Norwood neighborhood nearby. 02/11/09 |
| Iroquis Street represents the main north-south street in the city of Chickasaw. A traffic light operates at the cross roads with West Lee Street in this scene. 07/17/07 |
| All trucks bound for U.S. 43 along West Lee Street are directed onto Jackson Street and Sutherland Drive east to Craft Highway. 07/17/07 |
| Jackson Street leads north to Parker Lane and Sutherland Drive. Sutherland Drive east links directly with U.S. 43 (Craft Highway). 07/17/07 |
| Replaced by 2008, this vintage yield sign appeared at the right turn from Parker Lane to Sutherland Drive east. 04/17/02 |
| Sutherland Drive intersects U.S. 43 (Craft Highway) opposite Chickasaw Plaza Shopping Center. 02/11/09 |
| I-65 trailblazer directing motorists from Jackson Street southbound to West Lee Street. 04/17/02 |
| Thompson Boulevard intersects Grand Boulevard at this set of flashers opposite John W. Dotson Memorial Park. Ahead is the under crossing of Interstate 65. 07/17/07 |
| A vintage curve sign preceded the Thompson Boulevard intersection with Commanche Street north to West Lee Street. Thompson Boulevard Extension continues southward to Wasson Avenue in the city of Prichard. 07/17/07 |
| Viaduct Road spurs east from U.S. 43 (Craft Highway) to the Port of Chickasaw. This scene looks west from the Mobile/Chickasaw Port Facility at the Mike Box/Viaduct Road Bridge across a canal linking two tailings ponds. 07/17/07 |
| Approaching the intersection with Howell Street and bridge across the NS Railroad on Viaduct Road westbound. Howell Street loops southwest around a small grid of streets to U.S. 43 at the split with Craft Highway. 07/17/07 |
| A vintage yellow yield side previously posted at Howell Street and Viaduct Road just east of the NS Railroad bridge. 07/17/07 |
| Rising along Viaduct Road west, Gulf Street ties in from the north ahead of U.S. 43 (Craft Highway). 07/17/07 |
Page Updated 12-12-2009.