Interstate 24

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Rock cuts along I-24 in Shawnee National Forest in southern Illinois

Interstate 24 traverses bluffs topping out around 700 feet in elevation through a series of rock cuts within Shawnee National Forest. 04/05/13

Interstate 24 extends north from Paducah, Kentucky into southern Illinois at the city of Metropolis. Entering Massac County, I-24 runs 15.09 miles north into Johnson County near Samoth. Traversing a series of bluffs north, I-24 passes through eastern reaches the Vienna city limits and into Shawnee National Forest on the 22.05 miles within Johnson County. The northernmost 1.59 miles of I-24 connect with Interstate 57 in Williamson County, west of Pulleys Hill and north of the village of Goreville.

Interstate 24 Illinois Guides

Interstate 24 scenes
Big Bay Road (CR 10) angles southwest from CR 11 at Big Bay Station to a rural diamond interchange (Exit 27) with Interstate 24. 04/05/13
The westbound control point for I-24 in Illinois is Interstate 57. This is similar to I-255 which uses Interstate 270 north of I-55/70 at Collinsville. 04/05/13

Photo Credits:

04/05/13 by AARoads

Connect with:
Interstate 57

Page Updated 11-16-2023.

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