CR 33 follows a combination of Fort Lake Road and Dawes Road east 15.8 miles from the Mississippi state line to Airport Boulevard near the intersection with CR 31 (Schillinger Road) in the city of Mobile. The bulk of Dawes Road through West Mobile is suburban with numerous subdivisions populating the route.
| Dawes Road enters a roundabout with Grelot Road and Air Terminal Drive north. Grelot Road was extended west from Jeff Hamilton Road in 2009. The roundabout was completed in 2010. 11/05/10 |
| Traffic lights were added along Dawes Road (CR 33) at Old Government Street Road east by 2007. Old Government Street Road connects Dawes Road with big box retail along Schillinger Road. 04/26/09 |
| Dawes Road concludes at Airport Boulevard just east of Mobile Regional Airport (MOB). Mast arm signal assemblies installed here by 2009 replaced a previous span wire array. 04/26/09 |
| A five point roundabout was constructed in 2010 along Dawes Road at the extension of Grelot Road west and newly built Air Terminal Drive north. Grelot Road continues west as a local road, but is proposed to extend to Snow Road. 11/05/10 |
| Dawes Road advances southwest from the roundabout with Grelot Road to Jeff Hamilton Road and suburban areas around Dawes. 11/05/10 |
| A roundabout replaced the traffic lights on CR 33 (Dawes Road) at Jeff Hamilton Road (CR 36) west and Jeff Hamilton Road Extension east. CR 36 travels west to CR 11 (Grand Bay Wilmer Road) north of Dees. The extension angles northeast to Leroy Stevens Road. 01/16/09 |
| Cottage Hill Road (CR 40) meets Dawes Road at a commercialized intersection. Cottage Hill Road runs 1.5 miles west to Jeff Hamilton Road at Repoll Road and east along a five lane boulevard to West Mobile and Midtown Mobile. 01/16/09 |
| Scott Dairy Loop Road and Dawes Lake Road come together at this traffic light along Dawes Road south. Scott Dairy Loop Road arcs northwest to Johnson Road at Westlake Road in an increasingly suburban area. 01/16/09 |
| The four way stop sign along Dawes Road (CR 33) at Dawes Lane N was reconstructed into a roundabout by 2016. Dawes Lane connects with McFarland Road leading north to Snow Road and Gold Mine Road E south to CR 39 (McDonald Road). 01/16/09 |
| Turning west from the roundabout with McFarland Road, Dawes Road (CR 33) converges with the end of CR 32 (Three Notch Road). Three Notch Road leads east to Old Pascagoula Road (CR 28) and U.S. 90 at Tillman's Corner. 05/23/09 |
| CR 33 (Dawes Road) crosses paths with CR 11 (Grand Bay Wilmer Road) at the unincorporated community of Union Church. 01/16/09 |
| CR 11 leads north to Airport Boulevard (CR 56) and south to Interstate 10 and SR 188 at Grand Bay. 01/16/09 |
Page Updated 08-08-2022.