Interstate 30

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Interstate 30 in Texas joins the Dallas-Fort Worth area with Texarkana to the northeast. The corridor carries a significant amount of truck traffic between North Texas and Interstate 40 east from Little Rock, Arkansas.

Interstate 30 Texas Guides

Originally designated as part of Interstate 20, IH 30 through Dallas and Fort Worth followed the Dallas Fort Worth Turnpike between their respective Downtowns. Tolls were abolished in 1977 when bonds to fund construction of the turnpike were paid off. Interstate 30 along the former Dallas Fort WOrth Turnpike was renamed in 2001 to honor Tom Landry, famed head coach of the Dallas Cowboys (1960-88).

    Connect with:
    Interstate 20
    Interstate 35W
    Interstate 635 - Lyndon B. Johnson Freeway
    Interstate 820

    Page Updated 07-05-2019.

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